Who Are The Palestinains?

Do you have any idea when the next blockade run is expected, Billo? Any predictions about the outcome?
The blockade is illegal and immoral.

Somebody needs to go bust it up, then kick Israel's ass for starting it in the first place.

Not according to experts in INTERNATIONAL LAW which is why no one has tried to have it lifted. While the rockets and other attacks from the Palestinians and their supporters continue the blockade is legal and moral.
Hell, even the Egyptians are participating in the blockade.

Having finally come to their senses and recognizing the Palestinians for the mad dogs that they are.
The blockade is illegal and immoral.

Somebody needs to go bust it up, then kick Israel's ass for starting it in the first place.

Not according to experts in INTERNATIONAL LAW which is why no one has tried to have it lifted. While the rockets and other attacks from the Palestinians and their supporters continue the blockade is legal and moral.
Hell, even the Egyptians are participating in the blockade.

Having finally come to their senses and recognizing the Palestinians for the mad dogs that they are.

And the US pays them a couple $B a year to do it.

Why do you think the (US owned) Egyptian military took out Morsi? He wasn't following Israel's script.
LMAO! Good one. Yeah right, let's have Turkish terrorists inspect the flotilla for weapons. Heh Heh!
That's not your fuckin' decision to make! Or do you think you have a right to tell people what to do on a public street? Because basically, that's what international waters are, a public street.

Tell you what, why don't you go outside right now and walk up to complete strangers and start barking orders at them, then come back and tell us what happened next. If you do that, I guarantee you will see how wrong it was for Israel to board that ship.

Because of all the evidence stacked up against the vessel, and the claims of the terrorists that were on it the whole world suspected that the whole aim was to smuggle weapons into gaza. This in itself was grounds for any nation to board that vessel and inspect the cargo it carried. The vessel was hailed and asked to stop its progress and to follow the Naval vessel to port were the cargo could be inspected. A request that any ships captain would be a fool to deny more so when the other vessels had already complied with the request and proceeded to an Egyptian port. Because the vessel tried to outrun the naval vessels it became highly suspicious so a boarding party initially armed with paint ball guns was deployed. These were attacked by the passengers and beaten with metal bars and chairs, only after the officer was brutally beaten knifed in the stomach and the would deliberately opend up so his intestines spilled out was the order to use live rounds given. You are aware that the passengers on the vessel were armed with pistols and grenades which they used against the IDF in the run up to the aerial boarding. The video footage supplied by some of the passengers shows this happening, just as it shows the stockpile of weapons on board the vessel. Once the IDF had full control they sailed the vessel to an Israeli port were the passengers were arrested and interviewed. The vessel was searched and found to contain rotten food unfit for human consumption and out of date medicines.

Care to explain what use these could be to the gazans when they travel to Israel for nost of their medical needs.

Bullshit post of the week!:udaman: :clap::clap::clap:
That's not your fuckin' decision to make! Or do you think you have a right to tell people what to do on a public street? Because basically, that's what international waters are, a public street.

Tell you what, why don't you go outside right now and walk up to complete strangers and start barking orders at them, then come back and tell us what happened next. If you do that, I guarantee you will see how wrong it was for Israel to board that ship.

Because of all the evidence stacked up against the vessel, and the claims of the terrorists that were on it the whole world suspected that the whole aim was to smuggle weapons into gaza. This in itself was grounds for any nation to board that vessel and inspect the cargo it carried. The vessel was hailed and asked to stop its progress and to follow the Naval vessel to port were the cargo could be inspected. A request that any ships captain would be a fool to deny more so when the other vessels had already complied with the request and proceeded to an Egyptian port. Because the vessel tried to outrun the naval vessels it became highly suspicious so a boarding party initially armed with paint ball guns was deployed. These were attacked by the passengers and beaten with metal bars and chairs, only after the officer was brutally beaten knifed in the stomach and the would deliberately opend up so his intestines spilled out was the order to use live rounds given. You are aware that the passengers on the vessel were armed with pistols and grenades which they used against the IDF in the run up to the aerial boarding. The video footage supplied by some of the passengers shows this happening, just as it shows the stockpile of weapons on board the vessel. Once the IDF had full control they sailed the vessel to an Israeli port were the passengers were arrested and interviewed. The vessel was searched and found to contain rotten food unfit for human consumption and out of date medicines.

