Zone1 Who Benefits from the Suppression of Racial information on Crime?

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Blacks, as a group, do not value education as strongly as Jews. That’s a fact. Learning is considered a Mitzvah in the Jewish religion, and has been since before Jesus.
How exactly is that “a fact”?
We don’t have to diminish antisemitism by lumping it together with other forms of bigotry. Just like blacks wanted the slogan Black Lives Matter, to focus specifically on racism, we want to focus specifically on the rise in antisemitism.

Yet here you are diminishing racism. Why?

Seems to me there is strength in mutual support.

When blacks complain about racism, do you tell them to join forces with Jews - and then show an antisemitic act? No, you do not.
I have not seen blacks constantly comparing racism and antisemitism in such a way that it requires the one to be diminished in order to validate the other.

I’m a strong believer in common cause to overcome hate because all hate hurts someone and it could be me or you next time.

I asked if you felt that your figures were good. I had already stated that they were crap. Anyone who puts faith in them is a racist or thick or,usually, both.
I never posted anything about figures. Again, you are mistakenly responding to the wrong person. Your fucking name calling is out of line too. Why did you ask me that question since I never posted any figures? Besides, if someone disagrees with you, that is not racist. Show where I posted anything about figures.
How exactly is that “a fact”?
Judaism is a very complex religion and for centuries educated, wise men have been looked up to. They are the leaders of their temples. In effect the Jews have been breeding for intelligence for centuries. When you do something for that long it has an effect.
It is arrogant to assume black’s as a group don’t strive to teach their kids the right values because you, as an individual, had grandparents that did.
Quite true. And that is very evident in far too many episodes of "The FIRST 48". Many of the mothers of teens and twenties wannabe gangstas and thugs are crushed seeing their kids go to prison for life for murder. The kids sitting in the interrogation room suddenly realize that they can't push a button and start over. This is the real world and they've destroyed their life while a teenager. Then they burst into tears and beg to see their mama.

The street grabs them and there is no strong male figure at home to back up what their mother is teaching.

If you can't or refuse to follow the correlation between those factors you are either ignorant, intentionally ignorant, or a fool. If you can't or refuse to follow that correlation, then you're a major part of the problem, are you not?
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I can see with my own eyes that the overwhelming majority of blacks succeed in the United States and that the ones who do not in large part have made very poor life choices.

Of course I can never know what it is like to be a black man, or black woman for that matter. You cannot know what it is like to be white, so does disqualify you from talking to me about issues that affect me as a white man, such as affirmative action? You don't know what it is like to be a black woman, so are you disqualified from ever commenting on them? What about a black immigrant from Africa or elsewhere? Have you spend one second living what they face?

It sounds like you want a way out of this conversation that makes you uncomfortable. I'll give you an easy way out.

If we can't talk to each other because of our differing races, just say so, and I'll stop trying. I'd like to give a more lengthy answer to your more lengthy post #129. It looks kind of mathy, which is right in my wheelhouse. But not if you don't want to hear it.

Just let me know, either way.
I can see through my lived experiences that what you say is not so.

I was did social work for most of my life and dealt and have dealt with many different situations.

For example, I knew a young black man who applied for multiple jobs and could not get hired. So as the end of the month came near, to took a bag of rocks and made the money to help pay his families rent and put food on the table so his young children could eat.. Fortunately he did not get caught. Now a white person like you who doesn't face the racism whereby you apply for 10-15 jobs and don't get hired would claim this guy made a bad choice.

Or the black woman who left an abusive relationship who had a child and wanted to go to college. But because of whites like you, she was forced to work a minimum wage job because of welfare reform.

You have seen only what you wanted to see. I doubt if you ever considered what might cause people to make what you think are bad decisions. You and those like you don't understand that white racism is a bad decision and white racism is poor behavior. So try working on those two things instead of telling me what you have seen with your own eyes, because what I have seen with mine is why I say that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.
Continued desperation. Why? More proof that you are a white guy eager to stir the pot of racism. Shame on you!





This ain't 1860 dumb ---.Today the same south is republican. Your anecdotes don't prove jack squat.

In 1964 a Democrat signed what amounted to our second Emancipation Proclamation when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. Members of today’s Republican Party tell a tale about republican support for the Civil Rights and Voting Rights act. They spin a fabulous story about a democratic filibuster and will say that by percentage more democrats opposed these bills than republicans.

According to Merriam-Webster the definition of disingenuous is “lacking in candor: giving a false appearance of simple frankness.” As it pertains to the Civil Rights Act, 153 democrats and 139 republicans voted in favor of the legislation in the house. In the senate, forty-six democrats and twenty-seven republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act. In the house, 221 democrats voted for the Voting Rights Act, and 112 republicans did. In the senate, forty-seven democrats voted for the Voting Rights Act, and thirty republicans did.

