Who are the Israelis?

The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.
It is an in interesting diversion.

It is like those who blame Jews around the world for Israelā€™s actions. They blame Palestinians for what Arab countries did to their Jews. So they insist that we should fight for compensation for all refugees, which is right and just. But I never hear them actually stand up for the Palestinians.
And besides, I don't see a Jewish BDS demanding the right to return.
A few days ago, a video emerged of Jeremy Corbyn seemingly offering his sympathies to Hamas suicide bombers during a debate at the Cambridge Union. In the same debate, another moment was captured that perfectly showed the myopic, hatred of Israel by the man who would be PM

In the video, he talks about the ā€˜Wall.ā€™ He is clearly referring to the Security barrier erected by Israel during the Second Intifada to stop the wave of suicide bombings that claimed many Israeli lives.

Before the completion of the security barrier, Palestinian suicide bombers claimed the lives of 452 Israelis, mostly civilian. After the barrier was completed that figure dropped to 9!

Also in the video, Corbyn asks ā€˜think what is like to be a Palestinian farmer on the West Bank.ā€ He never once asked ā€œthink what it is like to be an Israeliā€ To him it is all about the Palestinians. 452 innocent civilians died before the barrier was completed but to him, their lives donā€™t count. Not once did Corbyn address the need for such a barrier, the 73 suicide attacks carried out between 2000 and 2003 nor the lives it has undoubtedly saved.

He finishes by saying ā€œthe crassness, the brutality, the insensitivity of this wall, really is the man feature of what this occupation is all about.ā€ And he says that we do not possess irony!

The ā€˜crassness,ā€™ the ā€˜brutality,ā€™ the ā€˜insensitivityā€™ is that of innocent Israelis maimed, injured and murdered by Palestinian suicide bombers. It is the families mourning loved ones. It is children without parents and parents without children.

However, he is right on one point; he is correct in saying that this security barrier is a main feature of what the ā€˜occupationā€™ is all aboutā€

It is about Israel protecting their civilian population from murder and harm by those intent on destroying them and the Jewish state and it is about people like Corbyn ā€“ the leader of the UKā€™s main opposition party with aspirations to lead our country ā€“ totally disregarding the lives of Israelis and their right to live in peace!

It is about people like Corbyn attempting to score political points by creating a one-sided narrative of events in the Middle East. It is about his one-sided, racist portrayal of ā€˜Israel bad, Palestine goodā€™ It is about Corbyn and his ilkā€™s seemingly never-ending obsession with the worlds one and only Jewish state and the tiny slither of land we call home.

Sussex friends of Israel.
Before the completion of the security barrier, Palestinian suicide bombers claimed the lives of 452 Israelis, mostly civilian. After the barrier was completed that figure dropped to 9!
It is never mentioned that the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing, as a policy, in 2005.
The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.
It is an in interesting diversion.

It is like those who blame Jews around the world for Israelā€™s actions. They blame Palestinians for what Arab countries did to their Jews. So they insist that we should fight for compensation for all refugees, which is right and just. But I never hear them actually stand up for the Palestinians.
And besides, I don't see a Jewish BDS demanding the right to return.
Return to land which does not belong to us, where we are not indigenous from.....ANYMORE THAN the Arabs are themselves?

You truly do not care that all the indigenous people from the Middle East and North Africa, except for Iran, have been invaded and colonized by the invading Arab Muslims.

Just like the European invasion and colonization of the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, etc.......those lands now belong to the conquerors.

Let us put in the place of the Arabs and Europeans.......the Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians, the Crusaders, the Turks....

You do not care that they are invaders....ONLY...that the Jews should not have sovereignty over ANY gram of their ancient homeland.
A few days ago, a video emerged of Jeremy Corbyn seemingly offering his sympathies to Hamas suicide bombers during a debate at the Cambridge Union. In the same debate, another moment was captured that perfectly showed the myopic, hatred of Israel by the man who would be PM

In the video, he talks about the ā€˜Wall.ā€™ He is clearly referring to the Security barrier erected by Israel during the Second Intifada to stop the wave of suicide bombings that claimed many Israeli lives.

Before the completion of the security barrier, Palestinian suicide bombers claimed the lives of 452 Israelis, mostly civilian. After the barrier was completed that figure dropped to 9!

