Who are the real bigots?

koshergirl lives in a world of delusion along with her running buds.

Just sayin'.

Good morning, koshergirl. :lol:

Jakes a clothes NAZI and thinks he has a right to dictate what kind of clothes is acceptable to wear in public.

We the People do have the right. Go in public naked from the waist down and tell me what happens.
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On some levels, the mind is almost biologically inclined toward bigotry. That is, we all divide reality into chunks - good, bad, normal, abnormal. We all have a native reaction to the shifting phantasmagoria of shapes objects colors smells and people that drift into and out of our purview. Nobody views the world through dispassionate, clinical, neutral eyes. In fact, believing that your country or your group is special or "chosen" is important for national survival - meaning: soldiers don't die for the periodic table; they die because they think their nation is sacred/special/superior.

So yes, we all have strong opinions on what is good and what is bad ....superior and inferior. But, tragically, only the right wants Washington to enforce their special list of sacred things. Only the right wants Washington to force their brand of morality on the states.

I say to hell with Washington-codified marriage. I say get rid of Washington-based marriage - gay, straight, farm animal. Don't give that power to Washington. Let the free individual decide what is sacred. At least let the states decide.

Conservatives want Big Brother to enforce the Sacred. They crave big government. As for me, I don't want Washington to stand between myself and God. Let him judge me. I don't need some brownshirt endorsing my marriage (but the Right does need government - they always have). The government should issue contracts to consenting adults so that they can participate in the juridical and financial elements of partnership BUT they should not weigh-in on the sacred content of the soul; they should not decide things like the love between consenting adults. They should return the content of things like "Love" and "marriage" to free individuals. The world only works when the marketplace of possibilities is as expansive as free consenting adults want to make them.

I remember when a bunch of Conservatives in my town tried to shut down businesses which they found distasteful. They were opposed not by the commie Liberals, but by Libertarians who said "government had no business telling people what to sell. Let the market decide. If free consumers don't want to buy what someone is selling, than so be it - the market - not government - will shut them down. Trust the people to know what is good and bad. Trust consenting adults to define marriage for themselves. Don't let Washington tell consenting adults who they can (or how they should) love. Get Government off the backs of free people. Period.

Attention Rightwing: stop making Washington bigger. We're sick of it. Let free adults decide for themselves.

You were doing so well, then you stuck your foot in your mouth and choked.

If the right are the only ones that want Washington to enforce their sacred list of special things how do you explain the uproar over the Delta Smelt? Do you think that a little fish matters more than feeding millions of people in anyone's mind because they actually weighed the various factors logically? The sacred things on the left are just as important to them, and they are just as willing to use Washington to promote their religion. Just because you agree with that religion does not make it right.

Your bigotry is a lot larger than you think it is.

Show me where the left wants to use the government to promote their religion. I am sure there is some cases, but nothing like the right. Wanting to deny a person a right because their religious book tells them that their life style is wrong is allowing one's religion to shape a law.
Other than what the bible says about homosexuals, and without using procreation as an argument, please tell me why two consenting adults should not be allowed to marry?

Before you argue, the reason why I took out procreation is because many straight couples cannot have children together. Using that argument doesn't work in the modern age.

If you say gay marriage your are full of shit.

The progressive religion is atheism, abortion, and homosexuality.

Now come again?
I see how it works now, I ask you to explain your insistence that my OP is bigotted, you reply with a bunch of questions that have nothing to do with what I asked, and then you claim I am not answering your questions. Tell me something, is there a reason your reply conveniently edits out what I asked that you find offensive?

If you want answers feel free to start actually answering the questions I ask first.

LOL I have repeatedly asked you questions throughout this thread and haven't gotten any real responses and now you try to hold your answers ransom until I answer your question again. LOL

You made allegations and false claims so I asked you to provde the substance and you failed. Now you are arguing that you will answer my questions if I answer yours AGAIN but somehow I don't buy it.

Yes, you have repeatedly asked me questions. I even answered them, for a while. Feel free to ask as many more as you want, just don't expect me to answer any more until you actually answer my one, rather simple, question.

So even though you have avoided and refused to answer my questions you expect me to answer yours when I already have but you missed it and now pretend it never happened?

My questions were simple too and unlike me you never even bothered to answer so it's hilarious taht you are trying to hide behind the "answer my question first" bs.

