Who Are The Palestinains?

Do you ever read International Law or do you just like to blather nonsense?

"In 1909, an international law was agreed upon that differentiated between "contraband" and "non-contraband" shipping. "Contraband," defined as weapons and other materials used in military manufacturing, could be controlled and blockaded during a war. "Non-contraband" cargoes like food, cloth, and raw goods could not be regulated through a blockade; countries could still import and trade these items."

The Lusitania
Blah blah blah. The ignoramus has spoken again, trying hard to sound intelligent but failing as usual. Even the anti Israel UN has called the Israeli blockade as LEGAL.

UN Report Finds Israeli Blockade legal

UNITED NATIONS — A long-awaited United Nations review of Israel’s 2010 raid on a Turkish-based flotilla in which nine passengers were killed has found that Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza is both legal and appropriate.

The blockade may be legal, but sinking neutral shipping carrying humanitarian aid is not.
If the blockade is legal and a ship is asked to stop for inspection and doesn't, then sinking it would be legal. It's as simple as that. Your logic is always faulty.
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The blockade may be legal, but sinking neutral shipping carrying humanitarian aid is not.
It wasn't sunk, it was legally blockaded. End of story.

I was responding to an idiot that recommended that the Israelis torpedo ships bringing aid to Gaza. I was not talking about the recent attack on the Turkish ship.
I recommend torpedoing any ship that doesn't stop. It could be carrying a WMD on a suicide mission, WHO KNOWS. Muslims are capable of anything. .
Blah blah blah. The ignoramus has spoken again, trying hard to sound intelligent but failing as usual. Even the anti Israel UN has called the Israeli blockade as LEGAL.

UN Report Finds Israeli Blockade legal

UNITED NATIONS — A long-awaited United Nations review of Israel’s 2010 raid on a Turkish-based flotilla in which nine passengers were killed has found that Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza is both legal and appropriate.

The blockade may be legal, but sinking neutral shipping carrying humanitarian aid is not.
If the blockade is legal then when a ship is asked to stop for inspection and doesn't, then sinking it would be legal. It's as simple as that. Your logic is always faulty.

Your mind is faulty. I was responding to one of your friends that suggested that neutral ships bringing aid should be torpedoed.
What a pathetic excuse!! They had already announced their intentions to break to blockade and were close by when they were boarded..
Why wait until they actually break the blockade to board them??

And why didn't the Mavi go to the Ashdod port like the other ships ? Why cause a provocation?
I'll tell you why, because it was a media stunt that was meant to vilify Israel. And idiots like you actually fell for it :lol:
It's not pathetic, it's the law.

And the vessel was boarded in international waters.

Furthermore, an American citizen was summarily executed for what?

Possession of illegal food?

Stop playing the victim card.
The blood of every victim is in the hand of those idiot Turks who put this together.
And you are asking questions without answering mine.
The French had successfully prosecuted them for terrorism charges. The Turks admitted later that they were Islamic radicals coming from a mosque in a Turkey with terrorist ties, but looked the other way.

They should have torpedoed that fucker.
The Turks sent the wrong ship.

You want to bring aid to Gaza, this is the ship you send...

We now pause our regular programming for a brief moment of mental masturbation to the destruction of Israel, and other delusional thoughts. :cuckoo:
Golly gee, I wonder what the USA would do if some uninvited foreign ship were closing in on our shoreline? I sincerely doubt we would kindly just ask to inspect for weapons before allowing it to dock. But then there are those Zionists in Israel who do. Shame on them.

Blah blah blah. The ignoramus has spoken again, trying hard to sound intelligent but failing as usual. Even the anti Israel UN has called the Israeli blockade as LEGAL.

UN Report Finds Israeli Blockade legal

UNITED NATIONS — A long-awaited United Nations review of Israel’s 2010 raid on a Turkish-based flotilla in which nine passengers were killed has found that Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza is both legal and appropriate.

The blockade may be legal, but sinking neutral shipping carrying humanitarian aid is not.
If the blockade is legal and a ship is asked to stop for inspection and doesn't, then sinking it would be legal. It's as simple as that. Your logic is always faulty.[/QUOTE]
Golly gee, I wonder what the USA would do if some uninvited foreign ship were closing in on our shoreline? I sincerely doubt we would kindly just ask to inspect for weapons before allowing it to dock. But then there are those Zionists in Israel who do. Shame on them.

Blah blah blah. The ignoramus has spoken again, trying hard to sound intelligent but failing as usual. Even the anti Israel UN has called the Israeli blockade as LEGAL.

UN Report Finds Israeli Blockade legal

UNITED NATIONS — A long-awaited United Nations review of Israel’s 2010 raid on a Turkish-based flotilla in which nine passengers were killed has found that Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza is both legal and appropriate.

The blockade may be legal, but sinking neutral shipping carrying humanitarian aid is not.
If the blockade is legal and a ship is asked to stop for inspection and doesn't, then sinking it would be legal. It's as simple as that. Your logic is always faulty.

The flotilla was specifically not going to Israel.
The blockade may be legal, but sinking neutral shipping carrying humanitarian aid is not.
If the blockade is legal then when a ship is asked to stop for inspection and doesn't, then sinking it would be legal. It's as simple as that. Your logic is always faulty.

Your mind is faulty. I was responding to one of your friends that suggested that neutral ships bringing aid should be torpedoed.
Neutral ship is one that stops for inspection, and not one who's captain doesn't yell "go back to Auschwitz," over the radio waves like a Nazi asshole, when requested to stop.

