Who called for genocide first, Netanyahu and the USA or Saudia Arabia?

Have you ever been to Lebanon or Jordan or East Jerusalem... or the West Bank?
Here we go again with the have you ever been too. Nobody wants to go there, and Arab countries refuse to let them in. The Arabs themselves know what scum they are. They are a depraved, degenerate death cult based founded by IslamoNazis from the beginning and it has continued.
Have you ever been to Lebanon or Jordan or East Jerusalem... or the West Bank?
Have you? Are you a Muslim? Come on be honest which if you AREN"T honest then you are a Muslim!
Also please explain this:

Hamas, which has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, said two years before the current conflict erupted that it had installed a network of more than 500 kilometers (310 miles) of tunnels - roughly equivalent to half the length of the New York subway system.6 days.
A decade ago, Israeli authorities discovered a tunnel from Gaza into Israel 1.5 miles long and 66 feet underground. They estimated that it had cost some $10 million and required 800 tons of concrete.
So Hamas cost to build 310 miles at $10 million per 1.5 miles or over $6.6 million/mile $2,066,666,667!
If this $2 billion had been spent helping the 2 million Gaza's population that would have been over $1,000/person!
And you blame Israel for Hamas' building these tunnels especially with Hamas headquarters UNDER hospitals, schools?
Here we go again with the have you ever been too. Nobody wants to go there, and Arab countries refuse to let them in. The Arabs themselves know what scum they are. They are a depraved, degenerate death cult based founded by IslamoNazis from the beginning and it has continued.

You're full of hatred, roudy, but ignorant as hell.
Have you? Are you a Muslim? Come on be honest which if you AREN"T honest then you are a Muslim!
Also please explain this:

Hamas, which has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, said two years before the current conflict erupted that it had installed a network of more than 500 kilometers (310 miles) of tunnels - roughly equivalent to half the length of the New York subway system.6 days.
A decade ago, Israeli authorities discovered a tunnel from Gaza into Israel 1.5 miles long and 66 feet underground. They estimated that it had cost some $10 million and required 800 tons of concrete.
So Hamas cost to build 310 miles at $10 million per 1.5 miles or over $6.6 million/mile $2,066,666,667!
If this $2 billion had been spent helping the 2 million Gaza's population that would have been over $1,000/person!
And you blame Israel for Hamas' building these tunnels especially with Hamas headquarters UNDER hospitals, schools?

Yes, I have been to Lebanon and Jordan many times.. I have been to East Jerusalem and the West Bank on three separate 2 week trips.

No, I am not a Muslim.

Israel built most of the tunnels.
You're full of hatred, roudy, but ignorant as hell.
Actually you’re the ignorant one, and it’s you and the Palestinians that are full of hate and violence. Palestinians cannot coexist with anyone, including fellow Arab Muslims. Take a look at some of the Oct. 7 videos and many other barbaric terror attacks they've carried out over the last 80 years, and tell me that these aren’t a barbaric savage people.
Actually you’re the ignorant one, and it’s you and the Palestinians that are full of hate And violence. Palestinians cannot coexist with anyone, including fellow Arab Muslims. Take a look at some of the Oct. 7 videos and many other barbaric terror attacks they've carried out over the last 80 years, and tell me that these aren’t a barbaric savage people.

Palestinians always coexisted.. Why were Jews kicked out of so many countries?

The terror gangs were started by the Zionists in 1920-22.

Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time.

The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian communists, "unspecified malcontents", or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.

The operation caused no casualties among the population, but resulted in the deaths of four operatives.

The overseer of the operation allegedly informed the Egyptians, after which 11 suspected operatives were arrested. Two committed suicide after being captured, two were executed by the Egyptian authorities, two of them were acquitted at trial, and five received prison terms ranging from 7 years to life in prison.

Palestinians always coexisted.. Why were Jews kicked out of so many countries?

The terror gangs were started by the Zionists in 1920-22.

Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time.

The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian communists, "unspecified malcontents", or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.

The operation caused no casualties among the population, but resulted in the deaths of four operatives.

