Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Left to their own devices, these fine folks will project their hate for themselves against each other.

An assassination attempt against a Fatah Movement official failed early Sunday morning in a south Lebanon Palestinian refugee camp, the stateā€™s National News Agency reported.

The NNA said Abd al-Sultan had come under fire from an assailant in the Mieh Mieh camp, near Sidon, after he left his relativeā€™s house. The shooting wounded Sultanā€™s brother in law in the hand and thigh, and he was taken to the Sidon Government Hospital for treatment.
It added that Sultan had also been wounded in recent clashes in the nearby Ain al-Hilweh camp, where he resides.

While the small Mieh Mieh camp is relatively calm compared to other urban slums, Ain al-Hilweh, Lebanonā€™s largest Palestinian camp, is often rocked by violence between rival Palestinian and Islamist factions.

Ain al-Hilweh is home to militant groups such as Jund al-Sham and Fatah al-Islam, considered terrorist organizations by the Lebanese government.
I pointed out last week that some photos of streets in Gaza attacked by Israel show a characteristic cave-in pattern that indicates that a terrorist tunnel underneath the busy streets collapsed after Israeli earth-penetrating bombs were dropped.

Pavers coat about 5-10 times as much as paving with asphalt does and take much more time. Why would Hamas spend this kind of money to repair roads?

Because the pavers are meant to protect the tunnels. Israel shot relatively small, burrowing bombs that went easily through the asphalt on the street and then exploded the tunnel foundations underneath. These pavers, which look to be about 4 inches deep, would force Israel to use more destructive bombs to get to the tunnels - bombs more likely to kill innocent Gazans.

These pavers look to be locally produced. Bricks can be produced the same way. Hamas could be repairing buildings and helping Gazans. Instead, it is spending a great deal of money to protect its terror infrastructure.

(full article online)

After an explosion in Gaza City last month, the PA and Abbasā€™ Fatah Movement and others have criticized Hamas and other terror organizations in the Gaza Strip for their disregard for human life and use of civilians as human shields.

Fatahā€™s Awdah TV reported that human rights organizations as well as eyewitnesses had confirmed that the military wings of a number of factions in the Gaza Strip ā€“ i.e., terror organizations ā€“ had ā€œplaced bombs, explosives, and explosive materials near the homes of the civiliansā€:


(full article online)

( Globalize Jew hatred. Check.
Globalize attacks on Jews. Check.
Perpetuate Jew Hatred and attacks on Jews. Check.
Look for ways of taking away hatred of Jews from Islamic teachings. No.
Look for ways to end war on Israel. No
Look for ways to make lives of Palestinians better. No.)

A pro-Palestinian rally in Brooklyn on Saturday devolved into inflammatory rhetoric and calls for violence against not just Israelis, but Jews around the world.

Several hundred protesters marched under banners stating, ā€œGlobalize the intifada,ā€ ā€œZionism is terrorism,ā€ and ā€œWe will free Palestine within our lifetime.ā€

Demonstrators also chanted slogans such as ā€œThere is only one solution, intifada revolution,ā€ ā€œIf we donā€™t get no justice, then they donā€™t get no peace,ā€ ā€œMobilize the intifada,ā€ and ā€œFrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.ā€

(full article online)

Gee, whiz. Maybe if we showered UNRWA, the islamic terrorist enabling network with boatloads of cash, they would change their position on supporting and enabling Pally islamic terrorism.

On the other hand, it seems that our history of showering UNRWA with boatloads of cash has incentivised their supporting and enabling of Pally islamic terrorists.

Decisions, decisions.

More than 100 employees of a United Nationsā€™ aid agency have posted content on social media that spreads hatred against Israel and Israelis, encourages anti-Semitism, and supports terrorism, a new report by the UN Watch shows.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which runs schools and social services in the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Arab countries around Israel, is now facing calls to fire employees who use social media to celebrate attacks on Israelis and promote anti-Jewish hatred.
According to Abu Ali Express on Telegram, the storeowner says that at least ten different people are seriously interested in the item. No word on whether or not some or all are Hamas ā€œgovernmentā€ officials.

By the way, you have to love the contrast within the storeownerā€™s photos:

Gaza is not the monolithic place the haters and mainstream media love to portray. There are poor people in Gaza just like everywhere else. There are also filthy rich people and those in between. There is destruction wrought, thanks to Hamas and their policy of using civilian areas to attack Israel. But there are also luxurious places untouched.

(full article online)

Gee. The Islamic terrorists representing the Hamas franchise are happy to take our kuffar dollars.

