Zone1 Who Benefits from the Suppression of Racial information on Crime?

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Neither does yours. Get it?



In the wake of Hurricane Katrina's destruction of New Orleans, President Bush gave America's poverty pimps and race hustlers new ammunition. The president said, "As all of us saw on television, there is also some deep, persistent poverty in this region as well. And that poverty has roots in a history of racial discrimination, which cut off generations from the opportunity of America. We have a duty to confront this poverty with bold action."

The president's espousing such a vision not only supplies ammunition to poverty pimps and race hustlers, it focuses attention away from the true connection between race and poverty.

Though I grow weary of pointing it out, let's do it again. Let's examine some numbers readily available from the Census Bureau's 2004 Current Population Survey and ask some questions. There's one segment of the black population that suffers only a 9.9 percent poverty rate, and only 13.7 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. There's another segment that suffers a 39.5 percent poverty rate, and 58.1 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. Among whites, one segment suffers a 6 percent poverty rate, and only 9.9 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. The other segment suffers a 26.4 percent poverty rate, and 52 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. What do you think distinguishes the high and low poverty populations among blacks?

Would you buy an explanation that it's because white people practice discrimination against one segment of the black population and not the other or one segment had a history of slavery and not the other? You'd have to be a lunatic to buy such an explanation. The only distinction between both the black and white populations is marriage -- lower poverty in married-couple families.

In 1960, only 28 percent of black females ages 15 to 44 were never married and illegitimacy among blacks was 22 percent. Today, the never-married rate is 56 percent and illegitimacy stands at 70 percent. If today's black family structure were what it was in 1960, the overall black poverty rate would be in or near single digits. The weakening of the black family structure, and its devastating consequences, have nothing to do with the history of slavery or racial discrimination.

Dr. Charles Murray, an American Enterprise Institute scholar, argues in an article titled "Rediscovering the Underclass" in the Institute's On the Issues series (October 2005) that self-destructive behavior has become the hallmark of the underclass. He says that unemployment in the underclass is not caused by the lack of jobs but by the inability to get up every morning and go to work. In 1954, the percentage of black males, age 20 to 24, not looking for work was nine percent. In 1999, it rose to 30 percent, and that was at a time when employers were beating the bushes for employees. Murray adds that "the statistical reality is that people who get into the American job market and stay there seldom remain poor unless they do something self-destructive.

I share Murray's sentiment expressed at the beginning of his article where he says, "Watching the courage of ordinary low-income people as they deal with the aftermath of Katrina and Rita, it is hard to decide which politicians are more contemptible -- Democrats who are rediscovering poverty and blaming it on George W. Bush, or Republicans who are rediscovering poverty and claiming that the government can fix it." Since President Johnson's War on Poverty, controlling for inflation, the nation has spent $9 trillion on about 80 anti-poverty programs. To put that figure in perspective, last year's U.S. GDP was $11 trillion; $9 trillion exceeds the GDP of any nation except the U.S. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita uncovered the result of the War on Poverty -- dependency and self-destructive behavior.

Guess what the president [President George Walker Bush] and politicians from both parties are asking the American people to do? If you said, "Enact programs that will sustain and enhance dependency," go to the head of the class.
I am correct. Walter Williams is not. Do not try arguing by citing that idiot. I showed you poverty numbers from the census and the fact Williams cites Charles Murray is another minus. I know what I'm talking about, you picked one black person that validates your views. That's intellectually lazy and that is why your argument has no merit.

Whatever weakening you talk about is not the problem. Do you understand?
I am correct. Walter Williams is not. Do not try arguing by citing that idiot. I showed you poverty numbers from the census and the fact Williams cites Charles Murray is another minus. I know what I'm talking about, you picked one black person that validates your views. That's intellectually lazy and that is why your argument has no merit.

Whatever weakening you talk about is not the problem. Do you understand?
You are a liar and a traitor.
So it is disproportionate. Blacks are only twelve percent of the population but they committed 30% of the crime in 2020, according to your own numbers you just gave. What is your explanation for that?

Again 2 percent of the American population were criminal offenders in 2020. In fact, it was 2.1 percent. 1.09 percent of the population who were criminal offenders were white and .6 were black. You misuse percentages here and that's your whole problem. You conflate crime numbers with total population instead of number of actual criminal offenders by race. You broad brush the entire black population by doing so when at least 95 percent of the black population have nothing to do with crime. The offender data shows that in 2020 1.09 percent of the population was responsible for 51 percent of the crime and they were not black.

