"Whites Must Become A Minority to Atone for Racism"

I can't understand why anyone would want the US to become yet another third-world shit hole.

Liberal whites are delusional self loathing idiots who can't break free from their religion. Some of them really think that suddenly Mexicans are going to stop being Mexicans just because they crossed a border, or that even though we have decades of real world data that proves blacks are incapable, that magically that will change too via the power of their omniscient liberal government

The other races want money, power, and some revenge. They can't do it on their own so they have to run to the white nations and do it from within.
our resident black man claims blacks invented algebra, but they can't do it today for some reason

hehheh.....regression much? All dat inbreeding me thinks.

how pathetic that blacks can only talk about 2000 years ago when talking about their achievments

Can YOU talk about any of YOURS right now?

don't you have a moron convention somewhere? what a fukking dumb question
I've never in my life seen a group of people so hell bent on causing race issues. Liberals. smh
We would be equal to all the other third world shitholes. It's all about the equality.

why does a white liberal feel good about longing to be equally miserable as a third world wog? I can never quite figure that one out as they are so busy moving to their white liberal suburbs, I think they want ME to be miserable and think somehow they would be safe
our resident black man claims blacks invented algebra, but they can't do it today for some reason

hehheh.....regression much? All dat inbreeding me thinks.

how pathetic that blacks can only talk about 2000 years ago when talking about their achievments

Can YOU talk about any of YOURS right now?

don't you have a moron convention somewhere? what a fukking dumb question

You've got nothing. Just as expected.
We would be equal to all the other third world shitholes. It's all about the equality.

why does a white liberal feel good about longing to be equally miserable as a third world wog? I can never quite figure that one out as they are so busy moving to their white liberal suburbs, I think they want ME to be miserable and think somehow they would be safe

We would be equal to all the other third world shitholes. It's all about the equality.

why does a white liberal feel good about longing to be equally miserable as a third world wog? I can never quite figure that one out as they are so busy moving to their white liberal suburbs, I think they want ME to be miserable and think somehow they would be safe

'The people likeliest to believe most whites are racist and most blacks are not are those who are both liberal and white. Which reinforces a point we've made often in this column: that a lot of what drives the futile debate over race in America is white liberals' psychological need to feel morally superior to other whites'


.Articles: Yes, I Blame White Liberals
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You've got nothing. Just as expected.

says the jackass who posted nothing, and never does
I didnt ask you to buy anything. Just letting you know I dont believe your white bullshit.

I am asking a simple question, you can't answer?
I dont answer dumb questions unless I can tell you are honestly ignorant.. I provide information so you can educate yourself. This isnt high school. You are going to have to step your game up to college level if you want to learn.

what information have you provided regarding the math proficiency of todays American blacks? I see none, are you lying again to save face?

It is a simple question, you claim blacks invented algebra, yet they lag to whites on all standardized tests, why would that be so if blacks are so smart?
Who do you think got whites to the moon? A Black woman calculated that you dumb monkey.

I think people working for Nasa worked together as a team. That sounds more realistic to me than a black woman got whites to the moon. On the other hand there is some evidence that the moon landing was fake

I don't know about now but back when it happened every single black person I talked to believed it was fake....not sure what that says about them..but it is rather interesting.
'The people likeliest to believe most whites are racist and most blacks are not are those who are both liberal and white. Which reinforces a point we've made often in this column: that a lot of what drives the futile debate over race in America is white liberals' psychological need to feel morally superior to other whites'


can't link at the moment, but that seems about right. Everyone seems to need to believe in religion, and for liberals their leftist ideology has displaced god mostly. As I think about it, why even adopt an religion/ideology if it isn't emotionally satisfying? Why bother with it if you don't think it is superior and makes you superior. Identical to Islam.

There is a real problem for them though, they say all this crap but do another. At some point that catches up with you. Tragic that on the day of epiphany they will be trapped in a country they have ruined.
and blacks invented algebra, LOL


White boy charts are full of lies. I already told you they mean nothing to me.