The overseer of the operation allegedly informed the Egyptians, after which 11 suspected operatives were arrested. Two committed suicide after being captured, two were executed by the Egyptian authorities, two of them were acquitted at trial, and five received prison terms ranging from 7 years to life in prison.

Ah shadap, their record is quite clear. They started attacking and killing Jews (and continued with Christians like in Lebanon, later on ) in the 1900’s and never stopped.

The so called terror groups you refer to were Jews arming themselves after a few Oct. 7 like massacres on their communities in early 1900’s. So no, they never coexisted with anybody, and were always led by Islamic Nazis. They are the bastard children of the marriage between Islamism and Nazism.
Why do you make those dumb ass totally proven WRONG statements like:"Israel built most of the tunnels."
When you make totally unsubstantiated statements like you said above I totally doubt everything else you write.
Like: Yes, I have been to Lebanon and Jordan many times.. I have been to East Jerusalem and the West Bank on three separate 2 week trips.
Total lies... Now for the FACTS and Truth taking just little Internet search time!!!
Haaretz reporter Yaniv Kubovich reported in June 2021 that Hamas constructed "hundreds of kilometers of tunnels the length and breadth of the Gaza Strip" after some of them were damaged during Operation Guardian of the Walls.

Hamas in 2021 claimed to have built 500 kilometers (311 miles) worth of tunnels under Gaza, though it is unclear if that figure was accurate or posturing. If true, Hamas’ underground tunnels would be a little less than half the length of the New York City subway system.

Hamas's Sinwar: We have 500 km of tunnels in Gaza, only 5% were damaged​

“We are ready for the great battle, if the enemy commits a great folly in Jerusalem and the holy sites," Sinwar said in his first speech since Operation Guardian of the Walls.​

In more recent times, Palestinians subverted Israeli controls over travel, imports and exports to and from the Gaza Strip by digging tunnels to south, into Egypt.

Cars, cows, and cigarettes came through what were commonly called smuggling tunnels, although Hamas taxed what it could after it came to power 2006. Cheap Egyptian gasoline kept Gaza going when Israel fuel was too expensive. Weapons and sometimes people travelled through those commercial tunnels too.

Hamas also used a tunnel from Gaza to enter Israel and kidnap an Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, in 2006. He was held for five years, until Israel agreed to free more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners.
Don't you understand the value of substantiating your totally unproven LIES?
People read your comments and have to question the validity!
I providing links that people can read themselves and determine the truth!
I don't determine the truth the LINKS do!
Ah shadap, their record is quite clear. They started attacking and killing Jews (and continued with Christians like in Lebanon, later on ) in the 1900’s and never stopped.

The so called terror groups you refer to were Jews arming themselves after a few Oct. 7 like massacres on their communities in early 1900’s. So no, they never coexisted with anybody, and were always led by Islamic Nazis. They are the bastard children of the marriage between Islamism and Nazism.

What sick propaganda. You display it perfectly. You're exactly what I was talking about.
Why do you make those dumb ass totally proven WRONG statements like:"Israel built most of the tunnels."
When you make totally unsubstantiated statements like you said above I totally doubt everything else you write.
Like: Yes, I have been to Lebanon and Jordan many times.. I have been to East Jerusalem and the West Bank on three separate 2 week trips.
Total lies... Now for the FACTS and Truth taking just little Internet search time!!!
Haaretz reporter Yaniv Kubovich reported in June 2021 that Hamas constructed "hundreds of kilometers of tunnels the length and breadth of the Gaza Strip" after some of them were damaged during Operation Guardian of the Walls.

Hamas in 2021 claimed to have built 500 kilometers (311 miles) worth of tunnels under Gaza, though it is unclear if that figure was accurate or posturing. If true, Hamas’ underground tunnels would be a little less than half the length of the New York City subway system.

Hamas's Sinwar: We have 500 km of tunnels in Gaza, only 5% were damaged​

“We are ready for the great battle, if the enemy commits a great folly in Jerusalem and the holy sites," Sinwar said in his first speech since Operation Guardian of the Walls.​

In more recent times, Palestinians subverted Israeli controls over travel, imports and exports to and from the Gaza Strip by digging tunnels to south, into Egypt.

