Who are the real bigots?

Logic is very much on my side.

not really. LOL your next comment shows that to be the case.

So according to your so-called logic I am not innocent until proven guilty but guilty until proven innocent?? LOL So much for your so-called logic. LOL

no, actually I bought a new PC and it has a laptop size keyboard. That and I had to go for a while so i was in a rush to finish before I left.

LOL now that is hiarlious and if you had the integrity to respond to my content instead of turing tail and ruinning away like a coward even you would see that I am not on the losing end of this debate.

how have you supported your case? You have repeated the false claim but haven't provded anything of substance to prove anything other than the fact that you are a dishonest troll who is obviously obsessed with me for some strange reason. It's sad.

you tried to argue that "Huh?" was english for one. lol

you claim to have proven the accusation that I am a bigot when you have not.

you have redefined "bigot" on several occasion to try and claim it applies to me when it doesn't.

You have claimed to respond to everything when you don't.

You put words into my mouth as you tried to argue that I "accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse, Barney Frank assured us there was nothing to worry about." when my comment had NOTHING to do with the timeline you claimed I was referring to.

You argue that becuase you only found three out of 5930 posts that mention jack kingston in a positive manner that the rest of my posts are proof that my posts are "nothing but hate" and that I am bigot.

How about those lies? Although why should I bother? You are just going to run away anyway. LOL

keep telling yourself that but I seriously doubt that efter getting exposed and dishonest cowardly hack that you were happy about it. LOL

as much as you are mine. Does saying that mean that I am not a bigot?

this is just further proof that you don't know a thing about me. I have civil discussions with civil people all of the time but then you are not civil and have not been since you trolled into this thread attacking me.

who came into this thread attacking whom? You came in calling me a bigot and then proeceded to make a fool out of yourself trying to support that false claim. You even went so far as to say that being "rude" now equals being a bigot.

I will continue to pray for your well being.

Your friend,


Bless your heart but you can keep the insincere bs to yourself.

your friend,



Scrolling through your bullshit, I find more of the same old whining.

You continue to prove that you are an immature whiner as well as a hater and a bigot.

By the way, I did go look up Jack Kingston. Congratulations, he appears to be conservative. By your admission that you have personally met the man you have proven that you have voted for a conservative. You do not deserve a pat on the back for this. For all we know, you voted for him and claim to like him because he kissed your grandchild. Not only that, but I believe yesterday, you very distinctly stated that you would not vote for him again. Why is that?

Your 5950+ posts have proven that you are, in fact, a bigot. Nothing you can say or do about that unless you can provide any proof in your postings that you have been polite to conservatives on this site. That was the initial request and to date, you have tried but failed to do so.

Your continued attempts to deny your bigotry only make you more pitiful.

Please, I'm having a blast with this, do keep trying.

Your friend,


Once again, I addressed the entirety of your posts, gave you what you asked for and you responded with the typical avoidance and self proclaimed phoney victory. Yeah, keep running away coward but the fact is that you asked "what lies?" so I cited your lies and you turned tail and ran away.

Your cowardice and avodance of facts that counter your spin show that you nothing but a worhtless troll. LOL

You have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting.
Don't say Quantum does not deliever when asked.

LOL I can and I did because he hasn't.
Did I say that exactly?? Really? Care to show me when and where I said that? Not that you will based on how you have failed to back up your other attempts to redefine my posiions by putting words into my mouth.

Which portion was that? specifics please. Do you really not remember what you said?

BTW how would the whole state of NC is bigoted based on how only 61% voted in favor of the amendment?

Still waiting on that list of rightwing and left bigots in this thread.

Still on you to show when and where I stated that I refuse to admit that it's possible to vote against something without being a bigot.

Still waiting on you to show where i insisted the following.

I asked for all of the above and got NO response.

I see how it works now, I ask you to explain your insistence that my OP is bigotted, you reply with a bunch of questions that have nothing to do with what I asked, and then you claim I am not answering your questions. Tell me something, is there a reason your reply conveniently edits out what I asked that you find offensive?

If you want answers feel free to start actually answering the questions I ask first.

