Who are the Israelis?

Original Manuscript of Theodor Herzlā€™s Novel Exhibited to the Public for the First Time

ā€œItā€™s like touching the handwriting of one of the writers of the Old Testament, maybe even Moses,ā€ Herzl Center president Uri Zaki told Israelā€™s Channel 13, to explain the value of the manuscript.


i24 News - ā€œEach of its pages is insured for a million dollars and ā€˜Altneulandā€™ has 396 of them,ā€ he said.

Susan Burns, curator at the Zionist Central Archives, who loaned the manuscript to the museum, said Herzl envisioned a future society with light rail as a mode of transportation and electronic newspapers read by an enlightened public.

ā€œAltneulandā€ was published six years after Herzlā€™s political pamphlet ā€œDer Judenstaatā€ (The Jewish State), setting out the authorā€™s vision of the return of the Jewish people to their homeland.

ā€œSome of what he wrote is like a prophecy,ā€ she said.

Dr. Herzl and the building of the Third Temple
Israeli Cultural Revolution - The Imaginative Force

"Those of vast grasping,
their force of imagination is great and very exalted." - Rabbi Kook

At least among us Jews, those who have a grasp of knowledge,
are those of great imagination. And then there's great daring,
in their descriptions, their thoughts.

We can see this among the prophets.
We can also see this among Kabbalists.
The terminology is full of imaginative power.

Which causes superficial people to think all these folks are confused and need psychiatric hospitalization. But they don't need any, they are entirely normal people. With that, they have great imaginative power, breaking many borders.

In the scientific field, until Psychoanalysis none of this was known. The Freudian psychoanalysis revealed great depths within the human subconscious, symbolic thinking.
Also later, Jung has many observations of this kind - the collective unconscious...the ocean of souls.

So, "those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted, and it's connected with visions that are more general in reality. And according to their courage,
and purity of their spirit, the imaginative power enacts itself through them. To draw exalted imaginations, that the light of the high truth reveals by them. In such revelations that no logical mind can reach".

What does Rabbi Kook want from us? That we are not to be scared of meeting people
of such imaginative force, that we don't think it's a shortcoming, moreover - it is an advantage.

Possibly Rabbi Kook wants something else, besides not being scared to meet such people, rather Rabbi Kook tells You: "Maybe You, the reader, You are one of these great people,
that You don't get scared seeing You have imaginative power that is great ,
use it for these sacred purposes.".

Zionist Success 125 Years Later

On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the First Zionist Congress, it is time to take stock of what has unfolded so far. The ongoing Zionist revolution is one of the few from that era that have actually succeeded in effecting change in a radical way all the while constantly evolving to the emerging challenges.

It transformed the Jewish people and saved it from gradual dissolution into a group of Orthodox zealots and a fringe of assimilating Jews. It brought the Jewish people back into history as a nation that could stand on its own two feet and shape its future.


The lay of the land at the outset had many obstacles that were seemingly insurmountable. After all, the vision included the establishment of national sovereignty for the Jews without meeting the pre-requisites: a functioning people, a national living language, and a concentration of Jews in the desired land. On top of that, there was active opposition to this effort by the locals.

A majority of the Jewish people were not an active part of this revolutionary vision. Only a small minority, including among its many supporters, were willing to step up to the plate and take action. The majority of rabbinical leaders opposed it and some of them even rejected the idea of returning to Zion, saying this was akin to blasphemy.

Most of the Jews who did gradually take up this cause were unwilling to have skin in the game. The Zionist accomplishment is unique not because it overcame external opposition from the Palestinians or the world, and not even because it managed to convince a small cadre of determined idealists. Its stellar success is rooted mainly in that it managed to convince Jews that had been attracted to it for non-Zionist reasons to convert their passions into real Zionist fervor that made pre-state Israel a reality that would eventually become a viable and strong national homeland.

An overwhelming majority of the Jews who live in Israel are those who arrived here because of necessity, not because of their Zionism. They could not stay in their home countries, and upon leaving, they could not reach the destinations they had sought. The ultimate test Israel faced ćƒ¼ its Zionist test ćƒ¼was to integrate them despite the many hardships they faced and to convince them and their descendants to stay here by choice and make it their home.