So there we have it, black man thinks academic achievement scores are 'white boy' lies and meaningless, yet he claims to be educated. What else can be said, it is utterly hopeless for anyone who thinks blacks will ever actually become integrated and civilized into a modern western world. We should have left them in the jungle where they can sit in their mud hut and have fantasies about their intellectual greatness.

Blacks mad excellent servants........white liberal do-gooders had to put a end to that...blacks went downhill from that point and continue to go downhill...becoming more miserable and hostile by the day.

Not everyone can live in a mansion on the hill....society by nature must have a division of labor....someone has to do the dirty work, someone has to be willing to take the low paying jobs.....now instead of blacks it is the mexicans....blacks have become irrelevant and little more than parasites.
Still no answer as to why if blacks invented algebra they score lower than whites on math tests
Still no answer as to why Blacks had to teach you whites how to be civilized twice.

Your never list your sources or links for your nefarious claims...why is dat?
Did you ever figure out Cush (Nubia) was the son of Ham and Ham was a Black guy?

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 10:8-10 - New International Version

Look up the land of Shinar.

I don't know about now but back when it happened every single black person I talked to believed it was fake....not sure what that says about them..but it is rather interesting.

Whoopi Goldberg said that Apollo was fake on the View once, pretty funny as I think BaBa WaWa was lost for words. It says a lot about them, they are scientifically backwards and would rather trash the white mans work than try and do something of their own.
I don't know about now but back when it happened every single black person I talked to believed it was fake....not sure what that says about them..but it is rather interesting.

Whoopi Goldberg said that Apollo was fake on the View once, pretty funny as I think BaBa WaWa was lost for words. It says a lot about them, they are scientifically backwards and would rather trash the white mans work than try and do something of their own.

What role did YOU play in the Apollo Program, specifically?
Talk about white guilt, talk about someone unqualified to lead America, talk about how bad hillary is and last but not least understand where this guy is coming from........
Hillary’s VP: Whites Must Become a “Minority” to Atone For Racism
I'm against PC (at least) as much as anyone, but that's clearly not what he was saying, not even close.

He suggested that whites put themselves in situation where they are not the minority. For whatever reason.

Alex Jones, Infowars and anyone who take them seriously are a big, big part of the problem.
Only the ignorant believe Ham is the father of the Negroid Race.


Is Ham the father of the Black race?

The Mormons actually had the gall to preach that ham was the father of the negroid race which is cursed because of his uncovering the nakedness of his father.

The first thing we need to do is take a careful look at the text.

Genesis 9:18-29 (NASB’95)

18 ¶ Now the sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem and Ham and Japheth; and Ham was the father of Canaan.

19 These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated.

20 Then Noah began farming and planted a vineyard.

21 He drank of the wine and became drunk, and uncovered himself inside his tent.

22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside.

23 But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were turned away, so that they did not see their father's nakedness.

24 ¶ When Noah awoke from his wine, he knew what his youngest son had done to him.

25 So he said, "Cursed be Canaan; A servant of servants He shall be to his brothers."

26 He also said, "Blessed be the LORD, The God of Shem; And let Canaan be his servant.

27 "May God enlarge Japheth, And let him dwell in the tents of Shem; And let Canaan be his servant."

28 ¶ Noah lived three hundred and fifty years after the flood.

29 So all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years, and he died.

Here is what we know from the text. Ham saw his father's nakedness during the drunken stupor (verse 22). I believe that this is a clear indication of some type of unseemly behavior. It was no accidental glance. The Hebrew implies that he gazed with satisfaction. He then tells his brothers what he had seen. This then is a case of gross disrespect for a parent, and perhaps more, the text does not tell us. Notice verse 22 says "Ham, the father of Canaan", – Moses is careful to point out that Him was the father of Canaan. The Canaanites were notorious in the ancient world for their sexual proclivities.

Shem and Japheth show the proper respect for their father. Their actions stand in stark contrast to that of Ham. They carried a garment on their shoulders and walked backwards into the room so that they would not see what Ham had reported. I believe that their actions were also designed to serve as a rebuke to Ham.

