Zone1 Who Benefits from the Suppression of Racial information on Crime?

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She conveniently leaves out over 200 years of white criminal behavior due to her cognitive dissonance.
Is it an education issue ? I find that racists are generally ignorant and tend ro discount facts that upset them.
Ho can you put faith in crime stats compiled by racist police in a racist system ?
Again 2 percent of the American population were criminal offenders in 2020. In fact, it was 2.1 percent. 1.09 percent of the population who were criminal offenders were white and .6 were black. You misuse percentages here and that's your whole problem. You conflate crime numbers with total population instead of number of actual criminal offenders by race. You broad brush the entire black population by doing so when at least 95 percent of the black population have nothing to do with crime. The offender data shows that in 2020 1.09 percent of the population was responsible for 51 percent of the crime and they were not black.
I don't broad brush anyone. A disproportionate percent of criminals are black relative to the overall population of blacks. Of course 95% of blacks are law-abiding. You either pretend to misunderstand what proprotional means, or the public schools system failed you as it does so many students.
Documented case law and legislation show that whites made laws thatcexcluded non whites which gave whites opportunities no one else got.
Sure did. Nearly always those laws were enacted by Democrats.
You are a beneficiary of that.
I don't know about that. My dad was very happy to get a job at the post office when I was about seven years old, and happy to retire when I was about thirty-seven. Most of his fellow carriers were black and that was the seventies. I grew up the child of a letter carrier and a letter sorter. By the time they retired, the overwheling majority of their co-workers were black. I was no better off than their kids were.
And I know the history of both parties and their treatment of blacks which is why blacks are democrats today. You republicans are disingenuous and you think we are stupid. On one hand nobody today can be blamed for slavery and we were never slaves and on the other hand we should be republicans because democrats owned slaves during the times nobody was alive to see.
Let's agree that whichever party was responsible, blacks had a tough time in the United States historically, and that some white people benefitted from their plight.


How long you gonna piss and moan about that and blame other people for your own lack of success? Is that your dream for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, that they grow up indoctrinated that success is impossible for them, 'cause whitey won't let them succeed?
End white racism.
Why not end all racism?
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Is it an education issue ? I find that racists are generally ignorant and tend ro discount facts that upset them.
Ho can you put faith in crime stats compiled by racist police in a racist system ?
As a partner of our resident Troll, you know that racism has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the crime rate in the black community. How does constantly lying about it help to improve the problem?

Is it an education issue ? I find that racists are generally ignorant and tend ro discount facts that upset them.
Ho can you put faith in crime stats compiled by racist police in a racist system ?
I find that lowlife criminal thugs are generally ignorant and uneducated. And blacks DO commit violent crimes at 3 or 4 times the rate of whites. So….the answer is to stay in school, study, and at minimum go to a vocational training program or community college after high school graduation.
Yeah and as I understand things, it was a serious crime to listen to it.
During 1956-1987, at most 8,145 people were punished for the crime of anti-Communist Speech (Article 70 Penal Code). The fact that listening to American Radio was forbidden did not turn it into a reasonable risk.
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During 1956-1987, at most 8,145 people were punished for the crime of anti-Communist Speech (Article 70 Penal Code). The fact that listening to American Radio was forbidden did not turn it into a reasonable risk.
Where did you get your figures? The Communist Soviet Government that we now know lied about everything to everyone? How many hundreds of thousands just disappeared into the Gulags, never to be heard of again for no enunciated crimes at all?
Where did you get your figures? The Communist Soviet Government that we now know lied about everything to everyone? How many hundreds of thousands just disappeared into the Gulags, never to be heard of again for no enunciated crimes at all?
1) Data was made public after 1991.

2) Many people were sent to GULAG for political reasons prior to 1953.
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During 1956-1987, at most 8,145 people were punished for the crime of anti-Communist Speech (Article 70 Penal Code). The fact that listening to American Radio was forbidden did not turn it into a reasonable risk.
Thanks. I'm learning a lot about how Russia really does things from you.
Thanks. I'm learning a lot about how Russia really does things from you.
Thank you. I was only 13 when I left and I did not fit into Society due to my Autism. Most of what I know comes from reading History books about Russia. That was my pre-Internet hobby.
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I don't broad brush anyone. A disproportionate percent of criminals are black relative to the overall population of blacks. Of course 95% of blacks are law-abiding. You either pretend to misunderstand what proprotional means, or the public schools system failed you as it does so many students.
Apparently you don't understand the point. 2.1 pecent of the american population were criminal offenders in 2020. 1.09 percent where white, .6 percent were black. 13 percent of the population has nothing to do with this. Accurate assessments of criminal behavior and race can and should only be measured by those who are found to be criminal offenders. That's what public school taught me.

