Who Are The Palestinains?

See you are attempting to remove the Jews rights to self determination by telling lies. The land was transferred to the Jews under 181 as soon as they deposited their declaration with the UN. You can call up as many obscure ISLAMONAZI links as you like the UN and ICJ supersedes them all.

The Resolution as a legal basis for Palestinian statehood[edit]

In 1988, the Palestine Liberation Organization published the Palestinian Declaration of Independence relying on Resolution 181, arguing that the resolution continues to provide international legitimacy for the right of the Palestinian people to sovereignty and national independence.[107] A number of scholars have written in support of this view.[108][109][110]

A General Assembly request for an advisory opinion, Resolution ES-10/14 (2004), specifically cited resolution 181(II) as a "relevant resolution", and asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) what are the legal consequences of the relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions. Judge Abdul Koroma explained the majority opinion: "The Court has also held that the right of self-determination as an established and recognized right under international law applies to the territory and to the Palestinian people. Accordingly, the exercise of such right entitles the Palestinian people to a State of their own as originally envisaged in resolution 181 (II) and subsequently confirmed."[111] In response, Prof. Paul De Waart said that the Court put the legality of the 1922 League of Nations Palestine Mandate and the 1947 UN Plan of Partition beyond doubt once and for all

United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know how many times Rocco and I have shown Tinmore that both Israel and the Palestinians used 181 for their declaration of independence??
Yet he keeps denying it.

Now he cant as the link shows the International court of Justice had ruled that 181 was valid and legal

Cool, now that both sides agree on resolution 181, we will have:

Two states on the proposed borders.

An international Jerusalem.

Equal rights for all.

An economic union.

All people will have citizenship in the land of their residence. (including refugees)

And there will be peace.

Praise the Lord!
Gosh I wonder why Egypt wasn't too happy about the Palestinians digging tunnels? Heh Heh!

Egypt destroys smuggling tunnels on Gaza border | The Times of Israel

Egypt gets $1.6 billion in US military aid per year. There is economic aid as well.
They do, indeed.

Egypt concluded a peace treaty with Israel decades ago.

Egypt has been taking US aid money for almost as long.

Once the Egyptians kicked-out the Soviets.

But there is, to my knowledge, no credible evidence that the Egyptians are participating in the Blockade of Gaza, as a condition of continuing to receive US aid money (military or economic).

Egyptian participation in the Gaza Blockade began when the Egyptians shut-down the border and destroyed Palestinian tunnels that snuck under Egyptian barriers, because the Palestinians were becoming dangerous to Egypt, as well.

There is also, to my knowledge, no credible evidence that the Egyptian Army took out Morsi because he was not playing ball with Israel.

A sizable percentage of the Egyptian People rose against Morsi, demonstrating for many days in the streets, until the demonstrations reached a Critical Mass, and the Egyptian Army stepped in.

The Turkish Army has been the Guardian of the State for most of the century since the fall of the Ottomans after WWI. When a civilian government strays too far from the secular model crafted by Ataturk, the Army steps in and bitch-slaps the government.

It seems entirely likely that the Egyptian Army did exactly the same thing, in removing Morsi.

The Egyptian Army took the side of the masses of protesters who saw a grave risk of Egypt becoming another Shariah-Law -ruled shit-hole, suppressing hard-won freedoms and modern conventions - so the Army took sides, and bitch-slapped the Muslim Brotherhood Mouthpiece and the rest of his Brotherhood butt-buddies.

Tinny knows all this... but saying that the Brotherhood was dumped at Israel's (by proxy, through the US) command, does make for good Goebbels -style propaganda droppings.

Gaza fisherman shot by Egyptian boats | Maan News Agency

PS: Egypt will open Rafah crossing for three day in order to allow Umrah pilgrims to travel to Saudi Arabia and others to return to Gaza.
Cool, now that both sides agree on resolution 181, we will have:

Two states on the proposed borders.

An international Jerusalem.

Equal rights for all.

An economic union.

All people will have citizenship in the land of their residence. (including refugees)

And there will be peace.

Praise the Lord!

Methinks the time for that is past...

First lost window-of-opportunity was 1949...

Second (and final?) lost window-of-opportunity was 1967...

