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Who are these people who want to tell women what to do in their private lives?

Now the Arkansas legislature "passes law allowing rapists to sue victims who want an abortion."

Arkansas just passed a law that will let rapists sue victims who want an abortion

This law (1) gives the husband of his pregnant wife the legal right "to stop her from having an abortion, even in cases of spousal rape . . .". That will be cheered on by Iranian parliament.

And (2) husbands can sue for damages the doctors who carry out such abortions.

Insanity reigns in Arkansas.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned, I don't support abortion being used as a means of contraception.

This situation you post about in Arkansas is the full-on extreme and it should be strongly resisted, women who have been raped have a right not to suffer psychological damage and scarring by being forced to carry a rapists child for nine months and then give birth to it.

This is a very complex issue, that involves both physical trauma but more devastatingly enduring psychological trauma that could last for the rest of the woman's life and also lead to suicidal tendency, so to avoid all of that it's imperative that if a woman is raped she is allowed the right for her own psychological well-being to have an abortion if she wishes to.
When is abortion ever used as a means of contraception?

In Japan, birth control is illegal, but abortion is available on demand. Abortion is the only legal means of birth control available.
That's awful. I bet most of the abortion doctors are male.
Forcing the mother against her will to carry the rapist's spawn for nine months is evil

Characterizing an innocent child as “rapist's spawn” and condemning him to death for a crime in which he had no willing part, is evil.

Blaylock's Bishop would tell him that is not LDS policy. The mother would be allowed to have an abortion and remain in full status with the LDS church if she had become pregnant through rape by anyone.
Does not depend on morality though right? I mean according to you if the child is alive and able to live outside the womb you don't mind one bit if the mother aborts cause after all that is the law.
You are drinking, because that makes no sense. Call your bishop.
So you oppose abortion after the 20 week limit? Funny you keep stating that abortion is the law and we should not do anything about it. which is it?
You don't read well. I have said repeatedly my preference is no abortions after twelve weeks. I would give exemptions to pregnancies from rape and family rape, genetic abnormalisties that could result in harm or death to Mom, and if something arises that threatens Mom. Good enough for you, Bishop?
Nope since you DEFEND the status quo as it is now in this thread and others. Again for the slow and stupid unless the wife gets the Husband charged and convicted of rape BY THE LAW he raped no one so she can not use that as a defense for abortion.
Not at all, slow one. I have told you what I want. If a woman files a rape charge, she is good to go.

You cannot say that you disagree with my preferences. I understand the law and how it works, and apparently, Bishop, you don't. Joseph Smith would charge you with an attempt to practice unrighteous dominion.
Wrong you keep citing that abortion is the law and I keep reminding you that one is NOT a rapist without a conviction. That is the law.
Forcing the mother against her will to carry the rapist's spawn for nine months is evil

Characterizing an innocent child as “rapist's spawn” and condemning him to death for a crime in which he had no willing part, is evil.

Blaylock's Bishop would tell him that is not LDS policy. The mother would be allowed to have an abortion and remain in full status with the LDS church if she had become pregnant through rape by anyone.
And a wife can not claim their husband raped them with out a charge and then a conviction in a Court of law. So much for that meme.
Outlaw abortion and have the taxpayers help pay for the child's needs. I support that. You hypocritical lowlife not my fellow Americans want no taxes and no abortion. I shun you.
The OP is clear and to the point. Read the entire article. Study the other info on the web.

Rapists have no rights, period, other than to spend their lives in a tiny cell.

I agree...rapists need to be arrested and put in jail for life.....unless they committed murder during the rape, then they need to be executed.

The baby...is innocent of any crime....so needs to be protected....

Forcing the mother against her will to carry the rapist's spawn for nine months is evil
The article is a basic lie. they equate a very small percent of husbands that may rape estranged wives with ALL Husbands and then call all Husbands rapists.
That is not what the lie said or implied at all.

Rapist husbands have no rights over their wives when it comes to pregnancy. The courts will thrown this law out of the door.
The EXTREMELY majority of husband do not in fact rape their wives. and unless one is charged and found guilty of it it is just a she said he said in other cases. This law applies to 99.99999999 percent of the Husbands that di no such thing. Of course you don't mind murdering babies so you disagree.

When the father can carry the baby in his body then he can have an option.

Granted it's not fair. Women also pay a price in their careers for being the one to give birth and hopefully spend years raising the child at home. They are the ones who are really fucked if two idiots have unprotected sex, the male dog is free and clear. So plenty of things aren't fair for the woman. On the other hand the baby is in her body and it's ridiculous to give the "father" the right to force her to carry it against her will.

Life not fair? Buck up, guy. No one said it was. Maybe your parents should have had "the talk" with you sooner as well as letting you know that yes, indeed, life is not fair. I made that VERY clear to my two girls early on to be prepared that life is completely not fair. And it worked. My libertarian daughter has been going to Berkeley for three years working on her PhD and is flourishing. She does complain to me all the time though about the leftists who run the place and wait for it ... aren't fair. But I prepared her well. She's a great girl
Forcing the mother against her will to carry the rapist's spawn for nine months is evil

Characterizing an innocent child as “rapist's spawn” and condemning him to death for a crime in which he had no willing part, is evil.

Blaylock's Bishop would tell him that is not LDS policy. The mother would be allowed to have an abortion and remain in full status with the LDS church if she had become pregnant through rape by anyone.
And a wife can not claim their husband raped them with out a charge and then a conviction in a Court of law. So much for that meme.