When Noah awoke from his stupor, he knew what Ham, his younger son had done. How did he know? The text does not tell us.

Before patriarchs died they uttered inspired predictions concerning their sons. Negative predictions are couched in the form of a curse; positive predictions take the form of blessings. Why Noah omits Ham from these prophetic utterances is not clear. Perhaps it was because he had already died. The patriarchal utterances of Noah may not have followed immediately upon the drunkenness incident. Noah lived 350 years after the Flood (verse 28). The mention of his death immediately following the predictions suggests that these utterances may have been made just before Noah's death. Ham may have died during those 350 years between the Flood and the final days of Noah. In any case, in his prophetic pronouncement Noah spoke three times concerning Canaan, twice concerning Shem and once concerning Japheth.

The question is, what is this curse? Canaan the son of Ham was cursed. A curse in the Bible is simply a negative prophecy pertaining to temporal life. Canaan was to be "A servant of servants He shall be to his brothers" (verse 25). This means that he was to be the lowliest of servants. The descendants of Canaan (Canaanites) would be servants first to their own brethren, the Hamites (verse 25), then to the Shemites (verse 26), and finally to the Japhethites (verse 27). We know from Bible history that the Egyptians were Hamites, the "brethren" of Canaan. They subjugated Canaan in the 15 century B.C.. When we read Genesis chapter ten we learn that the Assyrians and babylonians were Hamitic peoples. They dominated Canaan from the 8th to the 6th centuries B.C.. When the Shemitic Israelites invaded Canaan in the 14th century the second part of the prediction was fulfilled. During the conquests of Alexander the Great Canaan fell under the domination of the Japhethites. What we must understand is that the prophecies of Noah are a capsule of ancient history.

The curse on Canaan had nothing to do with the origin of the black race as some have contended. Ham had three sons besides Canaan. Cush was the father of the Ethiopians, Mizraim of the Egyptians, Phut of the Libyans and the peoples of Africa (see Genesis chapter 10). The curse placed on Canaan has to do only with Canaanites, a people who manifested none of the racial characteristics of the black race. The skin texture of Israelites and Canaanites at the time of Joshua's invasion was probably very similar. The problem concerning the Canaanites was not in the color of their skin but rather in the condition of their hearts.

The only question that remains is why the curse on Canaan? Some think that he was involved with his father in a carnal act against Noah. The text does not tell us. Others have suggested that since the sin was committed by Ham, Noah's youngest son, the curse is placed on Canaan, the youngest son of Ham. Canaan certainly was not being punished for the sin of his father. This "curse" must be considered as an "announcement" that the descendants of Canaan would manifest the same propensity for immorality as their ancestor Ham. The Canaanites would then be justly punished for their gross sin by being enslaved by one nation after another. This is exactly what the Bible reveals.

Remember that Canaan was not the progenitor of the Black race. Therefore the curse had nothing to do with skin color.
and blacks invented algebra, LOL


White boy charts are full of lies. I already told you they mean nothing to me.

So there we have it, black man thinks academic achievement scores are 'white boy' lies and meaningless, yet he claims to be educated. What else can be said, it is utterly hopeless for anyone who thinks blacks will ever actually become integrated and civilized into a modern western world. We should have left them in the jungle where they can sit in their mud hut and have fantasies about their intellectual greatness.

Blacks mad excellent servants........white liberal do-gooders had to put a end to that...blacks went downhill from that point and continue to go downhill...becoming more miserable and hostile by the day.

Not everyone can live in a mansion on the hill....society by nature must have a division of labor....someone has to do the dirty work, someone has to be willing to take the low paying jobs.....now instead of blacks it is the mexicans....blacks have become irrelevant and little more than parasites.

they have excelled where their strengths lie, sports and certain music genres, outside of that- nothing

libs are pulling their hair out over lack of school performance, I am not sure when, but at some point to blanket racism excuse will lose its power with them.

Right, illegals have taken away the lower end job market, and social welfare guarantees a permanent welfare class of people who do nothing but cause trouble and vote for a living. I see no solution

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