Zone1 Who Benefits from the Suppression of Racial information on Crime?

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I find that lowlife criminal thugs are generally ignorant and uneducated. And blacks DO commit violent crimes at 3 or 4 times the rate of whites. So….the answer is to stay in school, study, and at minimum go to a vocational training program or community college after high school graduation.
The answer sounds easy, but in many places there is a lack of infrastructure to get kids and keep kids on the right path.
The answer sounds easy, but in many places there is a lack of infrastructure to get kids and keep kids on the right path.
No, the parents have to instill the right values. It’s not always about something external to blame. Black parents (mostly moms) raising children in a poor black neighborhood need to emphasize how they need to stay in school and learn a trade.

And don’t say they don’t have resources for that. It takes NO resources to teach good values. My grandparents were dirt poor, and my parents grew up in poverty worse than the poor black neighborhoods today, and they were taught the right values - along with all of their friends.
Well apparently you do not understand the psycholgical impact of racism because you don't face it. Furthermore, whites commit more crimes. Lets take a look at the UCR so you understand just how STUPID you really are.

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Please notice the offenses charged column. Is only murder an offense? All of these are crimes.

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When you count these it equals 30. You are talking about one crime and making claims about blacks. When you never have to face racism its easy to make dumb assessments based on ignorance.

“Bryant-Davis and Ocampo (2005) noted similar courses of psychopathology between rape victims and victims of racism. Both events are an assault on the personhood and integrity of the victim. Similar to rape victims, race-related trauma victims may respond with disbelief, shock, or dissociation, which can prevent them from responding to the incident in a healthy manner. The victim may then feel shame and self-blame because they were unable to respond or defend themselves, which may lead to low selfconcept and self-destructive behaviors. In the same study, a parallel was drawn between race-related trauma victims and victims of domestic violence. Both survivors are made to feel shame over allowing themselves to be victimized. For instance, someone who may have experienced a racist incident may be told that if they are polite, work hard, and/or dress in a certain way, they will not encounter racism. When these rules are followed yet racism persists, powerlessness, hyper vigilance, and other symptoms associated with PTSD may develop or worsen.”

“On occasion, the emotional weight of racism can lead African Americans to engage in maladaptive coping, such as remaining in denial, engaging in substance use, aggression, self-blame – even in extreme cases suicide (i.e., Black Lives Matter activist Marshawn McCarrel) and terrorism (i.e., Dallas shooter Micah Xavier Johnson). These responses are harmful and lead to negative, long-term consequences.”

Ryan C.T. DeLapp, MA, and Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., “Proactively Coping With Racism, Getting back to our lives in the aftermath of racial violence in the media.”, July 18, 2016, www.psychologytoday,com

  • 59.40% White 196,010,370
  • 12.20% Black/African American 40,196,302
  • 0.60% Native 1,936,842
  • 18.40% Hispanic 60,806,969
  • 5.60% Asian 18,554,697
As a partner of our resident Troll, you know that racism has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the crime rate in the black community. How does constantly lying about it help to improve the problem?

Your figures are crap.
Apparently you don't understand the point. 2.1 pecent of the american population were criminal offenders in 2020. 1.09 percent where white, .6 percent were black. 13 percent of the population has nothing to do with this. Accurate assessments of criminal behavior and race can and should only be measured by those who are found to be criminal offenders. That's what public school taught me.
So it did not teach you what "disproportionate" means. That's not your fault, so I won't press the issue.
Wrong. Jim Crow was bipartisan. As has been American racism. Again, it was a republican who tried to make slaver constitutional in the hopes of keeping the south from seceding. Corwin, look up the Corwin Amendment and quit lying to yourself.
Oh, I completely agree. Everyone who signed the Constitution was equally guilty. I believe that including a guarantee of slavery in our founding document instead of dealing with the issue before the colonies united as states doomed us to the horrors of the Civil War, in which Republicans died in large numbers in their righteous quest to free the slaves.

Corwin's idea to put another guarantee of slavery might have delayed the war a little, but the Republicans were too passionately committed to ending slavery and racism to allow Democrats to carry on with it much longer.

