Who Are The Palestinains?

Not only was there no aid on the Mavi Marmara, but Gaza doesn't need aid. It gets everything it wants. Are there pictures of starving Gazans in the media? Even Hamas admit there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The Mavi Marmara, video below, was purely and simply to show they could break the blockade, or become martyrs trying.


Palestinians are starving to death in Syria and there are plenty of photos to prove it. Lets hope Gazans don't re-caption the photos and claim the victims are from gaza, or blame Israel for their demise. President Assad and his forces are responsible and should be held accountable.

Arabs are starving palestinians. Syria was already responsible for more palestinian deaths than Jordan, Israel, Egypt.....but hate monger don't care. It is not the palestinians that matter, but demonizing Israel.
As usual, Zionist propaganda is all these bozos have to contribute now the truth:

"The situation

The blockade has devastated Gaza’s economy, restricted freedom of movement, and has had severe negative impacts on the ability of ordinary people to access the essential services they need. The blockade is also increasing fragmentation and disrupting economic, social, and political ties between Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank.

Exports: In the first ten months of 2013 only 111 commercial export trucks left Gaza, compared to 254 in 2012. This year is set to be the lowest for exports since 2009.
Imports: The Egyptian government has closed most of the tunnels that people used to bring in affordable food, fuel and construction materials.
Agriculture and fishing: Access restrictions continue to have a devastating impact on livelihoods and the economy. Fishermen are prevented from going any further than six nautical miles off the coast, while farmers are not allowed to access much of the fertile land at the edge of the Gaza Strip.
Employment: Unemployment in Gaza is expected to rise to over 40 percent by the end of the year. The construction sector, one of the few industries that had until now managed to grow under the blockade, is falling for the availability of construction materials has dropped to a third of pre-blockade levels.
Infrastructure: With only about 40 percent of needed fuel currently entering Gaza daily, people are struggling to cope with worsening power shortages. Blackouts of 12-16 hours a day are restricting the provision of basic services.
Aid: Over 80 percent of people in Gaza are now in need of humanitarian aid, and 65 percent of families are expected to be food insecure by the end of the year. Two thirds of Gaza’s population currently receives clean water supply only once every three to four days.
Security: In the past year, Israel has carried out over 300 incidents of border and naval fire – half of them against fishermen at sea – and Palestinian factions have fired over 140 homemade rockets towards Israel.
The government of Israel needs to facilitate a consistent opening of the crossing to allow in essential humanitarian goods so we can keep helping people in need.

Crisis in Gaza | Oxfam International

What pro Palestinians call propaganda, people with a brain call the truth.
Then the blockade is, indeed, having the desired effect. :clap:

Elect a Terrorist Organization to lead you, and continue to bombard our (side) civilian areas with rockets, then suffer the consequences.

Welcome to your consequences.

Want it to stop?

1. dump Hamas

2. stop firing rockets

Fail to do that, and you may continue to enjoy the consequences that you have brought down upon your own heads.

Whatever you decide will be fine with the other side; either way; a matter of complete indifference to much of the rest of the world, beyond the realm of Islam.

As usual, Zionist propaganda is all these bozos have to contribute now the truth:

"The situation

The blockade has devastated Gaza’s economy, restricted freedom of movement, and has had severe negative impacts on the ability of ordinary people to access the essential services they need. The blockade is also increasing fragmentation and disrupting economic, social, and political ties between Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank.

Exports: In the first ten months of 2013 only 111 commercial export trucks left Gaza, compared to 254 in 2012. This year is set to be the lowest for exports since 2009.
Imports: The Egyptian government has closed most of the tunnels that people used to bring in affordable food, fuel and construction materials.
Agriculture and fishing: Access restrictions continue to have a devastating impact on livelihoods and the economy. Fishermen are prevented from going any further than six nautical miles off the coast, while farmers are not allowed to access much of the fertile land at the edge of the Gaza Strip.
Employment: Unemployment in Gaza is expected to rise to over 40 percent by the end of the year. The construction sector, one of the few industries that had until now managed to grow under the blockade, is falling for the availability of construction materials has dropped to a third of pre-blockade levels.
Infrastructure: With only about 40 percent of needed fuel currently entering Gaza daily, people are struggling to cope with worsening power shortages. Blackouts of 12-16 hours a day are restricting the provision of basic services.
Aid: Over 80 percent of people in Gaza are now in need of humanitarian aid, and 65 percent of families are expected to be food insecure by the end of the year. Two thirds of Gaza’s population currently receives clean water supply only once every three to four days.
Security: In the past year, Israel has carried out over 300 incidents of border and naval fire – half of them against fishermen at sea – and Palestinian factions have fired over 140 homemade rockets towards Israel.
The government of Israel needs to facilitate a consistent opening of the crossing to allow in essential humanitarian goods so we can keep helping people in need.