By 1964, there were blacks whose families had been Republicans since emancipation. They stayed faithful to a party that really did nothing for blacks after Lincoln signed the proclamation. While Republican, blacks endured Jim Crow Apartheid nationwide, redlining, restrictive covenants, acts of terror, white instigated racial violence, and the refusal to respect the constitutional rights of black people. Despite years of loyal black support, in 1964 Republicans nominated Barry Goldwater for president. His nomination was a slap in the face of black people. Goldwater voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Son, you are out of your league. I know what both parties have done.

On December 6, 2019, The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186. This bill was proposed to undo the damage caused by the Roberts Supreme Court 2013 decision. There were 187 Republicans in the House of Representatives in 2019. One Republican voted for this bill, Brian Fitzpatrick from Pennsylvania.

In 2021, The John Lewis Voting Rights Act was opposed by every Republican in the senate. Senate Republicans wouldn’t even let the bill come to the floor for debate. They filibustered the John Lewis Voting Rights Act like Dixiecrats did the Voting Rights Act in 1965.
Nice try.


In 2020, there were 7,173,072 crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. According to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281 in 2020. That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072 people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. 3,642,932 whites, 2,122,038 blacks. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.6 percent of the American population.

One percent of the population is fifty one percent of the criminal offenders and they are not black.

Try again junior.
Yet here you are diminishing racism. Why?

Seems to me there is strength in mutual support.

I have not seen blacks constantly comparing racism and antisemitism in such a way that it requires the one to be diminished in order to validate the other.

I’m a strong believer in common cause to overcome hate because all hate hurts someone and it could be me or you next time.

If you are such a believer in common cause, why didn’t you rally to stop saying “Black Lives Matter” and say “Minorities Lives Matter”?

NOPE. When there is a racist incident (and in truth, the Floyd killing was not racist), leftists insist the focus remain on blacks and blacks only. When there is an antisemitic incident, leftists want to broaden the tent and include every group that is victimized by bigotry.

And just listen to people IM2 And Newvine! They go on and on about racism on thread after thread. (The forum COULD be broadened to be against all prejudice, but NO….has to be about ONLY blacks.) Once Newsvine even brought up that a homeowner yelled at a political activist, who happened to be black, to get off his lawn and said that was racist!

Did you go to an Internet search to give an example of an antisemitic hate crime, and say we should all make common cause?

NOPE. When a black reports a racist incident, and how people are racist, you let the focus remain on blacks. When a Jew reports an antisemitic incident, near where she lives, you jump in and report a black incident from the other side of the country.

Why is that? Why do you allow blacks who report a racist incident to be able to focus solely on racism, yet you “broaden the tent” when Jews report an antisemitic incident to bring up racism?
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There seems to an overriding assumption that black mothers don’t teach “values” to their kids and that is why they commit crimes in disproportionate rates.

The interesting thing is…I know plenty of white families who did everything “right” yet ended up with kids addicted to drugs, committing crimes, etc.

There are a lot of factors that go into this, beyond what parents are able to do at any given time.

Social infrastructure for example. I was lucky. I grew up as a “free range” kid in a pretty safe middle class suburban neighborhood. I didn’t have to worry about tripping over heroin addicts on my way home, or passing drug deals on the corner, and I never experienced a shooting in my neighbor or knew any one who had been shot. We didn’t have to walk through metal detectors at school. We had safe playgrounds and a YMCA in walking distance. I didn’t have to take a job or drop out of school to help support my family. I didn’t watch other poor kids flashing gold and getting rich selling drugs.

There are good parents, indifferent parents, and bad parents, and it has nothing to do with race. My mother taught us values, and it was up to us to take them. My father was a severe alcohol and seldom present both in person and financially, so my mother raised us pretty much as a single working mother in an era when that was frowned upon. I never did drugs or committed crimes and I stayed in school. Yet my brother was far more disturbed, dropped out of school, got into drugs. Same values. I can only imagine how much harder it is for parents in worse neighborhoods who’s kids have far worse things to face.
One way black mothers who live in poor, crime-ridden neighborhoods, struggling to raise their children without a husband and thus relying on welfare do not teach good values IS BY EXAMPLE. The illegitimacy rate is absolutely shameful, and is causing other problems - poverty, crime, poor schools in bad areas, etc.

Teach children not to have sex until they are mature enough to do so responsibly.
im2 is not black lmao. let that sink in for a second. nobody should reply to him ever. liar.
Where did you get that he’s not black? He strikes me as a Farrakhan soldier.
he deleted an old post, his wife is brown and he is white or other not black. his kid/s are mixed. other posters remember as well.
I can see through my lived experiences that what you say is not so.

