Whites have embarked on a path of racial suicide

I like fucking with WhiteManRising. haha...He's holding up well under the pressure of all my ridicule of his White female counterparts. but what can I say, they're whores. and who doesn't love a good hoe every now and then.

Nah but seriously though WhiteManRising, I give the White race credit yall got some good looking women in yall camp. And you know yall gotta keep em in check too because you KNOW, once they go Black.........lol

You know the rest.

the Black Man's Dick is GOD...lol
If Jewish people are not white, what are they then? Chartreuse? ....lol

What is the Jews ethnicity?

I say Anglo whitebread.

what say you?
"I say Anglo whitebread.

what say you?"

i'm not happy labeling


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I like fucking with WhiteManRising. haha...He's holding up well under the pressure of all my ridicule of his White female counterparts. but what can I say, they're whores. and who doesn't love a good hoe every now and then.

Nah but seriously though WhiteManRising, I give the White race credit yall got some good looking women in yall camp. And you know yall gotta keep em in check too because you KNOW, once they go Black.........lol

You know the rest.

the Black Man's Dick is GOD...lol
"but what can I say, they're whores. and who doesn't love a good hoe every now and then."

"I like this alien":eusa_clap::eusa_clap:


  • $workaholics-comedy-central-tv-show.jpg
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I will never support interracial marriage. There is nothing that a white person could do for
me !, I would never marry a white woman. The black woman is the only choice for me.
Isn't that why all you white boys are after them now all of a sudden?

What planet have you been living on? White men used to own black women as property, and when they felt the urge they used them sexually, but marrying them never crossed their mind. Over the years, for reasons too varied to get into here, interracial marriage became less of a stigma. But guess what? Most white men still didn't embrace the idea. Meanwhile, black men have lost those minds over white women, so deranged they've become that if they lack the game to entice one legitimately, they rape her. Or kill her. Or rape her and then kill her. Or kill her and then rape her. Take your pick. The mind of a beast is quite unpredictable.

As for white men chasing after black women, well, that just isn't happening. Once again, are you living in the real world? Black women chase white men. They aren't overt about it because the black community still considers this taboo, and black women are in no position to become even more marginalized than they already are. But check out any black online forum or read any black magazine, and you'll see the discussion about their choosing white men as mates has become increasingly open. Many black women, fed up with lazy, sorry, shiftless ass black men, now come right out and say if a white man approached them, they would gladly go out with him.

But white men aren't doing that. White men do not want black women. Hell, not even black men seem to want black women.

haha..Gotta love the Inferiority complex going on in these comments^^

I work with a white guy that's married to a Black chick btw.

White men love that chocolate. they'll suffocate their own wives just to be single so they can pursue one.

You should see this guy at my job. all he talks about is doing things with his wife. shit a few months back on her birthday, he took off work and took her to some fancy ass restaurant. He's goo goo gah gah over the chick. go figure.

Contrast to me, and it's at least 3 white chicks in my office that are itching to rip their panties for me. I haven't decided which one I'm gonna slay yet though. I'm just gonna let them continue to get wet over me for a while longer then I'll move in. no rush, they ain't going no where. freaky tramps

Do you really think anyone is buying that nonsense, kid? Do you not realize how obvious it is to any adult that when you post silly shit like that you are screaming to the world what a virginal little loser you are? Give it a rest, kid.
I think wiping out an entire race is pretty fucking racist wouldn't you think???
Whites being 8% of the worlds population is something to be protected. The fact that we invented democracy and most of the hard sciences means that non-whites should make damn sure to protect us.

We're a resource of good on this planet and non-whites should charge their attitude towards us.
Whites being 8% of the worlds population is something to be protected. The fact that we invented democracy and most of the hard sciences means that non-whites should make damn sure to protect us.

We're a resource of good on this planet and non-whites should charge their attitude towards us.

You didn't invent shit, you fucking moron. You are only a resource for all the manure you keep producing. Stop pretending you are a part of anything but your own miserable failure of a life.
I will never support interracial marriage. There is nothing that a white person could do for
me !, I would never marry a white woman. The black woman is the only choice for me.
Isn't that why all you white boys are after them now all of a sudden?

