Zone1 Who Benefits from the Suppression of Racial information on Crime?

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Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

There has been a recent surge of apparently gang or turf-related violence in the North Side of Pittsburgh. Reports of North Side shootings are almost a daily phenomenon. A week or so ago, a "white" woman was killed in the crossfire as she left a neighborhood supermarket. Other than that, everyone else involved - perpetrators, victims, uninvolved bystanders, and intended victims, are all Black.

And it's not like everyone on the North Side is Black. There are several neighborhoods that are fully integrated, and some that are quite posh, with the usual inflated real estate values, trendy eateries, fern bars, and so on. Franco Harris, NFL HOFer lives in the heart of the North Side as does my son.

A couple generations ago - say in the '50's - this overall story would have been reported on as a "Negro" problem on the North Side. Now, you can read the reports, word by word, and there is no mention of the race of anyone involved. The "white" woman victim last week was pictured - which was entirely appropriate.

So what is the benefit of the cloaking of racial information in the Media? Even the most obtuse reader/viewer knows what's going on, and what to do about it (avoid certain neighborhoods). It is not a problem of the North Side population going lawless, the violence is confined to a specific demographic. But the Media dare not mention it.

Parenthetically, the newly-elected Black mayor seems absolutely apoplectic in his intention to stop - or at least suppress - the deadly violence, but one wonders what can be done to improve the locals' skills at non-violent dispute resolution.
I have some sympathy for this idea of not mentioning the race of the perpetrators of crimes. If I were a white citizen in a predominently black country, I would be very annoyed if crimes were reported as having been done by "an unknown white male."

If there is a high murder/crime rate in the North Side of Pittsburgh, that sounds like a North Side problem, not a black people problem.

If the new mayor of Pittsburgh succeeds in bringing the crime rate down on the North Side, the story should not say, "The Mayor, described as a black male, managed a sharp drop in crime . . ."
I agree, they seem to think that whites don't commit crimes.
Nobody said that, but crime is much worse in black areas because blacks commit such a disproportionate amount of violent crime. One’s odd of becoming a victim is much higher in a black neighborhood than a white one, and this should not have to be suppressed.

The high Black crime rate is one of the biggest drivers of racist attitudes. If blacks could lower their crime rates to that closer to whites, racism would go down.
Nobody said that, but crime is much worse in black areas because blacks commit such a disproportionate amount of violent crime. One’s odd of becoming a victim is much higher in a black neighborhood than a white one, and this should not have to be suppressed.

The high Black crime rate is one of the biggest drivers of racist attitudes. If blacks could lower their crime rates to that closer to whites, racism would go down.
Yeah, you want to believe that while your talk down to them.

There has been a recent surge of apparently gang or turf-related violence in the North Side of Pittsburgh. Reports of North Side shootings are almost a daily phenomenon. A week or so ago, a "white" woman was killed in the crossfire as she left a neighborhood supermarket. Other than that, everyone else involved - perpetrators, victims, uninvolved bystanders, and intended victims, are all Black.

And it's not like everyone on the North Side is Black. There are several neighborhoods that are fully integrated, and some that are quite posh, with the usual inflated real estate values, trendy eateries, fern bars, and so on. Franco Harris, NFL HOFer lives in the heart of the North Side as does my son.

A couple generations ago - say in the '50's - this overall story would have been reported on as a "Negro" problem on the North Side. Now, you can read the reports, word by word, and there is no mention of the race of anyone involved. The "white" woman victim last week was pictured - which was entirely appropriate.

So what is the benefit of the cloaking of racial information in the Media? Even the most obtuse reader/viewer knows what's going on, and what to do about it (avoid certain neighborhoods). It is not a problem of the North Side population going lawless, the violence is confined to a specific demographic. But the Media dare not mention it.

Parenthetically, the newly-elected Black mayor seems absolutely apoplectic in his intention to stop - or at least suppress - the deadly violence, but one wonders what can be done to improve the locals' skills at non-violent dispute resolution.
Historically US crime figures are untrustworthy. Too many black kids locked up for something they didnt do.
No one but blacks, themselves, can "lower the crime rates in black areas."

ONLY blacks can lower the HUGE numbers of crimes they commit. It is a BLACK problem. And to "fix it" they have to begin by changing the thug and prison based culture so many of them embrace.

By now, it should be obvious to all that they don't have the will or the balls to step up and take care of the problems THEY created.

