Who are the Israelis?

Practicing Hebrew with People on Omegle!

Today I tried practicing my Hebrew with strangers on Omegle!!!!
I donโ€™t know a lot of Hebrew... Iโ€™m still learning but this was a fun way to practice out of my comfort zone :)

So fun to meet different people on there and to shock them with hebrew!!

The Hebrew Language Academy has approved Hebrew names for 'meduza' (jellyfish)
and an alternative to the word 'emoji'
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The Jezreel Valley: After ninety years - rare 'Juncus sphaerocarpus' plant that was considered extinct was discovered in the valley

The plant is in the valley in the exact same area that has not been observed for about 90 years, it is proof that the valley is a vital habitat

As part of the effort to preserve the open spaces in the Jezreel Valley, the Environment Department hired the council to provide the services of the DSA Institute (The Image of Land), of the Nature Museum at Tel Aviv University, To conduct a comprehensive survey on the values of nature, landscape and human heritage, funded by the Foundation for Conservation of Open Space.

For about a year, the Institute's representatives surveyed the landscape, flora and fauna, rock and soil, ecological corridors and heritage sites of the valley. As part of this wonderful discovery about the nail industry, That until the time of discovery was considered extinct from the land. The plant is in the valley in the exact same area that has not been observed for about ninety years!

The rare plant was discovered north of Nahalal in May. This species is considered extinct in the country, and has not been observed since the 1950s. This startling discovery is further proof that establishing an international airport in the valley will destroy not only the valley of us all, but also a vital habitat for many plants and animals.

Assi Elia, director of the Environment Department at the council, said: "This is an unprecedented discovery, not least, knowing that a plant considered an extinct plant is found in our valley is a testament to the tremendous importance of the valley as a vital habitat! This has a direct connection to the environmental destruction that the state plans to carry out here with the establishment of an international airport. This folly must be stopped. "


Education ministry: These are the favorite books of Israeli students in 2020

Among the books : 'Little Women', 'The Bike boy', 'With me the life plays a lot', 'Scrambled Dumb', 'The boy's love from Morocco'.

Education Minister Yoav Galant: "The Book Parade Program encourages reading among youth, enriches their language - and in Corona's time gives the opportunity to be exposed to other worlds, worlds of creation, adventure, culture and heritage. Digitally, to allow those who are in isolation to be exposed too, and I encourage everyone, for the summer, to sit down and enjoy a good book. "


The Ministry of Education announces on Sunday the results of the "Book Parade" which upgraded the list of favorite books by the children of the education system, from 1st Grade to Grade 12.

1st-3rd grade winning books:
Algom Nogah / Scrambled Dumb
Monster Harriett / Izadora Moon
Pap Lisa / Madeleine and the library dog
Reynolds Peter H. / The Word Collector
Tehrelv Yoram / My Aunt from Prophets Street

4-6 winning books:
Krupik Ora /Not like everyone else
Goddard Yossi / Border Stealers
Yitzhaki Richter Ruth / Mother's eyes
Horsen Yarn Liar / Detective Agency # 2
Toretzky Ruth and Joseph / The Journey to Ethiopia

7-9 winning books:
M. Alcott Louisa / Little Women
Orgad Dorit / The boy's love from Morocco
Plasio RJ / Wonder
Makmal 'Atir Navah / Acceptance test
Gaya Emet / The Dawn of Gaya

10th-12th grade winning books:
Thomas Angie / The hatred you gave
Ion Nicolas / Everything
Grossman David / With me the life plays a lot
'Amir Eli / The Bike Boy
Kinsale Sophie / My (not so) perfect life

Analysis of the results of the parade shows that first and third graders are interested in the challenges of being involved in the children's company, the containment and the knowledge of the forces inherent in us.

'Scrambled Dumb' was born different from his family and friends. He leaves his home, copes with his variance and returns to his home after undergoing a change process, where he learns to accept himself and recognize his abilities. Second place among first graders was 'Isidora Moon gets in trouble'. 'Isidora Moon is different and unique. Her mom is her mouth and her dad is a vampire, and she's a little bit of that and a little bit of that.

