Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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What liar gave you that load of crap?

What proof do you have?

Noura Erakat–The newest UCLA sleeper cell | THE TYGRRRR EXPRESS

Dinner theatre on this night consisted of blood libel from terrorist enabler Noura Erakat.

Noura Erakat is the niece of terrorist Saeb Erakat, whose responsibilities included everything from supporting Jihad against infidels to finding sexual partners for Yassir Arafat, be they male human, female human, or other mammals of either gender.

Noura Erakat Wages Lawfare on Israel

The niece of Palestinian Authority (P.A.) chief negotiator Saeb Erakat, Erakat’s tone was calm and measured, her demeanor pleasant, and her partisanship unmistakable, even when couched in the dispassionate language of international human rights law.

Seated in a conference room before an audience of approximately forty, many of them fellow academics, Erakat began by noting that because this was “not a legal audience,” she would depart from her planned presentation and instead focus on “setting the framework for the lead-up” to the war and on providing “the legal and political context” for the situation in Gaza
This is the conference that the asshole from jihadwatch was whining about.

Where is the antisemitism?

Coming from the mouth of the niece of a proven hamas terrorist leader.

Saeb Erekat is a member of Fatah.

You are full of shit as usual.

Nice duck though.

Same thing still an islamonazi terrorist

Sour grapes. Noura Erakat is an intelligent, articulate, well educated, and attractive young woman.

Israel has nobody of that caliber. All you have is third grade name calling.
Who the Pal'istanians?

All media

PA salaries to terrorists

In April 2011, the Palestinian Authority Registry published a Government Resolution granting all Palestinian prisoners imprisoned in Israel for security and terror-related offenses a monthly salary from the PA (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011). This new resolution, called PA Government Resolution of 2010, numbers 21 and 23, formalized what has long been a PA practice.

Lovely, lovely people.

The worlds greatest welfare fraud. Infidel dollars heaped on retrograde social misfits who are incapable of building a functioning society.
Noura Erakat–The newest UCLA sleeper cell | THE TYGRRRR EXPRESS

Dinner theatre on this night consisted of blood libel from terrorist enabler Noura Erakat.

Noura Erakat is the niece of terrorist Saeb Erakat, whose responsibilities included everything from supporting Jihad against infidels to finding sexual partners for Yassir Arafat, be they male human, female human, or other mammals of either gender.

Noura Erakat Wages Lawfare on Israel

The niece of Palestinian Authority (P.A.) chief negotiator Saeb Erakat, Erakat’s tone was calm and measured, her demeanor pleasant, and her partisanship unmistakable, even when couched in the dispassionate language of international human rights law.

Seated in a conference room before an audience of approximately forty, many of them fellow academics, Erakat began by noting that because this was “not a legal audience,” she would depart from her planned presentation and instead focus on “setting the framework for the lead-up” to the war and on providing “the legal and political context” for the situation in Gaza
This is the conference that the asshole from jihadwatch was whining about.

Where is the antisemitism?

Coming from the mouth of the niece of a proven hamas terrorist leader.

Saeb Erekat is a member of Fatah.

You are full of shit as usual.

Nice duck though.

Same thing still an islamonazi terrorist

Sour grapes. Noura Erakat is an intelligent, articulate, well educated, and attractive young woman.

Israel has nobody of that caliber. All you have is third grade name calling.

You don't even have that, and islamonazi propaganda is still islamonazi propaganda no matter what you wrap it in.
This is the conference that the asshole from jihadwatch was whining about.

Where is the antisemitism?

Coming from the mouth of the niece of a proven hamas terrorist leader.

Saeb Erekat is a member of Fatah.

You are full of shit as usual.

Nice duck though.

Same thing still an islamonazi terrorist

Sour grapes. Noura Erakat is an intelligent, articulate, well educated, and attractive young woman.

Israel has nobody of that caliber. All you have is third grade name calling.

You don't even have that, and islamonazi propaganda is still islamonazi propaganda no matter what you wrap it in.

You still have nothing she said that was antisemitic.
Coming from the mouth of the niece of a proven hamas terrorist leader.
Saeb Erekat is a member of Fatah.

You are full of shit as usual.

Nice duck though.

Same thing still an islamonazi terrorist
Sour grapes. Noura Erakat is an intelligent, articulate, well educated, and attractive young woman.

Israel has nobody of that caliber. All you have is third grade name calling.

You don't even have that, and islamonazi propaganda is still islamonazi propaganda no matter what you wrap it in.
You still have nothing she said that was antisemitic.

This is subjective and to you she says nothing derogatory about the Jews because you don't want to see it. The trick is to replace her nominator with Palestinian or arab muslim and see if it changes the meaning, when it does then her words are anti semitic Jew hatred
Saeb Erekat is a member of Fatah.

You are full of shit as usual.

Nice duck though.

Same thing still an islamonazi terrorist
Sour grapes. Noura Erakat is an intelligent, articulate, well educated, and attractive young woman.

Israel has nobody of that caliber. All you have is third grade name calling.

You don't even have that, and islamonazi propaganda is still islamonazi propaganda no matter what you wrap it in.
You still have nothing she said that was antisemitic.

This is subjective and to you she says nothing derogatory about the Jews because you don't want to see it. The trick is to replace her nominator with Palestinian or arab muslim and see if it changes the meaning, when it does then her words are anti semitic Jew hatred
Perhaps you could point out what she said that was antisemitic rather than to just call names.

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Who are the Pal'istanians?

UNRWA workers hail terror attacks on social media, NGO says

Palestinian employees of a UN refugee agency are inciting Palestinians to commit terror attacks against Israelis from social media accounts on which they explicitly identify as United Nations workers, a report from a UN watchdog published Friday charged.

