"Whites Must Become A Minority to Atone for Racism"

Talk about white guilt, talk about someone unqualified to lead America, talk about how bad hillary is and last but not least understand where this guy is coming from........
Hillary’s VP: Whites Must Become a “Minority” to Atone For Racism
I'm against PC (at least) as much as anyone, but that's clearly not what he said.

He suggested that whites put themselves in situation where they are not the minority. For whatever reason.

Alex Jones, Infowars and anyone who take them seriously are a big, big part of the problem.

The fact remains that liberals are favoring policies that will eventually result in America being a nation where whites are in the minority....it all began with the radical immigration policy instituted by LBJ and the usual suspects circa 1965,

And when liberals talk about 'immigration reform' what they mean is to allow more third world peoples to come here. Already this year alone over half of our legal immigrants are muslims...add to that all the illegal mexican immigrants and you see the problem.
Talk about white guilt, talk about someone unqualified to lead America, talk about how bad hillary is and last but not least understand where this guy is coming from........
Hillary’s VP: Whites Must Become a “Minority” to Atone For Racism
I'm against PC (at least) as much as anyone, but that's clearly not what he was saying, not even close.

He suggested that whites put themselves in situation where they are not the minority. For whatever reason.

Alex Jones, Infowars and anyone who take them seriously are a big, big part of the problem.

I am in a minority, I am a right leaning white atheist, so what?
Talk about white guilt, talk about someone unqualified to lead America, talk about how bad hillary is and last but not least understand where this guy is coming from........
Hillary’s VP: Whites Must Become a “Minority” to Atone For Racism
I'm against PC (at least) as much as anyone, but that's clearly not what he said.

He suggested that whites put themselves in situation where they are not the minority. For whatever reason.

Alex Jones, Infowars and anyone who take them seriously are a big, big part of the problem.

The fact remains that liberals are favoring policies that will eventually result in America being a nation where whites are in the minority....it all began with the radical immigration policy instituted by LBJ and the usual suspects circa 1965,

And when liberals talk about 'immigration reform' what they mean is to allow more third world peoples to come here. Already this year alone over half of our legal immigrants are muslims...add to that all the illegal mexican immigrants and you see the problem.

right, so how does that help them emotionally? It will take them down with me, they only reason I can muster is that is how much they hate me, or they somehow believe they will skate away into some liberal fantasy where they get to keep their wealth and power.
and blacks invented algebra, LOL


White boy charts are full of lies. I already told you they mean nothing to me.

So there we have it, black man thinks academic achievement scores are 'white boy' lies and meaningless, yet he claims to be educated. What else can be said, it is utterly hopeless for anyone who thinks blacks will ever actually become integrated and civilized into a modern western world. We should have left them in the jungle where they can sit in their mud hut and have fantasies about their intellectual greatness.

Blacks mad excellent servants........white liberal do-gooders had to put a end to that...blacks went downhill from that point and continue to go downhill...becoming more miserable and hostile by the day.

Not everyone can live in a mansion on the hill....society by nature must have a division of labor....someone has to do the dirty work, someone has to be willing to take the low paying jobs.....now instead of blacks it is the mexicans....blacks have become irrelevant and little more than parasites.

they have excelled where their strengths lie, sports and certain music genres, outside of that- nothing

libs are pulling their hair out over lack of school performance, I am not sure when, but at some point to blanket racism excuse will lose its power with them.

Right, illegals have taken away the lower end job market, and social welfare guarantees a permanent welfare class of people who do nothing but cause trouble and vote for a living. I see no solution

Currently there is no solution and most likely there never will be ....hence our future is in extreme jeopardy.
Talk about white guilt, talk about someone unqualified to lead America, talk about how bad hillary is and last but not least understand where this guy is coming from........
Hillary’s VP: Whites Must Become a “Minority” to Atone For Racism
I'm against PC (at least) as much as anyone, but that's clearly not what he said.

He suggested that whites put themselves in situation where they are not the minority. For whatever reason.

Alex Jones, Infowars and anyone who take them seriously are a big, big part of the problem.

The fact remains that liberals are favoring policies that will eventually result in America being a nation where whites are in the minority....it all began with the radical immigration policy instituted by LBJ and the usual suspects circa 1965,

And when liberals talk about 'immigration reform' what they mean is to allow more third world peoples to come here. Already this year alone over half of our legal immigrants are muslims...add to that all the illegal mexican immigrants and you see the problem.

right, so how does that help them emotionally? It will take them down with me, they only reason I can muster is that is how much they hate me, or they somehow believe they will skate away into some liberal fantasy where they get to keep their wealth and power.