The fourth and sixth graders found in the books characters and situations to identify with social aspects, growing up. In the first-rated book, 'Not Like Everyone', poetry reaches a new class. The teacher sits her next to the quiet and introverted Neta and together they deal with the other students and with the experience of being accepted in society, including the struggles of the children's world.

The Border Stealers, who reached second place, reveal a true case-based adventure in which a boy of Arab descent was abandoned as a baby in the War of Independence and adopted by a Jewish family. He moves between the two families and deals with both identities. For fifth place among fourth and fourth year students, the book "The Journey to Ethiopia" was selected, through which we are exposed to the traditions and customs of Ethiopian culture. The historical story of the Beta Israel community comes to life in a fascinating graphic novel.

In the elementary schools, the classic 'Little Women' was selected in the first place, and alongside it a modern graphic novel based on it. In second place was the book "The Boy from Morocco", written by Dorit Orgad. The book very sensitively exposes the life of a Jewish boy in the Malah (ghetto) in Marrakech, overcoming all obstacles and fulfilling his dream of immigrating to Israel.

The winning book list finishes the book "My (Not So Perfect) Life" whose heroine sees in her surroundings that everyone lives the life she would like for herself, and as a result she posts on Instagram and lives her life. The book offers a critical look at how we judge reality in the obsessive world of social networking. A critical look also offers the book 'The Hate You Gave', by African-American author Angie Thomas, which readers and readers can find echoes of the current anti-racism protests in the US.

The book parade took place among about 200,000 preschoolers and students from grades 1- 12. The analysis of the winning book list shows that many students see reading as an opportunity to empathize with situations from their world, from the childrenโ€™s company or the family. They reinforce the recognition that children connect to books that deal with topics from their world, and see reading as an opportunity to empathize with situations that are familiar to them from the children's or family company.


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From the NBA to Israel's Wine Scene with Amarโ€™e Stoudemire | KosherWine.com Virtual Experiences

Yonatan Razael and Barry Sachoroff - Zohar HaRaki'a

An ancient blessing that was spoken between the students of the wise,
but was also received as a children's blessing on Yom Kippur:

Your heart will utter reason
You mouth will speak wisdom
Your tongue will whisper singing
Your eyelids with straighten before you
Your eyes will lit with the light of Torah

Your lips will express knowledge
Your kidneys will rejoice in straight message
Your legs will run to hear
Words of ancient days

Your face will radiate as the radiance of heavens, as the radiance of heavens
Open your mouth and your words will shine and be clear, as the radiance of heavens

Your world you will see in your life
Your ending and succession for the life of the world to come
Open your mouth and your words will shine and be clear, as the radiance of heavens

(Tractate 'Berachot' p.17)
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Shamirโ€™s note reveals his 9 โ€˜guiding principlesโ€™

The granddaughter of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir z"l tweeted on Sunday a handwritten list from her grandfather.

Hill of the girls - the story of Ma'oz Esther

"And in the merit of righteous women (the generation) will be redeemed,
as said in Psalms:
"He remembered His kindness and His faith to the house of Israel"

- Yalkut M'am Lo'ez

In memory of Esther Galyah 'Attiyah HY"D,
this is the story of Ma'oz Esther.

translation included:
โ€œWow itโ€™s terrible dresses, impossible to walk in them
I have a spike sticking. What do you do, you live on a hillโ€

Judea and Samaria is full of hills but only on one of them girls live completely alone.

โ€œIโ€™ve left girls school to move to the hill. Iโ€™ve left to invest my life now in what is needed. Now Iโ€™m a soldier, and where am I neede, on the hill? Alright so I leave and go to the hill.โ€

Youโ€™re a soldier? โ€œIโ€™m a soldierโ€

Whoโ€™s soldier? โ€œSoldier of HaShem be blessedโ€

8 girls from the age of 13 to 19 left home and girls school, and started new life in a small building, made of wooden panels, in the mountains of Binyamin. This is the story of Maโ€™oz Esther.

โ€œThat another girl 16 y.o. goes to a certain hill is not what matters, what matters is the move and the attitude towards which the nation of Israel is heading, and what is the direction.

โ€œThere wasnโ€™t such a thing as Maโ€™oz Esther if we weren't standing up and doing this step, which is not taken for granted, and many have objected. Teachers, parents, friends, there were those who said we would not succeed, in two weeks you return to schoolโ€.

