Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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rylah, et al,

It is probably a very bad strategy to compare the Muslim riots and rock throwing in the US, UK, Italy, and Hungary with that of the Palestinians. The tolerance for Muslim rioting and multiculturalism is rapidly coming a close.

No Charges For Cops Who Killed Rock-Throwing Immigrant
Three police officers in Pasco, Washington, will not face charges for fatally shooting an immigrant worker who threatened them by throwing rocks last February, prosecutors announced Wednesday.
How is this different from the 'palestinian folk culture'?

In the UK, and across Europe (Belgium and French in particular), the Radical and Extremist Muslims (not unlike the Hostile Arab Palestinians) are attempting to use force, intimidation, and coercion to dominate areas.
Most Respectfully,
"With hundreds of thousands more migrants set to pour into Sweden, a Bishop in Stockholm has proposed removing crosses from a Christian church and replacing them with Islamic symbols in order to cater for Muslims.
Bishop Eva Brunne wants to remove Christian symbols from the Seamen’s Church to make the building “more inviting” for Muslims, reports SVT, Sweden’s national public TV broadcaster.
“Leasing a room to people of other faiths, does not mean that we are not defenders of our own faith. Priests are called to proclaim Christ. We do that every day and in every meeting with people. But that does not mean that we are hostile toward people of other faiths,” wrote Brunne, attempting to justify the plan.
Brunne, who is the first openly lesbian bishop of a mainstream church in the world, wants the church to be treated more like a public airport, where prayer rooms are made available to Muslims, by removing Christian symbols and “marking the direction of Mecca.”" Paul Joseph Watson, Oct.5, 2015
Doubt that will promote "multiculturalism" among the hoi polloi.

Then she is an idiot and should be excommunicated for her views
rylan, et al,

While I was in Europe, back in the 1980's, a young man still, an Israeli friend of mine explained it as a political statement with an agenda.


Like many people, HM the King understood that the territory to which the British Mandate applied was an artificial post-war construct (hereinafter described as Palestine). That same territory, from the border of Mesopotamia (Iraq) to the Mediterranean Sea was decided to be the object of the Mandate for Palestine; a portion of which His Majesty The King (Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the seas, Emperor of India) would recognizes (by the 1946 Treaty of London) TransJordan as a fully independent State and His Highness The Emir as the sovereign (Article I of the Treaty) of the "Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan". This, HM Hussein bin Tala, King of Jordan.

The Making of TransJordan

Emir Abdullah soon succeeded in loosening the British mandate over Transjordan with an Anglo-Transjordanian treaty. On May 15, 1923, Britain formally recognized the Emirate of Transjordan as a state under the leadership of Emir Abdullah. This angered the Zionists, as it effectively severed Transjordan from Palestine and so reduced the area of any future Jewish national home in the region.

I think everyone of power understood what had occur. While technically, the Emirate was still subject to supervision in under the Mandate, TransJordan was given a level of autonomy that no other delineation within the Mandate for Palestine, or any of the other Mandates.

I think people bring this just to start an argument. But there are many that never knew that what became known as Jordan that was East of the Jordan River --- was also a portion of the territory under the Mandate.

Most Respectfully,
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et al,

Has anyone seen and have an opinion on the Article:

Bring Back the Mandate
OCTOBER 1, 2015, Times of Israel

Is this a commonly held wish among any of the various groups?

Most Respectfully,
From your link:

If parents controlled their wild children and prevented them from taking part in violent protests and activities, calm could quickly be restored.​

OK, but what is Israel's version of calm.

On the Palestinian side they can do nothing.

On the Israeli side the occupation and siege remain. Shooting at farmers and fishermen in Gaza remain. Home demolitions and land confiscation remains. The ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem continues.
et al, Has anyone seen and have an opinion on the Article:
Bring Back the Mandate
OCTOBER 1, 2015, Times of Israel
Is this a commonly held wish among any of the various groups?
Most Respectfully,
From your link:
If parents controlled their wild children and prevented them from taking part in violent protests and activities, calm could quickly be restored.​
OK, but what is Israel's version of calm. On the Palestinian side they can do nothing. On the Israeli side the occupation and siege remain. Shooting at farmers and fishermen in Gaza remain. Home demolitions and land confiscation remains. The ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem continues.
One of the tenets of the palistanian occupation is lying like a pornstar, of course.
et al,

Has anyone seen and have an opinion on the Article:

Bring Back the Mandate
OCTOBER 1, 2015, Times of Israel

Is this a commonly held wish among any of the various groups?

Most Respectfully,
From your link:

If parents controlled their wild children and prevented them from taking part in violent protests and activities, calm could quickly be restored.​

OK, but what is Israel's version of calm.

On the Palestinian side they can do nothing.

On the Israeli side the occupation and siege remain. Shooting at farmers and fishermen in Gaza remain. Home demolitions and land confiscation remains. The ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem continues.

No riots, no rockets, no violence, no murders and no propaganda.

That is the fault of the Palestinians as they refuse to take the next step towards free determination.

Occupation and blockade are legal and you cant produce any unbiased links to say otherwise. Prove they are farmers and fishermen and not smugglers and terrorists. Any structure used for military purposes in occupied territory can be demolished. What land has been confiscated covered by a title deed issued prior to 1948 ? What ethnic cleansing other than the Palestinian cleansing of ethnic Christians ?
et al,

Has anyone seen and have an opinion on the Article:

Bring Back the Mandate
OCTOBER 1, 2015, Times of Israel

Is this a commonly held wish among any of the various groups?

Most Respectfully,

I don't see how destroying more houses will solve anything, especially when we see that they are willing to die with the houses parents/wives/ children. We just have to stop trying to act and look like a western country- why are Arabs terrified by Druze?

All I can say is that the terrorists in the prisons are treated many degrees better than the elders who survived the Holocaust, thanks to human-rights hippies. It's totally absurd, and there're much more voices raising up for Ben David than ever...Israelis know what's coming and the limits of their hand tied govt. that tries to play by European/Western rules against those who care no for any rules like that.
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who are the Pal'istanians?

Parents of murderer of 2: “I am blessing my son, on his Martyrdom-death” “He avenged [the women at Al-Aqsa] against the impure enemies" - Video

Mother of murderer Muhannad Halabi: “I speak while I am blessing my son, on his Martyrdom-death (Shahada), and I am proud that he died to defend the women of Palestine…”

Muhannad Halabi killed 2 Israelis, Rabbi Nehemiah Lavi and Aharon Bennett, and injured Bennett’s wife, Adele, and their 2-year-old son in a stabbing attack in the Old City of Jerusalem on Oct. 3, 2015. Following the attack, he was shot and killed by Israeli security forces. Prior to his attack, in a post to his private Facebook page, the terrorist referred to recent terror attacks as part of a "third Intifada,” and said that it was a response to Israel’s actions at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and that the Palestinian people would not “succumb to humiliation.” This is a reference to the PA libel that Israel is plotting to take over and destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to the PA's portrayal of Jews praying on the Temple Mount as "an invasion of the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

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