CDZ Who believes the claims by mainstream media that dems are ahead in polls?

Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.

I don't think all the polls are correct, but Rasmussen tends to be close.
I do agree with Dan Bongino, though, who said something along the lines of don't go thinking the polls are wrong and that Trump will win by a landslide. That sort of thinking breeds apathy and discourages voting.
No matter what the polls say, EVERYONE needs to go vote in 2020. We need more Republican seats in Congress and need Trump to remain in office 4 more years.

Btw, if I'm in a topic full of Liberals, my apologies, I didn't read any responses; I just jumped in to respond. But, it applies to you too, if you want to win.
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.

I don't think all the polls are correct, but Rasmussen tends to be close.
I do agree with Dan Bongino, though, who said something along the lines of don't go thinking the polls are wrong and that Trump will win by a landslide. That sort of thinking breeds apathy and discourages voting.
No matter what the polls say, EVERYONE needs to go vote in 2020. We need more Republican seats in Congress and need Trump to remain in office 4 more years.

Btw, if I'm in a topic full of Liberals, my apologies, I didn't read any responses; I just jumped in to respond. But, it applies to you too, if you want to win.
The anti Trump vote will be out in force
It was in 2018
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.

I do. I mean, President Hilary should be enough of an example......all of the polls said she was going to win in a landslide and what happened.......oh....oops.....

Never mind.
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.
I believe it-look at the crowds for Earth Day Lite-those crazies will vote for anything.
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.

I do...insofar as I believed someone did a poll, contacted a group of people and asked them what they thought over 13 months before we vote and legitimately reported what was revealed.
I also believe it is as meaningless as yesterday's weather forecast.
This goes beyond polls for the Presidency

Dems are going to take the Senate as Republicans have to defend 22 seats on Dems 11
Republican Congressmen are declining to run especially in Texas

Dems are pushing for majorities in Statehouses......all in anticipation of the 2020 census
The media is now completely unworthy of any kind of trust. left or right, everything is about Money & power. Honesty has been kicked too the curb.
Would not bet a penny on who will win the election. only that we will pay a steep price by allowing all the dishonesty too cloud our minds.
Filling a venue is not indicative of anything except how much he charges his base of supporters. It says literally nothing about the overall size of those supporters.

Disbelieving the polls because they do not reflect what you think they should is an asinine position to take. They got wrong who was going to vote in 2016. Putting your money on them making the same mistake in 2020 is asking to put a democrat in office.

There is a pretty simple reason why he is running so far behind right now anyway. He is not well liked, that is a cold hard fact, and he has not started running yet. When the race actually gets started, the polls will change quite a bit.

He hasn't stopped running.

Where do you live? Seriously.
Claiming that the media never reports truthfully is a moron's strategy for dealing with reality.
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.
The answer to your question would be NO ONE with any sense or intelligence. Only brainwashed dummies believe these polls.
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.
Democrats always look more qualified being compared to other Democrats, and even better being questioned by Leftard lapdog Fake Newsers.
Who actually believes that the supposed polls that put democratic candidates 10 or more points ahead of Trump?

I mean all we need to do is LISTEN to the democratic candidates they are crazy as a bedbug. Further all one need do is look at rallies. At Trump rallies he always fills the venue and has thousands waiting outside. At democratic rallies they are lucky to get 20 or 30 people.

President Hilary. The polls showed her winning the election in a landslide against Trump, no one expected her to lose....and here we are...President Hilary...

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