Also in the video, Corbyn asks ā€˜think what is like to be a Palestinian farmer on the West Bank.ā€ He never once asked ā€œthink what it is like to be an Israeliā€ To him it is all about the Palestinians. 452 innocent civilians died before the barrier was completed but to him, their lives donā€™t count. Not once did Corbyn address the need for such a barrier, the 73 suicide attacks carried out between 2000 and 2003 nor the lives it has undoubtedly saved.

He finishes by saying ā€œthe crassness, the brutality, the insensitivity of this wall, really is the man feature of what this occupation is all about.ā€ And he says that we do not possess irony!

The ā€˜crassness,ā€™ the ā€˜brutality,ā€™ the ā€˜insensitivityā€™ is that of innocent Israelis maimed, injured and murdered by Palestinian suicide bombers. It is the families mourning loved ones. It is children without parents and parents without children.

However, he is right on one point; he is correct in saying that this security barrier is a main feature of what the ā€˜occupationā€™ is all aboutā€

It is about Israel protecting their civilian population from murder and harm by those intent on destroying them and the Jewish state and it is about people like Corbyn ā€“ the leader of the UKā€™s main opposition party with aspirations to lead our country ā€“ totally disregarding the lives of Israelis and their right to live in peace!

It is about people like Corbyn attempting to score political points by creating a one-sided narrative of events in the Middle East. It is about his one-sided, racist portrayal of ā€˜Israel bad, Palestine goodā€™ It is about Corbyn and his ilkā€™s seemingly never-ending obsession with the worlds one and only Jewish state and the tiny slither of land we call home.

Sussex friends of Israel.
Before the completion of the security barrier, Palestinian suicide bombers claimed the lives of 452 Israelis, mostly civilian. After the barrier was completed that figure dropped to 9!
It is never mentioned that the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing, as a policy, in 2005.
Yes, how nice of them.

And from that they went to knife stabbing, screw driver stabbing, car ramming, rocks, molotov, explosives, firebomb balloons, incendiary balloons, sniper shooting, etc, etc, etc


Hamas is ALL about peace. Their way.

They got Israel to leave Gaza, what will they accomplish next with their peaceful ways?

The Temple Mount?
A few days ago, a video emerged of Jeremy Corbyn seemingly offering his sympathies to Hamas suicide bombers during a debate at the Cambridge Union. In the same debate, another moment was captured that perfectly showed the myopic, hatred of Israel by the man who would be PM

In the video, he talks about the ā€˜Wall.ā€™ He is clearly referring to the Security barrier erected by Israel during the Second Intifada to stop the wave of suicide bombings that claimed many Israeli lives.

Before the completion of the security barrier, Palestinian suicide bombers claimed the lives of 452 Israelis, mostly civilian. After the barrier was completed that figure dropped to 9!

Also in the video, Corbyn asks ā€˜think what is like to be a Palestinian farmer on the West Bank.ā€ He never once asked ā€œthink what it is like to be an Israeliā€ To him it is all about the Palestinians. 452 innocent civilians died before the barrier was completed but to him, their lives donā€™t count. Not once did Corbyn address the need for such a barrier, the 73 suicide attacks carried out between 2000 and 2003 nor the lives it has undoubtedly saved.

He finishes by saying ā€œthe crassness, the brutality, the insensitivity of this wall, really is the man feature of what this occupation is all about.ā€ And he says that we do not possess irony!

The ā€˜crassness,ā€™ the ā€˜brutality,ā€™ the ā€˜insensitivityā€™ is that of innocent Israelis maimed, injured and murdered by Palestinian suicide bombers. It is the families mourning loved ones. It is children without parents and parents without children.

However, he is right on one point; he is correct in saying that this security barrier is a main feature of what the ā€˜occupationā€™ is all aboutā€

It is about Israel protecting their civilian population from murder and harm by those intent on destroying them and the Jewish state and it is about people like Corbyn ā€“ the leader of the UKā€™s main opposition party with aspirations to lead our country ā€“ totally disregarding the lives of Israelis and their right to live in peace!

