Who are the Israelis?

There is no one with whom Israel can form a treaty.
Sure there is. Israel will not talk to them.

Whom would that be?
Do you really want a list? There would have to be a ream.

I would love to see the negotiations televised with archives on Youtube.

A "ream" of people, by DEFINITION, is not a government with which Israel can form a treaty. Who has the ability to form a treaty with Israel?
RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ Hollie, P F Tinmore, Shusha, et al,

Who is asking Israel to the peace table?
Who (when and where) has Israel rejected to attend Peace Negotiations?​

There is no one with whom Israel can form a treaty.
Sure there is. Israel will not talk to them.
Iran is not paying their Sunni lackeys to talk.

With regard to Peace Negotiations → when did Israel refuse to meet with any aspect of the Arab Palestinian Entity?

It is all about the apparition of peace when it comes to explaining reality.

......... •  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ Hollie, P F Tinmore, Shusha, et al,

Who is asking Israel to the peace table?
Who (when and where) has Israel rejected to attend Peace Negotiations?​

There is no one with whom Israel can form a treaty.
Sure there is. Israel will not talk to them.
Iran is not paying their Sunni lackeys to talk.

With regard to Peace Negotiations → when did Israel refuse to meet with any aspect of the Arab Palestinian Entity?

It is all about the apparition of peace when it comes to explaining reality.

.........View attachment 278975
Most Respectfully,
Of course, Israel will talk until there is no Palestine left. They have always had the guns to steal anything they want.
RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ Hollie, P F Tinmore, Shusha, et al,

Who is asking Israel to the peace table?
Who (when and where) has Israel rejected to attend Peace Negotiations?​

There is no one with whom Israel can form a treaty.
Sure there is. Israel will not talk to them.
Iran is not paying their Sunni lackeys to talk.

With regard to Peace Negotiations → when did Israel refuse to meet with any aspect of the Arab Palestinian Entity?

It is all about the apparition of peace when it comes to explaining reality.

.........View attachment 278975
Most Respectfully,
Of course, Israel will talk until there is no Palestine left. They have always had the guns to steal anything they want.

No guns, no Iarael.

And more blood libel themes from you.
Jerusalem 5779 - Morning Selichot

During the month of Elul preceding the new year holidays,
Israel gathers before the dawn prayer, asking Hashem for forgiveness facing mount Zion.

One Year on from the murder of Ari Fuld
by Brian of London

One year ago a friend of mine was murdered in cold blood: stabbed in the neck from behind by a 17 year old kid. Instead of just falling down (and perhaps applying pressure to his wound and maybe surviving) he turned, chased his attacker and shot at him. This prevented the terrorist from finding any more victims (he was running toward a young woman). I recorded a long YouTube video about it at the time.

When you hear of

a terrorist attack,

do you ever stop

and think about

those affected?

That friend, Ari Fuld, comes from a large family. One of his brothers wrote the following on Facebook this morning and I want to share it all. When you hear there has been a terrorist attack, do you ever stop and think about those affected? I do, every single time. I know so many directly touched by the Jihad here in Israel. My friend Kay Wilson (read her book) and Arnold Roth and his wife whose daughter was murdered just to name a few.

These stories tear me up but they do nothing to stop me and millions of other Jews from wanting to live in the land where our spirituality, our laws, our peoplehood and our nation was forged. I’m home.
Piercing through heavens - Slichot in Jerusalem with Rabbi 'Ades

Hear o' Israel!
HaShem our G-d HaShem is One!
HaShem our Master is the only G-d!

Last edited:
Your News From Israel- Sept. 23, 2019

President Rivlin continues his meetings with the different party leaders, we will reveal which A-list star is in Israel, and trying to figure out how you can support more local Israeli businesses? We have the scoop on the best Israeli brands to order online.

When tragedy struck - support and embrace arrived

Eight-and-a-half years ago to the day, on March 23, 2011, tragedy struck the Asulin family.
Terrorists planted a bomb next to a bus near a bus stop in front of the Jerusalem Convention Center, where the Asulins’ daughter, 14-year-old Hodaya, was waiting for a bus home to Mevo Horon.

The massive explosion killed a British student who had been studying at Hebrew University, and injured dozens more. Hodaya was critically injured and sustained serious damage to her brain stem, leaving her in a vegetative state.

Two years ago, Hodaya succumbed to the injuries she had sustained in the terror attack, passing away at the age of 21. While the medical treatment for Hodaya ended with her death, the care and support for the Asulin family continues.

OneFamily, which provides support, treatment, and guidance to Israeli families victimized by terror, continues to work with the Asulin family to this day .

Mindy Levinger, the Jerusalem regional director of OneFamily, who herself is a bereaved sister who lost a brother to terrorism, was joined by Yiscah Asulin, Hodaya’s sister, to discuss the family’s struggle to overcome their tragic loss.


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