Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Sad, but all the Palestinians have to combat U.S. provided high tech weapons are rocks. Courageous freedom fighters. The non-whites in South Africa were also out gunned, but guess what. They won.
Yes, how courageous that you gee-had wannabes urge women and children to risk their lives to placate your Joooooo hatreds.

You are the gee-had of none, the cowardly gee-hadi, the keyboard gee-hadi.

Generally, women and children participate in fighting an oppressive Nazi or NeoNazi regime:

Deborah Samson was one of many women that fought the British during the American Revolutionary War.

Jewish children, in particular, were used to fight the Germans. To wit:

"Jewish youth resistance to the Nazis in World War II, both in the Warsaw Ghetto and in partisan groups in eastern Poland. Here the participation of children in armed conflict is usually regarded as nothing short of heroic. Jewish children and youth who were members of Zionist and socialist youth groups formed the core of armed resistance, and many young Jews fleeing for their lives found safety through their absorption into partisan units operating in the forests of Eastern Europe."

FDU Magazine Online — Child Soldiers: Victims or Heroes?

Were these instances of cowardliness to you? Or is it cowardliness only when the Palestinian women and children are involved?

A clown dancer is what you are.
That was a lot of cutting and pasting for no apparent purpose, except to dodge and sidestep.

The Jews in Nazi occupied Europe were resisting the imposition of a virulently racist and fascist ideology.

That is exactly what the Israelis are fighting. Islamo-fascism holds to much of the ideology that was embibed in Nazi fascism.
The Palestinians in Israeli occupied Palestine are resisting the imposition of a virulently racist and fascist ideology, Zionism. Zionism is Nazism where Jews, rather than Aryans, are the master race.
The Palestinians in Israeli occupied Palestine are resisting the imposition of a virulently racist and fascist ideology, Zionism. Zionism is Nazism where Jews, rather than Aryans, are the master race.
I'll require you to post your MasterCard number as I'm going to bill you for your plagiarism of my post.
Israeli children taught to kill Arabs.

Questioner: What do see yourself doing?
Kid: Killing Arabs

“People who call themselves supporters of Israel are actually supporters of its moral degeneration and ultimate destruction.”
-Noam Chomsky

Who are the Pal'istanians?

Martyrs rewarded with 72 Virgins | PMW

In order to create willingness among the population to confront Israel violently, the PA took advantage of the ancient tradition in Islam, Shahada or Death for Allah, which mandates Muslims to aspire to die in combat for Islam. The PA told their people that this ancient tradition also applies to them in confrontation with Israel today.
Who are the Pal'istanians?

Martyrs rewarded with 72 Virgins | PMW

In order to create willingness among the population to confront Israel violently, the PA took advantage of the ancient tradition in Islam, Shahada or Death for Allah, which mandates Muslims to aspire to die in combat for Islam. The PA told their people that this ancient tradition also applies to them in confrontation with Israel today.

But George Habash and Christian Palestinians of the PFLP was/are not Muslim. George Habash, a medical doctor, was the Christian founder of the PFLP. Why do you insist on presenting the Palestinians as only Muslim? Do you think that it will help keep American Christians from thinking about why they are supporting Jews instead of Christians? George Habash did not think highly of Arafat or the PLO.

George Carlin. He would be considered an antisemite by our resident ZioNazis.

"Israeli murderers are called commandos. Arab commandos are called terrorists."

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