Who are the RINOs? They are all extremely Pro Israel, and that is the problem and the red flag

This is where we are. The problem of the REPUBLICAN PARTY is PRO ISRAEL RINOS all supported fully by Votto.

SUBS like other moron classes of humans cannot debate, analyze, or solve anything. Rather, as moronic religious parrots of treasonous bullshit, they are utter invalid liabilities, and America is paying the price for their treasonous idiocy.

When will Jesus float down from the clouds, traitor?

Was W a "conservative?"
No, "W" was not a conservative.

Jesus will float down soon enough no matter what you do or what Hamas does or the Left does or what I do.

But to think I will tell them they cannot defend themselves, that they don't have a right to fight about against terrorist organizations propped up by Iran to destroy Israel is asinine.

Now, enjoy being in the same room as the Left wing loons that sound just like you on this site.
Pro Choice?

Expanding government control and regulation, hiring a new department of jackboots to raid medical facilities - THAT is how you define "conservative?"

SUB is as SUB does.

If the SUB cannot define "conservative" then the SUB cheers W, who was 100% anti conservative by every measure....
See my Avatar ( Regarding W )
I am sure I've never used the K-word.

I use the word "Zionist" to describe Jews who engage in a racist/colonialist policy of displacing and committing genocide against an indigenous people.
Zionist is what I am talking about, you stupid jizz hole. The “Palestinians” would be lucky to be graced by western civilization. Instead they act like animals. Frankly, I am amazed at the restraint shown by Israel in dealing with that crud.
Zionist is what I am talking about, you stupid jizz hole. The “Palestinians” would be lucky to be graced by western civilization. Instead they act like animals. Frankly, I am amazed at the restraint shown by Israel in dealing with that crud.
You claimed saying Zionist is the same as saying the K-word. It most certainly is not. The whole world is starting to turn on Israel, because they are committing genocide.
If you cannot properly diagnose reality, you are leading us down the path of destruction, which is precisely what has happened since you SUBS came into the GOP to support W.

Is this controlled demolition?

Is this a 757 or a cruise missile?

You are nothing but a traitor who cheers Zionist Fascist attacks on America.

Is this controlled demolition?


Is this a 757 or a cruise missile?

Is this controlled demolition?
Is this a 757 or a cruise missile?

This is part and parcel of Zionist Fascist lying and hate hoaxing....

Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center .The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis—contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms’s tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel’s move.

because he was orchestrating the stealing of US weapons for our troops in 'nam to Israel.

You are a FUCKING TRAITOR who cheered when Israel attacked the USS Liberty.

The USA may not be the right country for you.
Have you looked into Iran?
I suspect that they hate jews as much as you do.
There were a total of four rockets fired on 10/7, by Netanyahu loyalists at supporters of a "two state solution." Maybe 20 were killed, max.

Hamas did nothing. There was no 10/7 attack. There are no hostages. There is simply a hostage "movie" for American SUBS like you.

The "corpses" are all from Gaza. The death toll in Gaza is much larger than Faux "News" tells you.

Who is directing the hostage "movie for Subs?"

Zia sadiq-isil

ISIS Leader ‘Al-Baghdadi’ is ‘Jewish Mossad Agent’ Named Simon Elliot ...

  • 4 suggested searches in this image
Do you think that there might be a conspiray by Jewish people to control everything ?
Is that possible ?
Jesus will float down soon enough

Define "soon" given it is already "more than 2000 years from now"

It takes an IQ over 5 to realize that the dude is dead and isn't coming back....

And the Crusades should've taught all "Christians" to "knock it off" with that crap...

I will tell them they cannot defend themselves

That's not what you are accused of doing, traitor. That is halfway around the globe. Israel is not part of America. What Israel does is what Israel does. You and your kind have a history of lying about what Israel does, all because you think if Israel wipes out all of its neighbors, the dead ancient Jew will float down from the clouds still in his 30s, and ready to speak English of course....

All of that is

Vietnam/Gulf of Tonkin Hate Hoax
USS Liberty
Marines in Lebanon 1983
Pat Tillman
US troops sold out in Iraq and Afghan

The cost to America of you and your kind's uber treasonous idiocy on this subject is tens of trillions of dollars, millions of lives, and now a "Republican" Party packed with Left Wing Zionist Fascist "RINOs" that YOU KEEP SUPPORTING....
The USA may not be the right country for you.
Have you looked into Iran?
I suspect that they hate jews as much as you do.

The same level of treasonous idiocy of BLM and the LBTQ alphabet mafia is present with the SUB. YOUR IQ is under 5. You are the one who HATES AMERICA and continues to push Zionist Fascist TREASON against America.
Is this controlled demolition?


Is this a 757 or a cruise missile?


Toddster is Exhibit A of what is wrong with the GOP, a Zionist Fascist Traitor, Liar, supporter of BIG GOVERNMENT and empowering Zionist Fascists in government like CHRIS WRAY to wipe out those who notice.

Toddster's official title is "Mossad enabler of Co2 Fraud by pretending to be a "conservative skeptic" when he is, in fact, up Lyn Cheney's nasty butt"
Are lefties so ignorant that they don't understand what RINO means or are they playing some sort of Alinsky game? The Republican party recognizes Israel as America's single ally in the Mid East, therefore a RINO would be rooting for Hamas.
Are lefties so ignorant that they don't understand what RINO means or are they playing some sort of Alinsky game? The Republican party recognizes Israel as America's single ally in the Mid East, therefore a RINO would be rooting for Hamas.

This is the completely fucked in the head state of "conservatism" today, where the "Christians" cannot even define the word, and insist the US continue on the catastrophic course of supporting the worst fascist mass murdering monster on the planet today.

Israel is NOT AN ALLY. An ALLY is a GIVE AND TAKE relationship. ALL WE DO is GIVE and TAKE IT UP THE ASS, and YOU FUCKING TREASONOUS ZIONIST FASCIST LEFT WING LIARS keep cheering it as it does nothing but wreck America.

The Democrats have BLM, DEI, Co2 FRAUD, LBTQ and other subjects where rational thought and debate are not tolerated.

The GOP has one = the Zionist Fascist state of Israel, the worst enemy America has ever faced

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