Who are the Israelis?

Should at least pick up the phone
to warn about the incoming rocket...


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IDF Warriors Series: Episode 6 – Where Will You Go, Benda?

What does it take to become a combat soldier in the Israeli army? How does it change you? Join four Israeli soldiers on their long quest to be all they can be. Previously: Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

While the guys learn to fight as a team, Benda is busy with his own personal battle. Will he manage to convince the doctors and commanders to keep him in the unit as an elite fighter, or will he have to kiss his military career goodbye?

IDF Warriors Series: Episode 7 – Ready For the Final Push?

What does it take to become a combat soldier in the Israeli army?
Join four Israeli soldiers on their long quest to be all they can be.
Previously: Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6.

They’ve worked so hard to get the purple beret, but now that it’s just a stone’s throw away, comes the realization that it might not be enough. Will the doctors and commanders allow Benda to stay? Will Eviatar manage to conquer the obstacle course? With only days away from the march to the purple beret, tensions are running high.

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Zionism: The First Women's Movement

Temple Talk Radio: The Five Sisters Who Helped Write the Torah!

Pinchas, the grandson of Aharon, acting with zealotry, saves the day and the five daughters of Tzelophchad present a learning argument to gain an inheritance, proving that the younger generation that grew up in the wilderness, are ready to take the reins of leadership.

HaShem instructs Moshe to anoint Joshua as his successor to lead Israel into the land.

Just around the corner: the three weeks - getting serious about rebuilding the Holy Temple.

Israeli experts launch female empowerment project on marriage, sexuality

The She’asani Isha project, is led by Ruthi Leviev-Yelizarov, marriage and sex counselor, mediator, bridal counselor and businesswoman; and Bracha Shilat, entrepreneur and activist in educational, music and female leadership projects.


She’asani Isha is aiming to spread the word about family purity — Its essence, beauty and virtues — To every woman who wants to learn and connect, as part of a positive, spiritual, empowering and exciting experience and from a connecting and uplifting place for women, couple's life and family, out of personal desire and free choice.

The project mapped out the most invested and pleasant mikvehs in terms of visibility, cleanliness, aesthetics and service and even gave select mikvehs around the country a quality mark, which indicates that they meet the most stringent standards, with the aim of adding more and more mikvehs to this list.

In addition, the project aims to expand the information and guidance system on the subject both with the general female community in Israel, in order to sharpen the value and understanding of the depth of going to the mikveh in particular and married life in general, and with mikveh attendants and counselors, as well as to improve the immersion experience in particular and the condition of the mikvehs in Israel in general.

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Just four months after coronavirus restrictions, which limited entry into Israel, were lifted on March 1, the one millionth tourist in 2022 arrived in Israel on Sunday.

The tourist, who was welcomed by Tourism Minister and Tourism Ministry representatives, is Belinda Desoyo Lee Marcelo, 53, a resident of the United Emirates.


Differences in Personality, Criticism of Israel -

Prof. Noam Chomsky with Dr. Yozevich

This may very well be our most exciting debate to date. On one side, Dr. Roi Yozevitch, and on the other side, Noam Chomsky, a world-renowned intellectual and activist for over 60 years. He has written over 150 books, has multiple arrest records, and is widely known for being a fierce critic of Israel. In this section of Podcast we will discuss Differences in Personality, Criticism of Israel with Noam Chomsky.

Itay David - Yerushalayim

Yerushalyim the city of Kingdom
Rise up already from the revolution
And don Your garments of splendor

Realize the prophecies
Written for me in the books
And ascend from here above to heights

A beautiful day comes and the broken heart rebuilds
Turns around and changes and we shall see again no war,
Only one complete Kingdom, and He stands waiting for the children
To return from the battle home, and You sit and You are all yearning,
Till gathered are all the tears and broken pieces...

And if You build me the Third House!
Guard it with us, guard it with me, and if You
Bring Mshiach, and if You bring Shalom then bring it today!

Itay David - Bamidbar (In The Desert)

In a big desert walking towards the horizon
He doesn't see the end, yet feels in the heartbeat
He wants to breathe to run towards the freedom
He only wants a place for a journey into the soul

And he won't stop galloping even during rain
As long as he breathes even in heat he isn't stopped
Because he has a dream and a set plan, lot in imagination
And the rest is improvised, and till the evening he takes the top
And tomorrow he returns and opens another notebook, for he has a dream...

And hours already passed and he doesn't stop
He doesn't come to try, he already tried enough
He's the furthest from here and closest to another place
It's a sentence that told him to walk faster than the clock
But he's so calm because somehow nothing ever frightens

Everyone knows he has a dream...

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Israeli Cultural Revolution - Passion For The Temple | The Imaginative Force | Prophetic Cinema

"Those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted." - Rabbi Kook

At least among us Jews, those who have a grasp of knowledge,
are those of great imagination. And then there's great daring,
in their descriptions, their thoughts.

We can see this among the prophets.
We can also see this among Kabbalists.
The terminology is full of imaginative power.

Which causes superficial people to think all these folks are confused and need psychiatric hospitalization. But they don't need any, they are entirely normal people. With that, they have great imaginative power, breaking many borders.

In the scientific field, until Psychoanalysis none of this was known. The Freudian psychoanalysis revealed great depths within the human subconscious, symbolic thinking. Also later, Jung has many observations of this kind - the collective unconscious...the ocean of souls.