Liberlism is a form of insanity....a good analogy of their need to feel morally superior is that of a drug addict who needs a fix...needs that feeling of well being no matter how disastrous it will be for him...that is very similar to the liberal need for a 'fix' their fix being to feel morally superior to other whites...utter shortsightedness...utter stupidity...and the most apt description of them is that they are insane and or intrisically evil.
Currently there is no solution and most likely there never will be ....hence our future is in extreme jeopardy.
The Robotics Revolution will make all this completely trivial within the next fifteen years.

Observe the next form of cheap labor that will run the black market labor out of the country.

Currently there is no solution and most likely there never will be ....hence our future is in extreme jeopardy.
The Robotics Revolution will make all this completely trivial within the next fifteen years.

Observe the next form of cheap labor that will run the black market labor out of the country.

Then we will certainly need fewer people overall.
Liberlism is a form of insanity....a good analogy of their need to feel morally superior is that of a drug addict who needs a fix...needs that feeling of well being no matter how disastrous it will be for him...that is very similar to the liberal need for a 'fix' their fix being to feel morally superior to other whites...utter shortsightedness...utter stupidity...and the most apt description of them is that they are insane and or intrisically evil.

Liberalism via letting third world minorities overrun your country is like feeding an alligator with other people's food because you feel sorry for it. Then one day you run out of other people's food, and it eats you. Yes, a real personality disorder at work.

The founding fathers knew about the inherent instability of leftist government, that is why they gave us a republic with no social welfare and limited voting. The US experiment is over, it was vastly successful until modern democrats killed it.
Currently there is no solution and most likely there never will be ....hence our future is in extreme jeopardy.
The Robotics Revolution will make all this completely trivial within the next fifteen years.

Observe the next form of cheap labor that will run the black market labor out of the country.

more like a 100 years if at all, they will not be economical within 15

you do have a point though, white productivity is what has allowed us to support others, maybe productivity can take off...

they have excelled where their strengths lie, sports and certain music genres, outside of that- nothing........

A childishly ignorant lie. Say, where do YOUR strengths lie? YOU, not any of the countless millions with whom you have nothing in common but skin tone.
Bill Gates liberal side is saving sub-sahara Africa, so guess what, they are set to breed another billion by 2050. That is insanity, they will ravage the environment down there and the problems they have now will be x10
Bill Gates liberal side is saving sub-sahara Africa, so guess what, they are set to breed another billion by 2050. That is insanity, they will ravage the environment down there and the problems they have now will be x10

Hillary will be glad to know she's got your vote.
Bill Gates liberal side is saving sub-sahara Africa, so guess what, they are set to breed another billion by 2050. That is insanity, they will ravage the environment down there and the problems they have now will be x10

but..............................he thinks he is morally superior....by doing stuff like that. Classic example of liberal insanity.
Liberlism is a form of insanity....a good analogy of their need to feel morally superior is that of a drug addict who needs a fix...needs that feeling of well being no matter how disastrous it will be for him...that is very similar to the liberal need for a 'fix' their fix being to feel morally superior to other whites...utter shortsightedness...utter stupidity...and the most apt description of them is that they are insane and or intrisically evil.

Liberalism via letting third world minorities overrun your country is like feeding an alligator with other people's food because you feel sorry for it. Then one day you run out of other people's food, and it eats you. Yes, a real personality disorder at work.

The founding fathers knew about the inherent instability of leftist government, that is why they gave us a republic with no social welfare and limited voting. The US experiment is over, it was vastly successful until modern democrats killed it.

On target!
Bill Gates liberal side is saving sub-sahara Africa, so guess what, they are set to breed another billion by 2050. That is insanity, they will ravage the environment down there and the problems they have now will be x10
Their high birth rate is to assure a readily available food supply.

they have excelled where their strengths lie, sports and certain music genres, outside of that- nothing........

A childishly ignorant lie. Say, where do YOUR strengths lie? YOU, not any of the countless millions with whom you have nothing in common but skin tone.

god you are dumb, why did your mother allow you to live? you must have been the runt I am sure
Currently there is no solution and most likely there never will be ....hence our future is in extreme jeopardy.
The Robotics Revolution will make all this completely trivial within the next fifteen years.

Observe the next form of cheap labor that will run the black market labor out of the country.

Then we will certainly need fewer people overall.

Isaiah 13:12

New International Version
I will make people scarcer than pure gold, more rare than the gold of Ophir.
"Where do YOUR strengths lie? YOU, not any of the countless millions with whom you have nothing in common but skin tone."
So many Sanger-esque liberals on this thread with no respect for human life. Maybe these turds are just too stupid to realize that they fall into that same category of "human life."
Bill Gates liberal side is saving sub-sahara Africa, so guess what, they are set to breed another billion by 2050. That is insanity, they will ravage the environment down there and the problems they have now will be x10

but..............................he thinks he is morally superior....by doing stuff like that. Classic example of liberal insanity.

We are overpopulated so lets give them all condoms along with the free HIV treatment, we need more handouts and social welfare to solve the problems created by the last set of handouts and social welfare. insanity indeed
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