The challenges that lie ahead

By far, the most important accomplishment of the Zionist movement was its success in making Israel the home to the largest amount of Jews (close to a majority of Jews live in Israel) and making it ćƒ¼ almost from scratch ćƒ¼ the place where the continuation of Jewish peoplehood is guaranteed. Thanks to this enterprise, the Jews returned to their historical homeland as a functioning people, their national language was revived and their historic sovereignty was applied.

The bridgehead established by a minority with a radical vision in the Land of Israel became the vibrant center of Jewish life. What began two generations ago as a third-world, poor, and weak country that had only 6% of the Jews, transformed thanks to the dedication and talent of later generations into a regional democratic power with a thriving economy and top-notch accomplishments.


More important than the successes of the past are ensuring gains down the road. It is almost inevitable that Israel will continue to be the focus of Jewish life at the expense of the second most important Jewish concentration ćƒ¼ North America. The widespread assimilation in younger generations, coupled with declining birth rates, compared with almost zero mixed-marriages in Israel and a very high birth rate ensures that Israel will be the epicenter of Jewish life.

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Davkah - Melody of Rabbi HaNazir | Y. Genut

"Rabbi HaNazir", Rabbi David Cohen was one of the special figures of majesty of the previous generation. He lived a life of introspection and strove all his days to achieve Prophecy.

During the summer days of 1926 , Rabbi HaNazir set out with two students/friends on a spiritual journey to Wadi Qylt. The journey got complicated, the friends got lost in the hot Judean desert, and their lives were in danger.

In those moments Rabbi HaNazir composed his own tune, the tune "Davkah", which was sung by him and by his closest students on special occasions. The song was preserved through the son of Rabbi Hanazir, rabbi of Haifa, Rabbi Shaar Yishuv Cohen who memorized and taught the melody from Psalms 63, 42 and 43.

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Temple Mount News - Historic entrance at the Gate of the Tribes
Heads of Yeshivahs congratulate massive movement to the Temple Mount

Jews enter the Temple Mount through the Gate of the tribes, August 28, 2022.
This is the first time, since the IDF Paratroopers entered
the gate to conquer the Temple Mount in 1967.

Rosh Hodesh Elul sunrise prayer,
at the resting place of King David,
before ascending the Temple Mount.

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Israel - India alliance

Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) in collaboration with the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Israel, Federation of Israeli Chamber of Commerce (FICC) and the Israel - Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce is organizing an informative webinar on "opportunities in the Israel Market" to create awareness among the business community in Sri Lanka.

ā€¢ Overview of the market
ā€¢ Macroeconomic data on Israel
ā€¢ The Israeli business cultures
ā€¢ Sectors of collaboration and how to collaborate with Israelis
ā€¢ Public on-line resources for identifying partners in Israel
ā€¢ Ease of doing business in Israel - Opening a Company, Visa Matters, Repatriation of Funds
ā€¢ Updates on market information
ā€¢ Q & A

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The latest business beats from Israel | Road 16

A view of brand new Road 16 and its tunnels which provide direct access
to the southern and central sections of Jerusalem from the west.




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Temple Mount News - Historic entrance at the Gate of the Tribes
Heads of Yeshivahs congratulate massive movement to the Temple Mount

Jews enter the Temple Mount through the Gate of the tribes, August 28, 2022.
This is the first time, since the IDF Paratroopers entered
the gate to conquer the Temple Mount in 1967.

Rosh Hodesh Elul sunrise prayer,
at the resting place of King David,
before ascending the Temple Mount.

IDF soldier stops desecration at the Temple Mount by Arabs

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Podcast Second Episode - conversation with Arel Segal about "the nation of the book"

Arel Segal likes to read almost as much as I do, and I like to write almost as much as he does. We met this week to talk about "the nation of the book" - about writing and love, about the TaNaCh and faith, and about the personalities who inspire us.

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What did the Muslim reporter of Channel 11
look for at the Temple Mount Yeshivah?