Neutral ship is one that doesn't violently attack soldiers who are landing for inspection, and then throw them over board.
This ship and it occupants behavior was anything but "neutral".
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We now pause our regular programming for a brief moment of mental masturbation to the destruction of Israel, and other delusional thoughts. :cuckoo:
You think stopping piracy in international waters is destroying Israel, yet accuse me of being "delusional"?

I guess piracy only occurs in Somalia?
Neutral ship is one that stops for inspection, and not one who's captain doesn't yell "go back to Auschwitz," over the radio waves like a Nazi asshole, when requested to stop.
Why would they stop, Israel has no jurisdiction in international waters?

Neutral ship is one that doesn't violently attack soldiers who are landing for inspection, and then throw them over board.
What do you expect them to do, when those soldiers start shooting before their even on board?

Maybe the ships' captain should've got on a bullhorn and yelled, "We're not the USS Liberty!"

This ship and it occupants behavior was anything but "neutral".
You're right, most people are not neutral, when it comes to starving children to further a political agenda.
Stop playing the victim card.
Can't help it. Most people think someone being shot for bringing food to a starving child, is a victim.

The blood of every victim is in the hand of those idiot Turks who put this together.
Israel was the one who decided to shoot, not Turkey.

And here on planet earth, we consider the one who actually pulled the trigger, as the one responsible for the death.

And you are asking questions without answering mine.
Well, then allow me to retort...

...What does Marcellus Wallace look like?
Not only was there no aid on the Mavi Marmara, but Gaza doesn't need aid. It gets everything it wants. Are there pictures of starving Gazans in the media? Even Hamas admit there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The Mavi Marmara, video below, was purely and simply to show they could break the blockade, or become martyrs trying.

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The child repeats his crayola-drawings of several months ago...

You're accusing me of repeating shit?

That's like Charles Manson bitching about women who are pro-choice.
Yes, yes, yes...

Very nice, I'm sure...

Now, take your photo-shopped pictures of retired battleships, and your box of Crayola crayons, and get your ass back to the kiddie table, where you belong... you're bothering the grown-ups.

When you have something intelligent to say about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict... far in the future, after you've finished growing up... come back and find us again.
Stop playing the victim card.
Can't help it. Most people think someone being shot for bringing food to a starving child, is a victim.

The blood of every victim is in the hand of those idiot Turks who put this together.
Israel was the one who decided to shoot, not Turkey.

And here on planet earth, we consider the one who actually pulled the trigger, as the one responsible for the death.

And you are asking questions without answering mine.
Well, then allow me to retort...

...What does Marcellus Wallace look like?

Uhh, you keep omitting the fact that the soldiers were being beaten and etabbed and thrown on the lower deck. THAT's why they got shot and and killed.
Had they cooperated with Israel, do you think Israel would have fired one shot? NO!

'Israel was the one who decided to shoot, not Turkey'

Turkey was the one who decided to break the blockade and start a fight, not Israel.
Not only was there no aid on the Mavi Marmara, but Gaza doesn't need aid. It gets everything it wants. Are there pictures of starving Gazans in the media? Even Hamas admit there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The Mavi Marmara, video below, was purely and simply to show they could break the blockade, or become martyrs trying.

Shhhhh.... don't tell him that... you'll ruin the comedy show that he puts-on when he rambles-on about off-the-wall $hit like that...

It could even bring him back down to earth for the first time in years... and then we'd lose our Evening Laugh Festival star clown...

He can't help making-up $hit about Israel and drawing false conclusions about Gaza and putting words in peoples' mouths and slipping into Tourettes Syndrome mode ten times a day... it's how he's been programmed.
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As usual, Zionist propaganda is all these bozos have to contribute now the truth:

"The situation

The blockade has devastated Gaza’s economy, restricted freedom of movement, and has had severe negative impacts on the ability of ordinary people to access the essential services they need. The blockade is also increasing fragmentation and disrupting economic, social, and political ties between Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank.

Exports: In the first ten months of 2013 only 111 commercial export trucks left Gaza, compared to 254 in 2012. This year is set to be the lowest for exports since 2009.
Imports: The Egyptian government has closed most of the tunnels that people used to bring in affordable food, fuel and construction materials.
Agriculture and fishing: Access restrictions continue to have a devastating impact on livelihoods and the economy. Fishermen are prevented from going any further than six nautical miles off the coast, while farmers are not allowed to access much of the fertile land at the edge of the Gaza Strip.
Employment: Unemployment in Gaza is expected to rise to over 40 percent by the end of the year. The construction sector, one of the few industries that had until now managed to grow under the blockade, is falling for the availability of construction materials has dropped to a third of pre-blockade levels.
Infrastructure: With only about 40 percent of needed fuel currently entering Gaza daily, people are struggling to cope with worsening power shortages. Blackouts of 12-16 hours a day are restricting the provision of basic services.
Aid: Over 80 percent of people in Gaza are now in need of humanitarian aid, and 65 percent of families are expected to be food insecure by the end of the year. Two thirds of Gaza’s population currently receives clean water supply only once every three to four days.
Security: In the past year, Israel has carried out over 300 incidents of border and naval fire – half of them against fishermen at sea – and Palestinian factions have fired over 140 homemade rockets towards Israel.
The government of Israel needs to facilitate a consistent opening of the crossing to allow in essential humanitarian goods so we can keep helping people in need.

Crisis in Gaza | Oxfam International
Not only was there no aid on the Mavi Marmara, but Gaza doesn't need aid. It gets everything it wants. Are there pictures of starving Gazans in the media? Even Hamas admit there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The Mavi Marmara, video below, was purely and simply to show they could break the blockade, or become martyrs trying.

WTF are you talking about? You won't even let them fish in their own territorial waters!

Get everything they need, my ass. xxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx.

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