Who Are The Palestinains?

LMAO! Good one. Yeah right, let's have Turkish terrorists inspect the flotilla for weapons. Heh Heh!
That's not your fuckin' decision to make! Or do you think you have a right to tell people what to do on a public street? Because basically, that's what international waters are, a public street.

Tell you what, why don't you go outside right now and walk up to complete strangers and start barking orders at them, then come back and tell us what happened next. If you do that, I guarantee you will see how wrong it was for Israel to board that ship.
LMAO! Good one. Yeah right, let's have Turkish terrorists inspect the flotilla for weapons. Heh Heh!
That's not your fuckin' decision to make! Or do you think you have a right to tell people what to do on a public street? Because basically, that's what international waters are, a public street.

Tell you what, why don't you go outside right now and walk up to complete strangers and start barking orders at them, then come back and tell us what happened next. If you do that, I guarantee you will see how wrong it was for Israel to board that ship.
Do you have any idea when the next blockade run is expected, Billo? Any predictions about the outcome?
LMAO! Good one. Yeah right, let's have Turkish terrorists inspect the flotilla for weapons. Heh Heh!
That's not your fuckin' decision to make! Or do you think you have a right to tell people what to do on a public street? Because basically, that's what international waters are, a public street.

Tell you what, why don't you go outside right now and walk up to complete strangers and start barking orders at them, then come back and tell us what happened next. If you do that, I guarantee you will see how wrong it was for Israel to board that ship.

Why don't you get all aggravated while the IDF wipes the floor with murderous animals?
Oh! You already are.
Sucks to be you.
Got news for you. You got that right it was a mistake for Israel to board that ship. When boarding it for inspection was refused, Israel should have just torpedoed it.

LMAO! Good one. Yeah right, let's have Turkish terrorists inspect the flotilla for weapons. Heh Heh!
That's not your fuckin' decision to make! Or do you think you have a right to tell people what to do on a public street? Because basically, that's what international waters are, a public street.

Tell you what, why don't you go outside right now and walk up to complete strangers and start barking orders at them, then come back and tell us what happened next. If you do that, I guarantee you will see how wrong it was for Israel to board that ship.
LMAO! Good one. Yeah right, let's have Turkish terrorists inspect the flotilla for weapons. Heh Heh!
That's not your fuckin' decision to make! Or do you think you have a right to tell people what to do on a public street? Because basically, that's what international waters are, a public street.

Tell you what, why don't you go outside right now and walk up to complete strangers and start barking orders at them, then come back and tell us what happened next. If you do that, I guarantee you will see how wrong it was for Israel to board that ship.
Why don't you rent a Time Machine and send one of your imaginary battleships to help the Palestinians?

If you don't like the decision that the Israelis made, to interdict the Turkish Gaza Flotilla, before they crossed the blockade picket line, you can always sue Israel in court.

And then you can take that judgment, and add it to your supply of Charmin... or small rocks.
LMAO! Good one. Yeah right, let's have Turkish terrorists inspect the flotilla for weapons. Heh Heh!
That's not your fuckin' decision to make! Or do you think you have a right to tell people what to do on a public street? Because basically, that's what international waters are, a public street.

Tell you what, why don't you go outside right now and walk up to complete strangers and start barking orders at them, then come back and tell us what happened next. If you do that, I guarantee you will see how wrong it was for Israel to board that ship.
Do you have any idea when the next blockade run is expected, Billo? Any predictions about the outcome?

The child lives on Mars or sumfin'...

Soooooo far "out there" that there's little hope of it appreciating the irony...
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LMAO! Good one. Yeah right, let's have Turkish terrorists inspect the flotilla for weapons. Heh Heh!
That's not your fuckin' decision to make! Or do you think you have a right to tell people what to do on a public street? Because basically, that's what international waters are, a public street.

Tell you what, why don't you go outside right now and walk up to complete strangers and start barking orders at them, then come back and tell us what happened next. If you do that, I guarantee you will see how wrong it was for Israel to board that ship.