Care to explain what use these could be to the gazans when they travel to Israel for nost of their medical needs.

Bullshit post of the week!:udaman: :clap::clap::clap:

And you have the gall to say his post was bullshit when ALL THE EVIDENCE points otherwise. You really are losing it.
Not according to experts in INTERNATIONAL LAW which is why no one has tried to have it lifted. While the rockets and other attacks from the Palestinians and their supporters continue the blockade is legal and moral.
Hell, even the Egyptians are participating in the blockade.

Having finally come to their senses and recognizing the Palestinians for the mad dogs that they are.

And the US pays them a couple $B a year to do it.

Why do you think the (US owned) Egyptian military took out Morsi? He wasn't following Israel's script.

You can of course produce a link from other than a pro Palestinian source to back up your ANTI SEMITIC RACIST CLAIM
Because of all the evidence stacked up against the vessel, and the claims of the terrorists that were on it the whole world suspected that the whole aim was to smuggle weapons into gaza. This in itself was grounds for any nation to board that vessel and inspect the cargo it carried. The vessel was hailed and asked to stop its progress and to follow the Naval vessel to port were the cargo could be inspected. A request that any ships captain would be a fool to deny more so when the other vessels had already complied with the request and proceeded to an Egyptian port. Because the vessel tried to outrun the naval vessels it became highly suspicious so a boarding party initially armed with paint ball guns was deployed. These were attacked by the passengers and beaten with metal bars and chairs, only after the officer was brutally beaten knifed in the stomach and the would deliberately opend up so his intestines spilled out was the order to use live rounds given. You are aware that the passengers on the vessel were armed with pistols and grenades which they used against the IDF in the run up to the aerial boarding. The video footage supplied by some of the passengers shows this happening, just as it shows the stockpile of weapons on board the vessel. Once the IDF had full control they sailed the vessel to an Israeli port were the passengers were arrested and interviewed. The vessel was searched and found to contain rotten food unfit for human consumption and out of date medicines.

Care to explain what use these could be to the gazans when they travel to Israel for nost of their medical needs.

Bullshit post of the week!:udaman: :clap::clap::clap:

And you have the gall to say his post was bullshit when ALL THE EVIDENCE points otherwise. You really are losing it.

Another Israeli lie.

The contents of those ships were inspected by the port authorities of the countries of departure. Journalists and media were invited to inspect the cargo. The flotilla offered to have the ships inspected by an international body like the UN and the Red Cross.

Not to mention that I would be surprised if Massad was not on the dock listing the contents.

Everybody knew that there were no weapons but many people believe every Israeli lie that comes down the pike.
Got news for you. You got that right it was a mistake for Israel to board that ship. When boarding it for inspection was refused, Israel should have just torpedoed it.
Torpedo a vessel bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza?

Can you get any more evil than that?

crayons, coloring books and chocolate were not exactly a priority need.
wheelchairs could have been helpful but wheels could be put on any of several chairs or what many have done, use a skate board. They get around amazingly fast.
I used a office chair that had wheels and a broom handle with a rubber tip I added so I could use it like a ski poll or canoe paddle to move around.
Yes, a wheelchair would be better to get around outside, but it also is not exactly a top necessity to supply the "starving palestinians with no light, gas, medicine, water or sewage" as was claimed.
anyone with a little DIY skills could take old bike wheels, with or without tubes and put them on an axial and attach those as back wheels to a chair. Old pram wheels or wheel barrow wheels could be use as well.
For smaller people or children, those folding umbrella strollers can carry a lot of weight and can be push across a lot of different terrains. You can put a folding or removable wooden/metal seat and adapt it for a larger teen size. A bit of electrical knowledge and you can put on electric motor with switch or old game paddle and/or remote control. A little 2" computer with a tiny blue tooth and you could use your smart phone to operate the chair.

