Who are the Israelis?

Sources in Shchem - tonight Israel eliminated a leader of the "Rats Nest"


According to Palestinian sources in Shchem, the special operation that led to the elimination tonight of the "Rats Nest" senior officer was carried out a by the Israeli security forces who attached explosive devices to the motorcycle that exploded last night and led to the death
of Khilani.


Flocking to guns | PM Lapid urges 30,000 volunteers for Civil Guard
Half a year since the start of the wave of murderous Islamist attacks against Jewish and Arab communities, a 100% jump in the number of requests for a gun license


Prime Minister Yair Lapid opened the conference and said that "the first duty of the state is to protect its citizens, their homes, their property, their fields, this is the only issue on which there can be no compromises. If the State of Israel wants to be a state of law, it needs tools to enforce the law."

"For years, the law enforcement system has been neglected, starved, not given the tools it needs to make Israel a country that is safe for its citizens," said Prime Minister Lapid. Our priority is national."

"Cars cannot continue to run amok on the roads of the south, young women cannot be murdered by relatives, farmers cannot tolerate destruction and theft in their fields, businesses cannot tolerate gangs that specialize in protection, tenders cannot be sold under the table, children cannot be stabbed when they go out to spend the night" .

"What we need is 5,000 more police officers, 26 more Border Police units in reserve, 30,000 more volunteers in the Israeli Civil Guard that will be based on the operating principles of the "New Shomer". We need to expand urban policing - out of 257 municipalities in Israel, there are urban policing units in only 75 communities. We need to expand urban policing to every community in Israel and especially in Arab society."


Lapid with Muhabau Mangistou and Sharif Hasson, who prevented the terror attack in Jaffa.

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The Spanish Civil Guard began receiving Israeli Ramon pistols

The Spanish Civil Guard (Guarda Civil) begins receiving the new Ramon pistols recently purchased from the Israeli company "Amatan".

The Spanish website Defensa.com says that the reception of Harmon pistols will begin as soon as the quantity of 9,000 pistols purchased for the Civil Guard is available, although there is a possibility that the number of pistols will increase if additional purchases are made.

As a reminder, in August 2021 we reported that the Israeli company Emathan won a contract to supply 6,000 9x19 mm Ramon pistols of its production to the Spanish Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) with a total value of approximately 2.5 million euros.

Now it turns out, according to the report on the Spanish website, that it is a larger quantity of 9,000 guns.

Arabs hurl firebombs at Jewish vehicle - local residents chase the terrorists

Around 20 residents of Yitzhar rush to respond to firebombing of Israeli vehicle. 'We do not intend to sit with our hands folded and wait for the next person to be murdered.'


Arab terrorists from the Arab village of Burin at around midnight Tuesday night hurled firebombs at Jewish vehicles traveling on the nearby Gilad Road.

In response, around 20 residents of the town of Yitzhar arrived and began chasing the terrorists, who fled into the nearby village while ensuring that no terrorists remained at the scene.

"We arrived at the scene of the terror attack and we were surprised to see just one IDF jeep," Refael Libor, a resident of Yitzhar, recalled. "Despite the fact that the escape route was known ahead of time and in the nearby cement factory - through which the terrorists escaped - there are security cameras, no one from the defense system even thought to take them."

Libor concluded, "We do not intend to sit with our hands folded and wait for the next person to be murdered. In every terror attack and attempted murder that occurs, there will be dozens of residents who will rush to the scene and deal determinedly and with strength with the terror which is raising its head."

Against the terror attacks in Judea and Samaria: women and children block entrance to Hawarah






Bride: 'Immigrating to Israel led me to my partner for life'

First lone soldier wedding hosted at Nefesh B’Nefesh Aliyah Campus in Jerusalem.

A special wedding took place Wednesday evening at the Nefesh B’Nefesh Aliyah Campus in Jerusalem, attended by 200 guests from Israel, the United Kingdom, and the United States: Yoel Epstein and Alaina Bon made aliyah (immigrated to Israel) separately from different countries, but both for the same purpose of contributing to the Jewish state. The couple met in Israel and were the first olim (new immigrants) to get married on the rooftop of the Aliyah Campus.

Alaina made aliyah in 2017 from Staten Island, New York, and fulfilled her military service as a combat soldier in the Search and Rescue Brigade. Yoel is the son of Rabbi Daniel Epstein, Rabbi of the Western Marble Arch Synagogue, one of the largest and most prominent communities in the United Kingdom. Yoel returned to Israel in 2018 after living in London with his family for four years and drafted into the IDF, serving as a combat soldier in the Egoz 89th Brigade.

Alaina and Yoel enlisted in the IDF as part of the FIDF-Nefesh B’Nefesh Lone Soldiers Program (LSP). With the full support of the IDF, and in cooperation with the Friends of the IDF (FIDF), LSP was established to assist and support the brave young individuals who serve in the IDF, regardless of their country of origin. Today, there are approximately 3,500 active lone soldier olim, serving in a range of positions in the army. LSP offers guidance, support, and care for all lone soldier olim, prior to aliyah, throughout their military service, and after release from the IDF. LSP provides financial aid, emotional support, care packages, and adoptive families to its soldiers, as well.

The couple met at HaBayit Shel Benji, a foundation established in memory of Benji Hillman, a lone soldier who was killed during an operational activity while in reserve service and which aids and support combat soldiers throughout their army service. Last January, Yoel proposed to Alaina, and on Wednesday evening they held their wedding at the Nefesh B’Nefesh Campus in Jerusalem.


"This is an inspiring story of a couple who came from two different continents and, thanks to their deep passion for Zionism and their desire to contribute to the Jewish State, found each other here in Israel," said Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Nefesh B’Nefesh. "We are thrilled to celebrate aliyah and our olim through the wedding of Yoel and Alaina, as they begin to plant roots together and establish their own Jewish home in Israel."

"I am so happy about my decision to make aliyah, because it was that decision that led me to my partner for life," said bride Alaina Bon-Epstein. "I am grateful for Nefesh B’Nefesh and every individual who was part of the process of our aliyah and army service."

Yoel, the groom added, "There are many more stories like ours, and I wish for us and all of them a lifetime of joyous moments, good health, and continued Zionism."


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