It is about people like Corbyn attempting to score political points by creating a one-sided narrative of events in the Middle East. It is about his one-sided, racist portrayal of ā€˜Israel bad, Palestine goodā€™ It is about Corbyn and his ilkā€™s seemingly never-ending obsession with the worlds one and only Jewish state and the tiny slither of land we call home.

Sussex friends of Israel.
Before the completion of the security barrier, Palestinian suicide bombers claimed the lives of 452 Israelis, mostly civilian. After the barrier was completed that figure dropped to 9!
It is never mentioned that the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing, as a policy, in 2005.

Is that one of your logical disconnects?
A few days ago, a video emerged of Jeremy Corbyn seemingly offering his sympathies to Hamas suicide bombers during a debate at the Cambridge Union. In the same debate, another moment was captured that perfectly showed the myopic, hatred of Israel by the man who would be PM

In the video, he talks about the ā€˜Wall.ā€™ He is clearly referring to the Security barrier erected by Israel during the Second Intifada to stop the wave of suicide bombings that claimed many Israeli lives.

Before the completion of the security barrier, Palestinian suicide bombers claimed the lives of 452 Israelis, mostly civilian. After the barrier was completed that figure dropped to 9!

Also in the video, Corbyn asks ā€˜think what is like to be a Palestinian farmer on the West Bank.ā€ He never once asked ā€œthink what it is like to be an Israeliā€ To him it is all about the Palestinians. 452 innocent civilians died before the barrier was completed but to him, their lives donā€™t count. Not once did Corbyn address the need for such a barrier, the 73 suicide attacks carried out between 2000 and 2003 nor the lives it has undoubtedly saved.

He finishes by saying ā€œthe crassness, the brutality, the insensitivity of this wall, really is the man feature of what this occupation is all about.ā€ And he says that we do not possess irony!

The ā€˜crassness,ā€™ the ā€˜brutality,ā€™ the ā€˜insensitivityā€™ is that of innocent Israelis maimed, injured and murdered by Palestinian suicide bombers. It is the families mourning loved ones. It is children without parents and parents without children.

However, he is right on one point; he is correct in saying that this security barrier is a main feature of what the ā€˜occupationā€™ is all aboutā€

It is about Israel protecting their civilian population from murder and harm by those intent on destroying them and the Jewish state and it is about people like Corbyn ā€“ the leader of the UKā€™s main opposition party with aspirations to lead our country ā€“ totally disregarding the lives of Israelis and their right to live in peace!

It is about people like Corbyn attempting to score political points by creating a one-sided narrative of events in the Middle East. It is about his one-sided, racist portrayal of ā€˜Israel bad, Palestine goodā€™ It is about Corbyn and his ilkā€™s seemingly never-ending obsession with the worlds one and only Jewish state and the tiny slither of land we call home.

Sussex friends of Israel.
Before the completion of the security barrier, Palestinian suicide bombers claimed the lives of 452 Israelis, mostly civilian. After the barrier was completed that figure dropped to 9!
It is never mentioned that the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing, as a policy, in 2005.

Compulsive lying is a pathological disease. Do You simply lie about everything?

Just a couple months ago I've posted a fresh video where Your Jihadi-brides failed exactly at that. He started whining on the floor the minute he realized he was shot and wouldn't murder a single Israeli, but still was too coward to rid the world of his stink.

Even flies don't stick to **** like You whore Your mouth for that Jihadi filth.
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Oh, look, you seem to live in a bubble. Check past 2005.

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia
2001 85 476 561 40
2002 238 114 352 47
2003 145 83 228 23
2004 98 33 131 17
2005 33 60 93 9
2006 15 99 114 3
2007 3 n/a n/a 1
2008 1 22 23 1
2015 0 1 1 1
2016 0 20 20 1
So, what were the reductions in Israeli attacks over the same period?

So why did You lie when it was so obvious?
Answer that and the rest becomes easy.
Oh, look, you seem to live in a bubble. Check past 2005.

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia
2001 85 476 561 40
2002 238 114 352 47
2003 145 83 228 23
2004 98 33 131 17
2005 33 60 93 9
2006 15 99 114 3
2007 3 n/a n/a 1
2008 1 22 23 1
2015 0 1 1 1
2016 0 20 20 1
So, what were the reductions in Israeli attacks over the same period?