There were no Republicans who signed the Constitution, BTW. In later years, Jim Crow was a Democratic Party institution. You'd be more historically accurate to accuse Republicans of being carpetbaggers who came to the south to take advantage of uneducated (through no fault of their own) blacks in the South, than to say that they were behind Jim Crow which is just factually inaccurate.
Lol! It's funny the stories republicans try telling to deny the fact that THE SYSTEM was created to benefit whites. Do you understand the difference between a macro level issue and a micro level one? Racism is a macro level problem arguing about what you claim not to have got is a micro level argument that misses the point and it is done purposefully. Your father was able to do things those black mail carriers couldn't.
Really? What was my father able to do that those black mail carriers could not?
It's very difficult not to break zone 1 rules after reading asinine bs like this.
Do you feel that they zone 1 rules are another example of white suppression?
These are dumb, ignorant comments. Documented fact plus current behavior and attitudes such as yours is evidence of a continuing problem. And when scrubs like you can't win a debate you turn to this dumb ----. If I am pissing and moaning because of my lack of sucess, there is no such thing as success junior.
Oh, so now you claim that have been successful? Doesn't that lend the lie to every single thing you've said on here?
Nobody black tells their kids the crap you believe. We tell our kids that they will face white racism and when they do, make certain that every white racist scrub eats their words.
What a perfect attitude to take into a job interview! Yes, you are indeed setting them up for success.

Unless the interviewer turns out to be black, as so many HR folk are. Then what? Call them an Aunt Jemima and storm out?
You idiots made what you said up because you can't face the truth. That truth is that there right wingg whites today have the same beliefs and attitudes of whites in the 1700's, 1800's and the jim crow 20th century. Your post is an example.

You guy piss and moan about aa government that has given you preference in everything, but youask me that ignorant question. You must have a mental problem
Are you sure that you are remembering the Zone 1 rules? You chose to post here instead of the Flame Zone or whatever it's called.
When other races in America have done what whites have done, come ask me that question.
No one has done what anyone else has done. Nothing is exactly the same as anything else. That's what intellectually dishonest people hang their hat on to say "that's different!"
No, the parents have to instill the right values.
Yes, maybe if we called that "family infrastructure," the Democrats would get it.
It’s not always about something external to blame. Black parents (mostly moms) raising children in a poor black neighborhood need to emphasize how they need to stay in school and learn a trade.
Yes, and plenty of them do. The overwhelming majority of black young adults spent 2020 and 2021 working, going to school, and serving in the military, not looting and rioting. Black people are successful far more often than not successful, much to the chagrin of the Jesse Jackson faction.

The media pay a disproportionate amount of attention to the gang members, drug dealers, rappers, and rioters, and so do the politicians, and failure-to-launch generation white young adults.
And don’t say they don’t have resources for that. It takes NO resources to teach good values. My grandparents were dirt poor, and my parents grew up in poverty worse than the poor black neighborhoods today, and they were taught the right values - along with all of their friends.
Yep. My mamma never went to college a single day, but she read to us constantly and provided books so we would keep reading after she put us to bed. She grew up during a racist era, and never lost those racist feelings, but she made sure we understood that it was wrong.

Because of people like her, racism is much more a historical phenomena than anything affecting blacks today.
The answer sounds easy, but in many places there is a lack of infrastructure to get kids and keep kids on the right path.
The only infrastructure needed is what I had; a parent (or grandparent in my case) that wouldn't accept criminal or antisocial behavior on the part of their child. Given that, almost all kids will grow up to be law-abiding citizens. As far as I am concerned, anybody that makes the choice to become a criminal deserves the maximum punishment the law allows for each and every one of their crimes. I grew up almost certainly poorer and in a worse neighborhood than almost everyone else posting here. Most of my childhood friends were either dead or in jail by the time I turned twenty-one. They chose that path, I chose the much harder path of getting an adequate education, serving in the Army and spending the rest of my life working, not the easy road of failing in school, stealing and dealing drugs.
So it did not teach you what "disproportionate" means. That's not your fault, so I won't press the issue.

Oh, I completely agree. Everyone who signed the Constitution was equally guilty. I believe that including a guarantee of slavery in our founding document instead of dealing with the issue before the colonies united as states doomed us to the horrors of the Civil War, in which Republicans died in large numbers in their righteous quest to free the slaves.

Corwin's idea to put another guarantee of slavery might have delayed the war a little, but the Republicans were too passionately committed to ending slavery and racism to allow Democrats to carry on with it much longer.

