Who believes Disaster Victims should PAY to be rescued?


It's the same people who supported BP after the spill and blocked any serious investigation.

The same people who believe billionaires are "needy" and should have their taxes cut.

Still can't guess?
67 Republicans voted against aid for Sandy victims INCLUDING 7 from Texass
Why 58 Representatives Who Voted for Hurricane Katrina Aid Voted Against Aid for Sandy

It's OK. They voted against Katrina relief too.

Repub Do Nothing Gov will be more than happy to take aid now.

As well he should.

But yes, Repub needs are important, as long as its in their own state.
To see those obese, low IQ democrats being rescued as if they are entitled to a helicopter ride was disgusting. And they don't even thank the rescue workers. They should definitely be charged accordingly. Same goes for black violent criminals who get shot. An ambulance ride is about $1,000. Bullet wound treatment can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. Once they start paying for their moronic behavior (including pregnancies) maybe then they will smarten up.
There used to be a poster at USMB named Rdean. He conned his way into a Republican Town Hall and shouted "Let them Die!" as his, not the Republican, answer to health care. He then spend every day posting "Let Them die" here for the next few years.

Good times
Wow, if I had the opportunity, I might so something like that.

The only problem, "let him die" is something I would never think of. That's what Republicans think of. So when it occurs to me to run out and say something so mean and awful, it's too late. The GOP beat me to it.
To see those obese, low IQ democrats being rescued as if they are entitled to a helicopter ride was disgusting. And they don't even thank the rescue workers. They should definitely be charged accordingly. Same goes for black violent criminals who get shot. An ambulance ride is about $1,000. Bullet wound treatment can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. Once they start paying for their moronic behavior (including pregnancies) maybe then they will smarten up.
Democrats? From Texas?
To see those obese, low IQ democrats being rescued as if they are entitled to a helicopter ride was disgusting. And they don't even thank the rescue workers. They should definitely be charged accordingly. Same goes for black violent criminals who get shot. An ambulance ride is about $1,000. Bullet wound treatment can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. Once they start paying for their moronic behavior (including pregnancies) maybe then they will smarten up.
Democrats? From Texas?
You know who. We don't even have to ask.


Take away healthcare for tens of millions of Americans.

Cut school lunches for poor children.

Cut food stamps for poor children and veterans.

Let him die.

Voted against healthcare for first responders.

Feed the poor and they will breed.

Can you guess yet?

I see what you did there.

There is the other side of the coin though, what if the question were "who believes that 11 million illegal immigrants (emphasis on the word ILLEGAL) should siphon billions each year from the system meant to support legal, American citizens and landed immigrants?" I could continue on a number of issues as a conservative economist, but you get the idea.

Remember, real compassion is understanding that decisions in one facet in the use of resources will take away from another. When you and other American citizens need such resources, they will be gone or exploited.
So what is your definition of "real compassion". What ever is it, I suspect it's shared by a majority of Republicans.

To me compassion in government would be defined something along the lines of "considering the long term consequences of ones decisions and how they will affect others, today and in the future".

No worse risk to America and Americans future than the escalating debt, coupled with stretched obligations. The balancing of these issues is vital for America today and in the decades going forward.
Charities should take care of this.Why should working people pay for irresponsible losers ?
Whether or not they stayed home to witness it, thousands will be homeless from this gut punch from Mother Nature. Thousands of homeless families is not a good thing for anyone. Get people back on their feet, their homes habitable again.
Thats what insurance is for....
Why does the aid need to be voted on ? Why doesnt it just happen automatically ?
And why would people vote against aid ?
Hurricane relief is not partisan, and the gop becomes absolutely giddy about flood relief in the Midwest.
Not this dumb shit again.

Derp was up all night dreaming it up
I don't have to dream anything up. Republicans provide all the material I would ever need. You know that.

You're barking up the wrong tree, Derp. I'm not a republican...and you're a fucking partisan hack
If it's squishy and brown and smells like, well, you know, it is what it is.

You're a complete idiot, Derp and the forum clown. You just don't realize it, you're bliss in your ignorance

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