Who are the Israelis?

As we have seen, there has never been a sovereign Palestinian state historically; the concept of a distinct Palestinian nation is a modern invention. The population predominantly comprised Arabs who migrated to the region and later embraced the Palestinian identity. While there are discussions about external influences, such as the KGB and Egypt in the 1960s, in shaping this identity, these factors do not undermine the legitimacy or claims of the Palestinian people. Our history in the land may be comparatively short, ranging from 300 to 1,300 years, but we have become an integral part of it. However, our claim must not be achieved by the spilling of Jewish blood, or at the expense of the indigenous population, the Jews, who are the true historical inheritors of the land.

It is imperative that we, as Palestinians, renounce and abandon our ways of evil and terror. We must strive for coexistence and peace. The path we choose now is crucial: we can either seek prosperity and peace alongside Israel or face our downfall through continued conflict and terror. The decision to reject hatred, to put an end to the bloodshed and terrorism, lies in our hands. This choice is not just about survival; it’s about choosing a future where we can thrive together in harmony. We must do this, or perish.


‎"There is a murderous terrorist organization that doesn't differentiate between Jews and Arabs" - Ahmad Abu Latif

Sergeant Major Ahmad Abu Latif (26), who fell in the disaster yesterday, wrote about his service in the army in a post that went viral on Facebook.

Abu Latif is a resident of Rahat and father of Mansoura, a one-year-old baby. For two years now, Ben-Gurion University's security department: "And I'm proud to be an Israeli Bedouin! As far as I'm concerned, the people I live with and work with are my brothers and sisters, and we all live together and respect each other in our own country.

I am proud to be a Bedouin who served in the IDF as a soldier in the Bedouin Battalion Brigade. I was privileged to protect and maintain a meaningful service that I will not forget for the rest of my life. During my service, I discovered my strengths and abilities to cope with challenges and met the amazing people who became lifelong friends." ‎

‎"Today Gaza is completely different," he said two months ago.

"There is a murderous terrorist organization there that does not differentiate between Jews and Arabs. My community contributed greatly to the state, to the soldiers, to Kibbutz Be'eri and Nahal Oz and others. We eat at their place and they are at our place. We proved to the state who we are and what we are worth. Bedouins were killed. Permanent and regular personnel gave everything to the state.

Today I am pained by what is happening in Israel. After October 7, Bedouin and Jews together. It is important to show that we are part of Israeli society. I will give my all as part of the system, even though I am pained by the Nation-State Law. There are many Bedouin who are pained by discrimination between Jews and Arabs. But we feel an inseparable part of Israeli society." ‎

‎He added: "We all share the same destiny and we must be together and united. Unfortunately, there are people who do not believe in cooperation between the sectors, try to intimidate, provoke and destroy relations, destroy trust. Don't believe them and don't let it happen."‎

Israeli Cultural Revolution - Passion For The Temple | The Imaginative Force | Prophetic Cinema

"Those of vast grasping,
their force of imagination is great and very exalted." - Rabbi Kook

At least among us Jews, those who have a grasp of knowledge,
are those of great imagination. And then there's great daring,
in their descriptions, their thoughts.

We can see this among the prophets.
We can also see this among Kabbalists.
The terminology is full of imaginative power.

Which causes superficial people to think all these folks are confused and need psychiatric hospitalization. But they don't need any, they are entirely normal people. With that, they have great imaginative power, breaking many borders.

In the scientific field, until Psychoanalysis none of this was known. The Freudian psychoanalysis revealed great depths within the human subconscious, symbolic thinking.
Also later, Jung has many observations of this kind - the collective unconscious...the ocean of souls.

So, "those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted, and it's connected with visions that are more general in reality. And according to their courage,
and purity of their spirit, the imaginative power enacts itself through them. To draw exalted imaginations, that the light of the high truth reveals by them. In such revelations that no logical mind can reach".

What does Rabbi Kook want from us? That we are not to be scared of meeting people
of such imaginative force, that we don't think it's a shortcoming, moreover - it is an advantage.

Possibly Rabbi Kook wants something else, besides not being scared to meet such people, rather Rabbi Kook tells You: "Maybe You, the reader, You are one of these great people,
that You don't get scared seeing You have imaginative power that is great ,
use it for these sacred purposes.".

Historic Proposition - Rabbi Ouri Cherki in an Open Letter to the Muslim scholars worldwide

Rabbi Oury 'Amos Cherki, the father of the reporter Yair Cherkii and chairman of the organization Brit Olam - the World Noahide Center, today (Monday) published a special letter to thousands of Muslim leaders around the world under the title "The Bridge of Faith: What does Judaism think about Islam?".


The rabbi opened his words by describing the events of Black Sabbath and noted that the relationship between the two religions must be thought about in order to promote mutual understanding and even create peace between the two religions:

"On the seventh of October 2023, Hamas attacked the citizens of the State of Israel. Over 1,400 children, women and the elderly, Jews and members of all religions, were brutally murdered, hundreds were kidnapped, some were murdered in captivity. This attack was carried out by a Muslim organization and in the name of Islam."

He further added: 'This fact requires deep thinking about the relationship between Judaism and Islam, in the present, and especially in the future. I am writing these lines to the scholars of Islam in the hope that this will contribute to mutual understanding, and perhaps peace will be promoted between the children of Abraham - the children of Israel and the children of Ishmael."