LOL I have repeatedly asked you questions throughout this thread and haven't gotten any real responses and now you try to hold your answers ransom until I answer your question again. LOL

You made allegations and false claims so I asked you to provde the substance and you failed. Now you are arguing that you will answer my questions if I answer yours AGAIN but somehow I don't buy it.
I am sure this is wrong because Cailfornia and North Carolina around the same time repeal the exception for marrying first cousins
Cousin marriage legal
District of Columbia

New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina*
Rhode Island
South Carolina
State Laws Regarding Marriages Between First Cousins
I am sure this is wrong because Cailfornia and North Carolina around the same time repeal the exception for marrying first cousins
Cousin marriage legal
District of Columbia

New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina*
Rhode Island
South Carolina
State Laws Regarding Marriages Between First Cousins

I suggest you reread your link and check out the * beside North Carolina...
not really. LOL your next comment shows that to be the case.

So according to your so-called logic I am not innocent until proven guilty but guilty until proven innocent?? LOL So much for your so-called logic. LOL

no, actually I bought a new PC and it has a laptop size keyboard. That and I had to go for a while so i was in a rush to finish before I left.

LOL now that is hiarlious and if you had the integrity to respond to my content instead of turing tail and ruinning away like a coward even you would see that I am not on the losing end of this debate.

how have you supported your case? You have repeated the false claim but haven't provded anything of substance to prove anything other than the fact that you are a dishonest troll who is obviously obsessed with me for some strange reason. It's sad.

you tried to argue that "Huh?" was english for one. lol

you claim to have proven the accusation that I am a bigot when you have not.

you have redefined "bigot" on several occasion to try and claim it applies to me when it doesn't.

You have claimed to respond to everything when you don't.

You put words into my mouth as you tried to argue that I "accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse, Barney Frank assured us there was nothing to worry about." when my comment had NOTHING to do with the timeline you claimed I was referring to.

You argue that becuase you only found three out of 5930 posts that mention jack kingston in a positive manner that the rest of my posts are proof that my posts are "nothing but hate" and that I am bigot.

How about those lies? Although why should I bother? You are just going to run away anyway. LOL

keep telling yourself that but I seriously doubt that efter getting exposed and dishonest cowardly hack that you were happy about it. LOL

as much as you are mine. Does saying that mean that I am not a bigot?

this is just further proof that you don't know a thing about me. I have civil discussions with civil people all of the time but then you are not civil and have not been since you trolled into this thread attacking me.

who came into this thread attacking whom? You came in calling me a bigot and then proeceded to make a fool out of yourself trying to support that false claim. You even went so far as to say that being "rude" now equals being a bigot.

Bless your heart but you can keep the insincere bs to yourself.

your friend,



Scrolling through your bullshit, I find more of the same old whining.

You continue to prove that you are an immature whiner as well as a hater and a bigot.

By the way, I did go look up Jack Kingston. Congratulations, he appears to be conservative. By your admission that you have personally met the man you have proven that you have voted for a conservative. You do not deserve a pat on the back for this. For all we know, you voted for him and claim to like him because he kissed your grandchild. Not only that, but I believe yesterday, you very distinctly stated that you would not vote for him again. Why is that?

Your 5950+ posts have proven that you are, in fact, a bigot. Nothing you can say or do about that unless you can provide any proof in your postings that you have been polite to conservatives on this site. That was the initial request and to date, you have tried but failed to do so.

Your continued attempts to deny your bigotry only make you more pitiful.

Please, I'm having a blast with this, do keep trying.

Your friend,


Once again, I addressed the entirety of your posts, gave you what you asked for and you responded with the typical avoidance and self proclaimed phoney victory. Yeah, keep running away coward but the fact is that you asked "what lies?" so I cited your lies and you turned tail and ran away.

Your cowardice and avodance of facts that counter your spin show that you nothing but a worhtless troll. LOL

You have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting.

Your crap isn't changing. I've already responded to your lies about me putting words in your mouth more times than necessary. It is moronic that you keep going with that line. My god, I imagine in the last two days, you have used that line on QW and myself over a hundred times. It didn't play out then and it is not going to play out now. Its moronic at the very least.

Your tune hasn't changed. You believe that voting for a single Republican means you are not a bigot. Yet, when the evidence is in front of you that those three posts were in fact bigotted you continue to whine that you voted for a conservative once in a long time ago. But, you also said, if I am correct, that you would not vote for him now. Why is that? Because you have "evolved" into a bigot since then?