Sure did. Nearly always those laws were enacted by Democrats.
Wrong. Jim Crow was bipartisan. As has been American racism. Again, it was a republican who tried to make slaver constitutional in the hopes of keeping the south from seceding. Corwin, look up the Corwin Amendment and quit lying to yourself.

I don't know about that. My dad was very happy to get a job at the post office when I was about seven years old, and happy to retire when I was about thirty-seven. Most of his fellow carriers were black and that was the seventies. I grew up the child of a letter carrier and a letter sorter. By the time they retired, the overwheling majority of their co-workers were black. I was no better off than their kids were.
Lol! It's funny the stories republicans try telling to deny the fact that THE SYSTEM was created to benefit whites. Do you understand the difference between a macro level issue and a micro level one? Racism is a macro level problem arguing about what you claim not to have got is a micro level argument that misses the point and it is done purposefully. Your father was able to do things those black mail carriers couldn't.

Let's agree that whichever party was responsible, blacks had a tough time in the United States historically, and that some white people benefitted from their plight.


How long you gonna piss and moan about that and blame other people for your own lack of success? Is that your dream for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, that they grow up indoctrinated that success is impossible for them, 'cause whitey won't let them succeed?
It's very difficult not to break zone 1 rules after reading asinine bs like this. These are dumb, ignorant comments. Documented fact plus current behavior and attitudes such as yours is evidence of a continuing problem. And when scrubs like you can't win a debate you turn to this dumb ----. If I am pissing and moaning because of my lack of sucess, there is no such thing as success junior. Nobody black tells their kids the crap you believe. We tell our kids that they will face white racism and when they do, make certain that every white racist scrub eats their words. You idiots made what you said up because you can't face the truth. That truth is that there right wingg whites today have the same beliefs and attitudes of whites in the 1700's, 1800's and the jim crow 20th century. Your post is an example.

You guy piss and moan about aa government that has given you preference in everything, but youask me that ignorant question. You must have a mental problem

Why not end all racism?
When other races in America have done what whites have done, come ask me that question.
As a partner of our resident Troll, you know that racism has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the crime rate in the black community. How does constantly lying about it help to improve the problem?

Well apparently you do not understand the psycholgical impact of racism because you don't face it. Furthermore, whites commit more crimes. Lets take a look at the UCR so you understand just how STUPID you really are.


Please notice the offenses charged column. Is only murder an offense? All of these are crimes.


When you count these it equals 30. You are talking about one crime and making claims about blacks. When you never have to face racism its easy to make dumb assessments based on ignorance.

“Bryant-Davis and Ocampo (2005) noted similar courses of psychopathology between rape victims and victims of racism. Both events are an assault on the personhood and integrity of the victim. Similar to rape victims, race-related trauma victims may respond with disbelief, shock, or dissociation, which can prevent them from responding to the incident in a healthy manner. The victim may then feel shame and self-blame because they were unable to respond or defend themselves, which may lead to low selfconcept and self-destructive behaviors. In the same study, a parallel was drawn between race-related trauma victims and victims of domestic violence. Both survivors are made to feel shame over allowing themselves to be victimized. For instance, someone who may have experienced a racist incident may be told that if they are polite, work hard, and/or dress in a certain way, they will not encounter racism. When these rules are followed yet racism persists, powerlessness, hyper vigilance, and other symptoms associated with PTSD may develop or worsen.”

“On occasion, the emotional weight of racism can lead African Americans to engage in maladaptive coping, such as remaining in denial, engaging in substance use, aggression, self-blame – even in extreme cases suicide (i.e., Black Lives Matter activist Marshawn McCarrel) and terrorism (i.e., Dallas shooter Micah Xavier Johnson). These responses are harmful and lead to negative, long-term consequences.”

Ryan C.T. DeLapp, MA, and Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., “Proactively Coping With Racism, Getting back to our lives in the aftermath of racial violence in the media.”, July 18, 2016, www.psychologytoday,com
When you never have to face racism

I'm dreaming of a white christmas
Just like the KKK would throw
Where the burning cross glistens
and skinheads listen
To supremacists genocidal woes

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every racist stat I site
May them darkie masses get tear gasses
And sirens chase them off tonight

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every cracker verse I type
May your crosses burn merry and briiIIIIIIiiight

And may all your Christmas's be white

Merry Christmas IM2!
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