In this house they live entirely alone, part of them close to a year, others already almost two years.

โ€œRelatively we live here in good conditions. We have water flowing, which is not taken for granted. We have a restroom, shower which is a thing we didnโ€™t have half a year ago. An electricity line we donโ€™t have, we have a solar charger, we have floorโ€ฆ in one of the former houses we didnโ€™t have floor, there was land. When you build everything nothing is taken for granted, because I know that in order for me to have the roof I have to build it.โ€

They have built their house several kilometres from a Bedouin village.

โ€œHere, thereโ€™s no fence, on purpose.
Since Iโ€™m here on the hill there wasnโ€™t such a thing as a Bedouin going up, beyond all the height line, all the territories we see, all the vicinity. No such thing happened.โ€

How do you explain this?

โ€œThat here is Jewish control, that Bedouins understand that this area is ours.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m conscious of the possibility that a terror attack can happen, but we are in war over the land, and war as in war there can be casualties, this is the duty nowโ€

โ€œTo give your life? Of course. To die for the sake of the Name of HaShem? Of course.โ€

What do the parents think about you living here?

โ€œMostly in the beginning they couldnโ€™t come to terms with that Iโ€™m here, also because they didnโ€™t think it was serious. And after they saw I was here already a year, and I donโ€™t sink to anything, still keep holding myself, then they realized that it was something serious, not just a group of four girls who chose to go to a hill and in two month they go back and return to girls school. No this is something serious, we are building here a framework.โ€

โ€œI talked to my parents, first they didnโ€™t want. Then we asked the Rabbi of the village, and he said it was good to come here. Than my parent said alright.โ€

โ€œIโ€™ve called home and Yonatan answered me, asked I Iโ€™m coming home to light candles, I said I donโ€™t know, maybe I come for a day during the week days. Then he said, ok, do you come to Shabbat? I donโ€™t, weโ€™ll see, maybe Iโ€™ll come, maybe not.Ok, so do you come the grannyโ€™s birthday on Sunday?! Essentially, yes, essentally yes. Ah okโ€ฆhhhโ€

For everyone who comes here the goal is clear: to change the rules of the game.

โ€œThe situation currently, that essentially most of the settlement, most of the people in the settlementโ€ฆtheir soul has tired.โ€

Legal, illegal, the land of Israel is all ours.

โ€œIf for example, someone comes and says: yes Iโ€™, for settlement of the land of Israel, but I think itโ€™s not good that youโ€™re doing it without permits, and if they give you permits to build anything, then donโ€™t build anything. I object him โ€“ very much. That thereโ€™s another attitude in the settlement, itโ€™s an incorrect attitude, and attitude that says letโ€™s accomplish a little, and the a little more. Because eventually this attitude gets stuck, eventually sometime you donโ€™t have anything more to accomplish.Because you say, ok, I agree, A and B itโ€™s for Arabs, C is mine, but give me C. And then you finish C and then what you say?โ€

โ€œIf tomorrow morning sovereignty is applied over Maoโ€™z Esther, we will continue to the next hill. And if they apply sovereignty over the next mountain, and all of Judea and Samaria, we will proceed., thereโ€™re to banks to Jordan. And if over the banks of Jordan, then we proceed towards the entire land of Israel. Hereโ€™s the Jordan, Sinai, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and south Turkey. The Euphrates river, I think itโ€™s known today by the same name, by the way to cross it all takes two month on kayaks.โ€

โ€œThe state of Israel is afraid, afraid to decide, afraid to recognize that everything here is ours. And eventually decide what does it do with this place it liberated 50 years ago. As they say โ€“ itโ€™s more difficult to get diaspora out of Jews, than to get Jews out of the diasporaโ€

Though the girls left school, the school didnโ€™t leave them. They even established one of their own, really active, on the hill.