There were no Republicans who signed the Constitution, BTW. In later years, Jim Crow was a Democratic Party institution. You'd be more historically accurate to accuse Republicans of being carpetbaggers who came to the south to take advantage of uneducated (through no fault of their own) blacks in the South, than to say that they were behind Jim Crow which is just factually inaccurate.

Really? What was my father able to do that those black mail carriers could not?

Do you feel that they zone 1 rules are another example of white suppression?

Oh, so now you claim that have been successful? Doesn't that lend the lie to every single thing you've said on here?

What a perfect attitude to take into a job interview! Yes, you are indeed setting them up for success.

Unless the interviewer turns out to be black, as so many HR folk are. Then what? Call them an Aunt Jemima and storm out?

Are you sure that you are remembering the Zone 1 rules? You chose to post here instead of the Flame Zone or whatever it's called.

No one has done what anyone else has done. Nothing is exactly the same as anything else. That's what intellectually dishonest people hang their hat on to say "that's different!"
Me talking about continuing white racism is not about any failure I have, it is about the failure of a specific portion of the white community. Now you and the other ignorant right wing whites can bark and make claims but I have made threads showing specifically what has been done. So your opinion is really irrelevant. You argue with the attitude of "I'm white and I say so." Well, that's not good enough. You make comments about blacks as if you know when you don't.

You tell me about blacks being disproportionately criminal, but blacks are disproportionately in poverty and unemployed. You and others like you are too stupid to understand that racism takes a physical and psychological toll on people of color. You have not studied these aspects of racism and your opinions are based on your experience being white, never facing racism, and reading books written by some black sellout that tells you what you want to hear.

Again as it pertains to crime, the most accurate measure is taking the people who actually are criminal offenders by race. When we do that, we see that whites commit the most crime. Proportion has nothing to do with this argument. There are more whites than anyone else, that means the likelihood of a crime committed by someone white is greater than the probability of any other race.

If I have 70 apples, 13 oranges, 15, pears, and 2 bananas, in a box, the probability of me getting an apple is greater than getting any other fruit in the box. Racism has white trying to claim the exact opposite, that even if there are 70 apples in the box, the chances of getting an orange is greater. This is dumb, but it falls in line with the cognitive dissonance whites such as yourself have.
Because of people like her, racism is much more a historical phenomena than anything affecting blacks today.

Spoken by a white man who has not spent one second living what blacks face.

And you really need to quit listening to loser because she doesn't have the first clue. Like you, she blurts out racist stereotypes and thinks she's providing ia strategy blacks must listen to. So once again:

“In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions. Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure.”

-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

Moynihan was wrong and every other white idiot who runs their mouths about black families are wrong too.
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She conveniently leaves out over 200 years of white criminal behavior due to her cognitive dissonance.
Since I prefer to discuss issues pertaining to the present, your ASSumed consistent remarks about 200 years of white criminal behavior is ridiculous. Are you saying blacks have no history of criminal behavior? Perhaps you should look up the definition of cognitive dissonance, you apparently don’t have a clue as to what it is. You responded to another idiotic post since I never mentioned any historic crime figures.
Is it an education issue ? I find that racists are generally ignorant and tend ro discount facts that upset them.
Ho can you put faith in crime stats compiled by racist police in a racist system ?
You certainly aren’t referring to me when using the old racist definition now, are you? You and IM2 both appear intellectually deficient by throwing out words that have zero meaning or relevance to the discussions.
The answer sounds easy, but in many places there is a lack of infrastructure to get kids and keep kids on the right path.
Lisa doesn't have any answers because she doesn't understand the exact cause of the problem. In fact, she is part of the problem.
Spoken by a white man who has not spent one second living what blacks face.
I can see with my own eyes that the overwhelming majority of blacks succeed in the United States and that the ones who do not in large part have made very poor life choices.

Of course I can never know what it is like to be a black man, or black woman for that matter. You cannot know what it is like to be white, so does disqualify you from talking to me about issues that affect me as a white man, such as affirmative action? You don't know what it is like to be a black woman, so are you disqualified from ever commenting on them? What about a black immigrant from Africa or elsewhere? Have you spend one second living what they face?

It sounds like you want a way out of this conversation that makes you uncomfortable. I'll give you an easy way out.

If we can't talk to each other because of our differing races, just say so, and I'll stop trying. I'd like to give a more lengthy answer to your more lengthy post #129. It looks kind of mathy, which is right in my wheelhouse. But not if you don't want to hear it.

