Who are the Israelis?

Champions of the World - Hanan Ben Ari and bereaved families from the "One Family" association

World champions!
Hanan Ben Ari and bereaved families from the "One Family" Association sing the song "World Champion".

These families who have been wounded or lost loved ones in terrorist attacks face the loss and trauma every day. The 'One Family' association helps them overcome bereavement and defeat terror every day.

Don't Let Terror Win!
Jgive- OneFamily

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Saving life anywhere in the world

Two Israeli Ambulance nurses, David and Osama receive direct call from India,
help treat the wounded in real time.

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'Hi-Tech Shtetl' - Startup boom in the city of Bnei Brak

An unbelievable day! I spent it in... wait for it... Bnei Brak, the Ultra Orthodox city!

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'No one can separate the Jewish People from their homeland'
Minister Katz put a kippa and quoted prophet Isaiah from the UN stage.

He spoke about the “Railroads for Peace” initiative which he developed with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and which aims to connect the Gulf states through railways from Jordan to the port of Haifa. “This initiative will allow them faster, shorter and safer access to the Mediterranean. We also intend to connect the Palestinian Authority to the project, something which will boost their economy.”

"Israel has a clear policy of promoting relations and normalization with the Gulf states. We have no conflict with the Gulf states, and we have common security interests in the face of the Iranian threat, as well as the promotion of many civilian initiatives," Katz said.

He concluded with a quote from the Prophet Isaiah “who, thousands of years ago, invited all nations to come and pray in Jerusalem:"I will bring them to My holy mount, and I will cause them to rejoice in My house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon My altar, for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples."

"Since we are soon celebrating the Jewish New Year, I want to conclude my remarks with the traditional Jewish blessing - to all of you, the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people throughout the world:
Shana Tova U’Metukah," said Katz.


Israel National News
Ro'aee Amir and 'Ido Fortal - Hon Tahon

Shana vHatimah Tovah to all house of Israel!
This year in Jerusalem!

Snir Gueta realized he was not on the right track as a Jew.

Rabbi Snir Gueta went from being an under-21 group player to being a rabbi teaching prominent soccer players Torah. The now 31-year-old former midfielder recalls his personal journey, and suggests that playing soccer only on weekdays, instead of also on Shabbat, will actually increase the number of soccer stars in Israel.

Starting in Maccabi Haifa’s youth department, he played for Maccabi Netanya and for Israel’s national Under-21 team. Today, Gueta is considered by the younger generation to be one of the most recognized rabbis in Israel.

Seven years ago, the promising midfielder retired from soccer, partly due to the conflict of competing in games on Shabbat. His new religious beliefs took precedence, and he gave up the sport he loved in order to follow the Halacha surrounding Shabbat observance. Gueta had reached a crossroads. “It was a very long process,” he said. “I realized that I was not on the right track as a Jew.”

Rather than wait to finish his soccer career at 35 before seeking his spiritual path, Gueta chose to follow his heart. Today he is a married father of three.

“In the last year of my career, I had plenty of offers from soccer clubs, but I made the decision to retire. I salute my wife – without her, it would have been more difficult to make the decision; she would have been willing to go anywhere with me.”

Though there were lots of sacrifices, financial among them, Gueta explains, but “I’m not missing anything... When football games are scheduled on a Saturday, it automatically keeps a large religious fan base away from the sport. Who knows, maybe a few more soccer stars are hiding in the religious sector – and it’s not worth losing them,” he said.

He has so many requests for his assistance and teaching demands that he has taken on an assistant. It is common to see yeshiva students sitting alongside soccer players in his classes.

“Struggling with the modern balance of today’s personal and professional lives, these motivational speeches help us to gain clarity,” the rabbi said.

Former soccer pro becomes a rabbi: The story of Snir Gueta
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Youval Tayeb - Havdalah in Ra'anana

Separating mundane from the holy, before entering the weekdays at the end of Shabbat.