โ€œEssential at the end of the day, we see that the right wing is raising some sort of flag of loyalty to the country, but not standing it.โ€

โ€œListen these final exams in Literature are not funny, whole page you understand? No really the issue of the final exams is none sense, ok? โ€œThe violin of Rothchildโ€, ok, โ€œby the story we learn that there was a violin that was connected thus and thus and thusโ€ฆ all sorts of this none sense you see?โ€

โ€œMaybe as ideal, you think girl 16 y.o. are supposed to stay in school, and yes still remain in that place ofโ€ฆ inside that secure space, not yet come out to the world. But now we are in a situation that we need to act, must do. Need girls, not enough girls to do this. And therefore anyone who can, has to rise and act.โ€

To rise and act, also means, wake up every morning with sunrise, study and pray, each one on her own. Rabbi Nahman on the hill.

โ€œSolitude is a great merit, higher than everything. Meaning, to schedule for himself from time to time an hour or more. To be alone in some room or in the field, and this prayer and conversation will be in the spoken language.โ€

โ€œIt opens the heart, the landscape of The Holy Blessed be Him, you feel the world awaken.โ€

At the beginning of the week arrived border police and people of Civil Admin., and destroyed the house. It happened for the 3rd time in the last 2 years.

โ€œWe woke up today at 4:10, we were called, they said there were forces on the ground, at the gate of Kochav HaShaโ€™ar. We organized, around 5, 4:50 they arrived. Knocked on the door, got everyone out, destroyed the house.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s like you donโ€™t know where to start. Did they do it on purpose? Itโ€™s all in the drawer below everything. What are you looking for? My earrings. Earrings?! What earrings, weโ€™re building a restroom!โ€

โ€œEven the border police officer who comes here, we talk to them, they say I love the land of Israel, itโ€™s just likeโ€ฆyou understand, itโ€™s illegal. They understand, they have their job, and personally I have no anger at them, on a national lever they are doing here a terrible thing. And this has no place for the destruction of any place in the land of Israelโ€.

โ€œThis was a fun house, full of joy, it was also an eternal house, a lot of time it was. With G-d help, the next house will be even more lively than the former.โ€

Several hours after the removal, the girls already started building a new house on their own, in the same place on the hill.

โ€œSo they destroy, and we build, even bigger. More families arrive, more populations are joining, eventually we inherit the entire land of Israel, eventually everything here will be ours.โ€

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Narkis and Miri Mesikah - Mosheh (Moses)

Life spread on the table
It doesn't interest us
You wanted to bring a message
But the wall is standing between us
Everything freezes standing in shadow

You would try more
This heart heard everything
Stubborn stubborn this heart
Wants to get out but the water
Like a wall and no one answers

You will be our eyes
So the heart will already open
Everything freezes standing in shadow
Return quickly

Remember we stood between walls of water
We saw everything happen
Now everything stands in shadow
Return quickly

As once
You would run an entire desert

Eventually we went out because of You
But You are the last one who didn't see land
Turning into the ember of our life
You saw a country from afar
Now everything turned into a habit
The yearning already passed
What was burning inside the heart, remained in You
But for us everything is frozen standing in shadow

Quickly, You will be our eyes...
As once, You would run an entire desert

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Netanyahu: Religious Zionism is an organic part of Israel

PM pledges to make budget for religious Zionist education into government's base budget instead of being part of coalition budget.


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the leaders of the Administration of Religious Education during a meeting with Coalition Chairman Miki Zohar that he intends to fulfill his promise to resolve the budgetary issues facing religious Zionist education in Israel.

Netanyahu said during the meeting that he had decided not to provide for the Administration of Religious Education's budget through the coalition budget as has been done previously. "Religious Zionism is an organic part [of the State of Israel] and should not be allowed to go bankrupt," he said.

"This is a national move which will become a permanent budget item and pave the way to long-term inclusion [of the Administration of Religious Education's budget]," the prime minister promised.

Jerusalem Affairs Minister Rabbi Rafi Peretz said in response that he "thanks Prime Minister Netanyahu for his agreement to introduce the Administration of Religious Education's budget into the base budget."

"The budget for education should not be dependent on coalition funds and religious Zionism should not have to beg for a budget every year. This is good," Rabbi Peretz wrote on Twitter

Who Was Elisheva?