Perhaps the truth is that way back in history you were not a bigot, but since you have been on this site, you have not one single post that is not a slam on conservatives. You are a bigot, no matter how hard you scream... "I AM NOT A BIGOT!!!!" You are a frigging bigot no matter how many times you scream otherwise.

You scream... that the facts show you are not a bigot, but I have presented the facts. You can't or won't show any facts that dispute what I have already shown.

You're an idiot. I've continually presented the fact that you screamed that voting for Kingston meant that you were not a bigot. But, your own posts prove that you are a bigot. If you believe that you are not a bigot... why don't you present some evidence that you are not? Why? Because you can't.

You can whine all you want, but you have only sealed your fate.

I'm no troll, but you are welcome to try that line all you want. But I must tell you that I would prefer being a troll over being a bigot. There is not much worse than being a person that discriminates against other people out of hatred and you have proven yourself to be just that. Congratulations on that. I bet you are damned proud of yourself.

Be proud of being a bigot. It seems to be all you have got.

Your friend,

Last edited:
I am sure this is wrong because Cailfornia and North Carolina around the same time repeal the exception for marrying first cousins
Cousin marriage legal
District of Columbia

New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina*
Rhode Island
South Carolina
State Laws Regarding Marriages Between First Cousins

I suggest you reread your link and check out the * beside North Carolina...

I said I believe it's wrong because California and North Carolina around the same time repeal the exception for marrying first cousins
The blogger was talking specifically about his Christian friends who voted for the amendment. I doubt he personally knows a significant portion of the state so I didn't apply his personal experience to the entire state. I still want to know what makes you think that the deciding factor for people who voted against this is religion. When I asked, you acted like it was my responsibility to explain other people's motives, then negged me when I pointed out that the Prime Minister of Australia is an atheist who opposes same sex marriage, and that it is highly unlikely her objections to it are religious in nature.

The reason why is in my previous comment: "It was a huge factor leading to my guess that many people in that group feel that way for religious reasons, you know, because that's the only reason the blogger actually mentioned, though obviously there are others as well..."

Honestly, I can't think offhand of someone explaining their disagreement about homosexuality to me without the statement being religiously based, aside from the obvious KKK member or something of that nature. It doesn't mean I think there aren't other instances, but I just don't know of many. I didn't think it was out of the realm of reason to get some info from you on the topic since I figured you'd like to present evidence to your initial claim. I was obviously wrong, as you listed one person and told me to go out and prove your own case. Considering my honest intentions and what I saw as you being pissy about it I negged you, big whoop.

QuantumWindbag said:
The entire point of the blog was that this is a complex issue, and that dismissing it as mere bigotry is not the right approach. I have pointed that out more than once, yet you are acting like I am avoiding a conversation. Unlike you, I don't pretend to understand the motivations of people I don't know. That means I don't have the answers you want so I suggested you do a little research for yourself because, frankly, I don't care why they voted against it, all I care about is how I can convince them they are wrong.

I can't do that as long as there are idiots like Ravi who apply their bigotry and lump them all into a category they do not belong in.

I'm pretty sure I said in my first or second post that I get it, I get what you're saying. It's just that it's a two-way street...you have to realize what it looks like to the rest of us.

People tend to focus on the end result, not how it got there.

I see a group of people that I feel should be treated normally can't do something that other people can do. Allowing them to marry has no effect on my life whatsoever, aside from the extra information required in my memory to know that they can.

The end result as far as I'm concerned is discriminatory. I almost don't care how you got there...though I still haven't really gotten a reason yet.

Let me see if I can explain this to you even more bluntly that I already have.

I did not write the blog I quoted, I am not responsible for anything he said, and I am certainly not responsible for the ideas that you get after filtering it through your bias.

The point I am making is that people who dismiss people they do not take the time to understand as bigots are engaging in bigotry themselves. Personally, I happen to think the second type of bigotry is more despicable than any bigotry that might arise from people having grown up in a culture that taught them since birth that homosexuality is wrong, even criminal. Kids that think they are smarter than their elders always end up learning they aren't.

You play the effin victim in this thread like nobody's business, and it's pathetic.

I'm pretty much done with listening to you make excuses for again, what equates to discrimination. You know the anti-homosexual crowd comes off as bigots to most others, but you want to make excuses for them.