The Palestinians may very well be fresh-out of windows-of-opportunity...
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Cool, now that both sides agree on resolution 181, we will have:

Two states on the proposed borders.

An international Jerusalem.

Equal rights for all.

An economic union.

All people will have citizenship in the land of their residence. (including refugees)

And there will be peace.

Praise the Lord!

Methinks the time for that is past...

First lost window-of-opportunity was 1949...

Second (and final?) lost window-of-opportunity was 1967...

The Palestinians may very well be fresh-out of windows-of-opportunity...

But what about the claim that resolution 181 is legal and valid?
Priase be to Allah the Palestinians rejected 181. Bye bye Palestinian State. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Cool, now that both sides agree on resolution 181, we will have:

Two states on the proposed borders.

An international Jerusalem.

Equal rights for all.

An economic union.

All people will have citizenship in the land of their residence. (including refugees)

And there will be peace.

Praise the Lord!

Methinks the time for that is past...

First lost window-of-opportunity was 1949...

Second (and final?) lost window-of-opportunity was 1967...

The Palestinians may very well be fresh-out of windows-of-opportunity...

But what about the claim that resolution 181 is legal and valid?
Cool, now that both sides agree on resolution 181, we will have:

Two states on the proposed borders.

An international Jerusalem.

Equal rights for all.

An economic union.

All people will have citizenship in the land of their residence. (including refugees)

And there will be peace.

Praise the Lord!

Methinks the time for that is past...

First lost window-of-opportunity was 1949...

Second (and final?) lost window-of-opportunity was 1967...

The Palestinians may very well be fresh-out of windows-of-opportunity...

But what about the claim that resolution 181 is legal and valid?

Wow , just wow Tinmore.

Both sides used 181 as a basis for their DOI . I'm talking about the partition part. The part that allotted land to both sides.

We have provided you with links that prove this very exact point, but you still come up with your 'but but but this and that!'

This is why no one likes debating with you. You can't handle the truth when it's thrown right in your face.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it.
You know how many times Rocco and I have shown Tinmore that both Israel and the Palestinians used 181 for their declaration of independence??
Yet he keeps denying it.

Now he cant as the link shows the International court of Justice had ruled that 181 was valid and legal

Cool, now that both sides agree on resolution 181, we will have:

Two states on the proposed borders.

An international Jerusalem.

Equal rights for all.

An economic union.

All people will have citizenship in the land of their residence. (including refugees)

And there will be peace.

Praise the Lord!

Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen rejected it.
And you have the gall to say his post was bullshit when ALL THE EVIDENCE points otherwise. You really are losing it.

Most of it comes from the videos taken by Lara Lee who smuggled them of the vessel, they show the true extent of the terrorism employed and the brutality used. Will he deny this footage that was just part of the pro Palestinians evidence of Israeli atrocities.

This Lara Lee?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5r79IN7vVs]Lara Lee, Activist & filmmaker, Culture of Resistance-The Autograph-05-07-2011-(Part2) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTN-WMrS3Ig]Lara Lee, Activist & filmmaker, Culture of Resistance-The Autograph-05-07-2011-(Part1) - YouTube[/ame]

The one on board the blockade running vessel that tried to fight the IDF.
You know how many times Rocco and I have shown Tinmore that both Israel and the Palestinians used 181 for their declaration of independence??
Yet he keeps denying it.

Now he cant as the link shows the International court of Justice had ruled that 181 was valid and legal

Cool, now that both sides agree on resolution 181, we will have:

Two states on the proposed borders.

An international Jerusalem.

Equal rights for all.

An economic union.

All people will have citizenship in the land of their residence. (including refugees)

And there will be peace.

Praise the Lord!

Un 181 did not stipulate any borders, it just laid down guidelines. Try reading it

The arab muslims destroyed the chance of an international Jerusalem, but if it did come about the Palestinian squatters would be forced to leave and Palestine could not have it as its capital city.

Only if the Palestinians grant the people equal rights, at the moment they don't.

Only if Palestine adds to the economic union, and not just steals what it can.

Meaning that Jews will eventually rule all of the land through the ballot box and not through violence.

Only if the Palestinians give up terrorism, violence and belligerence. If they don't then the situation will be very much as it is now, only with more Palestinian deaths .
Cool, now that both sides agree on resolution 181, we will have:

Two states on the proposed borders.