Cars, cows, and cigarettes came through what were commonly called smuggling tunnels, although Hamas taxed what it could after it came to power 2006. Cheap Egyptian gasoline kept Gaza going when Israel fuel was too expensive. Weapons and sometimes people travelled through those commercial tunnels too.

Hamas also used a tunnel from Gaza to enter Israel and kidnap an Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, in 2006. He was held for five years, until Israel agreed to free more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners.
Don't you understand the value of substantiating your totally unproven LIES?
People read your comments and have to question the validity!
I providing links that people can read themselves and determine the truth!
I don't determine the truth the LINKS do!
Sounds a lot like the Warsaw ghetto, doesn't it?
Sounds a lot like the Warsaw ghetto, doesn't it?
FACTS: Tunnels Built by Hamas.
Remember I'm not saying it like you are making up your comments... no sourcing just guesses.
But below are the links. Check them out!
Haaretz reporter Yaniv Kubovich reported in June 2021 that Hamas constructed "hundreds of kilometers of tunnels the length and breadth of the Gaza Strip" after some of them were damaged during Operation Guardian of the Walls.

Hamas in 2021 claimed to have built 500 kilometers (311 miles) worth of tunnels under Gaza, though it is unclear if that figure was accurate or posturing. If true, Hamas’ underground tunnels would be a little less than half the length of the New York City subway system.

As long as your put unsubstantiated, opinions by you, I'll will continue to provide FACTS and LINKS... takes very little time to look it up! Your contributions of totally unsubstantiated statements just help further solidify majority of people that are realists that supporters like you are truly uninformed.
What sick propaganda. You display it perfectly. You're exactly what I was talking about.
You‘re the sick PAID propagandist. Jewish communities formed militias and for the first time armed themselves in order to defend themselves from Nazi Mufti inspired massacres by Arab Palestinian savages such as the Hebron massacre of 1929. Not a word of truth coming from your mouth, ever.

Hamas’ genocidal massacre on October 7 has deep historical roots​

The 1929 Hebron massacre perpetrated by followers of Haj Amin Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, demonstrates the deep roots of Islamist ideology.

A massacre of unarmed Jews is under way. Homes have been ransacked and their inhabitants tortured, raped and slaughtered. Hearing screams in one house, a policeman rushes in to find ‘an Arab in the act of cutting off a child’s head with a sword’. Behind him another with a dagger looms over a ‘Jewish woman smothered in blood’. Another policeman finds one Jewish body dumped in the street that had been ‘burned so much that the legs were separated from the body’.

This is not an account of the heinous massacres perpetrated by Hamas in Israel on 7 October, although the details are practically identical. These are British reports of the 1929 massacres in Hebron and other Jewish areas of mandate Palestine. More than 130 Jews were murdered in ‘acts of unspeakable savagery’ by ‘ruthless and bloodthirsty evildoers’ according to the British authorities. They blamed these atrocities on ‘racial animosity on the part of the Arabs’.

Some of the most callous and immoral Western progressives and apologists for terror have tried to justify, excuse and even celebrate this past weekend’s pogroms as acts of ‘resistance’ against occupation. As if anything could justify the rape of innocent women, the butchery of the elderly and the murder of babies. But the example of Hebron gives even further proof, as if any was needed, to the lie that such extreme religiously motivated terror is a response to occupation. This is not any way a response to occupation. There had been a continuous Jewish presence in Hebron stretching back to biblical times prior to the 1929 pogrom. Yet, before the state of Israel even existed, Arabs slaughtered their Jewish neighbours without remorse and without regard for age, sex or how long they had resided in the land.
Sounds a lot like the Warsaw ghetto, doesn't it?
Keep repeating IslamoNazi propaganda inspired by Iran’s terrorist mullahs in order to divert from the barbarism being committed by Palestinians.
Have you ever been to Lebanon or Jordan or East Jerusalem... or the West Bank?
And what does that have to do with the history of Palestinian behavior? Zero. Like I told you before I know more about the people and history of the region on my little finger than all the brainwashing and indoctrination you have gone under by your palestinian handlers that pay you.