The boat was not filled with supplies and all those people were not need in gaza except as a publicity stunt, and giving IDF the finger so to speak.
Bullshit post of the week!:udaman: :clap::clap::clap:

And you have the gall to say his post was bullshit when ALL THE EVIDENCE points otherwise. You really are losing it.

Another Israeli lie.

The contents of those ships were inspected by the port authorities of the countries of departure. Journalists and media were invited to inspect the cargo. The flotilla offered to have the ships inspected by an international body like the UN and the Red Cross.

Not to mention that I would be surprised if Massad was not on the dock listing the contents.

Everybody knew that there were no weapons but many people believe every Israeli lie that comes down the pike.

The other ships yes, apart from the Mavi Marmara whose aim was to purely break the blockade. The ships with goods on obeyed the law and sailed to the port whereas the activists' ship (you know, the Mavi Marmara with the excitable jihadists on board) just wanted to make a name for themselves and berth at Gaza.
That's not your fuckin' decision to make! Or do you think you have a right to tell people what to do on a public street? Because basically, that's what international waters are, a public street.

Tell you what, why don't you go outside right now and walk up to complete strangers and start barking orders at them, then come back and tell us what happened next. If you do that, I guarantee you will see how wrong it was for Israel to board that ship.

Because of all the evidence stacked up against the vessel, and the claims of the terrorists that were on it the whole world suspected that the whole aim was to smuggle weapons into gaza. This in itself was grounds for any nation to board that vessel and inspect the cargo it carried. The vessel was hailed and asked to stop its progress and to follow the Naval vessel to port were the cargo could be inspected. A request that any ships captain would be a fool to deny more so when the other vessels had already complied with the request and proceeded to an Egyptian port. Because the vessel tried to outrun the naval vessels it became highly suspicious so a boarding party initially armed with paint ball guns was deployed. These were attacked by the passengers and beaten with metal bars and chairs, only after the officer was brutally beaten knifed in the stomach and the would deliberately opend up so his intestines spilled out was the order to use live rounds given. You are aware that the passengers on the vessel were armed with pistols and grenades which they used against the IDF in the run up to the aerial boarding. The video footage supplied by some of the passengers shows this happening, just as it shows the stockpile of weapons on board the vessel. Once the IDF had full control they sailed the vessel to an Israeli port were the passengers were arrested and interviewed. The vessel was searched and found to contain rotten food unfit for human consumption and out of date medicines.

Care to explain what use these could be to the gazans when they travel to Israel for nost of their medical needs.

Bullshit post of the week!:udaman: :clap::clap::clap:

Have you seen the video made by the Western journalists yet that shows just this and more. Or do you believe the fake stories put out by people who were not even there.

Do a search for Lara Lee and Mavi Marnara to see the footage of the guns, grenades, knives, metal bars etc. And also the expired medical supplies and 8,000 tonnes of contraband out of 10,000 tonnes of cargo.
Because of all the evidence stacked up against the vessel, and the claims of the terrorists that were on it the whole world suspected that the whole aim was to smuggle weapons into gaza. This in itself was grounds for any nation to board that vessel and inspect the cargo it carried. The vessel was hailed and asked to stop its progress and to follow the Naval vessel to port were the cargo could be inspected. A request that any ships captain would be a fool to deny more so when the other vessels had already complied with the request and proceeded to an Egyptian port. Because the vessel tried to outrun the naval vessels it became highly suspicious so a boarding party initially armed with paint ball guns was deployed. These were attacked by the passengers and beaten with metal bars and chairs, only after the officer was brutally beaten knifed in the stomach and the would deliberately opend up so his intestines spilled out was the order to use live rounds given. You are aware that the passengers on the vessel were armed with pistols and grenades which they used against the IDF in the run up to the aerial boarding. The video footage supplied by some of the passengers shows this happening, just as it shows the stockpile of weapons on board the vessel. Once the IDF had full control they sailed the vessel to an Israeli port were the passengers were arrested and interviewed. The vessel was searched and found to contain rotten food unfit for human consumption and out of date medicines.

Care to explain what use these could be to the gazans when they travel to Israel for nost of their medical needs.