I have what I have because I earned every bit of it.

Documented case law and legislation show that whites made laws thatcexcluded non whites which gave whites opportunities no one else got. You are a beneficiary of that.

I know the history of the Democratic Party and their treatment of American blacks.
And I know the history of both parties and their treatment of blacks which is why blacks are democrats today. You republicans are disingenuous and you think we are stupid. On one hand nobody today can be blamed for slavery and we were never slaves and on the other hand we should be republicans because democrats owned slaves during the times nobody was alive to see.

What do they need to stop, exactly?
End white racism.
As I've said before, I was born into a horrible area in a large city. Right in the fucking ghetto, 3 blocks from the center of the main black business and entertainment area.

I had black friends, and some black enemies. Fifty percent of the population in that area was black. Went to school k thru college. Hung out with blacks, played in bands in black clubs, including all night gigs in after hours "clubs."

In all of those experiences, it was blacks who caused 90 percent of the fights, and they committed crimes that often seeme brainless, to outside observers. In short, many blacks are major fuckups.

They stole from employers - when they bothered to work - and they made schools into shitholes.

To say that poverty is what causes blacks to commit crimes is bullshit. Sure poverty might make the problems worse. But blacks seem to go out of their way to cause problems especially engaging in thievery and violence against others.

There was a LOT of poverty in the area, but no other ethnic group in the area engaged in anywhere near as much crime as blacks. Members of other groups managed to find work and keep jobs, and paid their own way.

Imo, huge numbers of blacks embrace a prison/thug culture. They think the world owes them a living. To put it bluntly, they are they laziest, most worthless group of people you're likely to encounter on this planet.

Problems in black areas can be changed, the areas can be improved, black crimes can be decreased. But ONLY blacks can make the urgently needed changes. And it seems clear they don't have the balls or the will to make the needed changes.

Whites cannot impose those changes (most blacks seem to truly hate everything about white people), and government cannot improve black problems and crime (billions of dollars have been thrown at and wasted trying to help blacks. It simply does not work).

It's far past time for blacks to man up and improve their own situation. Shit, or get off the pot. If they're not willing to put in the effort to improve their own lives, then stop the fucking whining about "oppression," white privilege, systemic racism and all the other bullshit.

No more "victimhood" excuses. People are sick of hearing excuses and never-ending whining.

Some people will scream that this is a "racist" rant. But I don't give a shit. The truth is not racist.

And my statements are based on a lifetime of living in neighborhoods with loads blacks. NOT on statistics written by some sschoolboy who has probably never set foot in a fucking ghetto.
You really need to shut up. I can show you a boatload of policies that were made that denied blacks that caused damage that has yet to be fixed. You're running your mouth but you say nothing. It's time whites like you manned up and admit what we all know to be true. What will not be tolerated is more white denial.
Again 2 percent of the American population were criminal offenders in 2020. In fact, it was 2.1 percent. 1.09 percent of the population who were criminal offenders were white and .6 were black. You misuse percentages here and that's your whole problem. You conflate crime numbers with total population instead of number of actual criminal offenders by race. You broad brush the entire black population by doing so when at least 95 percent of the black population have nothing to do with crime. The offender data shows that in 2020 1.09 percent of the population was responsible for 51 percent of the crime and they were not black.
They were all black. Hang them all.
It wasn't? Didn't your parents need permission and an internal passport to leave their town or city and travel anywhere else? Did your parents have the right to free speech and association? Did they have the right to a fair trial by a jury of their peers? Could they immigrate to any other country without the permission of the government? Wasn't at least one person in your apartment building reporting to the KGB on his or her neighbors? Weren't you encouraged to report "deviant" behavior or speech by your parents to the authorities? Stalin's death made the USSR no less of a totalitarian state than it was under his rule.
1) Travelling outside USSR without permission was forbidden.
2) Since 1953, very few people have suffered any significant consequences in Russia for expressing unpopular opinions. During 1956-1987, at most 8,145 people were punished for the crime of Anti-Communist Speech -- a Felony according to Article 70 of Soviet Penal Code. My acquaintances freely joked about Brezhnev and Communism.
3) KGB rarely interacted with ordinary people.
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1) Travelling outside USSR without permission was forbidden.
2) Since 1953, very few people have suffered any significant consequences in Russia for expressing unpopular opinions. During 1956-1987, at most 8,145 people were punished for the crime of Anti-Communist Speech -- a Felony according to Article 70 of Soviet Penal Code. My acquaintances freely joked about Brezhnev and Communism.
3) KGB rarely interacted with ordinary people.
How do you know any of that? The Communist government totally controlled the media and information flow.
Travel INSIDE the USSR was tightly controlled as well. I notice you ignored the rest of my points. You left at thirteen, thirteen year-olds rarely know anything about what is going on.
Crime is much worse in urban poor areas not because blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime but because a disproportionate number of blacks live in poor urban areas. Why do you folks suppress that?
Come on, one of Vice President Kamala Harris' speechwriters wrote that word salad for you. right?
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What came first, the chicken or the egg? Single parenting can increase poverty and poverty can increase rates of single parents.
As you well know, the dramatic increase in poor households of single women raising children was President Johnson's War on Poverty. A married couple with two children does not receive any taxpayer money. A single mother? Well, that's a horse of a different color. (Pun intended) She gets many benefits.