Lovely, lovely folks.

Let's remember that UNRWA is a UN welfare agency dedicated exclusively to maintain the the myth of Pal'istanians, an invented people with an invented "nationality".

The "employees" of the welfare scam are overwhelmingly so-called Pal'istanians and the Islamist terrorists of Hamas are represented on the payroll of that welfare scam.

And get this; these lowlifes want a state of their own.
Who are the Pal'istanians?

UNRWA workers hail terror attacks on social media, NGO says

Palestinian employees of a UN refugee agency are inciting Palestinians to commit terror attacks against Israelis from social media accounts on which they explicitly identify as United Nations workers, a report from a UN watchdog published Friday charged.

Lovely, lovely folks.

Let's remember that UNRWA is a UN welfare agency dedicated exclusively to maintain the the myth of Pal'istanians, an invented people with an invented "nationality".

The "employees" of the welfare scam are overwhelmingly so-called Pal'istanians and the Islamist terrorists of Hamas are represented on the payroll of that welfare scam.

And get this; these lowlifes want a state of their own.

According to monte this must be official P.A. policy and as such they should be believed and attacked on sight
Who are the Palestinians?

Hanan Ashrawi

Of course the Lame Stream Media likes to frame the discussion with Israeli talking points.

Who are the Pal'istanians?

PA: Rock-throwing leads to victory and freedom - PMW Bulletins

Fatah: Rock-throwing is "the will of the people"

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
In a show of support and encouragement of the current Palestinian riots and rock-throwing, the official PA daily printed the above cartoon showing a masked Palestinian playing an oud whose neck ends in a "V" for "victory" and whose strings form a slingshot holding a rock. The title of the piece he is playing off his sheet music is "Freedom." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 9, 2015
Sad, but all the Palestinians have to combat U.S. provided high tech weapons are rocks. Courageous freedom fighters. The non-whites in South Africa were also out gunned, but guess what. They won.
Sad, but all the Palestinians have to combat U.S. provided high tech weapons are rocks. Courageous freedom fighters. The non-whites in South Africa were also out gunned, but guess what. They won.
Yes, how courageous that you gee-had wannabes urge women and children to risk their lives to placate your Joooooo hatreds.

You are the gee-had of none, the cowardly gee-hadi, the keyboard gee-hadi.
Sad, but all the Palestinians have to combat U.S. provided high tech weapons are rocks. Courageous freedom fighters. The non-whites in South Africa were also out gunned, but guess what. They won.
Less than lethal weapons from Palestine.

Rubber coated rocks.

Sad, but all the Palestinians have to combat U.S. provided high tech weapons are rocks. Courageous freedom fighters. The non-whites in South Africa were also out gunned, but guess what. They won.
Less than lethal weapons from Palestine.

Rubber coated rocks.


Those are polished stones and not rocks, the Islamic laws make a distinction between the two. The rocks have jagged edges that can and will cut the skin causing injuries. That is why they are used for execution of women so they bleed to death. These would just cause bruising and possibly fractures
Sad, but all the Palestinians have to combat U.S. provided high tech weapons are rocks. Courageous freedom fighters. The non-whites in South Africa were also out gunned, but guess what. They won.
Yes, how courageous that you gee-had wannabes urge women and children to risk their lives to placate your Joooooo hatreds.

You are the gee-had of none, the cowardly gee-hadi, the keyboard gee-hadi.

Generally, women and children participate in fighting an oppressive Nazi or NeoNazi regime:

Deborah Samson was one of many women that fought the British during the American Revolutionary War.

Jewish children, in particular, were used to fight the Germans. To wit:

"Jewish youth resistance to the Nazis in World War II, both in the Warsaw Ghetto and in partisan groups in eastern Poland. Here the participation of children in armed conflict is usually regarded as nothing short of heroic. Jewish children and youth who were members of Zionist and socialist youth groups formed the core of armed resistance, and many young Jews fleeing for their lives found safety through their absorption into partisan units operating in the forests of Eastern Europe."

FDU Magazine Online — Child Soldiers: Victims or Heroes?

Were these instances of cowardliness to you? Or is it cowardliness only when the Palestinian women and children are involved?

A clown dancer is what you are.
Sad, but all the Palestinians have to combat U.S. provided high tech weapons are rocks. Courageous freedom fighters. The non-whites in South Africa were also out gunned, but guess what. They won.
Yes, how courageous that you gee-had wannabes urge women and children to risk their lives to placate your Joooooo hatreds.

You are the gee-had of none, the cowardly gee-hadi, the keyboard gee-hadi.

Generally, women and children participate in fighting an oppressive Nazi or NeoNazi regime:

Deborah Samson was one of many women that fought the British during the American Revolutionary War.

Jewish children, in particular, were used to fight the Germans. To wit:

"Jewish youth resistance to the Nazis in World War II, both in the Warsaw Ghetto and in partisan groups in eastern Poland. Here the participation of children in armed conflict is usually regarded as nothing short of heroic. Jewish children and youth who were members of Zionist and socialist youth groups formed the core of armed resistance, and many young Jews fleeing for their lives found safety through their absorption into partisan units operating in the forests of Eastern Europe."

FDU Magazine Online — Child Soldiers: Victims or Heroes?

Were these instances of cowardliness to you? Or is it cowardliness only when the Palestinian women and children are involved?

A clown dancer is what you are.

So you would have no problems with the decent Christians fighting against the neo Nazi Catholic religion then, should stop many cases of child abuse and rape by Catholic priests and allow the women raped by disease riddled men to cleanse their bodies of the filth inside them.
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