Elisheva appears just once in the Torah, where we read:

And Aaron took to himself for a wife, Elisheva, the daughter of Amminadav, the sister of Nachshon, and she bore him Nadav and Avihu, Elazar and Ithamar.1

The sages recognized the uniqueness of her brother being mentioned in the context of her marriage, and used it to learn an important lesson in identifying a suitable spouse. Aaron took note of Nachshonโ€™s good qualities and factored them in when determining whether to pursue a relationship with Elisheva. โ€œMost sons tend to emulate the brothers of their mother,โ€4 they observed, and Elishevaโ€™s sons, each one holy and righteous, certainly reflected well on their Uncle Nachshon.

But who was she?


RE: Who are the Israelis?
SUBTEXT: Meaning of Religious Zionism..
โœโ†’ rylah, et al,

BLUF: What is "Religious Zionism" and what is "non-Religious Zionism?"

Netanyahu: Religious Zionism is an organic part of Israel

PM pledges to make budget for religious Zionist education into government's base budget instead of being part of coalition budget.
I say the following, not as criticism,
but as to better understand the position.​

I, as a nonJew and outsider, do not see what Prime Minister Netanyahu is doing (either by advocacy or direct governmental action) as making the case for Israel in the broadest sense. Jewish Education (religious) and Zionist Education (nonReligious) are two different things. Catering to one, at the exclusion of the other, is not the function of government in a nation with religious freedoms.

I see Zionism as having evolved from a liberation movement (self-determination) to a political party program (everlasting possession). Zionism is not a universally accepted line of thought (or maybe it is and I just don't see it) in the Israeli Society (as seen by the outside observer).

I find it confusing (as the outside observer) to reconcile the theme of Zionism (nonReligious) and the fulfillment of the Great Covenant (Religious) into a coherent ideology.

โ—ˆ What does being "Zionist" mean in the 21st Century?​
โ—ˆ Is it a goal that a preponderance of the Israelis want?​

How do the Israeli people feel about Americans, and the need to properly understand the complexity of the issues?

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who are the Israelis?
SUBTEXT: Meaning of Religious Zionism..
โœโ†’ rylah, et al,

BLUF: What is "Religious Zionism" and what is "non-Religious Zionism?"

Netanyahu: Religious Zionism is an organic part of Israel

PM pledges to make budget for religious Zionist education into government's base budget instead of being part of coalition budget.
I say the following, not as criticism,
but as to better understand the position.​

I, as a nonJew and outsider, do not see what Prime Minister Netanyahu is doing (either by advocacy or direct governmental action) as making the case for Israel in the broadest sense. Jewish Education (religious) and Zionist Education (nonReligious) are two different things. Catering to one, at the exclusion of the other, is not the function of government in a nation with religious freedoms.

I see Zionism as having evolved from a liberation movement (self-determination) to a political party program (everlasting possession). Zionism is not a universally accepted line of thought (or maybe it is and I just don't see it) in the Israeli Society (as seen by the outside observer).

I find it confusing (as the outside observer) to reconcile the theme of Zionism (nonReligious) and the fulfillment of the Great Covenant (Religious) into a coherent ideology.

โ—ˆ What does being "Zionist" mean in the 21st Century?​
โ—ˆ Is it a goal that a preponderance of the Israelis want?​

How do the Israeli people feel about Americans, and the need to properly understand the complexity of the issues?

Most Respectfully,

Great questions.

The distinction is superficial.
Zionism is a platform of rejuvenation of Jewish civilization,
encompassing all aspects of life and nationhood - to no exclusion.

To understand this, one has to understand a simple idea - that Judaism,
as a religion is only a compromise for diaspora, Torah doesn't even mention
'religion', the nations among whom Israel lived had religions, and they, it were them,
who even came up with the term Judaism, and framed Jewish culture for them as a religion.

In the diaspora all aspects of Jewish life were confined in the personal, individual,
with majority of Jewish laws, now associated as 'religion', that had to do with the secular
aspects of the collective, state running, economy, agriculture - all of them became obsolete.

2/3 of the body of Jewish law became frozen, irrelevant and impossible to express,
though always there, studied each generation and in great detail, but in abstract, for later.
This "demo" version was taken out in a suitcase to be preserved until we return to capacity.

PM Netanyahu used the term 'organic',
because it's is unnatural, to confine Jewish civilization to a sterilized religious diaspora mode,
in the context of a renewed vibrant sovereign life as a nation in our land, as well as it is totally unnatural to confine our sovereignty, as people of all colors and views, as a biblical nation, exclusively in secular terms. Separating the two is denial, rejection of parts of one's soul, when what is needed is width of heart to encompass and find place and expression in a healthy manner and unity to all its aspects organically, like a healthy body.

