Who are the Israelis?

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Temple Mount Updates| Israelis Come to See Red Heifer and Discuss the Temple

From cheering on the Georgia Bulldogs to serving as a lieutenant in the Israeli military,
Judi Seidner's journey is an exceptional one.

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5 Things You Got Wrong About Israelis

In a country with a richly diverse population including Jews from all over the world, Arabs, Christians, Baha’is, and Druze, among others, Israel may be guilty of more than a few cliches... but maybe not the ones most would assume.

Is there a proper way to derail a repetitive thread that never really amounts to more than its own OP?

I guess we’ll never know.

I’ll check back in another 7000 or so posts. Chances are nothing will have changed.

Until then, I’ll leave the actual answer to this pressing thread headline question (again).

It turns out that the Israelis are the people who live in and are citizens of the nation known as “Israel.”
Oh an ad hominem, that's new.

Let me help you further, because the thing that makes Zionism most infuriating is its paternalism. Which logically, in your case as an example, means that any irrational
hate, has the very potential to love within it that inevitably finds its way.

So the more you pose as an anti-Zionist,
the more relation you show to Zionism.

Happy to help.
Allow me to clarify, the country itself is not racist, just the Israeli right. The Likud Party is a bunch of fascist, authoritarian terrorists. The Israeli left are beautiful people to whom I support 100%.
Allow me to clarify, the country itself is not racist, just the Israeli right. The Likud Party is a bunch of fascist, authoritarian terrorists. The Israeli left are beautiful people to whom I support 100%.

Clarify what, that the slurs you use to frame the entire country,
are only meant for the majority of its citizens?

So, general character judgement of people,
based on a bias towards your political ideology...
Not an actual argument or original thought to share.

It's really quite amazing, the general attention drawn to Israel.
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Clarify what, that the slurs you use to frame the entire country,
are only meant for the majority of its citizens?

So, general character judgement of people,
based on a bias towards your political ideology...
Not an actual argument or original thought to share.

It's really quite amazing, the amount of attention drawn to Israel.
Just the Israeli right!
Just the Israeli right!

Do you want to have an actual discussion, argument,
or defend your general hostility towards Israel?

Let me suggest a challenge, try first point,
to what you agree with the Israeli right,
then we can maybe find some that
we also both disagree with.
Do you want to have an actual discussion, argument,
or defend your general hostility towards Israel?

Let me suggest a challenge, try first point,
to what you agree with the Israeli right,
then we can maybe find some that
we also both disagree with.
I don't agree with the Israeli right at all. The groups I align my allegiance with are Jewish Voices for Peace and Rabbi's for Human Rights. Those two Israeli groups have my 100% support. The Likud Party, on the other hand, can GO TO HELL!
I don't agree with the Israeli right at all. The groups I align my allegiance with are Jewish Voices for Peace and Rabbi's for Human Rights. Those two Israeli groups have my 100% support. The Likud Party, on the other hand, can GO TO HELL!
RFHR don't represent Israelis much, their funding is all abroad, JVFP isn't an Israeli organization,
there was not even enough for a minyan among its founders.

So your "allegiance" with them to call the rest "fascist",
is judgement of character from a position you can't
rationally defend.

Why do you think is that?
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Rosh Hodesh Av | Regavim In The Valley

After the massacre at Ma'ale 'Akravim, in 1954 a gloomy atmosphere prevailed in Israel. Mosheh Sharet met Ya'acov Orland and Mordechai Z'aira at one of the Purim parties and asked them to compose a song that would alleviate the feeling of public mourning. He "imprisoned" the two in the club's kitchen until they finished composing the song, and when they came out an hour later, they had the 'happy song' in their hands.

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