Were you in the West Bank or Gaza when a Palestinian animal drove over innocent Israelis (one of many such incidents) or stabbing attack, or sent their little kid to kill Jews? If so then I’m sure you like the parents of that kid celebrated And ate sweets. Because you’re one of them.
Yes, I have been to Lebanon and Jordan many times.. I have been to East Jerusalem and the West Bank on three separate 2 week trips.

No, I am not a Muslim.

Israel built most of the tunnels.
Gaza tunnels stretch at least 350 miles, far longer than past estimate – report
Senior Israeli defense officials tell NY Times there are some 5,700 separate shafts leading to Hamas’s underground network under the Strip, which is only 140 square miles
Two Israeli defense officials who spoke anonymously said there were roughly 5,700 separate shafts leading down to the tunnels.
The report stressed that the estimates could not be independently confirmed and noted there are different assessments among Israeli officials on the extent of the subterranean passages

OH and by the way, I've been doing frequent Google searches for your claim...
Israel built most of the tunnels.
I found this:
Pressed by Ms Amanpour on whether he misspoke, Mr Barak Former Israel Prime Minister clarified, "No... you know, many decades ago we were running the place, four decades ago... so we helped them to build these bunkers to enable more space for operation of hospital, within limited size of the compound."

In 2009, Israeli news outlet Haaretz said that in the 1980s Tel Aviv had expanded the Al Shifa Hospital - built in the late 1960s, when Gaza was under Egyptian rule - compound to include a "large cement basement that housed the hospital's laundry and various administrative services".

Mr Barak suggested the Hamas may have since expanded and linked it to other tunnels and bunkers.

So yes Israel did build some of the tunnels...BUT TO enable more space for operation of hospital, within limited size of the compound."
But of course terrorists like you continue to falsify the news to kill Jews. Which is so funny...
if you aren't a Muslim, i.e. an infidel, you are a target for death according to Islamic rules.
The Koran (translated by Dawood in Penguin Classics series) says, "When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (Sura 9:5). "When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads" (Sura 47:4). "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate" (Sura 9:73). "The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan" (Sura 4:76). Who are these idolaters and unbelievers and infidels? Those who are not strict Muslims. "Muhammad is God's Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" (Sura 48:29).
You‘re the sick PAID propagandist. Jewish communities formed militias and for the first time armed themselves in order to defend themselves from Nazi Mufti inspired massacres by Arab Palestinian savages such as the Hebron massacre of 1929. Not a word of truth coming from your mouth, ever.

Hamas’ genocidal massacre on October 7 has deep historical roots​

The 1929 Hebron massacre perpetrated by followers of Haj Amin Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, demonstrates the deep roots of Islamist ideology.

A massacre of unarmed Jews is under way. Homes have been ransacked and their inhabitants tortured, raped and slaughtered. Hearing screams in one house, a policeman rushes in to find ‘an Arab in the act of cutting off a child’s head with a sword’. Behind him another with a dagger looms over a ‘Jewish woman smothered in blood’. Another policeman finds one Jewish body dumped in the street that had been ‘burned so much that the legs were separated from the body’.

This is not an account of the heinous massacres perpetrated by Hamas in Israel on 7 October, although the details are practically identical. These are British reports of the 1929 massacres in Hebron and other Jewish areas of mandate Palestine. More than 130 Jews were murdered in ‘acts of unspeakable savagery’ by ‘ruthless and bloodthirsty evildoers’ according to the British authorities. They blamed these atrocities on ‘racial animosity on the part of the Arabs’.

Some of the most callous and immoral Western progressives and apologists for terror have tried to justify, excuse and even celebrate this past weekend’s pogroms as acts of ‘resistance’ against occupation. As if anything could justify the rape of innocent women, the butchery of the elderly and the murder of babies. But the example of Hebron gives even further proof, as if any was needed, to the lie that such extreme religiously motivated terror is a response to occupation. This is not any way a response to occupation. There had been a continuous Jewish presence in Hebron stretching back to biblical times prior to the 1929 pogrom. Yet, before the state of Israel even existed, Arabs slaughtered their Jewish neighbours without remorse and without regard for age, sex or how long they had resided in the land.

Not in 1920-22 they didn't.
What strikes me the most are those here using religion , their faith , their GOD to justify genocide


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