Because of all the evidence stacked up against the vessel, and the claims of the terrorists that were on it the whole world suspected that the whole aim was to smuggle weapons into gaza. This in itself was grounds for any nation to board that vessel and inspect the cargo it carried. The vessel was hailed and asked to stop its progress and to follow the Naval vessel to port were the cargo could be inspected. A request that any ships captain would be a fool to deny more so when the other vessels had already complied with the request and proceeded to an Egyptian port. Because the vessel tried to outrun the naval vessels it became highly suspicious so a boarding party initially armed with paint ball guns was deployed. These were attacked by the passengers and beaten with metal bars and chairs, only after the officer was brutally beaten knifed in the stomach and the would deliberately opend up so his intestines spilled out was the order to use live rounds given. You are aware that the passengers on the vessel were armed with pistols and grenades which they used against the IDF in the run up to the aerial boarding. The video footage supplied by some of the passengers shows this happening, just as it shows the stockpile of weapons on board the vessel. Once the IDF had full control they sailed the vessel to an Israeli port were the passengers were arrested and interviewed. The vessel was searched and found to contain rotten food unfit for human consumption and out of date medicines.

Care to explain what use these could be to the gazans when they travel to Israel for nost of their medical needs.
LMAO! Good one. Yeah right, let's have Turkish terrorists inspect the flotilla for weapons. Heh Heh!
That's not your fuckin' decision to make! Or do you think you have a right to tell people what to do on a public street? Because basically, that's what international waters are, a public street.

Tell you what, why don't you go outside right now and walk up to complete strangers and start barking orders at them, then come back and tell us what happened next. If you do that, I guarantee you will see how wrong it was for Israel to board that ship.

If I suspect someone is in the process of committing a crime I can ask them to stop as I am putting them under arrest. I know you are too scared to do this because you allow the carrying of guns so shootings are common place. So it looks like your comparison has been shot down in flames again, and it also shows that the IDF were correct in the manner they boarded all 7 vessels and took control of the situation. The possibility of the vessels carrying illegal weapons was justification enough for the boarding, and the use of brutal force by the passengers was also enough to warrant the shooting of the 9 terrorists.
Because of all the evidence stacked up against the vessel, and the claims of the terrorists that were on it the whole world suspected that the whole aim was to smuggle weapons into gaza. This in itself was grounds for any nation to board that vessel and inspect the cargo it carried. The vessel was hailed and asked to stop its progress and to follow the Naval vessel to port were the cargo could be inspected. A request that any ships captain would be a fool to deny more so when the other vessels had already complied with the request and proceeded to an Egyptian port. Because the vessel tried to outrun the naval vessels it became highly suspicious so a boarding party initially armed with paint ball guns was deployed. These were attacked by the passengers and beaten with metal bars and chairs, only after the officer was brutally beaten knifed in the stomach and the would deliberately opend up so his intestines spilled out was the order to use live rounds given. You are aware that the passengers on the vessel were armed with pistols and grenades which they used against the IDF in the run up to the aerial boarding. The video footage supplied by some of the passengers shows this happening, just as it shows the stockpile of weapons on board the vessel. Once the IDF had full control they sailed the vessel to an Israeli port were the passengers were arrested and interviewed. The vessel was searched and found to contain rotten food unfit for human consumption and out of date medicines.

Care to explain what use these could be to the gazans when they travel to Israel for nost of their medical needs.
People smuggling weapons into country's, don't announce their trip at a press conference weeks in advance. This so-called "suspicion", is nothing more than a lame ass attempt to deflect attention from the fact that it is illegal to stop a ship in international waters. Especially one carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza.

And even if they were carrying weapons, are you saying Gazan's don't have a right to defend themselves? You need weapons to do that. Israel does not have the right to dictate how others should live their lives. If you can't see how wrong that is, then you're mentally disturbed.
Got news for you. You got that right it was a mistake for Israel to board that ship. When boarding it for inspection was refused, Israel should have just torpedoed it.
Torpedo a vessel bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza?

Can you get any more evil than that?

How about bringing food unfit for human consumption and medical supplies so out of date the instructions were written in Latin. If given to the people it would have caused untold numbers of deaths and illness, would you blame that on the Jews as well ?
Do you have any idea when the next blockade run is expected, Billo? Any predictions about the outcome?
The blockade is illegal and immoral.

Somebody needs to go bust it up, then kick Israel's ass for starting it in the first place.

Not according to experts in INTERNATIONAL LAW which is why no one has tried to have it lifted. While the rockets and other attacks from the Palestinians and their supporters continue the blockade is legal and moral.
Do you have any idea when the next blockade run is expected, Billo? Any predictions about the outcome?
The blockade is illegal and immoral.

Somebody needs to go bust it up, then kick Israel's ass for starting it in the first place.
I'm sure Hamas will be happy to accept your Volunteer Application for that purpose.

They have a motorized skiff and a 'special' vest, waiting for you.

As well as 72 virgins, warming-up in the bullpen.
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