I was did social work for most of my life and dealt and have dealt with many different situations.
Then you saw the worst of the worst of situations.
For example, I knew a young black man who applied for multiple jobs and could not get hired. So as the end of the month came near, to took a bag of rocks and made the money to help pay his families rent and put food on the table so his young children could eat.. Fortunately he did not get caught. Now a white person like you who doesn't face the racism whereby you apply for 10-15 jobs and don't get hired would claim this guy made a bad choice.
You have to be kidding with that one! 10-15 jobs and didn't get hired? In my life, when I have been job hunting, I applied for 10-15 jobs and didn't get hired on slow day. Most days, I would be sending resumes, filling out applications, and pounding the pavement looking for help wanted signs. I guess after one day of applying for jobs that I didn't get hired for, I should have said, "Nobody hires white men?"

And he "took a bag of rocks," what on consignment? And it was to feed his family? What country was this, Belize? That's the only country I know of with no welfare at all. I'd look to the bag of rocks as the reason for his failure before the color of his skin.

Or much more likely, I'd look to the "feed my hungry kids," as a cock-and-bull story he told you to excuse his drug use instead of job seeking.
Or the black woman who left an abusive relationship who had a child and wanted to go to college. But because of whites like you, she was forced to work a minimum wage job because of welfare reform.
You mean the white man Bill Clinton who signed off on welfare reform after making it a key campaign promise?

How the hell did I stop her from going to college? Was this long before Student loan and Pell grants, I take it? White folks pay the overwhelming majority of student loan, and welfare. Not to mention the overwhelming majority of taxes that paid for your social worker job.
You have seen only what you wanted to see. I doubt if you ever considered what might cause people to make what you think are bad decisions. You and those like you don't understand that white racism is a bad decision and white racism is poor behavior. So try working on those two things instead of telling me what you have seen with your own eyes, because what I have seen with mine is why I say that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.
You still haven't said specifically what I am doing or failing to do that is causing black people to suffer.

Suppose I were to say, "Oh snap! That IM2 is a black guy on the internet, so he must know what he's talking about. I was a bad white person and I want to be a good white person starting right now!"

What's my next three moves? Seriously, if they are reasonable, I will do them. I'm really looking for things I can do myself that will help.

Now, if your only answer is "Vote Democrat!" you'll have to explain what ideas Democrats have that will actually help black folks. Their ideas for the past nearly 200 years, has been less than helpful, to say the least.
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Where did you get that he’s not black? He strikes me as a Farrakhan soldier.
Early on in his troll career here he stated that his wife was black and he had a biracial child.
Which leaves him white.
Then you saw the worst of the worst of situations.

You have to be kidding with that one! 10-15 jobs and didn't get hired? In my life, when I have been job hunting, I applied for 10-15 jobs and didn't get hired on slow day. Most days, I would be sending resumes, filling out applications, and pounding the pavement looking for help wanted signs. I guess after one day of applying for jobs that I didn't get hired for, I should have said, "Nobody hires white men?"

And he "took a bag of rocks," what on consignment? And it was to feed his family? What country was this, Belize? That's the only country I know of with no welfare at all. I'd look to the bag of rocks as the reason for his failure before the color of his skin.

Or much more likely, I'd look to the "feed my hungry kids," as a cock-and-bull story he told you to excuse his drug use instead of job seeking.

You mean the white man Bill Clinton who signed off on welfare reform after making it a key campaign promise?

How the hell did I stop her from going to college? Was this long before Student loan and Pell grants, I take it? White folks pay the overwhelming majority of student loan, and welfare. Not to mention the overwhelming majority of taxes that paid for your social worker job.

You still haven't said specifically what I am doing or failing to do that is causing black people to suffer.

Suppose I were to say, "Oh snap! That IM2 is a black guy on the internet, so he must know what he's talking about. I was a bad white person and I want to be a good white person starting right now!"

What's my next three moves? Seriously, if they are reasonable, I will do them. I'm really looking for things I can do myself that will help.

Now, if your only answer is "Vote Democrat!" you'll have to explain what ideas Democrats have that will actually help black folks. Their ideas for the past nearly 200 years, has been less than helpful, to say the least.
Agree! I applied for DOZENS of jobs while job-seeking before I was offered one.

And let’s even say that he couldn’t get hired because he lived in an anti-black area, even though he was exceptionally qualified. Why not apply for a job with the federal government? That’s what my dad and all his Jewish friends did in post-WW2 when antisemitism was raging and nobody would hire Jews in NY. They moved to DC with government jobs!

And before IM2 jumps in with “the poor blacks can‘t afford to do that,” all these Jewish boys left home with a job offer and pocket change. They rented cheap rooms. It CAN be done, but it takes motivation, discipline, and the willingness to make a sacrifice. What does NOT help is wallowing in “woe is me, they won’t hire Jews” and demanding antisemites correct their attitudes.
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