Bullshit post of the week!:udaman: :clap::clap::clap:

And you have the gall to say his post was bullshit when ALL THE EVIDENCE points otherwise. You really are losing it.

Most of it comes from the videos taken by Lara Lee who smuggled them of the vessel, they show the true extent of the terrorism employed and the brutality used. Will he deny this footage that was just part of the pro Palestinians evidence of Israeli atrocities.
Bullshit post of the week!:udaman: :clap::clap::clap:

And you have the gall to say his post was bullshit when ALL THE EVIDENCE points otherwise. You really are losing it.

Most of it comes from the videos taken by Lara Lee who smuggled them of the vessel, they show the true extent of the terrorism employed and the brutality used. Will he deny this footage that was just part of the pro Palestinians evidence of Israeli atrocities.

Obviously he cannot deny it. There is an abundance of proof on the net about the subject.
Bullshit post of the week!:udaman: :clap::clap::clap:

And you have the gall to say his post was bullshit when ALL THE EVIDENCE points otherwise. You really are losing it.

Another Israeli lie.

The contents of those ships were inspected by the port authorities of the countries of departure. Journalists and media were invited to inspect the cargo. The flotilla offered to have the ships inspected by an international body like the UN and the Red Cross.

Not to mention that I would be surprised if Massad was not on the dock listing the contents.

Everybody knew that there were no weapons but many people believe every Israeli lie that comes down the pike.

That would not stop them from loading at another port would it, say Famagusta in Cyprus were the flotilla stopped.

Got news for you. You got that right it was a mistake for Israel to board that ship. When boarding it for inspection was refused, Israel should have just torpedoed it.
Torpedo a vessel bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza?

Can you get any more evil than that?

crayons, coloring books and chocolate were not exactly a priority need.
wheelchairs could have been helpful but wheels could be put on any of several chairs or what many have done, use a skate board. They get around amazingly fast.
I used a office chair that had wheels and a broom handle with a rubber tip I added so I could use it like a ski poll or canoe paddle to move around.
Yes, a wheelchair would be better to get around outside, but it also is not exactly a top necessity to supply the "starving palestinians with no light, gas, medicine, water or sewage" as was claimed.
anyone with a little DIY skills could take old bike wheels, with or without tubes and put them on an axial and attach those as back wheels to a chair. Old pram wheels or wheel barrow wheels could be use as well.
For smaller people or children, those folding umbrella strollers can carry a lot of weight and can be push across a lot of different terrains. You can put a folding or removable wooden/metal seat and adapt it for a larger teen size. A bit of electrical knowledge and you can put on electric motor with switch or old game paddle and/or remote control. A little 2" computer with a tiny blue tooth and you could use your smart phone to operate the chair.

The boat was not filled with supplies and all those people were not need in gaza except as a publicity stunt, and giving IDF the finger so to speak.

Of the 10,000 tonnes of aid 8,000 was banned building materials that could be used to build smuggling tunnels . So the raid on the vessels was justified by that alone.

Israel said humanitarian aid confiscated from the ships would be transferred to Gaza, but that it would not transfer banned items such as cement.[63] At the same briefing, they said that they found construction equipment, including concrete and metal rods, that were not allowed into Gaza. The IDF said that all of the equipment on board was examined and none of it was in shortage in Gaza.[198] According to Israeli and Palestinian sources, Hamas refused to allow the humanitarian aid into Gaza until Israeli authorities released all flotilla detainees and allowed building materials, which are thought to make up 8,000 of the 10,000 tons of the goods, to reach them

Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not according to experts in INTERNATIONAL LAW which is why no one has tried to have it lifted. While the rockets and other attacks from the Palestinians and their supporters continue the blockade is legal and moral.
Hell, even the Egyptians are participating in the blockade.

Having finally come to their senses and recognizing the Palestinians for the mad dogs that they are.

And the US pays them a couple $B a year to do it.

Why do you think the (US owned) Egyptian military took out Morsi? He wasn't following Israel's script.
Not according to experts in INTERNATIONAL LAW which is why no one has tried to have it lifted. While the rockets and other attacks from the Palestinians and their supporters continue the blockade is legal and moral.
Hell, even the Egyptians are participating in the blockade.