What planet have you been living on? White men used to own black women as property, and when they felt the urge they used them sexually, but marrying them never crossed their mind. Over the years, for reasons too varied to get into here, interracial marriage became less of a stigma. But guess what? Most white men still didn't embrace the idea. Meanwhile, black men have lost those minds over white women, so deranged they've become that if they lack the game to entice one legitimately, they rape her. Or kill her. Or rape her and then kill her. Or kill her and then rape her. Take your pick. The mind of a beast is quite unpredictable.

As for white men chasing after black women, well, that just isn't happening. Once again, are you living in the real world? Black women chase white men. They aren't overt about it because the black community still considers this taboo, and black women are in no position to become even more marginalized than they already are. But check out any black online forum or read any black magazine, and you'll see the discussion about their choosing white men as mates has become increasingly open. Many black women, fed up with lazy, sorry, shiftless ass black men, now come right out and say if a white man approached them, they would gladly go out with him.

But white men aren't doing that. White men do not want black women. Hell, not even black men seem to want black women.

"used to own black women as property" this is one of the main reasons why blacks
should not have anything to do with whites in America. Whites have this attitude of
we used to own these Negroes as property!.
Keep the black and white race separate if you ask me.!

I vowed not to log back on until the morning, but I hit a block on a very important chapter and so I'm taking a quick break. Perhaps reading divergent thoughts will awaken my muse and force me back to what matters most. After all, one's muse is a very jealous bitch.


I take off my virtual hat and applaud you enthusiastically. This has to be the most intelligent thing I've read on this board by a black person. I'm in total agreement. The races should be separate. Blacks fared much better during segregation. Until then, it's been all downhill. So, yeah, separatism is certainly on the table. More so than a violent uprising.

But here's the thing. There's a loophole in your proposal. You state that "blacks should not have anything to do with whites in America." Buddy, were there no whites, there would be no blacks. Never mind how we conquered this land from the Native Americans (conquering lands has been ongoing since you were nothing but a thought in the back of God's mind). The reality is that were your proposal to happen, you and every other black would have to leave this land. Not us. You! And believe me, there are enough awake whites in this country who would gladly combine their resources to send you to whatever African country you desire. Yet I suspect you would prefer a European nation. Who wouldn't, despite all the "motherland" rhetoric?"

But white people aren't going anywhere. And even if we did stoop to that level of surrender, what would you do? How would you survive? Everything invented, built and operated in this modern nation has been by whites. Blacks have proven for too many years what their outcome is when left alone. Disregard all the African countries. Just look in your own backyard when Hurricane Katrina fell upon your people? What was the result? Total anarchy. But as I said, if that's what you desire, we'll gladly grant your wish. In fact, we're hoping and praying for it. But do understand, it'll be you relocating. Not us.
Never mind how we conquered this land from the Native Americans (conquering lands has been ongoing since you were nothing but a thought in the back of God's mind). The reality is that were your proposal to happen, you and every other black would have to leave this land. Not us. You! Just look in your own backyard when Hurricane Katrina fell upon your people? What was the result? Total anarchy. But as I said, if that's what you desire, we'll gladly grant your wish. In fact, we're hoping and praying for it. But do understand, it'll be you relocating. Not us.

It's probably good for you that you are too fucking stupid to realize just how ignorant and idiotic you really are. Otherwise, you might find it difficult to resist the urge to hurt yourself.
Whites need to wake up and speak up. If the media accurately reflected our true crime rates, I believe there would be an uprising

That's what got Pat Buchanan fired from MSNBC a while back. In his book "suicide of a superpower" he noted that according to FBI stats, black on white violent crime is 8 times as common as white on black.!!! And i'm sure the ratio is more like 12 or 15 since the FBI classifies lots of hispanic criminals as white and lots of white victims as hispanic.

The press has told us for decades that blacks are the victims and whites the problem and will not allow anyone to challenge that.

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