You mean self defence?

That's why You whine when Jews resist Your genocidal Jihadi aspirations?
Or because it was humiliating to be defeated by such a tiny nation?

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Oh, look, you seem to live in a bubble. Check past 2005.

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia
2001 85 476 561 40
2002 238 114 352 47
2003 145 83 228 23
2004 98 33 131 17
2005 33 60 93 9
2006 15 99 114 3
2007 3 n/a n/a 1
2008 1 22 23 1
2015 0 1 1 1
2016 0 20 20 1
So, what were the reductions in Israeli attacks over the same period?

You mean self defence?

Not interested.
Oh, look, you seem to live in a bubble. Check past 2005.

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia
2001 85 476 561 40
2002 238 114 352 47
2003 145 83 228 23
2004 98 33 131 17
2005 33 60 93 9
2006 15 99 114 3
2007 3 n/a n/a 1
2008 1 22 23 1
2015 0 1 1 1
2016 0 20 20 1
So, what were the reductions in Israeli attacks over the same period?

You mean self defence?

Resist This - Menahem Begin harsh response to demands for an Arab state
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Rabbi Grossman - In Their Merit

"Ahavas Yisroel" is love of Israel

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The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.
It is an in interesting diversion.

It is like those who blame Jews around the world for Israelā€™s actions. They blame Palestinians for what Arab countries did to their Jews. So they insist that we should fight for compensation for all refugees, which is right and just. But I never hear them actually stand up for the Palestinians.

I see You like making broad generalizations to erase any real proportions of the problem, in effect You'll always find a way to equate between a mouse and an elephant.

Here're some facts for You -
Jews didn't expel Arabs from entire the middle east - it were the Arabs
Jews didn't gain 99.9% of the land and property - it were the Arabs
Jews didn't call to exterminate Arabs on several continents - it were the Arabs
Jews were not represented collectively by 22 countries, it were the Arabs
Jews didn't demand the holiest city to the Arabs, it were Arabs who banned Jews from their holy sites
Jew didn't force Arabs to pay a skull tax and 2 additional taxes for simply being not Jews - it were the Arabs
Jews didn't collectively incite for pogroms around the Arab world - it were the Arabs .
Jews didn't dominate the middle east and spread their religion by sword, it were the Arabs
Jews never claimed any land that was outside of their indigenous homeland - it were the Arab invaders
Jews didn't participate in genocide of half Arab population in the world - it were the Arabs

A minority group was fighting for survival and independence, the majority for complete domination of the entire continent. The majority completely denied all rights to another, while the minority accepted their enemies in their society and provides them with the highest quality of life than in any Arab country. The minority that lost everything proposes compensation, the majority that gained everything keeps demanding to be paid protection at constant threat of violence.

And here's the main one - Israel has always proposed compensation as a standard solution - Arabs never made any similar gestures, they simply kept attempting to erase Israel in a joint military effort.

This cynical attempt to make a false analogy between extermination of an entire ethnic minority from 3 continents to expelling what seems to be less than 1% of the sadistic dominating majority that initiated the war, is no different than Holocaust denial.
Did the Palestinians expel Jews fron all those states? No.
The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.
They definitely had all to do with the ethnic cleansing of Jews from their homes on their ancient homeland in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1948.

Don't be shy about naming Al-Husseini as your hero. :)
Just like Jews cleansed the Palestinians from their homeland.

What is your point?

Wait a sec, so Jews were not Palestinians?
This is exactly the root cause of the conflict - You're trying to hold the stick by both ends, exclude all non-Arabs from that category, and at the same time whine when Arabs are held responsible.

It's not even double standard, it's intentional obfuscation.
Wait a sec. If I had said Palistinians only you would have said I was denying Jews their rights as indiginous peoples. I am not playing that game with you.
The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.
It is an in interesting diversion.

It is like those who blame Jews around the world for Israelā€™s actions. They blame Palestinians for what Arab countries did to their Jews. So they insist that we should fight for compensation for all refugees, which is right and just. But I never hear them actually stand up for the Palestinians.
And besides, I don't see a Jewish BDS demanding the right to return.
I do think all who lost property and place should entitled to compensation, but that is between the claimants and each state. The rights of the Palestinians sholud not be subject or held hostage to that.
Oh, look, you seem to live in a bubble. Check past 2005.

