Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

1) Pence. Assuming he emerges from the next two months without the stink of Trump sticking to him.
2) Nikki Haley
3) Ben Sasse
4) Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (cause who doesn't like re-runs?)
5) Dark horse nomination for Ben Crenshaw. Likeable. Can make a good argument but still tends toward the far right too much.
Trump Jr.

No shit. This stink isn't going away, and the Trumpsters still control the party.

Should be interesting, especially to see who's willing to be veep.
Maybe it is time for some hardliners. Nations do this as they die. And the new arises. We may not be any different. Population control can be done in this manner as it probably is needed.
There was actually a poll on this earlier this week. I can't find it, but it was

Pence 30%
Don Jr 20%

Personally, I think Ivanka would be a better choice than Don Jr, if you want a Kennedyesque type of thing.
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

It doesn't matter, they are going to lose. I'd say Rubio/Haley ticket has a shot, but only if they are able to feign enough America First policies. I do truly believe that Rubio agreed with many of Trumps policies while he was in office and Haley at least had changed her beliefs.

I think they are both hawks on China, so for me personally, I could support that and I would support that.

Rand Paul would easily win, but libertarians never get support needed in America, even as they are the most pure of conservatives (and American Values IMO).

John James would make the perfect V.P, but, some don't want him to have power.

Rubio ain't going nowhere but down after that shit he pulled last week.
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

1) Pence. Assuming he emerges from the next two months without the stink of Trump sticking to him.
2) Nikki Haley
3) Ben Sasse
4) Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (cause who doesn't like re-runs?)
5) Dark horse nomination for Ben Crenshaw. Likeable. Can make a good argument but still tends toward the far right too much.
Trump Jr.

No shit. This stink isn't going away, and the Trumpsters still control the party.

Should be interesting, especially to see who's willing to be veep.
Maybe it is time for some hardliners. Nations do this as they die. And the new arises. We may not be any different. Population control can be done in this manner as it probably is needed.

So after all the posturing, you want to go Venezuela? :)
Strongman in charge that ultimately squashes the common man.
I expect Trump to spend the next four years claiming he is the rightful President and keep his rallies going.

He will run again in 2024 unless Republicans can put out a credible alternative
Leadership wise, Paul Ryan has what it takes, and enough sense to come in out of the rain (by leaving that circus). Haley is also a born leader, but she totally turned me off when she went to the UN. I like Marco a lot, he's still young enough to have some ideals. But I'm not sure he's got the stones to be President. If it had been anyone but Trump in '16, I would have voted Republican, unless it was Cruz. There is something about that guy....can't put my finger on it but it's more than just his abrasive personality.
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

1) Pence. Assuming he emerges from the next two months without the stink of Trump sticking to him.
2) Nikki Haley
3) Ben Sasse
4) Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (cause who doesn't like re-runs?)
5) Dark horse nomination for Ben Crenshaw. Likeable. Can make a good argument but still tends toward the far right too much.
Trump Jr.

No shit. This stink isn't going away, and the Trumpsters still control the party.

Should be interesting, especially to see who's willing to be veep.
Maybe it is time for some hardliners. Nations do this as they die. And the new arises. We may not be any different. Population control can be done in this manner as it probably is needed.

So after all the posturing, you want to go Venezuela? :)
Strongman in charge that ultimately squashes the common man.
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

It doesn't matter, they are going to lose. I'd say Rubio/Haley ticket has a shot, but only if they are able to feign enough America First policies. I do truly believe that Rubio agreed with many of Trumps policies while he was in office and Haley at least had changed her beliefs.

I think they are both hawks on China, so for me personally, I could support that and I would support that.

Rand Paul would easily win, but libertarians never get support needed in America, even as they are the most pure of conservatives (and American Values IMO).

John James would make the perfect V.P, but, some don't want him to have power.

Rubio ain't going nowhere but down after that shit he pulled last week.
What did he do?
Leadership wise, Paul Ryan has what it takes, and enough sense to come in out of the rain (by leaving that circus). Haley is also a born leader, but she totally turned me off when she went to the UN. I like Marco a lot, he's still young enough to have some ideals. But I'm not sure he's got the stones to be President. If it had been anyone but Trump in '16, I would have voted Republican, unless it was Cruz. There is something about that guy....can't put my finger on it but it's more than just his abrasive personality.
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

1) Pence. Assuming he emerges from the next two months without the stink of Trump sticking to him.
2) Nikki Haley
3) Ben Sasse
4) Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (cause who doesn't like re-runs?)
5) Dark horse nomination for Ben Crenshaw. Likeable. Can make a good argument but still tends toward the far right too much.
Trump Jr.

No shit. This stink isn't going away, and the Trumpsters still control the party.

Should be interesting, especially to see who's willing to be veep.
Maybe it is time for some hardliners. Nations do this as they die. And the new arises. We may not be any different. Population control can be done in this manner as it probably is needed.

So after all the posturing, you want to go Venezuela? :)
Strongman in charge that ultimately squashes the common man.
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

It doesn't matter, they are going to lose. I'd say Rubio/Haley ticket has a shot, but only if they are able to feign enough America First policies. I do truly believe that Rubio agreed with many of Trumps policies while he was in office and Haley at least had changed her beliefs.