Among other things, Rabbi Cherki states in the Halachic letter, that in the future 'it will be possible to discuss joint action between Islam and Judaism as religions that believe in one God', that Jews are allowed to enter mosques peacefully, and that Judaism does not seek to convert Muslims to Judaism, neither to kill them nor to enslave them. According to the rabbi, the establishment of the bridge between the believers of the one God in the two religions of Abraham's children, is conditional on the acceptance of Judaism as a legitimate religion and the recognition of the right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, which also appears in the Koran.


In the detailed letter, the rabbi reviews the attitude of Judaism to Islam as expressed in the scriptures, since the appearance of Islam. "For Judaism, the appearance of a new religion in the world, which recognizes the uniqueness of God and the commandments of the sons of Noah, was at the time a great news, and there were signs of closeness between the religions at the beginning of Islam, despite the difficult and violent conflicts of those days."

The rabbi clarifies in the letter that: "Islam, on the other hand, strives to rule Islam over the whole world. The use of violence as a way to promote the faith is completely wrong from the point of view of Judaism. But from the point of view of Judaism, the original intention of Islam may express the initial stage of Abraham's activity, which he attached to it Thousands and thousands of believers in the One God and the moral commandments, even before we were commanded to establish a nation."

The rabbi further clarified that "in order for Islam to be accepted as a legitimate religion for nations from the point of view of Judaism, three agreements are required:
  1. the recognition of Islam as a religion parallel to Judaism, and not as a religion that replaces it.
  2. The recognition of the Torah as the word of God that carries the good message to all the nations of the world.
  3. The recognition of the divine destiny of the people of Israel to return to their historical land and to govern it, as is also explained in the Koran".

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Israel and India have formed one of the greatest bilateral partnerships in the Middle East.

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The Nazi Israelis are the world's evil , and remind us of Germany and their brand of evil Fascism
End of

Fancy the Chosen Ones being those that are now despised and detested .

Will be interested to see their God try to wriggle out of that .
PM Netanyahu to world leaders: 'If we don't win - you are next in line'

PM Netanyahu on the background of the reports of talks on the deal for the release of the kidnapped: 'Whoever attacked us will bring unprecedented destruction upon themselves, in the current test we will stand together and win'

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‎"There is a murderous terrorist organization that doesn't differentiate between Jews and Arabs" - Ahmad Abu Latif

Sergeant Major Ahmad Abu Latif (26), who fell in the disaster yesterday, wrote about his service in the army in a post that went viral on Facebook.

Abu Latif is a resident of Rahat and father of Mansoura, a one-year-old baby. For two years now, Ben-Gurion University's security department: "And I'm proud to be an Israeli Bedouin! As far as I'm concerned, the people I live with and work with are my brothers and sisters, and we all live together and respect each other in our own country.

I am proud to be a Bedouin who served in the IDF as a soldier in the Bedouin Battalion Brigade. I was privileged to protect and maintain a meaningful service that I will not forget for the rest of my life. During my service, I discovered my strengths and abilities to cope with challenges and met the amazing people who became lifelong friends." ‎

‎"Today Gaza is completely different," he said two months ago.

"There is a murderous terrorist organization there that does not differentiate between Jews and Arabs. My community contributed greatly to the state, to the soldiers, to Kibbutz Be'eri and Nahal Oz and others. We eat at their place and they are at our place. We proved to the state who we are and what we are worth. Bedouins were killed. Permanent and regular personnel gave everything to the state.

Today I am pained by what is happening in Israel. After October 7, Bedouin and Jews together. It is important to show that we are part of Israeli society. I will give my all as part of the system, even though I am pained by the Nation-State Law. There are many Bedouin who are pained by discrimination between Jews and Arabs. But we feel an inseparable part of Israeli society." ‎

‎He added: "We all share the same destiny and we must be together and united. Unfortunately, there are people who do not believe in cooperation between the sectors, try to intimidate, provoke and destroy relations, destroy trust. Don't believe them and don't let it happen."‎

A Muslim gives her view on her visit to Israel


3% Increase in Population?! | My Israel Narrative

Nissim Black - It's in the Book.

"Everything's gonna be okay. And then she said a song came on by the singer, Levi Robin, that said "don't be afraid of the lion's den...and he's actually talking about not being afraid to be in Israel." @nissimblackofficial

I’ve never spoken with someone with so much commitment and faith. Whether or not you are thinking about moving to Israel, this is a story you have to hear.

Hannucah Conference Summary | Nahalah

Families sign to return the Jewish community in Gaza,
and establish hundreds of new ones in the south.

RETURNING HOME - The right-wing organizations say that in the event of a ceasefire, they will march to the north of the Gaza Strip

Sovereignty Conference | Minister Gila Gamliel


The Truth About Jewish-Muslim History

It is often said today that Muslim-Jewish relations were always good before Zionism and the State of Israel, and that Jews and Muslims historically lived in peace. Is this notion true?

Find out in this class, as we dive into an eye-opening letter written by the great philosopher Maimonides to the Jews of Yemen in the 12th century, uncover what Islam really preaches about Jews, and conclude with an incredible prophecy from the Zohar that has come true right before our eyes in recent years.

Temple Mount Update | What We Are Fighting For - More than 9,000 Jews ascend the Temple Mount during the war, despite pouring rain




Navah Dromi on the Temple Mount and the test of the war

Temple Mount Update | Children prostrating, and Bar Mitzvah at the Temple Mount



Australia flag & Israel flag in the garbage bin outside Victoria Parliament. They hate Australia almost as much as they hate Israel & Jews.


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