Crisis in Gaza | Oxfam International
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Uhh, you keep omitting the fact that the soldiers were being beaten and etabbed and thrown on the lower deck. THAT's why they got shot and and killed.
They started shooting before they came on board.

Had they cooperated with Israel, do you think Israel would have fired one shot? NO!
Why should they cooperate? They were in international waters. Israel has no jurisdiction there. Do you think you have a right to go around and tell other people what to do? Because if you do, you're welcome to come over to my house and try to pull that shit on me under my own roof. I'll show you why that's wrong.

Turkey was the one who decided to break the blockade and start a fight, not Israel.
Turkey was trying to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza, which had nothing to do with Israel and certainly wasn't any of Israel's god-damn business!
When you have something intelligent to say about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict... far in the future, after you've finished growing up... come back and find us again.
I've already posted my argument and it must be an intelligent one, because no one has been able to address the points I made.
The pissants organizing and operating the so-called Gaza Relief Fleet attempted to run a naval blockade.

They got their asses kicked.

That's the way the Real World works.

Stupid little wankers.
So true. And has ANYONE heard of a single Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaint about the Arab country massacre treatment of Palestinians?

There is a lesson to be learned here for Israel. After all, we are talking about Palestinians with their Palestinian mentality. Let us all join together & pray Israel will end their damn Zionist agenda of peace offerings, security fence & land concessions so Palestinian can remain to kill more Israeli's & start treating the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to & so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Not only was there no aid on the Mavi Marmara, but Gaza doesn't need aid. It gets everything it wants. Are there pictures of starving Gazans in the media? Even Hamas admit there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The Mavi Marmara, video below, was purely and simply to show they could break the blockade, or become martyrs trying.


Palestinians are starving to death in Syria and there are plenty of photos to prove it. Lets hope Gazans don't re-caption the photos and claim the victims are from gaza, or blame Israel for their demise. President Assad and his forces are responsible and should be held accountable.

Arabs are starving palestinians. Syria was already responsible for more palestinian deaths than Jordan, Israel, Egypt.....but hate monger don't care. It is not the palestinians that matter, but demonizing Israel.
Elect a Terrorist Organization to lead you, and continue to bombard our (side) civilian areas with rockets, then suffer the consequences.
Whomever they elect in a legal, democratic election, is none of your god-damn business!
It is, if the Israelis say it is.

Which they did.

If you want to dispute that, take it up with the IDF.

Or the Egyptians, for that matter.

Meanwhile, enjoy the consequences of 'your' decision.

Oh, by the way...

Let 'em know, when you're ready to say: "Uncle".
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Uhh, you keep omitting the fact that the soldiers were being beaten and etabbed and thrown on the lower deck. THAT's why they got shot and and killed.
They started shooting before they came on board.

Had they cooperated with Israel, do you think Israel would have fired one shot? NO!
Why should they cooperate? They were in international waters. Israel has no jurisdiction there. Do you think you have a right to go around and tell other people what to do? Because if you do, you're welcome to come over to my house and try to pull that shit on me under my own roof. I'll show you why that's wrong.

Turkey was the one who decided to break the blockade and start a fight, not Israel.
Turkey was trying to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza, which had nothing to do with Israel and certainly wasn't any of Israel's god-damn business!

EVERYTHING that passes through Gazan waters is Israel's business. That's why there was a blockade!
If they just want to give Gaza aid, why did they try to break the blockade?? Why didn't they follow the other ships that went to Ashdod port??