Organically these two are intertwined, complementary - exclusively, are pathological.

How did Rabbi Zvi Yehudah Kook ztz"l used to say: "holiness in Israel is expressed - also - in religion". And so can be likely said : "the secular political in Israel is expressed - also - national politics"...but only also. As long as there's separation, the core Jewish ideal of Unity,
is prevented from its natural expression, without the secular G-dly is incomplete,
and vice versa, without the G-dly, heritage and connection to ancestors,
the expression of the secular remains pathologically deficient, and ill.

Rabbi Ouri Sherki makes this example - imagine what a merit has a young jet fighter pilot, putting himself on the line to defend the sovereign nation of Israel, after 2000 years of Inquisition and Holocausts, imagine the kind of opportunity to have such a part.

Now imagine he leaves IAF, and goes to study in a small room in Yeshiva,
puts a Teffilin every morning and prays 3 times a day - does he have more merit now?

Of course not, he should actually repent for that, because he went from a collective merit to personal one, not because either are bad or false, but the mistake is he didn't see the one continuously flowing into another. And thus he narrowed his role and expression.
To really rise, realize his potential, he would have to combine both - organically.

Abraham A"h in Jewish culture is not a religious figure, but a father of nations.
Moses A"H wasn't only a prophet, but also politician, king, leading the nation to sovereignty.

These are the typical Jewish cultural archetypes.

But would they know the difference? Religion? Zionism?
It's like calling tomato a potato, and then arguing potato/potatoe.

And this is Zionism - national return, revival of the land and sovereignty.

The core axis around which will revolve all Jewish life, home and abroad,
in this new chapter of our history, in which we - religious Zionists are calling
to all our people, in all their shapes and colors, holding extremely opposite views,
to collectively join the rest in proudly holding the same feather with which our forefathers
wrote our collective story, as we continue writing with our lives. It's the collective call home.

It's shamelessly paternalistic - even if you disagree with us, You're still part of it,
as we are passionately optimistic about the future of our people in this new chapter.

How do Israelis feel about America? G-d bless America!
"Those who curse you are cursed, those who bless you are blessed" (Gen. 27).

That said, as friends, I think we would do You more favor by giving a more clear warning,
to not ever suggest we give up a village or even a single grain of the land of Israel.
Even if our politicians may beg for it, refuse, nothing good comes from that, ever.

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A 'youthful' approach to Aliyah

How to solve, all at once, the difficulties of Aliyah: acculturation, making a living, learning the language, making friends, and more.

Article 5 in Arutz Sheva's aliya series

If there's one thing that has emerged so far from this special series of Aliyah articles and many of their talkbacks, it is that the sides are unmistakably clear: The "Israelis" say, "What are you waiting for? The situation in the West is terrible enough, and anyway, Israel is where we all belong!"

And then the others respond, "What do you think, it's so easy? We have jobs, we have kids of all ages who might not adjust, we have family here โ€“ there are just too many things to uproot!"

Quite obviously, both sides are right. As Rabbi Wallerstein said with a sigh: "We just don't belong here anymoreโ€ฆ" โ€“ and at the same time, for many people it is simply too complicated to just pick up and leave their lives.

We can thus extrapolate that many Western Jews feel as follows: "Ideally, I would like to be living in Israel. But there are objective reasons that make it improbable at this point in my life. If I would have made the move earlier, before or right after I was married, or maybe even earlier than that, I would be there now, and so would my family and kids and job. Oh wellโ€ฆ"

Much has been said about the futility of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So let's change the mold: Instead of bemoaning what we can't do because of what we did before, and then doing it again โ€“ let's get out of the cycle, and make sure it doesn't happen with our children!!

As parents, we must encourage our children to go to Israel for a year of study โ€“ and longer! That is, even those of us whose children already take the "gap year in Israel" route, we must not tell them, "Don't forget that after a year in Israel, you're returning for college! Just one year, you hear?"