I think they are both hawks on China, so for me personally, I could support that and I would support that.

Rand Paul would easily win, but libertarians never get support needed in America, even as they are the most pure of conservatives (and American Values IMO).

John James would make the perfect V.P, but, some don't want him to have power.

Rubio ain't going nowhere but down after that shit he pulled last week.
What did he do?

Paul Ryan would get crushed in the Primaries.

I could run against him, telling the U.S voters "I can't be president because I'm a Canadian" and I'd probably still be an even money chance to beat him.

Paul Ryan is a Dbag. He was the one who convinced Trump out of taking the deal offered by the Dems that provided full funding for the wall.

A snake and a low life. He would NEVER win a GOP Primary. That much I guarantee.
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

  1. Romney
  2. Pompeo
  3. Pence
  4. McCarthy
  5. Cornyn
  6. Rubio

Romney? As #1?
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

1) Pence. Assuming he emerges from the next two months without the stink of Trump sticking to him.
2) Nikki Haley
3) Ben Sasse
4) Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (cause who doesn't like re-runs?)
5) Dark horse nomination for Ben Crenshaw. Likeable. Can make a good argument but still tends toward the far right too much.
Trump Jr.

No shit. This stink isn't going away, and the Trumpsters still control the party.

Should be interesting, especially to see who's willing to be veep.
Maybe it is time for some hardliners. Nations do this as they die. And the new arises. We may not be any different. Population control can be done in this manner as it probably is needed.

So after all the posturing, you want to go Venezuela? :)
Strongman in charge that ultimately squashes the common man.
We were headed that way with the Prog Socialists. So what are the options? Do you get the be the Despots and get the starting advantage in a nasty dictatorship nation? Or do the the other side get to get their own in? We type with abandon here. But you have to think of ideas or what could be in situations also. It is not farfetched to have a dictatorship here. We have at least a soft tyranny going on now. We keep saying freedom. But that has been reduced. Biden and Kamala are not freedom lovers. The Prog Socialist machine is powerful.
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

1) Pence. Assuming he emerges from the next two months without the stink of Trump sticking to him.
2) Nikki Haley
3) Ben Sasse
4) Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (cause who doesn't like re-runs?)
5) Dark horse nomination for Ben Crenshaw. Likeable. Can make a good argument but still tends toward the far right too much.
Crua and Rubio can eat shit and die.
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

  1. Romney
  2. Pompeo
  3. Pence
  4. McCarthy
  5. Cornyn
  6. Rubio

Romney? As #1?
View attachment 412876

Yep. Just because he was honest and voted to convict Trump won't hold him back. Already elected Republican's are tossing Donald under the bus, as he days go on, and he continues to shit on democracy in America Romney will be noted for his courage.
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

1) Pence. Assuming he emerges from the next two months without the stink of Trump sticking to him.
2) Nikki Haley
3) Ben Sasse
4) Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (cause who doesn't like re-runs?)
5) Dark horse nomination for Ben Crenshaw. Likeable. Can make a good argument but still tends toward the far right too much.
Donald Trump Jr.
Ted Cruz is my 2nd choice.

That little piece of offspring has NO shot. Period.
Cruz would have been a good choice for Republicans in 2016. Probably would have saved them a myriad of headaches.
I personally have no respect for Cruz (as a man) but politically, it could happen.
Yeah, I'm really going to take your advice.

You apparently believe I have some kind of respect for you.

You like Trump Jr because he has the name...primarily because daddy gave it to him. Along with all of his "accomplishments".
And because his daddy is liable to be drooling on himself in four years and therefore won't be able to run.
I really findd your analysis of my motives utterly hilarious.

Well laughing boy, let the class know why you think Trump Jr (who next to daddy I'll admit has NO accomplishments) would be a good candidate for the Republicans to run on?
Let us know when Dims can win an election without committing fraud.
Who are the leading contenders to be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024

1) Pence. Assuming he emerges from the next two months without the stink of Trump sticking to him.
2) Nikki Haley
3) Ben Sasse
4) Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (cause who doesn't like re-runs?)
5) Dark horse nomination for Ben Crenshaw. Likeable. Can make a good argument but still tends toward the far right too much.
Donald Trump Jr.
Ted Cruz is my 2nd choice.

That little piece of offspring has NO shot. Period.
Cruz would have been a good choice for Republicans in 2016. Probably would have saved them a myriad of headaches.
I personally have no respect for Cruz (as a man) but politically, it could happen.
Yeah, I'm really going to take your advice.

You apparently believe I have some kind of respect for you.

You like Trump Jr because he has the name...primarily because daddy gave it to him. Along with all of his "accomplishments".
And because his daddy is liable to be drooling on himself in four years and therefore won't be able to run.
I really findd your analysis of my motives utterly hilarious.

Well laughing boy, let the class know why you think Trump Jr (who next to daddy I'll admit has NO accomplishments) would be a good candidate for the Republicans to run on?
Let us know when Dims can win an election without committing fraud.

They just did. Deal with it.

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