For other groups to continue to get involved in these black problems is just a huge waste of time, money, and other resources.

Let them man up and do something positive for themselves, for a fucking change. Sink or swim.
This particular problem, as I stated clearly, is limited to one demographic. I didn't say "whites" don't commit crimes; it would be absurd to say such a thing,

As for Black people (and especially yoots) going to jail for stuff they didn't do, that is statistical nonsense. It happens, regrettably, but it is extremely rare. The Leftist Media like to showcase the occasional incidence of a wrongly convicted Black, but you are talking about a tiny percentage of a small percentage. Don't forget, 95% of convictions are the result of GUILTY PLEAS. When you plead guilty the judge asks you in six different ways whether you did it, and unless you answer in the affirmative it goes back to the drawing board.

So the "innocent" population is jail is a percentage of the other 5%. And the liars must be excluded as must the people who were innocent of the specific crime that they were convicted of, but factually guilty of scores of other crimes that the police never cleared.
This particular problem, as I stated clearly, is limited to one demographic. I didn't say "whites" don't commit crimes; it would be absurd to say such a thing,

As for Black people (and especially yoots) going to jail for stuff they didn't do, that is statistical nonsense. It happens, regrettably, but it is extremely rare. The Leftist Media like to showcase the occasional incidence of a wrongly convicted Black, but you are talking about a tiny percentage of a small percentage. Don't forget, 95% of convictions are the result of GUILTY PLEAS. When you plead guilty the judge asks you in six different ways whether you did it, and unless you answer in the affirmative it goes back to the drawing board.

So the "innocent" population is jail is a percentage of the other 5%. And the liars must be excluded as must the people who were innocent of the specific crime that they were convicted of, but factually guilty of scores of other crimes that the police never cleared.
Most “innocent” inmates are almost certainly guilty of many crimes they weren’t caught doing. And to make my intent crystal clear, I‘m not talking about inmates of any specific ethnicity. Criminals come in all colors.
How about whites lower the higher crime rate in their areas and stop lying to themselves about crime?
In my city, it’s about 50/50 black and white. The higher the percentage of blacks in various districts, the worse the crime. Until you admit that the significantly higher crime rate among blacks is creating their problems, the situation will never get better.

It’s why alcoholics have to first stand up and admit it. The first step in solving your problem is admitting it.
I have some sympathy for this idea of not mentioning the race of the perpetrators of crimes. If I were a white citizen in a predominently black country, I would be very annoyed if crimes were reported as having been done by "an unknown white male."

If there is a high murder/crime rate in the North Side of Pittsburgh, that sounds like a North Side problem, not a black people problem.

If the new mayor of Pittsburgh succeeds in bringing the crime rate down on the North Side, the story should not say, "The Mayor, described as a black male, managed a sharp drop in crime . . ."
The public is entitled to any descriptions that are available to bring criminals to justice. Whats next? The crime was committed by an unknown human or other animal? Criminals have no more right to anonymity than anyone else. You and I are tracked while sitting inside our homes and you are concerned about the perpetrators of crimes maintaining their privacy. SMFH.
I apologize for once again going off topic. Many of my posts deal with Gender rather then Race issues.

Males are arrested for 88% of murder and 79% of violent crime. Here. Most Feminists and many Progressives view males as the morally inferior gender.

Sorry not sorry! Feminists who blame innocent men and Racists who blame innocent Minority people are bigots.
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The same logic was used by anti-Semites in USSR to justify discriminatory policies toward Jews. During the Cold War, many Jews including myself (although I was a minor) had almost no loyalty to USSR. Many were guilty of criticizing USSR in private conversations -- which was a felony under Article 70 of Soviet Penal Code.
The public is entitled to any descriptions that are available to bring criminals to justice. Whats next? The crime was committed by an unknown human or other animal? Criminals have no more right to anonymity than anyone else. You and I are tracked while sitting inside our homes and you are concerned about the perpetrators of crimes maintaining their privacy. SMFH.
I'm not concerned about the perpetrators of crimes maintaining their privacy, so cool your FH if that's really what your feeling SM of.
That is not what you said in post #4. You morons really should keep up with what you post.
I said nothing about privacy of criminals in post #4. I said I would be annoyed if criminals of my same race and gender were described only by that race and gender. How does describing a criminals as "a black male" infringe on his privacy in the slightest? It doesn't, so my concern was not for the privacy of criminals. You xxxx love to argue against things you halucinate instead things I actually say.
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