Whitmer's Mad Power Grab Comes to an End

To be honest, I will wear a mask in businesses that ask (most do) or if too many snowflakes crap their pants if they see someone without a mask, but this woman needed to be taken down a notch, or 5.

We can do this as citizens.

And the fact that the president and those of his inner circle can get covid, only proves that the disease is WIDESPREAD and just needs to run its course. In other words, LET HERD IMMUNITY TAKE CARE OF THIS PROBLEM NATURALLY
To be honest, I will wear a mask in businesses that ask (most do) or if too many snowflakes crap their pants if they see someone without a mask, but this woman needed to be taken down a notch, or 5.

We can do this as citizens.

And the fact that the president and those of his inner circle can get covid, only proves that the disease is WIDESPREAD and just needs to run its course. In other words, LET HERD IMMUNITY TAKE CARE OF THIS PROBLEM NATURALLY
That doesn't mean you can go streaking downtown.
You are correct on all counts da, but it's going to be a long while before herd immunity is established. There's going to be alot of voluntary staying home. That helps the nation and the economy.
Michigan has been ruled by Whitmer's executive orders for six months now, and today it's come to an end!
now that justice has been done,its time for even more justice,for her to be strung up by the breats.

ithis will hurt troll penelopes feelings who tried to get me to believe she had a 66 percent approval rating by the people in the states,hee hee.
She isn't giving up; read the end of the article in the OP.

So the repeal of the law must go forward as there are more than enough signatures to achieve that end.
She isn't giving up; read the end of the article in the OP.

So the repeal of the law must go forward as there are more than enough signatures to achieve that end.
Repealing the law is from our end (the good guys), in another attempt to limit this mad women's abuse of power.
Michigan has been ruled by Whitmer's executive orders for six months now, and today it's come to an end!
Her executive order claiming emergency powers were always unconstitutional. We know it, and she knows it too, but she did it anyways.

Back in May...
Michigan has been ruled by Whitmer's executive orders for six months now, and today it's come to an end!
Kudos to the Michigan Supreme court for standing up to this Tyrant and following the law. Michigan Legislature writes the laws, Governor enforces the legislature laws Not the tyrant governor, while the courts hear cases and make sure that the first branches aren't seizing illegal power.
Michigan has been ruled by Whitmer's executive orders for six months now, and today it's come to an end!
Kudos to the Michigan Supreme court for standing up to this Tyrant and following the law. Michigan Legislature writes the laws, Governor enforces the legislature laws Not the tyrant governor, while the courts hear cases and make sure that the first branches aren't seizing illegal power.
Unfortunately shes been changing election law by EO too. The legislature is suing her, but shell get her way during this crucial election. Elections have consequences and we have enough stupid Democrats in this state to put her in office.
No more lockdown!

The Michigan Supreme Court on Friday struck down months of orders by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer that were aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus, saying she illegally drew authority from a 1945 law that doesn’t apply.

The court said the law was an “unlawful delegation of legislative power to the executive branch in violation of the Michigan Constitution.”

The Michigan Supreme Court issued a split decision late Friday that ruled against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

In a 4-3 ruling, the court determined the governor did not have the authority under state law to issue any additional emergency declarations pertaining to the pandemic after April 30. That was the last date when the legislature allowed the governor to declare an emergency.

Whitmer has relied on an interpretation of an emergency powers law passed in 1945 and the Emergency Powers Act of 1976 to issue a litany of executive orders related to the pandemic. The orders mandated the closure of businesses and restricted the number of people allowed to gather at events, all in the name of safety and preventing the spread of coronavirus.

The fight over Whitmer's authority to issue orders, including those requiring Michiganders to wear masks and stay at home as much as possible at the height of the outbreak in spring, led to protests in Lansing and President Donald Trump issuing a post on Twitter at one pointing calling to "Liberate Michigan." The state Supreme Court order came the same day Trump announced he had tested positive for coronavirus. Whitmer's actions, meanwhile, have largely been supported by state residents, according to polls.
According to the Michigan Supreme Court...

The Wisconsin Supreme Court did this back in May. Look how good this state is doing in combating the virus. Republicans should be shunned when they claim they are pro-life.

Speaker Lee Chatfield and Sen Leader Shirkey have no plan for Covid.

Watch the sudden surge in infections in Michigan in the next few weeks.
According to the Michigan Supreme Court...

The Wisconsin Supreme Court did this back in May. Look how good this state is doing in combating the virus. Republicans should be shunned when they claim they are pro-life.

Speaker Lee Chatfield and Sen Leader Shirkey have no plan for Covid.

Watch the sudden surge in infections in Michigan in the next few weeks.

We're doing pretty darned well, thankyouverymuch.

People are back to work and dealing with things the best they can....The infection numbers are totally meaningless, unless they're in comparison with the death rates among otherwise healthy people, which they haven't been.

On a personal note, I have been bartending for the last 10 weeks in a very busy bar up north...No masks, no covid cooties....Nada, zilch, skiff.

So take your panic porn and stuff it where the sun don't shine.
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