Playing in this merry-go-round of a conversation with you is an exercise in futility. You've done absolutely nothing to show that you deserve any more understanding or compassion than the people that are truly being held down. Try to figure out what I'm saying, it might help you someday.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlpmRMximW4&feature=related&skipcontrinter=1]The Racial Supremacist State of Israel - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYBsDwjezQI]Top Rabbi Exposes Jewish Racism! - YouTube[/ame]
Scrolling through your bullshit, I find more of the same old whining.

You continue to prove that you are an immature whiner as well as a hater and a bigot.

By the way, I did go look up Jack Kingston. Congratulations, he appears to be conservative. By your admission that you have personally met the man you have proven that you have voted for a conservative. You do not deserve a pat on the back for this. For all we know, you voted for him and claim to like him because he kissed your grandchild. Not only that, but I believe yesterday, you very distinctly stated that you would not vote for him again. Why is that?

Your 5950+ posts have proven that you are, in fact, a bigot. Nothing you can say or do about that unless you can provide any proof in your postings that you have been polite to conservatives on this site. That was the initial request and to date, you have tried but failed to do so.

Your continued attempts to deny your bigotry only make you more pitiful.

Please, I'm having a blast with this, do keep trying.

Your friend,


Once again, I addressed the entirety of your posts, gave you what you asked for and you responded with the typical avoidance and self proclaimed phoney victory. Yeah, keep running away coward but the fact is that you asked "what lies?" so I cited your lies and you turned tail and ran away.

Your cowardice and avodance of facts that counter your spin show that you nothing but a worhtless troll. LOL

You have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting.

Your crap isn't changing.

says the cowardly avoiding hack who parrots the same "winning" bs over and over again claimin he ha proven an accusation in whch his best argument was to claim I am guilty until proven innocent based on how you demmanded that I prove your accusation false.

I've already responded to your lies about me putting words in your mouth more times than necessary.

when and where? link?

It is moronic that you keep going with that line. My god, I imagine in the last two days, you have used that line on QW and myself over a hundred times. It didn't play out then and it is not going to play out now. Its moronic at the very least.

as long as it applies I will use it and since it still applies there is no point in not "going" with it. LOL

Your tune hasn't changed.

says the cowardly avoiding hack who parrots the same "winning" bs over and over again claimin he ha proven an accusation in whch his best argument was to claim I am guilty until proven innocent based on how you demmanded that I prove your accusation false. lol

You believe that voting for a single Republican means you are not a bigot.

Really?? when and where did i say that? LIAR.

Yet, when the evidence is in front of you that those three posts were in fact bigotted

reapeating your LIES again. How were those post bigoted? You said i was "rude" and that made them bigoted and yet I don't believe that is the actual defintion of the word. YOU LOSE AGAIN.

you continue to whine that you voted for a conservative once in a long time ago. But, you also said, if I am correct, that you would not vote for him now. Why is that? Because you have "evolved" into a bigot since then?

I already explained why moron. once again you show your inability to follow a simple mconversation. I said he is a nice guy but I would not vote for him again because I disagree with his policy decisions. No hate, just a simple disagreement.

Perhaps the truth is that way back in history you were not a bigot, but since you have been on this site, you have not one single post that is not a slam on conservatives. You are a bigot, no matter how hard you scream... "I AM NOT A BIGOT!!!!" You are a frigging bigot no matter how many times you scream otherwise.

I just think it's hilarious how your whole argument has been reduced to screaming "YOU ARE A BIGOT" even though you have failed to prove that allegation. LOL

You scream... that the facts show you are not a bigot, but I have presented the facts. You can't or won't show any facts that dispute what I have already shown.

what facts? you posted only THREE posts of mine and claim that the content of those THREE show that the other 5930+ posts are proof that I am a bigot. You haven't offered anything of substance and no matter how many times you repeat it repetition alone will not change a thing.

You're an idiot.

says the cowardly hack. LOL

I've continually presented the fact that you screamed that voting for Kingston meant that you were not a bigot. But, your own posts prove that you are a bigot. If you believe that you are not a bigot... why don't you present some evidence that you are not? Why? Because you can't.

actually you asked for proof that I said anything positive about a conservative. I made my statements about kingston and you ran with the rest of it all on your own.