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia
2001 85 476 561 40
2002 238 114 352 47
2003 145 83 228 23
2004 98 33 131 17
2005 33 60 93 9
2006 15 99 114 3
2007 3 n/a n/a 1
2008 1 22 23 1
2015 0 1 1 1
2016 0 20 20 1
So, what were the reductions in Israeli attacks over the same period?

You mean self defence?

Resist This - Menahem Begin harsh response to demands for an Arab state

He was a former terrorist you know.
The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.
It is an in interesting diversion.

It is like those who blame Jews around the world for Israelā€™s actions. They blame Palestinians for what Arab countries did to their Jews. So they insist that we should fight for compensation for all refugees, which is right and just. But I never hear them actually stand up for the Palestinians.

I see You like making broad generalizations to erase any real proportions of the problem, in effect You'll always find a way to equate between a mouse and an elephant.

Here're some facts for You -
Jews didn't expel Arabs from entire the middle east - it were the Arabs
Jews didn't gain 99.9% of the land and property - it were the Arabs
Jews didn't call to exterminate Arabs on several continents - it were the Arabs
Jews were not represented collectively by 22 countries, it were the Arabs
Jews didn't demand the holiest city to the Arabs, it were Arabs who banned Jews from their holy sites
Jew didn't force Arabs to pay a skull tax and 2 additional taxes for simply being not Jews - it were the Arabs
Jews didn't collectively incite for pogroms around the Arab world - it were the Arabs .
Jews didn't dominate the middle east and spread their religion by sword, it were the Arabs
Jews never claimed any land that was outside of their indigenous homeland - it were the Arab invaders
Jews didn't participate in genocide of half Arab population in the world - it were the Arabs

A minority group was fighting for survival and independence, the majority for complete domination of the entire continent. The majority completely denied all rights to another, while the minority accepted their enemies in their society and provides them with the highest quality of life than in any Arab country. The minority that lost everything proposes compensation, the majority that gained everything keeps demanding to be paid protection at constant threat of violence.

And here's the main one - Israel has always proposed compensation as a standard solution - Arabs never made any similar gestures, they simply kept attempting to erase Israel in a joint military effort.

This cynical attempt to make a false analogy between extermination of an entire ethnic minority from 3 continents to expelling what seems to be less than 1% of the sadistic dominating majority that initiated the war, is no different than Holocaust denial.
Did the Palestinians expel Jews fron all those states? No.
Palestinians are Arabs. They are Muslims. They are all One Big Nation. That is how they think of themselves.

They had one common idea.
Keep the Jews from being sovereign over their own ancient homeland.
That idea started in 1920 with the first riots of Arabs against Jews.

All the Arab states did after 1948 was to use that same ideology after Israel declared Independence and continuously force as many Jews into Israel in order to destroy Israel economically.

The Arabs assumed, after they did not defeat Israel with their military, to get rid of their Jews, inundate Israel with them and destroy Israel that way.

One cannot divorce the Arabs of the Mandate for Palestine from all other Arabs, they are one and the same. That, regardless of the fact that Egypt took Gaza and could not care less about the Arabs there, and Jordan took Judea and Samaria in 1948, and could not care about the Arabs there for the 19 years it was under its power.

This is a MUSLIM war against Jews, where Muslims cannot stand that the Jews became sovereign of land conquered by Muslims, and even worse, that Arab Muslims would now be residents of a Jewish State.

Repeating the nonsense that Palestinians did not expel the Jews from Arab States, does not jive, because it is exactly a Palestinian, Al-Husseiini, who started the riots and war against the Jewish right to be sovereign over their ancient homeland with the Mandate for Palestine.

Jordan was not a country, but got a huge chunk of Jewish land in 1925 and murdered or expelled all its Jews from that vast land.

Should we forget the Arabs attacking Jews in Hebron in 1929 and making that city Jew Free after that, until 1967?

The Arab States have nothing to do with it?

Nothing, except total approval, invasion, attacks on their Jewish population, their expulsion......all because the Jews DARED to build and fight for the recreation of their Nation.

Imagine that......

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