You didn't answer them to begin with so why should I believe that you will answer them even after I answer your question AGAIN?
Your crap isn't changing.

says the cowardly avoiding hack who parrots the same "winning" bs over and over again claimin he ha proven an accusation in whch his best argument was to claim I am guilty until proven innocent based on how you demmanded that I prove your accusation false.

when and where? link?

as long as it applies I will use it and since it still applies there is no point in not "going" with it. LOL

says the cowardly avoiding hack who parrots the same "winning" bs over and over again claimin he ha proven an accusation in whch his best argument was to claim I am guilty until proven innocent based on how you demmanded that I prove your accusation false. lol

Really?? when and where did i say that? LIAR.

reapeating your LIES again. How were those post bigoted? You said i was "rude" and that made them bigoted and yet I don't believe that is the actual defintion of the word. YOU LOSE AGAIN.

I already explained why moron. once again you show your inability to follow a simple mconversation. I said he is a nice guy but I would not vote for him again because I disagree with his policy decisions. No hate, just a simple disagreement.

I just think it's hilarious how your whole argument has been reduced to screaming "YOU ARE A BIGOT" even though you have failed to prove that allegation. LOL

what facts? you posted only THREE posts of mine and claim that the content of those THREE show that the other 5930+ posts are proof that I am a bigot. You haven't offered anything of substance and no matter how many times you repeat it repetition alone will not change a thing.

says the cowardly hack. LOL

actually you asked for proof that I said anything positive about a conservative. I made my statements about kingston and you ran with the rest of it all on your own.

says the hack who doesn't know when he has lost basd on his own dishoensty and cowardice.

how you entered the thread and came at me and have continued to avoid the actual content yes you are a troll.

too bad for you beause you seem to be both.

what have I done to prove that I hate other people and discriminate against them based on that hate?? Got proof? I didn't think so. thanks for trolling though.

LOL still trying oh so desperately to teear me down. How sad is that?

Your friend,


Your friend,




Desperately. I'm trying desperately to tear you down? Are you seriously that stupid.

I'm laughing my ass off at you and I have been for two days now.

You are just to damned stupid that by your own definition and your own posts you have torn your self down. How pitiful can you get?

You have not presented one single post which can even remotely be considered a polite post to a conservative.

I can list many liberals that I have very good relationships with: BDBoop, JakeStarkey, Rightwinger, Care4all, Sky Dancer (although she and I do have our fights), Synthaholic, working on relations with luddly.neddite, Dr. Grump, NYCarbiner, Midcan5 and building one with Candycorn. There are ten liberal people who I have decent relationships with and that is just off the top of my head. There are many others.

The ones I don't get along with are the people like you: rdean, Chris, TM. Geez isn't it kind of funny that all four of you have the same MO and hatred for people that don't agre with you? On the liberal side those are about the only four (including you) I can think of at the moment.

So, I'm a bigot? Yeah right. Try again. Go with that.

In the meantime, you can cook in your on sauce since it seems so important for you to prove that I have misjudged you. Too bad you still can't come up with one single post that doesn't make you look like the bigoted asshole you are.

I'm praying for you.

Your friend,


Notice no response to the actual content even as he continues to claim I am bigot because according to him I am guilty until proven innocent. You made the accusation the burden of proof is on you.

Yor arguments have been shown to be worthless whether it's the "your three posts show that you are rude and that makes you a bigot" argument or it's the "the content of those three posts show that the other 5930+ post are 'nothing but hate'" arguments.

Again logic is not on your side and the fact that you continue to avoid content as you run with your unsubstantioated accusations shows that you nothing but a worthless troll.
koshergirl lives in a world of delusion along with her running buds.

Just sayin'.

Good morning, koshergirl. :lol:

Jakes a clothes NAZI and thinks he has a right to dictate what kind of clothes is acceptable to wear in public.

We the People do have the right. Go in public naked from the waist down and tell me what happens.

Being naked has nothing to do with you being a Clothes NAZI after all stupid if your naked you don't have any clothes on for you to judge.
says the cowardly avoiding hack who parrots the same "winning" bs over and over again claimin he ha proven an accusation in whch his best argument was to claim I am guilty until proven innocent based on how you demmanded that I prove your accusation false.

when and where? link?

as long as it applies I will use it and since it still applies there is no point in not "going" with it. LOL

says the cowardly avoiding hack who parrots the same "winning" bs over and over again claimin he ha proven an accusation in whch his best argument was to claim I am guilty until proven innocent based on how you demmanded that I prove your accusation false. lol

Really?? when and where did i say that? LIAR.

reapeating your LIES again. How were those post bigoted? You said i was "rude" and that made them bigoted and yet I don't believe that is the actual defintion of the word. YOU LOSE AGAIN.

I already explained why moron. once again you show your inability to follow a simple mconversation. I said he is a nice guy but I would not vote for him again because I disagree with his policy decisions. No hate, just a simple disagreement.