You can whine all you want, but you have only sealed your fate.

says the hack who doesn't know when he has lost basd on his own dishoensty and cowardice.

I'm no troll, but you are welcome to try that line all you want.

how you entered the thread and came at me and have continued to avoid the actual content yes you are a troll.

But I must tell you that I would prefer being a troll over being a bigot.

too bad for you beause you seem to be both.

There is not much worse than being a person that discriminates against other people out of hatred and you have proven yourself to be just that.

what have I done to prove that I hate other people and discriminate against them based on that hate?? Got proof? I didn't think so. thanks for trolling though.

Congratulations on that. I bet you are damned proud of yourself.

Be proud of being a bigot. It seems to be all you have got.

LOL still trying oh so desperately to teear me down. How sad is that?

Your friend,


Your friend,


Last edited:
I came across this blog earlier today, and it got me to thinking about bigotry. I suggest that everyone who thinks that the bigots are the people that vote against same sex marriage are small minded read the whole thing.

After last night’s vote, I heard a disturbingly large number of my friends, national commentators, and others suggesting that this vote just proves that North Carolinians (or at least a giant percentage of us) are bigoted, homophobic, backwards people who are so filled with hate that we oppose equality for certain groups just because we can. And see, that’s just not the case. Yes, I voted against the amendment, as did many of my friends and hundreds of thousands of other NC residents. But I also know people who voted for it, and I know that they are not simply bigoted, homophobic, backwards people. It’s way more complicated than that.
Is there a lot of prejudice in North Carolina against LGBT people? Absolutely there is. But it’s not, as some have imagined, just a matter of “bigoted homophobes.” By and large, the prejudice that exists is a matter of a lack of understanding. Many of the folks I’ve talked to honestly believe that people choose to be gay and could choose not to be. They think that giving legal recognition to same-sex partnerships would increase the number of people choosing to be gay, and would therefore encourage more people to turn away from God’s plan for their lives. When they talk about homosexuality as a “perversion,” they’re not trying to be bigoted or mean; they’re being quite literal about it.
Those folks aren’t the only ones who supported the amendment, but in my experience, they make up the lion’s share of those who were most vocally in support. My Christian friends who understand what my life has been like as a gay Christian may not support same-sex marriage, but they tend to be way more thoughtful and careful about these questions, and they are the ones who felt most torn about this amendment and all the legal and moral issues it raised.
That’s why I posted to Facebook: “Yes, my state’s vote tonight saddens me. But it is not, as some have imagined, about intentional bigotry. It is about a lack of understanding, pure and simple—of who we are, what we want, and why it matters. Education is needed, and that is what I will keep dedicating myself to, every single day of my life.”

Crumbs from the Communion Table • A challenge to both sides of the Amendment One debate.

Next time somebody wants to dismiss everyone who disagrees with their views about same sex marriage as a bigot they should remember what the word actually means and take a step to end the intolerance.

On some levels, the mind is almost biologically inclined toward bigotry. That is, we all divide reality into chunks - good, bad, normal, abnormal. We all have a native reaction to the shifting phantasmagoria of shapes objects colors smells and people that drift into and out of our purview. Nobody views the world through dispassionate, clinical, neutral eyes. In fact, believing that your country or your group is special or "chosen" is important for national survival - meaning: soldiers don't die for the periodic table; they die because they think their nation is sacred/special/superior.

So yes, we all have strong opinions on what is good and what is bad ....superior and inferior. But, tragically, only the right wants Washington to enforce their special list of sacred things. Only the right wants Washington to force their brand of morality on the states.

I say to hell with Washington-codified marriage. I say get rid of Washington-based marriage - gay, straight, farm animal. Don't give that power to Washington. Let the free individual decide what is sacred. At least let the states decide.

Conservatives want Big Brother to enforce the Sacred. They crave big government. As for me, I don't want Washington to stand between myself and God. Let him judge me. I don't need some brownshirt endorsing my marriage (but the Right does need government - they always have). The government should issue contracts to consenting adults so that they can participate in the juridical and financial elements of partnership BUT they should not weigh-in on the sacred content of the soul; they should not decide things like the love between consenting adults. They should return the content of things like "Love" and "marriage" to free individuals. The world only works when the marketplace of possibilities is as expansive as free consenting adults want to make them.