An international Jerusalem.

Equal rights for all.

An economic union.

All people will have citizenship in the land of their residence. (including refugees)

And there will be peace.

Praise the Lord!

Methinks the time for that is past...

First lost window-of-opportunity was 1949...

Second (and final?) lost window-of-opportunity was 1967...

The Palestinians may very well be fresh-out of windows-of-opportunity...

But what about the claim that resolution 181 is legal and valid?

Does not mean that the Palestinians get a do over, it stands at the moment until such time as mutually agreed borders and peace have been negotiated. You see more recent UN resolutions supersede 181, and take away from the Palestinians more than they are prepared to give up. This includes Jerusalem and the two carbuncles on the Temple mount. Any treaties made after 1947 will still stand meaning that they will have lost land to Israel in the treaties with Egypt and Jordan.
You are not very bright are you, being a one trick pony.
Methinks the time for that is past...

First lost window-of-opportunity was 1949...

Second (and final?) lost window-of-opportunity was 1967...

The Palestinians may very well be fresh-out of windows-of-opportunity...

But what about the claim that resolution 181 is legal and valid?

Does not mean that the Palestinians get a do over, it stands at the moment until such time as mutually agreed borders and peace have been negotiated. You see more recent UN resolutions supersede 181, and take away from the Palestinians more than they are prepared to give up. This includes Jerusalem and the two carbuncles on the Temple mount. Any treaties made after 1947 will still stand meaning that they will have lost land to Israel in the treaties with Egypt and Jordan.
You are not very bright are you, being a one trick pony.

It is said constantly that Israel "accepted" resolution 181. However, Israel:
  • Rejected the proposed borders.
  • Rejected the international status of Jerusalem.
  • Rejected the rights of the non Jewish population.
What part of resolution 181 did Israel accept?
But what about the claim that resolution 181 is legal and valid?

Does not mean that the Palestinians get a do over, it stands at the moment until such time as mutually agreed borders and peace have been negotiated. You see more recent UN resolutions supersede 181, and take away from the Palestinians more than they are prepared to give up. This includes Jerusalem and the two carbuncles on the Temple mount. Any treaties made after 1947 will still stand meaning that they will have lost land to Israel in the treaties with Egypt and Jordan.
You are not very bright are you, being a one trick pony.

It is said constantly that Israel "accepted" resolution 181. However, Israel:
  • Rejected the proposed borders.
  • Rejected the international status of Jerusalem.
  • Rejected the rights of the non Jewish population.
What part of resolution 181 did Israel accept?

Not that it's relevant, but can you please show me where Israel rejected all that?
Why does Tinmore lie about resolution 181 being invalid, when the Palestinians THEMSELVES used it as justification to declare independence in 1988:

The Declaration contains an overt acceptance that "the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181, of 1947, which partitioned Palestine into two states [...] provides the legal basis for the right of the Palestinian Arab people to national sovereignty and independence." Our recognition of the authority of Resolution 181, combined with our acknowledgment (in the same session of the PNC) of UN Security Council Resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973) as the basis for settling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, signaled our formal acceptance of the two-state solution.

But what about the claim that resolution 181 is legal and valid?

Does not mean that the Palestinians get a do over, it stands at the moment until such time as mutually agreed borders and peace have been negotiated. You see more recent UN resolutions supersede 181, and take away from the Palestinians more than they are prepared to give up. This includes Jerusalem and the two carbuncles on the Temple mount. Any treaties made after 1947 will still stand meaning that they will have lost land to Israel in the treaties with Egypt and Jordan.
You are not very bright are you, being a one trick pony.

It is said constantly that Israel "accepted" resolution 181. However, Israel:
  • Rejected the proposed borders.
  • Rejected the international status of Jerusalem.
  • Rejected the rights of the non Jewish population.
What part of resolution 181 did Israel accept?
The part where they get to create their own country by carving off a piece of Old Palestine?
Cool, now that both sides agree on resolution 181, we will have:

Two states on the proposed borders.

An international Jerusalem.

Equal rights for all.

An economic union.

All people will have citizenship in the land of their residence. (including refugees)

And there will be peace.

Praise the Lord!

Methinks the time for that is past...

First lost window-of-opportunity was 1949...

Second (and final?) lost window-of-opportunity was 1967...