So, "those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted, and it's connected with visions that are more general in reality. And according to their courage, and purity of their spirit, the imaginative power enacts itself through them. To draw exalted imaginations, that the light of the
high truth reveals by them. In such revelations that no logical mind can reach".

What does Rabbi Kook want from us? That we are not to be scared of meeting people
of such imaginative force, that we don't think it's a shortcoming, moreover - it is an advantage.

Possibly Rabbi Kook wants something else, besides not being scared to meet such people, rather Rabbi Kook tells You: "Maybe You, the reader, You are one of these great people, that You don't get scared seeing You have imaginative power that is great - use it for these sacred purposes.".

School for Prophets - First Semester | Voice Exercise


Women Scholars Gather for First Seminar on their Torah Leadership

A group of 18 women scholars from around the world came to Israel last week to meet face to face and learn together after studying Torah intensively via zoom, in classrooms, and pairs, for over a year. The participants in this unique summer seminar are all enrolled in the 4-year International Halakha Scholars Program (IHSP), a division of the Israel-based Susi Bradfield Women’s Institute of Halakhic Leadership (WIHL) that is geared specifically toward an international student body, with representation from the US, England, Germany, Israel, Canada, and Australia,

“This summer seminar represents a continued commitment to change in our communities as it pertains to women in leadership positions,” explained Rabbanit Dr. Hannah Hashkes, director of the program. “The Jewish world, both here in Israel and abroad, has clearly demonstrated their desire to see women as full partners in Torah study and the overall halakhic conversation and serve as leaders within our communities. The Ohr Torah Stone educational network responded to this growing level of interest with the establishment of the IHSP and by hosting this seminar dedicated to exploring women’s leadership positions in the world of Torah and halakha.”

The IHSP study program for women educators, scholars, and Jewish communal leaders features an advanced course of halakha study in the subjects of Shabbat, Aveilut (Mourning), Kashrut, and Nidda (Family Purity and fertility). The program also offers two intensive in-person summer seminars on leadership development, writing and communication skills, and the philosophy of halakha.

Over the week, participants met with leading figures in the world of women’s Torah study and took part in classes focused on topics ranging from religion-state issues, challenges between traditional theology and contemporary women’s thought, new initiatives among female halachic leaders, and others.


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Over 25,000 olim in 'Immigrants Come Home' operation arrived in Israel


Aliyah Success

“With great pride, I’m happy to announce that we’ve passed the 25,000 thresholds of immigrants in this operation. This proves that the State of Israel is a warm and safe home for all Jews in distress. We continue to make great government efforts to absorb the new immigrants in the best possible way.”

According to the ministry, “since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, a broad national and governmental effort to rescue and absorb new immigrants from Ukraine and neighboring countries, has led to thousands of new immigrants choosing to come to Israel.”

'Aliyah News - No'am Leibman | Tzur Israel - Phase Two


Marking 8 years son’s body held by Hamas,

Goldins to march from Kfar Saba to Gaza

Family calls on public to join them in rally, says current government following path of previous ones in doing nothing to return Hadar, Oron Shaul, Avera Mengistu, Hisham al-Sayed


The Goldin family plans to march from their home in central Israel to the Gaza border next week, in order to mark eight years since the body of their son was taken captive by Hamas.

Hadar Goldin, the son of Leah and Simcha Goldin, was killed while fighting in the 2014 Gaza war, along with Oron Shaul. The soldiers’ bodies have been held by Hamas ever since. Leah and Simcha, who will be joined by supporters as they embark on their march next Wednesday, August 3, also call for the release of Avera Mengistu, an Israeli civilian whose family says he suffers from mental illness. Mengistu snuck under the security fence into Gaza in 2014, and he has been held there ever since.

The organizers notably left out any reference to Hisham al-Sayed, who entered Gaza under similar circumstances to those of Mengistu. Last month, Hamas released video footage of al-Sayed, claiming his health was deteriorating in an apparent effort to jump-start long-stalled negotiations for a prisoner exchange with Israel.

The march organizers say that next week’s three-day demonstration will be their latest effort to implore the government to act in order to bring home the bodies of the fallen soldiers, along with the two civilians held captive by Hamas.

“For eight straight years, Israeli governments have given up on the fighters Oron and Hadar,” organizers said in a statement. “The current government, like its predecessors, behaves with laziness and moral bankruptcy toward its own people, while every day more and more terrorists are released [from prisons], Gazan workers come in and out [of Israel], and materials needed for the reconstruction of the [Hamas] tunnel network flow like water, while the government does not use any pressure levers or sanctions to harden positions against the arch terrorist [Hamas leader] Yahya Sinwar.”


Clockwise from top left: Oron Shaul, Avera Mengistu, Hadar Goldin and Hisham al-Sayed. (Flash90/Courtesy)

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Miraculous recovery: Shai Ben Shlomo was attacked by axe-wielding terrorist in El'ad

Shai Ben Shlomo, who was hospitalized in critical condition after being attacked by a terrorist in El'ad, who hacked at his head with an axe, was released from hospital on Thursday, having made a complete and miraculous recovery.


Haredi journalist Ariel Elharar posted a picture of Ben Shlomo on his Twitter page, holding his young son in his arms. "Look at the excited face of this sweet little boy," he wrote. "His father was in hospital for three months while his young son prayed that his father would recover and come home after being critically wounded by a terrorist wielding an axe in a horrific attack. Today, this father was discharged from hospital and is back home, completely healthy."


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