Weekly Torah Portion - 'Shoftim' | Daily Halachah - The Only Nation!
Deeper insight into what is happening in the "Arab world"


How Women Changed the Course of Israel's Future Forever

On this episode of Insights: Israel & the Middle East, host Mati Shoshani unpacks the inspiring history of Israeli women who helped build the country and fight for their rights to be involved every step of the way. Hear from Lieutenant-General Orit Adato, who shares her powerful personal story of changing the IDF and National security for all women. Gain insight from Bat Sheva Margalit Stern, Professor of Women Studies and History, as she shares the triumphs and struggles of Israeli women throughout history.

Davkah - Melody of Rabbi HaNazir | Y. Genut

"Rabbi HaNazir", Rabbi David Cohen was one of the special figures of majesty of the previous generation. He lived a life of introspection and strove all his days to achieve Prophecy.

During the summer days of 1926 , Rabbi HaNazir set out with two students/friends on a spiritual journey to Wadi Qylt. The journey got complicated, the friends got lost in the hot Judean desert, and their lives were in danger.

In those moments Rabbi HaNazir composed his own tune, the tune "Davkah", which was sung by him and by his closest students on special occasions. The song was preserved through the son of Rabbi Hanazir, rabbi of Haifa, Rabbi Shaar Yishuv Cohen who memorized and taught the melody from Psalms 63, 42 and 43.

Israeli Cultural Revolution Pesah 5782 -
The Revival of Prophetic Poetry

Rabbi Mosheh Elharar,
chief rabbi of the city of Shlomi.

Yagel Haroush - A Thousand Scarves

Even if You go back to hide behind a thousand scarves
I don't stop knocking, night and night,
At the doors of Your heart

As a bride on the day of her canopy
The hiding of Your countenance
As a bride's veil

And who knows which night
Of the nights of our life
Is our wedding night

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Anand Ranganathan Says Kashmiri Hindus Are Jews But Unfortunately India Isn't Israel | English News

#Agnipath - India going Israel way


Psalm 4: Controlling negative impulses

Israel's first Chief Rabbi on self control.

We are often tempted by destructive or selfish impulses. How can we control and resist these urges?

When King David called upon his opponents to repent, he counseled them:

×Ø֓גְזוּ וְאַל-×ŖֶּחֱטÖøאוּ. א֓מְ×Øוּ ב֓לְבַבְכֶם עַל-מ֓שְׁכַּבְכֶם, וְדֹמּוּ הֶלÖøה. (×Ŗהילים ד:ה)

ā€œTremble and do not sin. Speak in your hearts upon your bed, and be still forever.ā€ (Psalms 4:5)
According to third-century scholar Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish ā€” himself a well-known penitent ā€” this verse outlines a four-step program how to master the temptations of the yeitzerhara, the evil inclination.

  • First, ×Ø֓גְזוּ וְאַל-×ŖֶּחֱטÖøאוּ, you should ā€œtremble and not sin.ā€ Awaken your innate positive nature, your yeitzerhatov. Use your positive traits to counter any bad impulses.
  • If this does not work, then א֓מְ×Øוּ ב֓לְבַבְכֶם ā€” ā€œspeak in your heartsā€ - i.e., engage in Torah study, which should be עַל־לְבÖøבֶֽךÖø (Deut. 6:6).
  • If that is not enough, then say the Shema prayer, which is recited עַל-מ֓שְׁכַּבְכֶם ā€” ā€œupon your bedā€ before going to sleep. As it says, ā€œwhen you lie downā€ (וּבְשÖøׁכְבְּךÖø) (Deut. 6:7).
  • And if that does not vanquish the negative impulse, then וְדֹמּוּ הֶלÖøה ā€” ā€œbe still forever.ā€ Remind yourself of the day of death (Berachot 5a).
These are four tools to overcome negative urges and unhealthy desires. But if the ultimate weapon in battling evil inclinations is to reflect on our mortality and the transient nature of life in this world, then why not use this method right from the start? Why wait before employing our most effective weapon?