The Palestinians may very well be fresh-out of windows-of-opportunity...

But what about the claim that resolution 181 is legal and valid?
It is obvious that Israel cherry-picked the parts of 181 that they wanted, and set the rest aside.

Given the preconditions established by Balfour, etc., I don't blame 'em in the slightest for cherry-picking.

And, even though that was not the original intent of 181's creators, that's the way the Israeli's played it, and it's the fait accompli that they were able to pull off.
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crayons, coloring books and chocolate were not exactly a priority need.
wheelchairs could have been helpful but wheels could be put on any of several chairs or what many have done, use a skate board. They get around amazingly fast.
I used a office chair that had wheels and a broom handle with a rubber tip I added so I could use it like a ski poll or canoe paddle to move around.
Yes, a wheelchair would be better to get around outside, but it also is not exactly a top necessity to supply the "starving palestinians with no light, gas, medicine, water or sewage" as was claimed.
anyone with a little DIY skills could take old bike wheels, with or without tubes and put them on an axial and attach those as back wheels to a chair. Old pram wheels or wheel barrow wheels could be use as well.
For smaller people or children, those folding umbrella strollers can carry a lot of weight and can be push across a lot of different terrains. You can put a folding or removable wooden/metal seat and adapt it for a larger teen size.
Those pictures were fakes and nothing more than damage control by the Israeli regime.

A bit of electrical knowledge and you can put on electric motor with switch or old game paddle and/or remote control. A little 2" computer with a tiny blue tooth and you could use your smart phone to operate the chair.
Electrical Engineering is how I've been putting food on my table and a roof over my head for the last 30 years, would you care to explain your statement in a little more detail?

The boat was not filled with supplies and all those people were not need in gaza except as a publicity stunt, and giving IDF the finger so to speak.
"...those people were not in need..."?

You watch too much Israeli TV.

Here's the reality...

61% of the population in the Gaza Strip, or 973,600 people, suffer from a lack of food security, defined by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) as “the absence of access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.”

94% of the households report a decline in the quality of food purchased over the past year

59% report a decline in the amount of food consumed.

71 percent of Gaza households rely on humanitarian aid from the international organizations
All of that is a direct result of the illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza.
Yet, the brain dead do not see this.....

I just joined this forum because it seems to be the only US forum on the Israel/Palestine issues I want to discuss. However, reviewing some of the topic postings, I am a little disappointed. I really want to have a constructive discussion and I hope to find that here. I haven't read any of the 1500+ posts this topic has generated, so just responding to the original post. The article cited is clearly dismissive in tone, not a serious critical essay. I hope we can consider the quality of the source before accepting it. There is very little to no useful information in this one.

When humanity first came out of Africa, it is likely we got to Palestine very quickly, given its location at the crossroads of the world, so predictably some of the very oldest human fossils outside of Africa itself are found in Palestine. The land of Palestine has been settled from that time forward and ALL of those people are by definition Palestinians. Some of you may have found an interest in the exciting new field of genetic history. When genetic studies were done on Israeli Jews and Arab Palestinians, it was discovered that they are .... practically identical genetically, around 80% shared haplotypes. This is because when the Romans expelled the Jews from Israel/Palestine back in the year 70, they didn't actually expel most Jews, who instead left the cities and went into the countryside, where they founded new synagogues and churches and remain to this day.... the Palestinians. Later migrations into and out of Palestine, especially the Arabs and Crusaders, who left a lot of genetic material behind, and intermarriage of Jews with other groups during the diaspora account for the remaining 20%, but it turns out Jews and Palestinians are essentially the same people. The land of Palestine was not a vacuum when Herzl first came up with the bright idea of settling it (I hope noone on this forum believes that!). It has been continuously settled all along, from earliest human history. That is who the Palestinians are. They are the indigenous people of Palestine, including Canaanite, Phoenician, Jewish, Assyrian, Arab, European, all in one melting pot.

If we stop believing the pat answers, rhetoric, and polemics and start serious analysis, I think we will discover this problem isn't really so difficult to solve as it is often portrayed. If anyone wants specific sources on Palestinian history, i.e., land and people, let me know, I got a ton dating from Roman times, medieval times, and more recently. I come bearing an olive branch and if we can't have a thoughtful discussion I will shake the dust off.

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