Ari Fuld's Dream - Stream-A-Thon

Make Ari's dream a reality, contribute here: www.AriFuldsDream.com

Boomerang Gives will be joining the efforts of the "Ari Fuld Project" and "Standing Together" in order to actualize the dream Ari had; to commemorate his friend Yehoshua Freidberg through the creation & operation of a Hospitality truck to service IDF Soldiers in the field.

This is a project which Ari saw with the face of Yehoshua on it...but for us, now to be joined by Ari's face as well; a living memorial/legacy to them both, a way to keep both of them alive.

From Boomerang, the Ari Fuld Project, Standing Together and the Fuld Family, thank you for all of your past support in keeping Ari in your hearts and on your lips. We all hope you can take part in this living memorial as to how Ari and Yehoshua lived and died, serving the Jewish people.

In Memory of A True Lion - Ari Fuld ZTZ"L

Today is the day.
On this Hebrew date, one year ago today, a hero, a warrior, a father, a husband, a son, my older brother was taken from us. “Taken from us” isn’t the right way to describe it. He was brutally murdered by a coward terrorist who couldn’t face his victim so he came from behind.
What happened next is well documented.

By now, I don’t need to tell you about the phenomenon that was Ari, but today, we started off at his grave with the immediate family and my father talked about how Ari is walking amongst us with his legacy.

7 Torah scrolls written and dedicated in his name.
7 schools that we know of that are doing memorial ceremonies today.
Tens of babies named after Ari.
United Hatzalah of Israel EMT courses in his name.
A calendar in South Africa that includes all the dates on which the great leaders of the Jewish nation perished have added Ari’s date.

And then there is this place where I am standing.
This place Chavat Haitam (חוות העיטם) and more specifically “Givat Haari” aka the “Ari Hill”, was one of Ari’s biggest projects. It just wasn’t called that yet.
He came here to guard this place, which is in a very strategic location for the state of Israel. He began to populate it. And after his murder, they named it after him and are now in high gear to make it into a real town, a part of Efrat.

It’s amazing to see how one individual who lived such a tragically short life has left an entire world behind, in more ways than one. What he left behind, many people carry on in his name. This place is only one example.

All of the projects being carried out in Ari’s name, or at least the official ones are here -

Gonna be a rough day but as a family, the fact that Ari’s work that has impacted so many lives, lives on in a very real way, that gives us some comfort. Some real comfort.

A Jewish town in the land of Israel named after my big brother.
Pretty astounding.


In Memory Of A True Lion - Ari Fuld ZTZ"L
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Sukkot in Israel - Ushpizin English Titles - Full Movie

One of the sweetest movies ever produced...

Simhat Torah - Torah Celebrations

Right now in central Tel-Aviv,
and all over the country...

Israel One of Least Miserable Countries in World. As For Our Neighbors…

A site called Visual Capitalist has come up with a graphic showing a ranking of the most miserable countries in the world (based on the economic variables inflation, lending rate, unemployment rate, and GDP per capita growth).


Note how while Israel is in 20th position (out of 95 countries), our neighbors are not doing so well: Iran is third last, and Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan are right near the bottom.
As for Venezuela under Roger Waters’ buddy Maduro…

Israel One of Least Miserable Countries in World. As For Our Neighbors…
Jewish Refugees From Arab Countries

It's sort of self perpetuating. Why didn't Syria and Lebanon absorb the Palestinians, and make them citizens?

Another case in point: after the end of WW2, there were 6 million displaced persons across Europe. Yet today, there are no refugee camps dating from those times, in existence on the Continent.
Interview: Kurds Call On Israel To Intervene

Eitan Charnoff, former Advisor on Kurdish Affairs to the Knesset and Hejar Berenji, Political Activist; Former Peshmerga fighter speaking at ILTV studio about the Kurdish-Turkish conflict.

Tel Aviv Neighborhood Kerem Hateimanim
Ranks in Top 15 Communities Worldwide


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