In general, it does not seem logical for parents to say, "We made a mistake, and now we're all stuck, but we insist that you take the same route we did" โ€“ and certainly this is true when we face the need for massive change.

Now that it's more indicated and attractive than ever to make Aliyah, parents must be open with their children: "We're happy we were able to give you opportunities that we ourselves didn't necessarily have, but it cost us a lot โ€“ and now we're unable to leave! So we encourage you to go to Israel now - when you are unburdened, when all that is holding us back is not holding you back!"

Yes โ€“ not only encourage them to go for a year of study, but to actively explore remaining for good!

This applies not only to post high school students, but even to those in 10th or 11th grades. Some highly successful Aliyah stories began in exactly this manner โ€“ and culminated with other siblings, and later even the parents, coming to stay as well!

What could be more rewarding for parents than to know that their children have succeeded in breaking out of a seemingly impermeable mold and setting their family on a new and better path!

Spending a year or two after high school in an Israeli yeshiva, kibbutz, or college program is, of course, a familiar part of Jewish life for many communities โ€“ even though for every student who takes advantage of this opportunity, so many more do not. With proper motivation, leadership, and communal support, many more high school graduates will spend their next year in Israel.

But what about high school age students? Is it realistic to expect parents to send their young teenage children for a year abroad?

The answer is most certainly yes, especially if the proper framework exists โ€“ and certainly if it is totally subsidized by the Israeli government and Jewish Agency! Check out, for instance, the highly-successful Naale program which has a boys' high school in Yeshivat Shaalvim, one for girls in Ulpanat Amana in Kfar Saba, and other high school programs as well.

And for those who wish to start off their important college years in Israel, that's also a wise move: Tuition is partially or wholly subsidized, and many universities offer programs specially geared to new immigrants. Visit this site.

Or might you wish to start integrating into Israeli society via the army or recognized volunteer work? Try out this for Army and National Service and this for Lone Soldiers program.

Moses told Pharaoh, "We're leaving Egypt, with our youth and our elders!" Not for naught did he begin with the youth, because that's how real change often happens. Now as well, they'll go first, and their families will follow afterwards. The difficulties of Aliyah โ€“ acculturation, making a living, learning the language, making friends, and more โ€“ can be greatly eased, if not obviated, with this switch in our thinking: "By sending our children to Israel, we're not losing them โ€“ we're gaining our family's future!"


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'Israel has a chance to fulfill its role as the strongest force in the Jewish world'

Jewish educators see the coronavirus crisis, which has caused many Jewish summer camps to cancel this year's activities, as a chance to strengthen bonds between the Jewish state and Diaspora Jewry.

Last year's civics matriculation exam left out a section on Diaspora Jewry. But since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, it seems natural that the missing section be required and taught with great attention in the next few years. Recognizing the various Diaspora communities as equal members of the Jewish people should highlight the role Israel plays in helping them develop and flourish, especially at a time of global crisis.

When it comes to the world of formal Jewish education, the civics exam notes that "Israel must work to inculcate Jewish legacy, education, and culture to the Jews of the Diaspora." And some think that the COVID-19 crisis could be a landmark moment for Israel to define that role.

"Israel can and should help more in completing the educational experience for participants in Jewish summer camps whose activity has been canceled, and even fly them to Israel," says former MK Dr. Einat Wilf.

"At the same time, we should move ahead with organizational and technical help to yeshivas and synagogues in the Diaspora where precious time has been lost for studying or distance learning. All this comes from the fact that Israel is the strongest force in the Jewish world, and therefore has responsibility for the Jewish people's welfare and future."

According to Wilf, "As a state, it is time to bring an end to the exile structure that grants authority to rabbis. Of course, they can interpret texts and be teachers, and in my opinion, that is the message we must send to the Jewish people. Over time, the goal of the State of Israel is to be a state in which there is no rabbinical authority, but rather sovereignty by Jews who decide their own fate. That's the idea that in my opinion completes the Zionist revolution."

According to Ami Infeld, director of the Melitz Jewish Zionist education programs, "The foremost mission we must teach is to ensure that Judaism and the Jewish people remain meaningful and relevant for generations to come."

"Every generation requires people to look at themselves as if they just left Egypt, to look inward and ask himself how people can free themselves in their own time. The corona crisis has simply accelerated the dissemination of our messages."