Like many Democrat policies, that may not have been the intent, but it certainly is the result.

The high Black crime rate is one of the biggest drivers of racist attitudes. If blacks could lower their crime rates to that closer to whites, racism would go down.
That is a hurtful truth.

Sure, Asians and Caucasians and Hispanics commit crimes, too.

But for a group that is supposedly only 14% of the American population, the amount of violent crime committed by a sizable proportion of young African Americans is out of sight !!!

And, sadly, it ain't gonna get better.

It's hopeless!
That is a hurtful truth.

Sure, Asians and Caucasians and Hispanics commit crimes, too.

But for a group that is supposedly only 14% of the American population, the amount of violent crime committed by a sizable proportion of young African Americans is out of sight !!!

And, sadly, it ain't gonna get better.

It's hopeless!
The problem with debating people who have problems with anti black hatred is that they argue with no knowledge of the facts. It's the same stale argument every time that misuses percentages to make claims.

In 2020 2.1 percent of all Americans were criminal offenders. !.09 of the American population were white criminal offenders, 0.6 percent of the American population were black criminal offenders. 51 percent of all criminal offenders came from1.09 percent of the population-whites.

Whites who harbor anti-black hate want to cancel heir history of criminal and violent behavior behavior, but the documented history of this country shows that by far whites have been the most violent and criminal group. They continue to be while whites like you blame blacks based on errant use of percentages and population. And it won't get any better until whites like you stop denying your problem.

9 years ago a report was written. On August 15, 2013, The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice published a paper by Mike Males titled, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests.”

“Since the sainted Fifties, America has seen rapid teenage population growth and dramatic shifts toward more single parenting, more lethal drugs and weapons, increased middle-aged (that is, parent-age) drug abuse and imprisonment, decreased incarceration of youth, decreased Madison youthful religious affiliation, and more violent and explicit media available to younger ages. Horrifying, as the culture critics far Right to far Left—including Obama, who spends many pages and speeches berating popular culture as some major driver of bad youth behavior—repeatedly insist. And after 50 years of all these terrible changes in American culture? Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed. In the last 20 years in particular, the FBI reports, rates of crime among African American youth have plummeted: All offenses (down 47%), drug offenses (down 50%), property offenses (down 51%), serious Part I offenses (down 53%), assault (down 59%), robbery (down 60%), all violent offenses (down 60%), rape (down 66%), and murder (down 82%).” -Mike Males

As late as 1950, only 18% of black households were single parent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11% instead of today’s 75%. In 1925, 85% of black households in New York City were two parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past.” -Walter Williams

In 1939, during this time of great black two-parent families, the poverty rate for employed married black couples was 89 percent. In 1959, the poverty rate for that same couple was 54.9 percent. These sky-high rates of poverty occurred during the time “conservatives” rant about. Today due to the “ liberal welfare state breaking up the black family by giving them welfare,” black poverty is half of what it was in 1959 and less than one-third of what it was in those imaginary grand old glorious days of the two-parent black family mentioned by Williams.

What makes you believe that rewarding bad behavior works? What do you get when you reward bad behavior?

White racism is bad behavior. Work to end it. Your repetition of racist stereotypes does not describe the problem or any cause of it. You continue repeating this dumb debunked crap no matter how you get shown that it is wrong.

“In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions.

Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure.”

-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”
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