I remember when a bunch of Conservatives in my town tried to shut down businesses which they found distasteful. They were opposed not by the commie Liberals, but by Libertarians who said "government had no business telling people what to sell. Let the market decide. If free consumers don't want to buy what someone is selling, than so be it - the market - not government - will shut them down. Trust the people to know what is good and bad. Trust consenting adults to define marriage for themselves. Don't let Washington tell consenting adults who they can (or how they should) love. Get Government off the backs of free people. Period.

Attention Rightwing: stop making Washington bigger. We're sick of it. Let free adults decide for themselves.
Last edited:
LOL I can and I did because he hasn't.

I asked for all of the above and got NO response.

I see how it works now, I ask you to explain your insistence that my OP is bigotted, you reply with a bunch of questions that have nothing to do with what I asked, and then you claim I am not answering your questions. Tell me something, is there a reason your reply conveniently edits out what I asked that you find offensive?

If you want answers feel free to start actually answering the questions I ask first.

LOL I have repeatedly asked you questions throughout this thread and haven't gotten any real responses and now you try to hold your answers ransom until I answer your question again. LOL

You made allegations and false claims so I asked you to provde the substance and you failed. Now you are arguing that you will answer my questions if I answer yours AGAIN but somehow I don't buy it.

Yes, you have repeatedly asked me questions. I even answered them, for a while. Feel free to ask as many more as you want, just don't expect me to answer any more until you actually answer my one, rather simple, question.
Once again, I addressed the entirety of your posts, gave you what you asked for and you responded with the typical avoidance and self proclaimed phoney victory. Yeah, keep running away coward but the fact is that you asked "what lies?" so I cited your lies and you turned tail and ran away.

Your cowardice and avodance of facts that counter your spin show that you nothing but a worhtless troll. LOL

You have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting.

Your crap isn't changing.

says the cowardly avoiding hack who parrots the same "winning" bs over and over again claimin he ha proven an accusation in whch his best argument was to claim I am guilty until proven innocent based on how you demmanded that I prove your accusation false.

when and where? link?

as long as it applies I will use it and since it still applies there is no point in not "going" with it. LOL

says the cowardly avoiding hack who parrots the same "winning" bs over and over again claimin he ha proven an accusation in whch his best argument was to claim I am guilty until proven innocent based on how you demmanded that I prove your accusation false. lol

Really?? when and where did i say that? LIAR.

reapeating your LIES again. How were those post bigoted? You said i was "rude" and that made them bigoted and yet I don't believe that is the actual defintion of the word. YOU LOSE AGAIN.

I already explained why moron. once again you show your inability to follow a simple mconversation. I said he is a nice guy but I would not vote for him again because I disagree with his policy decisions. No hate, just a simple disagreement.

I just think it's hilarious how your whole argument has been reduced to screaming "YOU ARE A BIGOT" even though you have failed to prove that allegation. LOL

what facts? you posted only THREE posts of mine and claim that the content of those THREE show that the other 5930+ posts are proof that I am a bigot. You haven't offered anything of substance and no matter how many times you repeat it repetition alone will not change a thing.

says the cowardly hack. LOL

actually you asked for proof that I said anything positive about a conservative. I made my statements about kingston and you ran with the rest of it all on your own.

says the hack who doesn't know when he has lost basd on his own dishoensty and cowardice.

how you entered the thread and came at me and have continued to avoid the actual content yes you are a troll.

too bad for you beause you seem to be both.

what have I done to prove that I hate other people and discriminate against them based on that hate?? Got proof? I didn't think so. thanks for trolling though.

Congratulations on that. I bet you are damned proud of yourself.

Be proud of being a bigot. It seems to be all you have got.

LOL still trying oh so desperately to teear me down. How sad is that?

Your friend,


Your friend,




Desperately. I'm trying desperately to tear you down? Are you seriously that stupid.

I'm laughing my ass off at you and I have been for two days now.

You are just to damned stupid that by your own definition and your own posts you have torn your self down. How pitiful can you get?

You have not presented one single post which can even remotely be considered a polite post to a conservative.