1. Awaken Your Good Traits

All of our characteristics, whether positive or negative, are meant to be used for the good. Even bad traits, such as jealousy, competitiveness, and pride, have their place and can be sublimated for positive purposes. If we weaken these negative traits, they will not be available to help us attain our goals. The ideal is that all of our energies be strong and healthy, while our negative traits are firmly under the control of our intellect and positive nature.

It is natural that negative traits are more readily aroused. Therefore, the first step in subduing them is to ā€œawaken the good inclinations.ā€ We must bring our good traits to the fore so that they will be in control and rule over the negative ones.

2. Learn Torah

For those who have a strong sense of right and morality, it is enough to awaken the soulā€™s innate goodness. But those who have not adequately refined their character traits must gain knowledge of the proper path. Therefore, Rabbi Shimonā€™s second advice is ā€œto engage in Torah study.ā€

This does not refer to the study of Torah in general. Rabbi Shimon meant specifically studying those areas of Torah that we are lacking. By absorbing this knowledge, we bolster our higher aspirations and will be prepared to overcome negative urges.

3. Uplift Your Emotions

For some people, however, knowledge alone is insufficient to awaken their inner good. They need to refine and uplift their emotional faculties. To purify their emotions ā€” which have a stronger impact than abstract knowledge ā€” the third technique is to recite the Shema prayer.

The Shema is not simply a matter of intellectual recognition of Godā€™s oneness. Were that the case, it would be sufficient to recite it at infrequent intervals, perhaps once a year (like the mitzvah to remember the evil of Amalek). The fact that we are commanded to recite the Shema twice a day indicates that this recitation relates to our emotional faculties. The Shema is meant to instill in us feelings of love and closeness to God. We recite it every morning and evening, to constantly confirm and renew this truth in our hearts. It is a continual spiritual need, like air to the soul. As we refine our emotions, we strengthen our positive character and our control over negative impulses.

Read more -


Israeli Matriculation Curricula Win the Day in Jerusalem


This is the story of an all too rare, but oh-so-important, triumph of the Israeli educational curricula in Jerusalem that may defray a tide of Arab hatred.

Eastern Jerusalem has 98,428 students, of whom 45,500 attend some 146 schools that utilize the Palestinian Authorityā€™s learning material, known as Al-Tawjeehiis ā€“ the General Secondary Education Certificate Examination in Jordan and the PA. To sit for the exam, students are required to finish 2 years of pre-school education, 10 years of basic education, and 2 years of secondary academic or vocational education. Exam subjects include Arabic, English, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Civil Studies, and Islamic studies (unless the student is Christian). Those who pass with a good mark may apply to universities in Jordan or the PA.

There are also 52,928 students in private schools in eastern Jerusalem that have chosen to teach the curricula created by the Israeli Education Ministry, and take the state-wide Bagrut exams (matriculation).

Some of the students and teachers come to these schools from the neighborhoods around Jerusalem: 1,366 students and 888 teachers enter Jerusalem through security checkpoints.

For the past six months, the Education Department of the Jerusalem Municipality has been working together with the Education Ministry to transfer the education system in eastern Jerusalem from Palestinian to Israeli curricula.

This school year, five schools in eastern Jerusalem have joined the Municipal Education Department and the Israeli Education Ministry and will be teaching Israeli Bagrut- instead of Tawjihi-oriented material.

Read more -
The eyes of Israel are towards the Temple Mount
R. Shmuel Morano | The Todah offering - Temple Mount lessons for women

Recently heard in an interview about US education...

the young woman said something like - "in Israel, it's really like,
good morning, breakfast, and what do You think about the Temple Mount?

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Jerusalem in the summer of Israel. Walking in the best areas of the city. From the big market to the Old City. A lot of people are outside. Summer, Workday, 1PM, 32Ā°C / 89.6Ā°F


Are Israelis White? | Zionism Revisited | Unpacked

Throughout history, people have traveled from across the world to make Israel their home. This has created a fundamental Israeli value to encourage and support immigrant absorption. Immigration to Israel is not without its challenges. While there may be many differences in ideologies, religious and political beliefs, and languages spoken, this vastly multicultural society is what makes Israel the richly diverse mosaic that it is today.


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