Having finally come to their senses and recognizing the Palestinians for the mad dogs that they are.

And the US pays them a couple $B a year to do it.

Why do you think the (US owned) Egyptian military took out Morsi? He wasn't following Israel's script.

Egypt gets $1.6 billion in US military aid per year. There is economic aid as well.
And you have the gall to say his post was bullshit when ALL THE EVIDENCE points otherwise. You really are losing it.

Another Israeli lie.

The contents of those ships were inspected by the port authorities of the countries of departure. Journalists and media were invited to inspect the cargo. The flotilla offered to have the ships inspected by an international body like the UN and the Red Cross.

Not to mention that I would be surprised if Massad was not on the dock listing the contents.

Everybody knew that there were no weapons but many people believe every Israeli lie that comes down the pike.

The other ships yes, apart from the Mavi Marmara whose aim was to purely break the blockade. The ships with goods on obeyed the law and sailed to the port whereas the activists' ship (you know, the Mavi Marmara with the excitable jihadists on board) just wanted to make a name for themselves and berth at Gaza.

Dock at Israel and transport the supplies by land to gaza. No blockade run war necessary, or a boat load of publicity seekers.
It was not about supplies but about a naval blockade by both Israel and Egypt, to keep items that can be used to make weapons or tunnels from getting to the militant/terrorist.
The issue of the fuel for the power plant, electrical blackouts, was a money dispute between the PA and Hamas, not Israel.
Bullshit post of the week!:udaman: :clap::clap::clap:

And you have the gall to say his post was bullshit when ALL THE EVIDENCE points otherwise. You really are losing it.

Most of it comes from the videos taken by Lara Lee who smuggled them of the vessel, they show the true extent of the terrorism employed and the brutality used. Will he deny this footage that was just part of the pro Palestinians evidence of Israeli atrocities.

This Lara Lee?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5r79IN7vVs]Lara Lee, Activist & filmmaker, Culture of Resistance-The Autograph-05-07-2011-(Part2) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTN-WMrS3Ig]Lara Lee, Activist & filmmaker, Culture of Resistance-The Autograph-05-07-2011-(Part1) - YouTube[/ame]
Hell, even the Egyptians are participating in the blockade.

Having finally come to their senses and recognizing the Palestinians for the mad dogs that they are.

And the US pays them a couple $B a year to do it.]

Why do you think the (US owned) Egyptian military took out Morsi? He wasn't following Israel's script.

Egypt gets $1.6 billion in US military aid per year. There is economic aid as well.
They do, indeed.

Egypt concluded a peace treaty with Israel decades ago.

Egypt has been taking US aid money for almost as long.

Once the Egyptians kicked-out the Soviets.

But there is, to my knowledge, no credible evidence that the Egyptians are participating in the Blockade of Gaza, as a condition of continuing to receive US aid money (military or economic).

Egyptian participation in the Gaza Blockade began when the Egyptians shut-down the border and destroyed Palestinian tunnels that snuck under Egyptian barriers, because the Palestinians were becoming dangerous to Egypt, as well.

There is also, to my knowledge, no credible evidence that the Egyptian Army took out Morsi because he was not playing ball with Israel.

A sizable percentage of the Egyptian People rose against Morsi, demonstrating for many days in the streets, until the demonstrations reached a Critical Mass, and the Egyptian Army stepped in.

The Turkish Army has been the Guardian of the State for most of the century since the fall of the Ottomans after WWI. When a civilian government strays too far from the secular model crafted by Ataturk, the Army steps in and bitch-slaps the government.

It seems entirely likely that the Egyptian Army did exactly the same thing, in removing Morsi.

The Egyptian Army took the side of the masses of protesters who saw a grave risk of Egypt becoming another Shariah-Law -ruled shit-hole, suppressing hard-won freedoms and modern conventions - so the Army took sides, and bitch-slapped the Muslim Brotherhood Mouthpiece and the rest of his Brotherhood butt-buddies.