I can list many liberals that I have very good relationships with: BDBoop, JakeStarkey, Rightwinger, Care4all, Sky Dancer (although she and I do have our fights), Synthaholic, working on relations with luddly.neddite, Dr. Grump, NYCarbiner, Midcan5 and building one with Candycorn. There are ten liberal people who I have decent relationships with and that is just off the top of my head. There are many others.

The ones I don't get along with are the people like you: rdean, Chris, TM. Geez isn't it kind of funny that all four of you have the same MO and hatred for people that don't agre with you? On the liberal side those are about the only four (including you) I can think of at the moment.

So, I'm a bigot? Yeah right. Try again. Go with that.

In the meantime, you can cook in your on sauce since it seems so important for you to prove that I have misjudged you. Too bad you still can't come up with one single post that doesn't make you look like the bigoted asshole you are.

I'm praying for you.

Your friend,

The reason why is in my previous comment: "It was a huge factor leading to my guess that many people in that group feel that way for religious reasons, you know, because that's the only reason the blogger actually mentioned, though obviously there are others as well..."

Honestly, I can't think offhand of someone explaining their disagreement about homosexuality to me without the statement being religiously based, aside from the obvious KKK member or something of that nature. It doesn't mean I think there aren't other instances, but I just don't know of many. I didn't think it was out of the realm of reason to get some info from you on the topic since I figured you'd like to present evidence to your initial claim. I was obviously wrong, as you listed one person and told me to go out and prove your own case. Considering my honest intentions and what I saw as you being pissy about it I negged you, big whoop.

I'm pretty sure I said in my first or second post that I get it, I get what you're saying. It's just that it's a two-way street...you have to realize what it looks like to the rest of us.

People tend to focus on the end result, not how it got there.

I see a group of people that I feel should be treated normally can't do something that other people can do. Allowing them to marry has no effect on my life whatsoever, aside from the extra information required in my memory to know that they can.

The end result as far as I'm concerned is discriminatory. I almost don't care how you got there...though I still haven't really gotten a reason yet.

Let me see if I can explain this to you even more bluntly that I already have.

I did not write the blog I quoted, I am not responsible for anything he said, and I am certainly not responsible for the ideas that you get after filtering it through your bias.

The point I am making is that people who dismiss people they do not take the time to understand as bigots are engaging in bigotry themselves. Personally, I happen to think the second type of bigotry is more despicable than any bigotry that might arise from people having grown up in a culture that taught them since birth that homosexuality is wrong, even criminal. Kids that think they are smarter than their elders always end up learning they aren't.

You play the effin victim in this thread like nobody's business, and it's pathetic.

I'm pretty much done with listening to you make excuses for again, what equates to discrimination. You know the anti-homosexual crowd comes off as bigots to most others, but you want to make excuses for them.

Playing in this merry-go-round of a conversation with you is an exercise in futility. You've done absolutely nothing to show that you deserve any more understanding or compassion than the people that are truly being held down. Try to figure out what I'm saying, it might help you someday.



Refusing to play your petty game is playing the victim. you are almost as deluded as Jake and smith.
On some levels, the mind is almost biologically inclined toward bigotry. That is, we all divide reality into chunks - good, bad, normal, abnormal. We all have a native reaction to the shifting phantasmagoria of shapes objects colors smells and people that drift into and out of our purview. Nobody views the world through dispassionate, clinical, neutral eyes. In fact, believing that your country or your group is special or "chosen" is important for national survival - meaning: soldiers don't die for the periodic table; they die because they think their nation is sacred/special/superior.

So yes, we all have strong opinions on what is good and what is bad ....superior and inferior. But, tragically, only the right wants Washington to enforce their special list of sacred things. Only the right wants Washington to force their brand of morality on the states.

I say to hell with Washington-codified marriage. I say get rid of Washington-based marriage - gay, straight, farm animal. Don't give that power to Washington. Let the free individual decide what is sacred. At least let the states decide.

Conservatives want Big Brother to enforce the Sacred. They crave big government. As for me, I don't want Washington to stand between myself and God. Let him judge me. I don't need some brownshirt endorsing my marriage (but the Right does need government - they always have). The government should issue contracts to consenting adults so that they can participate in the juridical and financial elements of partnership BUT they should not weigh-in on the sacred content of the soul; they should not decide things like the love between consenting adults. They should return the content of things like "Love" and "marriage" to free individuals. The world only works when the marketplace of possibilities is as expansive as free consenting adults want to make them.