I just think it's hilarious how your whole argument has been reduced to screaming "YOU ARE A BIGOT" even though you have failed to prove that allegation. LOL

what facts? you posted only THREE posts of mine and claim that the content of those THREE show that the other 5930+ posts are proof that I am a bigot. You haven't offered anything of substance and no matter how many times you repeat it repetition alone will not change a thing.

says the cowardly hack. LOL

actually you asked for proof that I said anything positive about a conservative. I made my statements about kingston and you ran with the rest of it all on your own.

says the hack who doesn't know when he has lost basd on his own dishoensty and cowardice.

how you entered the thread and came at me and have continued to avoid the actual content yes you are a troll.

too bad for you beause you seem to be both.

what have I done to prove that I hate other people and discriminate against them based on that hate?? Got proof? I didn't think so. thanks for trolling though.

LOL still trying oh so desperately to teear me down. How sad is that?

Your friend,




Desperately. I'm trying desperately to tear you down? Are you seriously that stupid.

I'm laughing my ass off at you and I have been for two days now.

You are just to damned stupid that by your own definition and your own posts you have torn your self down. How pitiful can you get?

You have not presented one single post which can even remotely be considered a polite post to a conservative.

I can list many liberals that I have very good relationships with: BDBoop, JakeStarkey, Rightwinger, Care4all, Sky Dancer (although she and I do have our fights), Synthaholic, working on relations with luddly.neddite, Dr. Grump, NYCarbiner, Midcan5 and building one with Candycorn. There are ten liberal people who I have decent relationships with and that is just off the top of my head. There are many others.

The ones I don't get along with are the people like you: rdean, Chris, TM. Geez isn't it kind of funny that all four of you have the same MO and hatred for people that don't agre with you? On the liberal side those are about the only four (including you) I can think of at the moment.

So, I'm a bigot? Yeah right. Try again. Go with that.

In the meantime, you can cook in your on sauce since it seems so important for you to prove that I have misjudged you. Too bad you still can't come up with one single post that doesn't make you look like the bigoted asshole you are.

I'm praying for you.

Your friend,


Notice no response to the actual content even as he continues to claim I am bigot because according to him I am guilty until proven innocent. You made the accusation the burden of proof is on you.

Yor arguments have been shown to be worthless whether it's the "your three posts show that you are rude and that makes you a bigot" argument or it's the "the content of those three posts show that the other 5930+ post are 'nothing but hate'" arguments.

Again logic is not on your side and the fact that you continue to avoid content as you run with your unsubstantioated accusations shows that you nothing but a worthless troll.

You're an idiot desperately trying to prove that you are not also a bigot. It has already been proven that you are. What else do I need to do except go on laughing at you for being such a frigging idiot.

I never once in my wildest dreams thought you would go this far to prove something that doesn't matter. I highly doubt anyone else is even following this conversation, but for three days you have floundered like a fish out of water demanding that you are not a bigot because in one moment of weakness you voted for a Republican and you are clueless as to why neither I or anyone else will not pat you on the back and give you an "attaboy".

Do you even know what unsubstantiated means? Basically it means unproven. By the evidence YOU cited and by your own definition, you have substantiated the fact that you are indeed a bigot. A stupid bigot too because you keep attempting to deny it.

Your evidence... your definition... equals you are a bigot.

And I for one will continue to laugh at you for as long as you whine... "I'm not a bigot damnit! I know I'm not. I voted for Jack Kingston once before... I wouldn't vote for him now, but damn it I did once. That proves I'm not a bigot".

You're hilarious and a lot of fun.

Your friend,

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Desperately. I'm trying desperately to tear you down? Are you seriously that stupid.

I'm laughing my ass off at you and I have been for two days now.

You are just to damned stupid that by your own definition and your own posts you have torn your self down. How pitiful can you get?

You have not presented one single post which can even remotely be considered a polite post to a conservative.

I can list many liberals that I have very good relationships with: BDBoop, JakeStarkey, Rightwinger, Care4all, Sky Dancer (although she and I do have our fights), Synthaholic, working on relations with luddly.neddite, Dr. Grump, NYCarbiner, Midcan5 and building one with Candycorn. There are ten liberal people who I have decent relationships with and that is just off the top of my head. There are many others.

The ones I don't get along with are the people like you: rdean, Chris, TM. Geez isn't it kind of funny that all four of you have the same MO and hatred for people that don't agre with you? On the liberal side those are about the only four (including you) I can think of at the moment.

So, I'm a bigot? Yeah right. Try again. Go with that.

In the meantime, you can cook in your on sauce since it seems so important for you to prove that I have misjudged you. Too bad you still can't come up with one single post that doesn't make you look like the bigoted asshole you are.

I'm praying for you.

Your friend,


Notice no response to the actual content even as he continues to claim I am bigot because according to him I am guilty until proven innocent. You made the accusation the burden of proof is on you.