Agreed on the statement, but that doesn't give the father the right to force the woman to carry the baby in her body
Can anyone name a law that doesn't tell a man or woman what to do in their private lives?
RGS is way out of step with his own church's position on these matters.

The world in which we live does not accept my twelve week limit with certain exceptions.

RGS condemns because I can't change the law. What a bozo!
The Church's Handbook does not agree with you, RGS or Avatar.

That is your problem not mine.

And my position is generally more conservative than the Bishop's Handbook as you well know.
Outlaw abortion and have the taxpayers help pay for the child's needs. I support that. You hypocritical lowlife not my fellow Americans want no taxes and no abortion. I shun you.

It's a cause and effect thing, nobody other than maybe your mother expect you to get it. Abortion teaches people to be careless and is an excuse for irresponsibility. If it were illegal, people would assume more responsibility, at least one would think.

Personally I see both sides of the argument, though I reject most liberal narratives supporting abortion, because they're lies.

In my world a woman would be allowed two early term abortions. She agrees to have her mothering parts removed the 2nd time. If that doesn't suit her, she can get her fucking abortion in Mexico, dark ally etc. Doesn't matter to me.
Now the Arkansas legislature "passes law allowing rapists to sue victims who want an abortion."

Arkansas just passed a law that will let rapists sue victims who want an abortion

This law (1) gives the husband of his pregnant wife the legal right "to stop her from having an abortion, even in cases of spousal rape . . .". That will be cheered on by Iranian parliament.

And (2) husbands can sue for damages the doctors who carry out such abortions.

Insanity reigns in Arkansas.

And just think, liberals want more and more of this as they welcome load after load of Muslims into our country.
Soon, liberals will be agreeing that women should be covered and only allowed outside if their husband is present.

That will come from your Reich wing side of the isle. You're all a bunch of little Nazi's running around trying to stick your noses in places where it doesn't belong.

After 47 Years--you're still trying!


And so why do you want more of what you hate allowed to come here?
You fuckers hate American conservatives, and then turn around and become lap dogs for the Islamic religion. You guys are the biggest idiots on the planet.
I don't think a rapist should have any say in the matter.

I'm pro choice but as someone who was raised Catholic I do understand the pro life people. They believe the fetus is life and life takes precedence over a woman's rights they argue. I might agree with their position if I knew for a fact when life began.

I would never have an abortion and I wish other women wouldn't but I don't know when life begins so I can't tell another woman how to control her own body. If one day science tells me when life begins or God tells me when the human soul enters the fetus then at the point I'll reconsider my position.

I think the Arkansas government is trying an end run to get around the rights of women to have abortions. I don't approve of this. Don't they understand they're not helping their cause? The more militant they get the more dug in the other side gets.

This isn't actually about rape....the actual law is about the husband having a right to keep their child from being aborted...it is their child too....they have thrown in the rape scenario to ease their guilt and to guilt those who see a baby as a baby even in the womb....

I'd hate to be a man who found out his girlfriend or wife was pregnant and that she was having an abortion. I'd be sick to my stomach. I'd cry and I'd do everything I could to talk her out of it.

I'm pro choice but I'm conflicted about the rights of a father who wants to have the baby. How do you tell a man he has no right to see his child brought to birth? How do you tell a woman she has to go through a pregnancy she doesn't want? If the law says no abortion and she has a suspicious miscarriage is the woman a criminal or did the stress of an unwanted pregnancy cause the death?

When the pregnancy is another woman's it's not as simple an issue for me as it is for many pro life and pro choice people. If the pregnancy is mine then there is no issue. I'm having the baby.
So this was your 2nd last post IrinaNoblesse ...

Did you get banned already?

Looks like you took down all your photos and changed all your info.
Who in the hell wants to make it legal for a woman to kill her child on demand just for the sake of convenience?

If, we as a civilized society, are going to let a woman kill her child shouldn't it be for a little better reason than she just doesn't want to be bothered?
To answer your question, about half the states, mostly in the Northeast and in the Far West DO want to KEEP it legal.

But that has nothing to do with the issue of Roe v. Wade.

Roe is all about States' Rights to BAN the procedure.

As a medical procedure in demand with lots of tried and true surgical methods, it starts out as legal. Surgery has no moral issues attached to it.

Then WHAM! some state legislatures come along and try to make this ILLEGAL for moral reasons. This is where the 1st Amendment of separation of church and state get violated.

So something has to give. Either states' rights had to give or the 1st Amendment had to give.

The Berger Court ruled essentially in favor of the 1st Amendment against States' Rights, but they did it with an off the wall "right to privacy" interpretation which does not exist for women and their vagina's in the Federal Constitution.

Oh well. Bad law. But both the 1st Amendment AND States' Rights (the 10th Amendment) could not win. One of them had to lose.
And so why do you want more of what you hate allowed to come here?
You fuckers hate American conservatives, and then turn around and become lap dogs for the Islamic religion. You guys are the biggest idiots on the planet.
Speaking for myself, I hate both the extreme far right (exemplified in Ted Cruz) and the extreme far left (exemplified in Bernie Sanders).

And I also hate Islam and would like to see it eradicated from the face of this Earth.
Some find chopping off a babies arms, legs, and head barbaric.
My bet is your a male, never been pregnant, never had to worry about getting pregnant. I will only hear a woman's point of view.
We men who oppose abortion can not help it that we are male. Help us understand how being a woman would help us be more tolerant of the denial of children's rights and of the subsequent slaughters by abortion.

Then too, please address the fact that nearly half of those opposed to abortions are women as well. Many of whom have had an abortion of their own.

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