Just let me know, either way.
White Kansas City high school teacher repeatedly said “n-word” in class and said it was fine, because Black people say it to each other all of the time

There are so many things wrong with society, starting with a lack of respect. However, there are large swaths of people who blame the media for reporting it. If people would simply consider the feelings and safety of others, there would be less bad news to report. Until then, people like this teacher at Kansas City’s University High School, continue to make headlines. During one of his lessons, the instructor repeatedly used a racial slur.

When the man was giving his lesson, he was trying to make a point. To make this point, the man chose to use race. Not only did he use race, he decided to go for the “n-word.” Doing so with Black students in the class was meant to trigger the students. If not, the teacher could have used any other topic of discussion to make his point. Instead, he makes the decision to trigger the students in his classroom, and show no remorse for it.

Not only did the teacher repeatedly drop the “n-word,” he said the students can be mad about it all they want. However, he said he would continue to use it, because Black people say it to each other all of the time.

Now when people try lecturing blacks about getting educated, maybe they need to take into consideration that far too many white teacher have this guys attitude. I would certainly not want someone like Lisa teaching me and it would reflect in my attitude toward school.
White Kansas City high school teacher repeatedly said “n-word” in class and said it was fine, because Black people say it to each other all of the time

There are so many things wrong with society, starting with a lack of respect. However, there are large swaths of people who blame the media for reporting it. If people would simply consider the feelings and safety of others, there would be less bad news to report. Until then, people like this teacher at Kansas City’s University High School, continue to make headlines. During one of his lessons, the instructor repeatedly used a racial slur.

When the man was giving his lesson, he was trying to make a point. To make this point, the man chose to use race. Not only did he use race, he decided to go for the “n-word.” Doing so with Black students in the class was meant to trigger the students. If not, the teacher could have used any other topic of discussion to make his point. Instead, he makes the decision to trigger the students in his classroom, and show no remorse for it.

Not only did the teacher repeatedly drop the “n-word,” he said the students can be mad about it all they want. However, he said he would continue to use it, because Black people say it to each other all of the time.

Now when people try lecturing blacks about getting educated, maybe they need to take into consideration that far too many white teacher have this guys attitude. I would certainly not want someone like Lisa teaching me and it would reflect in my attitude toward school.
Why is it ok for anyone to use the word? You only find fault with white people.
I can see with my own eyes that the overwhelming majority of blacks succeed in the United States and that the ones who do not in large part have made very poor life choices.

Of course I can never know what it is like to be a black man, or black woman for that matter. You cannot know what it is like to be white, so does disqualify you from talking to me about issues that affect me as a white man, such as affirmative action? You don't know what it is like to be a black woman, so are you disqualified from ever commenting on them? What about a black immigrant from Africa or elsewhere? Have you spend one second living what they face?

It sounds like you want a way out of this conversation that makes you uncomfortable. I'll give you an easy way out.

If we can't talk to each other because of our differing races, just say so, and I'll stop trying. I'd like to give a more lengthy answer to your more lengthy post #129. It looks kind of mathy, which is right in my wheelhouse. But not if you don't want to hear it.

Just let me know, either way.
Let stop the false equivalences. There is not very many places blacks can go in this country wiithout interacting with whites. I can travel in some states for hundreds of miles and not see a person of color. In order to survive in this nation, we must be able to interact successfully with whites, meaning that we must have some understanding. However, the claims made here by many so called republican whites about blacks comes from a position of total ignorance about black people. I am a college-educated man. My parents, grandparents, aunt, uncles, elders in the neighborhood, all stressed the importance of education. We are taught that we must work twice as hard to get what whites are given with ease, we are not taught to wait for whitey to give us things. Because history shows that "whitey" gives out handouts to other whites while placing conditions ob us if we want the same thing. So wherever you get that dumb blaming somebody for my failure rap can only come from one place and for one reason. So work to end that.

As for post #129, feel free.
Wrong. Jim Crow was bipartisan. As has been American racism. Again, it was a republican who tried to make slaver constitutional in the hopes of keeping the south from seceding. Corwin, look up the Corwin Amendment and quit lying to yourself.
Continued desperation. Why? More proof that you are a white guy eager to stir the pot of racism. Shame on you!





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