Oh I know why, because they wanted to provoke Israel for a media stunt.
And if you beat on and stab naval commandos who are doing their job, you're going to get yourself killed. The same would have happened in any country.
These low IQ Turkish idiots reaped what they sowed.
Uhh, you keep omitting the fact that the soldiers were being beaten and etabbed and thrown on the lower deck. THAT's why they got shot and and killed.
They started shooting before they came on board.

Why should they cooperate? They were in international waters. Israel has no jurisdiction there. Do you think you have a right to go around and tell other people what to do? Because if you do, you're welcome to come over to my house and try to pull that shit on me under my own roof. I'll show you why that's wrong.

Turkey was the one who decided to break the blockade and start a fight, not Israel.
Turkey was trying to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza, which had nothing to do with Israel and certainly wasn't any of Israel's god-damn business!

EVERYTHING that passes through Gazan waters is Israel's business. That's why there was a blockade!
If they just want to give Gaza aid, why did they try to break the blockade?? Why didn't they follow the other ships that went to Ashdod port??

Oh I know why, because they wanted to provoke Israel for a media stunt.
And if you beat on and stab naval commandos who are doing their job, you're going to get yourself killed. The same would have happened in any country.
These low IQ Turkish idiots reaped what they sowed.
Not to mention having a cargo manifest that included considerable quantities of construction materials that the Israelis and Egyptians had proscribed, because the Gazans had been using such materials to reinforce tunnels crossing the perimeters of Gaza into both Israel in the north and Egypt in the south. Not the brightest crayons in the box, those Turkish (and allied) activists...
It is if the Israelis say it is.

Which they did.

If you want to dispute that, take it up with the IDF.

Or the Egyptians, for that matter.
Yeah, that's how grown ups talk?

No, grown ups suggest that the U.S military send marines to attack Israel.


( don't forget the retired photo-shopped battleships! )
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When you have something intelligent to say about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict... far in the future, after you've finished growing up... come back and find us again.
I've already posted my argument and it must be an intelligent one, because no one has been able to address the points I made.
Turnspeak and Taqiyyah don't need to be addressed. Waste of bandwidth, you always say.
We now pause our regular programming for a brief moment of mental masturbation to the destruction of Israel, and other delusional thoughts. :cuckoo:
You think stopping piracy in international waters is destroying Israel, yet accuse me of being "delusional"?

I guess piracy only occurs in Somalia?
You think wrong. The blockade was legal, the boat was asked to stop and it didn't, provoking an "incident" with the Israelis.
As usual, Zionist propaganda is all these bozos have to contribute now the truth:

"The situation

The blockade has devastated Gaza’s economy, restricted freedom of movement, and has had severe negative impacts on the ability of ordinary people to access the essential services they need. The blockade is also increasing fragmentation and disrupting economic, social, and political ties between Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank.

Exports: In the first ten months of 2013 only 111 commercial export trucks left Gaza, compared to 254 in 2012. This year is set to be the lowest for exports since 2009.
Imports: The Egyptian government has closed most of the tunnels that people used to bring in affordable food, fuel and construction materials.
Agriculture and fishing: Access restrictions continue to have a devastating impact on livelihoods and the economy. Fishermen are prevented from going any further than six nautical miles off the coast, while farmers are not allowed to access much of the fertile land at the edge of the Gaza Strip.
Employment: Unemployment in Gaza is expected to rise to over 40 percent by the end of the year. The construction sector, one of the few industries that had until now managed to grow under the blockade, is falling for the availability of construction materials has dropped to a third of pre-blockade levels.
Infrastructure: With only about 40 percent of needed fuel currently entering Gaza daily, people are struggling to cope with worsening power shortages. Blackouts of 12-16 hours a day are restricting the provision of basic services.
Aid: Over 80 percent of people in Gaza are now in need of humanitarian aid, and 65 percent of families are expected to be food insecure by the end of the year. Two thirds of Gaza’s population currently receives clean water supply only once every three to four days.
Security: In the past year, Israel has carried out over 300 incidents of border and naval fire – half of them against fishermen at sea – and Palestinian factions have fired over 140 homemade rockets towards Israel.
The government of Israel needs to facilitate a consistent opening of the crossing to allow in essential humanitarian goods so we can keep helping people in need.

Crisis in Gaza | Oxfam International
OXFAM?! Ha ha ha.

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