Tinny knows all this... but saying that the Brotherhood was dumped at Israel's (by proxy, through the US) command, does make for good Goebbels -style propaganda droppings.
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Yes, Egypt knows the Palestinians well. As soon as Israel granted them their own Gaza, Egypt closed the border on the Palestinians to starve them. And has ANYONE heard of a single Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaint about that?

And the US pays them a couple $B a year to do it.

Why do you think the (US owned) Egyptian military took out Morsi? He wasn't following Israel's script.

Egypt gets $1.6 billion in US military aid per year. There is economic aid as well.
They do, indeed.

Egypt concluded a peace treaty with Israel decades ago.

Egypt has been taking US aid money for almost as long.

Once the Egyptians kicked-out the Soviets.

But there is, to my knowledge, no credible evidence that the Egyptians are participating in the Blockade of Gaza, as a condition of continuing to receive US aid money (military or economic).

Egyptian participation in the Gaza Blockade began when the Egyptians shut-down the border and destroyed Palestinian tunnels that snuck under Egyptian barriers, because the Palestinians were becoming dangerous to Egypt, as well.

There is also, to my knowledge, no credible evidence that the Egyptian Army took out Morsi because he was not playing ball with Israel.

A sizable percentage of the Egyptian People rose against Morsi, demonstrating for many days in the streets, until the demonstrations reached a Critical Mass, and the Egyptian Army stepped in.

The Turkish Army has been the Guardian of the State for most of the century since the fall of the Ottomans after WWI. When a civilian government strays too far from the secular model crafted by Ataturk, the Army steps in and bitch-slaps the government.

It seems entirely likely that the Egyptian Army did exactly the same thing, in removing Morsi.

The Egyptian Army took the side of the masses of protesters who saw a grave risk of Egypt becoming another Shariah-Law -ruled shit-hole, suppressing hard-won freedoms and modern conventions - so the Army took sides, and bitch-slapped the Muslim Brotherhood Mouthpiece and the rest of his Brotherhood butt-buddies.

Tinny knows all this... but saying that the Brotherhood was dumped at Israel's (by proxy, through the US) command, does make for good Goebbels -style propaganda droppings.
And the US pays them a couple $B a year to do it.]

Why do you think the (US owned) Egyptian military took out Morsi? He wasn't following Israel's script.

Egypt gets $1.6 billion in US military aid per year. There is economic aid as well.
They do, indeed.

Egypt concluded a peace treaty with Israel decades ago.

Egypt has been taking US aid money for almost as long.

Once the Egyptians kicked-out the Soviets.

But there is, to my knowledge, no credible evidence that the Egyptians are participating in the Blockade of Gaza, as a condition of continuing to receive US aid money (military or economic).

Egyptian participation in the Gaza Blockade began when the Egyptians shut-down the border and destroyed Palestinian tunnels that snuck under Egyptian barriers, because the Palestinians were becoming dangerous to Egypt, as well.

There is also, to my knowledge, no credible evidence that the Egyptian Army took out Morsi because he was not playing ball with Israel.

A sizable percentage of the Egyptian People rose against Morsi, demonstrating for many days in the streets, until the demonstrations reached a Critical Mass, and the Egyptian Army stepped in.

The Turkish Army has been the Guardian of the State for most of the century since the fall of the Ottomans after WWI. When a civilian government strays too far from the secular model crafted by Ataturk, the Army steps in and bitch-slaps the government.

It seems entirely likely that the Egyptian Army did exactly the same thing, in removing Morsi.

The Egyptian Army took the side of the masses of protesters who saw a grave risk of Egypt becoming another Shariah-Law -ruled shit-hole, suppressing hard-won freedoms and modern conventions - so the Army took sides, and bitch-slapped the Muslim Brotherhood Mouthpiece and the rest of his Brotherhood butt-buddies.

Tinny knows all this... but saying that the Brotherhood was dumped at Israel's (by proxy, through the US) command, does make for good Goebbels -style propaganda droppings.

Gaza fisherman shot by Egyptian boats | Maan News Agency

PS: Egypt will open Rafah crossing for three day in order to allow Umrah pilgrims to travel to Saudi Arabia and others to return to Gaza.
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