Infeld explains that Jewish education must take an integrative approach. "The educational challenge is to teach modern, multidimensional Jewishness and focus on personal choice of elements of identity and how each choice promotes the overall mission."


With Temple flags, singing and dancing -
encircling Jerusalem gates turned back to activity

Under Health Restrictions: On the occasion of the beginning of the month of Tamuz the month when the Temple's destruction began, the traditional encircling of the Temple Mount gates , after about three months that did not take place, due to the Corona restrictions - renews.

After about three consecutive months without encircling the gates, due to restrictions to prevent the spread of the corona virus, the traditional encircling of the Temple Mount gates were held last night, and in compliance with the Ministry of Health guidelines.

In the gates round, where participants encircle the gates of the Temple Mount with singing and dancing as they do every month, this time only 50 people participated, compared to hundreds and thousands who participate in it every month for almost 20 years.

As every month, after gathering at the Western Wall plaza of the Temple Mount, the participants marched around the mountain gates.

Rabbi Yossi Pelley from the association to Mount Mor initiating the gates said, "It is written that a man must not sanctify a woman until seeing her. To arouse the love for the land of Israel, were sent the spies. The spies that were sent on the beginning of the month of Tamuz and us must intend that we fix the sin of the spies. We are intending to arouse the will of the nation of Israel for the land of Israel and the Temple, as emissaries of all the nation of Israel. And when Your servants wanted her rocks, then You will stand up and have mercy on Zion.


In the video interview to Hakol HaYehudi Rabbi Flai adds: "we say in Psalms "encircle Zion and round her" Encircling the gates is a project that exists already for almost 20 years. Each month we are here. Sometimes there're big events, with thousands of participants. Recently, because of the corona restrictions, we were forced to completely cease the encircling of the gates, from the month of Adar till Tamuz. Now we renew, although in small numbers because of the restriction, but that's a good start. We're renewing this special occasion, which is all says yearning for the Temple and connection to the place of the Temple.

Rabbi Flai also went on to talk about the link between gates and the Trump program. "Especially in our time, under supervision, when talking about all kinds of plans there and here, policy plans. We say, every political plan starts from here, from where we need to go. The kingdom of Israel, which draws its power from the Temple Mount, rules the sovereignty over the entire land of Israel. All the rest, the details go on and they are less interesting. True sovereignty is of the Sovereign of the world".

"We hope with G-d's help that in the coming months we will return to thousands of participants in the gates round. It does not satisfy us, we not only want to encircle but also to go inside. As they say in Rosh Hashanah prayer, "a new altar in Zion will prepare and rise a new month upon it," quickly in our days Amen".

"Donald Trump does not have a right to set Israeli borders"

Either this woman did not read the plan or she did not understand it.

If anyone on this planet read it, carefully, who would those be?
She is the grandmother of every Jewish village in Judea Samaria.

Listen, I know You intend well,
but this is already not about Trump or the US,

it's about how PM Netanyahu,
will be remembered in Jewish history.
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"Donald Trump does not have a right to set Israeli borders"

Either this woman did not read the plan or she did not understand it.

If anyone on this planet read it, carefully, who would those be?
She is the grandmother of every Jewish village in Judea Samaria.

Listen, I know You intend well,
but this is already not about Trump or the US,

it's about how PM Netanyahu,
will be remembered in Jewish history.

From what she is saying, it is clear she either never read it or didn't understand it. Hopefully these rumors she is spreading will not prevent annexation from going forward.
"Donald Trump does not have a right to set Israeli borders"

Either this woman did not read the plan or she did not understand it.

If anyone on this planet read it, carefully, who would those be?
She is the grandmother of every Jewish village in Judea Samaria.

Listen, I know You intend well,
but this is already not about Trump or the US,

it's about how PM Netanyahu,
will be remembered in Jewish history.

From what she is saying, it is clear she either never read it or didn't understand it. Hopefully these rumors she is spreading will not prevent annexation from going forward.

What rumors?
She said that she builds allover Judea.
Never saw any divisions, never sees any divisions,
and will never recognize any that would prevent Jewish sovereignty in any part of Judea.

Do You know who are the women that initiated and stand behind the sovereignty process?


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