They're such generous souls.

Deputy chairman of Hamas abroad Musa Abu Marzouk said that "as a liberation" movement, Hamas accepts aid from any country that offers it, including the Americans, but Iran helps Hamas more than any other country. He made his remarks in an interview that aired on Hiwar TV (U.K.) on July 29, 2021. Abu Marzouk said that there is no limit to Iranā€™s aid for Hamas, and it includes military training, weapons, and know-how. He asked: "How can we not thank Iran for that?" For more information about Musa Abu Marzouk, see MEMRI TV clips Nos. 8851, 5818, 4492, and 1043.
Good luck with any Pal islamic terrorists entering into a ''social contract''. Within the Pally dystopia are a half dozen warring tribes, all of whom see the UNRWA welfare scam as the pathway to personal fortunes.

In a June 27, 2021 article in Al-Ayyam, Palestinian political analyst Akram 'Atallah discussed the violence which, he said, is entrenched in Palestinian society and Arab societies in general. He stated that, unlike other human societies, which curbed their violence when they adopted the model of the modern state and endorsed humane values that limit the use of force, especially by the authorities, Arab societies, including Palestinian society, failed to do so and remain steeped in violence. The Arabs, 'Attallah elaborates, adopted the modern state and its values only outwardly, while maintaining their aggressive and tribal norms, to the extent that violence has become "a sacred culture." He called on the Palestinians to form a contract between the various components of their society, so as to curb the struggles and conflicts among them and contain the damage that has already been caused by the culture of violence.

A bit of tension it seems between the angry Fatah and Hamas caliphate'ists. These fine folks could pick up where they left off at the end of their earlier Civil war and we could see some gee-had fun and games.​

Hamas ā€œoppresses lifeā€¦ [with] torture, murder, oppression" and uses civilians as human shields, say PA daily​

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Aug 2, 2021

  • ā€œHamas is choosing popular markets as a secure place for its live ammunition storehouses, because the occupation forces (i.e., Israel) cannot blow up the marketsā€ ā€“ Amad independent Palestinian news website

  • ā€œ[Hamas is] a militia that oppresses lifeā€¦ in its prisons through despicable tortureā€¦ Murder, oppression, arbitrary arrests, violent break-ins to search in housesā€¦ storage of weapons among peopleā€™s homesā€ ā€“ official PA daily

After an explosion in Gaza City last month, the PA and Abbasā€™ Fatah Movement and others have criticized Hamas and other terror organizations in the Gaza Strip for their disregard for human life and use of civilians as human shields.
One of the fine folks who works for UNRWA, the forever Pally islamic terrorist entitlement.

Akram Ayoub, UNRWA Project Assistant, Celebrates Murderer​

  • August 2, Facebook profile
    Akram Ayoub lists himself as a project assistant and storekeeper at UNRWA. His posts refer to Jews as animals and celebrate as a ā€œheroā€ a Palestinian who murdered three other Palestinians for allegedly ā€œcollaboratingā€ with Israel.
    Image 1
    In this post, UNRWA employee Akram Ayoub glorifies Palestinian killer Sami Abu Diak as a ā€œhero.ā€ Abu Diak was convicted by an Israeli military court of voluntary manslaughter, kidnapping, attempted murder, opening fire on people, and other offenses in 2002. He was associated with the terrorist wing of the Palestinian Fatah faction, known as the Al-Aqsa Martyrsā€™ Brigades. At the time of his death, he was serving more than three life sentences for the killings of three Palestinians accused of collaborating with Israel. Akram Ayoubā€™s post adds: ā€œMay Allah have mercy on the martyrs and [bestow] glory and freedom on the heroic prisoners.ā€ The referenced prisoners have all been convicted of terror-related crimes against Israelis, mostly murder and attempted murder.


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And so, determined to come out of this unhappy affair with the least amount of injury to Israelā€™s standing in the world, never mind the justice thing, at the start of the hearingā€”which ended without a decisionā€”the justices tried in every way to bring the parties to a compromise agreement. They were hoping to avoid overturning the legally sound court decisions over fears of international retribution. Justice is not supposed to work like that.