I remember when a bunch of Conservatives in my town tried to shut down businesses which they found distasteful. They were opposed not by the commie Liberals, but by Libertarians who said "government had no business telling people what to sell. Let the market decide. If free consumers don't want to buy what someone is selling, than so be it - the market - not government - will shut them down. Trust the people to know what is good and bad. Trust consenting adults to define marriage for themselves. Don't let Washington tell consenting adults who they can (or how they should) love. Get Government off the backs of free people. Period.

Attention Rightwing: stop making Washington bigger. We're sick of it. Let free adults decide for themselves.

You were doing so well, then you stuck your foot in your mouth and choked.

If the right are the only ones that want Washington to enforce their sacred list of special things how do you explain the uproar over the Delta Smelt? Do you think that a little fish matters more than feeding millions of people in anyone's mind because they actually weighed the various factors logically? The sacred things on the left are just as important to them, and they are just as willing to use Washington to promote their religion. Just because you agree with that religion does not make it right.

Your bigotry is a lot larger than you think it is.
On some levels, the mind is almost biologically inclined toward bigotry. That is, we all divide reality into chunks - good, bad, normal, abnormal. We all have a native reaction to the shifting phantasmagoria of shapes objects colors smells and people that drift into and out of our purview. Nobody views the world through dispassionate, clinical, neutral eyes. In fact, believing that your country or your group is special or "chosen" is important for national survival - meaning: soldiers don't die for the periodic table; they die because they think their nation is sacred/special/superior.

So yes, we all have strong opinions on what is good and what is bad ....superior and inferior. But, tragically, only the right wants Washington to enforce their special list of sacred things. Only the right wants Washington to force their brand of morality on the states.

I say to hell with Washington-codified marriage. I say get rid of Washington-based marriage - gay, straight, farm animal. Don't give that power to Washington. Let the free individual decide what is sacred. At least let the states decide.

Conservatives want Big Brother to enforce the Sacred. They crave big government. As for me, I don't want Washington to stand between myself and God. Let him judge me. I don't need some brownshirt endorsing my marriage (but the Right does need government - they always have). The government should issue contracts to consenting adults so that they can participate in the juridical and financial elements of partnership BUT they should not weigh-in on the sacred content of the soul; they should not decide things like the love between consenting adults. They should return the content of things like "Love" and "marriage" to free individuals. The world only works when the marketplace of possibilities is as expansive as free consenting adults want to make them.

I remember when a bunch of Conservatives in my town tried to shut down businesses which they found distasteful. They were opposed not by the commie Liberals, but by Libertarians who said "government had no business telling people what to sell. Let the market decide. If free consumers don't want to buy what someone is selling, than so be it - the market - not government - will shut them down. Trust the people to know what is good and bad. Trust consenting adults to define marriage for themselves. Don't let Washington tell consenting adults who they can (or how they should) love. Get Government off the backs of free people. Period.

Attention Rightwing: stop making Washington bigger. We're sick of it. Let free adults decide for themselves.

You were doing so well, then you stuck your foot in your mouth and choked.

If the right are the only ones that want Washington to enforce their sacred list of special things how do you explain the uproar over the Delta Smelt? Do you think that a little fish matters more than feeding millions of people in anyone's mind because they actually weighed the various factors logically? The sacred things on the left are just as important to them, and they are just as willing to use Washington to promote their religion. Just because you agree with that religion does not make it right.

Your bigotry is a lot larger than you think it is.

Show me where the left wants to use the government to promote their religion. I am sure there is some cases, but nothing like the right. Wanting to deny a person a right because their religious book tells them that their life style is wrong is allowing one's religion to shape a law.
Other than what the bible says about homosexuals, and without using procreation as an argument, please tell me why two consenting adults should not be allowed to marry?

Before you argue, the reason why I took out procreation is because many straight couples cannot have children together. Using that argument doesn't work in the modern age.

If you say gay marriage your are full of shit.
So many logical fallacies and falsehoods (or just ignorance, it's hard to tell.)

So little time. I'm off to bed, it's been a long one.
koshergirl lives in a world of delusion along with her running buds.

Just sayin'.

Good morning, koshergirl. :lol:

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