Yor arguments have been shown to be worthless whether it's the "your three posts show that you are rude and that makes you a bigot" argument or it's the "the content of those three posts show that the other 5930+ post are 'nothing but hate'" arguments.

Again logic is not on your side and the fact that you continue to avoid content as you run with your unsubstantioated accusations shows that you nothing but a worthless troll.

You're an idiot desperately trying to prove that you are not also a bigot. It has already been proven that you are. What else do I need to do except go on laughing at you for being such a frigging idiot.

I never once in my wildest dreams thought you would go this far to prove something that doesn't matter. I highly doubt anyone else is even following this conversation, but for three days you have floundered like a fish out of water demanding that you are not a bigot because in one moment of weakness you voted for a Republican and you are clueless as to why neither I or anyone else will not pat you on the back and give you an "attaboy".

Do you even know what unsubstantiated means? Basically it means unproven. By the evidence YOU cited and by your own definition, you have substantiated the fact that you are indeed a bigot. A stupid bigot too because you keep attempting to deny it.

Your evidence... your definition... equals you are a bigot.

And I for one will continue to laugh at you for as long as you whine... "I'm not a bigot damnit! I know I'm not. I voted for Jack Kingston once before... I wouldn't vote for him now, but damn it I did once. That proves I'm not a bigot".

You're hilarious and a lot of fun.

Your friend,


What you fail to understand is that I don't have to prove I am not a bigot. That burden lies with you and no matter how many times you claim that you have proven the fact is that based on the actual content of your posts you haven't.

How has it been proven?? Please explain if you can?

Being "rude" is not the same as being a bigot but you tried to claim that it was. That was one of your claims of proof. How is being "rude" the same as being a bigot?

The content of three posts is not proof or evidence of the content of the othe 5930+ posts which is another argument tyhta you tried to make. How can you define the content of 5930+ posts based on the content of three?

disagreeing with you or anyone for that matter is not proof of hatred or intolerance on my part which is part of the core of your accusation. How is disagreement proof of hatred and intolerance?

Your alleged proof is proof of nothing. So what else have you got to offer?

BTW it is still innocent until proven guilty and you haven't proven that I am a bigot and never will based on the actual content of your allegations. LOL
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Who cares what a bigot says about anything?

According to the OP being dismissive of those who disagree with you makes you the bigot.

Next time somebody wants to dismiss everyone who disagrees with their views about same sex marriage as a bigot they should remember what the word actually means and take a step to end the intolerance.

Bigot [big-uht] (noun) a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

The sad thing is there in lies QW's own bigotry based on his own interpretation of the word bigot.

He says that dismissing those who disagree with you on same sex marriage as a bigots makes you guilty of intolerance and then he cites the defintion of a bigot as including intolerance.

But then isn't he being dismissive of those who disagree with his position as he claims they are guilty of intolerance and therefore bigots?
Dr. S, the far left and the right wacks are bigots because they keep insisting they can use their own rather than historical and definitive terms. Then they call the mainstream bigots. The wacks are a silly lot.
You were doing so well, then you stuck your foot in your mouth and choked.

If the right are the only ones that want Washington to enforce their sacred list of special things how do you explain the uproar over the Delta Smelt? Do you think that a little fish matters more than feeding millions of people in anyone's mind because they actually weighed the various factors logically? The sacred things on the left are just as important to them, and they are just as willing to use Washington to promote their religion. Just because you agree with that religion does not make it right.

Your bigotry is a lot larger than you think it is.

Show me where the left wants to use the government to promote their religion. I am sure there is some cases, but nothing like the right. Wanting to deny a person a right because their religious book tells them that their life style is wrong is allowing one's religion to shape a law.
Other than what the bible says about homosexuals, and without using procreation as an argument, please tell me why two consenting adults should not be allowed to marry?

Before you argue, the reason why I took out procreation is because many straight couples cannot have children together. Using that argument doesn't work in the modern age.

If you say gay marriage your are full of shit.

The progressive religion is atheism, abortion, and homosexuality.

Now come again?

Our religion is abortion and homosexuality?
Do I pray to RuPaul and Ellen?
Show me where the left wants to use the government to promote their religion. I am sure there is some cases, but nothing like the right. Wanting to deny a person a right because their religious book tells them that their life style is wrong is allowing one's religion to shape a law.
Other than what the bible says about homosexuals, and without using procreation as an argument, please tell me why two consenting adults should not be allowed to marry?

Before you argue, the reason why I took out procreation is because many straight couples cannot have children together. Using that argument doesn't work in the modern age.

If you say gay marriage your are full of shit.

The progressive religion is atheism, abortion, and homosexuality.

Now come again?

Our religion is abortion and homosexuality?
Do I pray to RuPaul and Ellen?

You don't? :eek: heretic!

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