The neighborhood was established by Jewish settlers in 1890, and its Jewish residents were forced out by the British mandatory government during the War of Independence. In the early 2000s, after a long legal battle, Jewish residents started to come back to Shimon Hatzadik.

n the 1950s and ā€™60s, King Hussein of Jordan plied the Arabs of Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem under his rule with real estate to maintain their loyalty to the crown. Among those properties were those vacated Jewish homes in Sheikh Jarrah. In 1967, Israel liberated the eastern part of Jerusalem. Israeli law is very clear regarding allowing the owners to ask for and receive homes they had been kicked out of in what was briefly known as the ā€œwest bank.ā€

And now to the part where the late Abba Eban is smiling in his grave: the Arabs refused to offer.

The problem is not the money, but the recognition of Nahalat Shimonā€™s ownership of those four homes. The Arabs refused the deal (I mean, come on, a home in Jerusalem for less than $40 a month?) because the plaintiffs demanded in return for giving up the evictions a clear recognition of the Jewish ownership of the properties a clear and irreversible commitment on the part of the Arab squatters that they would make no further claims in the future.

For the Arabs, itā€™s November 1947 all over again: to avoid eviction they would have to declare publicly that the land is owned by the Jews, something of which culturally, religiously and ideologically they may be quite incapable of fulfilling.

(full article online)


PA TV added background songs promoting terror to its broadcasts from street rallies:

  • ā€œNo force in the world can remove the weapon from my handā€ ā€“ song added to Hebron and Jenin rallies

  • ā€œO Fatah man with the Kalashnikov, teach them the war of the streetsā€ - song added to Ramallah and Jericho rallies

  • ā€œA Martyrdom seeker... carried out an operationā€ ā€“ song added to Jericho rally

  • ā€œVictorious is the hand that blows up a tankā€ ā€“ song added to Jenin rally

(full article online)

In a July 15 article in the Saudi daily 'Okaz, journalist Muhammad Al-Sa'd harshly criticizes Palestinian militant Ahmad Jibril, who died recently, and his movement, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine ā€“ General Command (PFLPā€“GC). Jibril and his movement, wrote Al-Sa'd, acted as a killing machine in the service of the Syrian regime, and killed more Palestinians during the civil wars in Lebanon and Syria than Israel has killed since 1948. Thus, they were certainly a liability rather than an asset for the Palestinian cause.

Al-Sa'd also criticizes the head of the Hamas movement, Yahya Sinwar, for regarding Jibril as a source of inspiration, and states that Hamas acted just like Jibril when it killed Fatah members during its 2007 takeover of the Gaza Strip. He concludes by saying that the Palestinians do not understand that they are their own worst enemies and forgive themselves for their mistakes, and agrees with Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who said that the Palestinian cause is a just cause but its advocates are failures.[1]

(full article online)

There's a good read about the Islamo-paradise that would result when Hamas brings their Charter to fruition.

As you might expect, the article is stinging sarcasm about the competing mini-caliphates of Abbas'istan and and the dictators running both of those dystopian nightmares.

Let us assume that the State of Israel is gone, not in some bloody fashion as reflected in the Hamas charterā€”"Israel will ā€¦continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.ā€ Instead, just assume Israel is no longer there----no occupation, no evictions, no hassles at the Temple Mount, no Israeli arrests, no wall, etc. This would surely be a Palestinian paradise, what the Palestinians have longed for seemingly forever.

Was Death Cult celebrations go, this went like you would expect.​

Gunmen at Fatah rally mark first terror attack​

Official Fatah Facebook page
Text and pictures posted on the official Fatah Facebook page
Posted text: "The Fatah Movement ā€“ Bethlehem Branch ā€“ All-Doha Region marks the 55th anniversary of the Intilaqa (i.e., ā€œthe Launchā€ of Fatah marked from its first terror attempt; see note below) and the 55th torch lighting"

The pictures show Palestinians marching at the event. Many of them are masked and carrying assault rifles, while others are carrying Fatah flags with the Fatah logo that includes a grenade, crossed rifles, and the PA map of ā€œPalestineā€ that presents all of Israel as ā€œPalestineā€ together with the PA areas, and Palestinian flags. A large sign shows arch-terrorist Abu Jihad who was responsible for the murder of 125.


But do house demolitions really add to Israeliā€™s security?

Any attempt to answer the question is speculative. Israelā€™s security services claim house demolitions arenā€™t a form of punishment, but rather a deterrent. When a Palestinian terrorist plans an attack, they take a cost/benefit analysis. If the costs ā€“ making their family homeless ā€“ is greater than the benefit of killing innocent Israeli children, the Palestinian wonā€™t attack. The Israeli government points to incidents of Palestinian family members trying to save their house by turning their own family members in to the Israeli army before carrying out a terrorist as one proof that house demolitions are effective deterrents to terrorist attacks.
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