Who called for genocide first, Netanyahu and the USA or Saudia Arabia?

The Arabs have nothing to do with this.. this is between Israel and Hamas.

Israel's unprecedented air, ground and sea offensive has killed more than 23,200 Palestinians, two-thirds of them women and children, Gaza's health ministry says. More than 59,000 people have been wounded.55 mins ago
Breaking News, World News and Video from Al Jazeera › liveblog
Israel's war on Gaza live: Israel bombs the south, kills dozens - Al Jazeera
This is between Israel and Arab / Muslim countries that support Hamas both openly and behind the scenes. Israel is a country of 7 million surrounded by 700 million Arab Muslims who for the last 80 years have attacked Israel to destroy it and commit genocide upon the Jews, and failed every time. Oct. 7 is the last iteration. Hamas and its sponsor Iran aren’t shy about their intentions for Israel.

Hamas and the Palestinian people do not get to tell Israel the extent of the response nor the duration, after the savage attacks of Oct. 7. Israel will obliterate Hamas and take control of Gaza, however long it takes.

This is between Israel and Arab / Muslim countries that support Hamas both openly and behind the scenes. Israel is a country of 7 million surrounded by 700 million Arab Muslims who for the last 80 years have attacked Israel to destroy it and commit genocide upon the Jews, and failed every time. Oct. 7 is the last iteration. Hamas and its sponsor Iran aren’t shy about their intentions for Israel.

Hamas and the Palestinian people do not get to tell Israel the extent of the response nor the duration, after the savage attacks of Oct. 7. Israel will obliterate Hamas and take control of Gaza, however long it takes.

Most of the Arabs don't support Hamas because Hamas is Muslim Brotherhood. They think Hamas hurts the Palestinians.

The Israelis have to kill a lot of Palestinians until next time.

Israel's Disengagement from Gaza and North Samaria (2005)​

  • Israel's plan of unilateral disengagement from the Gaza Strip and North Samaria put forward by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was carried out on 15 August 2005. The purpose of the plan was to improve Israel's security and international status in the absence of peace negotiations with the Palestinians.
    With the implementation of the plan, IDF installations and forces were removed and over 9000 Israeli citizens living in 25 settlements were evicted. By 22 September 2005, Israel's withdrawal from the entire Gaza Strip to the 1967 Green Line, and the eviction of the four settlements in Samaria, was completed.
    In June 2007 Hamas took over the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian Authority. Many thousands of rockets and mortar shells have been fired from the Gaza Strip onto southern Israeli towns and villages, terrorizing and destabilizing the lives of hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens.
    FACTS... https://embassies.gov.il/MFA/AboutIsrael/Maps/Pages/Israels Disengagement Plan- 2005.aspx#

Has nothing to do with Saudi Arabia.
Most of the Arabs don't support Hamas because Hamas is Muslim Brotherhood. They think Hamas hurts the Palestinians.

The Israelis have to kill a lot of Palestinians until next time.
But the Palestinians do overwhelmingly support Hamas, even now after the barbarism of Oct. 7. So shove it.
But the Palestinians do overwhelmingly support Hamas, even now after the barbarism of Oct. 7. So shove it.

No they don't, but that's the excuse Israel will use to kill or expell them.

They know that the horror now raining on Gaza has little to do with Hamas or, absurdly, “Israel’s right to exist”. They know the opposite to be true: that Palestine’s right to exist was cancelled 61 years ago and that the expulsion and, if necessary, extinction of the indigenous people was planned and executed by the founders of Israel.

They know, for example, that the infamous “Plan D” of 1947-48 resulted in the murderous depopulation of 369 Palestinian towns and villages by the Haganah (Israeli army) and that massacre upon massacre of Palestinian civilians in such places as Deir Yassin, al-Dawayima, Eilaboun, Jish, Ramle and Lydda are referred to in official records as “ethnic cleansing”. Arriving at a scene of this carnage, David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, was asked by a general, Yigal Allon: “What shall we do with the Arabs?” Ben-Gurion, reported the Israeli historian Benny Morris, “made a dismissive, energetic gesture with his hand and said, ‘Expel them'”.
No they don't, but that's the excuse Israel will use to kill or expell them.

They know that the horror now raining on Gaza has little to do with Hamas or, absurdly, “Israel’s right to exist”. They know the opposite to be true: that Palestine’s right to exist was cancelled 61 years ago and that the expulsion and, if necessary, extinction of the indigenous people was planned and executed by the founders of Israel.

They know, for example, that the infamous “Plan D” of 1947-48 resulted in the murderous depopulation of 369 Palestinian towns and villages by the Haganah (Israeli army) and that massacre upon massacre of Palestinian civilians in such places as Deir Yassin, al-Dawayima, Eilaboun, Jish, Ramle and Lydda are referred to in official records as “ethnic cleansing”. Arriving at a scene of this carnage, David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, was asked by a general, Yigal Allon: “What shall we do with the Arabs?” Ben-Gurion, reported the Israeli historian Benny Morris, “made a dismissive, energetic gesture with his hand and said, ‘Expel them'”.
“No they don’t?” You're full of shit, as usual.

RAMALLAH, West Bank — More than two months into Israel's war against Hamas, the militant group's popularity appears to be rising dramatically among Palestinians in the West Bank.

"Hamas made the most important action against Israel since its existence," says Nihad Abughosh, a Palestinian journalist and political analyst, who describes himself as a secular moderate.

"To me it's something like a miracle, the 7th of October," he tells NPR in an interview in Ramallah, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

The Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that Israeli officials say killed more than 1,200 people is viewed in Israel and much of the West as an act of terrorism, that included the killing of women and children. The United States has long designated Hamas a terrorist organization.
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“No they don’t?” You're full of shit, as usual.

RAMALLAH, West Bank — More than two months into Israel's war against Hamas, the militant group's popularity appears to be rising dramatically among Palestinians in the West Bank.

"Hamas made the most important action against Israel since its existence," says Nihad Abughosh, a Palestinian journalist and political analyst, who describes himself as a secular moderate.

"To me it's something like a miracle, the 7th of October," he tells NPR in an interview in Ramallah, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

The Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that Israeli officials say killed more than 1,200 people is viewed in Israel and much of the West as an act of terrorism, that included the killing of women and children. The United States has long designated Hamas a terrorist organization.

Paestinian Muslims and Christians tried to stop the formation of Hamas in the 1980s, but Israel encourages and funded them. They were Israel's excuse to never have a 2 state solution..

Paestinian Muslims and Christians tried to stop the formation of Hamas in the 1980s, but Israel encourages and funded them. They were Israel's excuse to never have a 2 state solution..
Yada yada yada. You keep repeating the same bullshit as if it makes a difference. The U.S. at one point supported Al queda in Afghanistan because AT THE TIME it was the lesser of two evils.

However what you keep avoiding is that TODAY, Hamas gets it support from Iran and Arab / Muslim countries, and Hamas is enjoying record support From the the death cult known as the Palestinians. In fact, Oct. 7 was not only a Hamas operation, many Palestinian civilian animals joined in on the rape, slaughter, kidnapping and looting.

What a cursed, evil people, truly deserving of everything they are getting.

South Korean intelligence: Hamas uses North Korean weapons against Israel
Families of Americans affected by Hamas attack may sue North Korea. (c) Voice of America
So relatives of slain non-Hamas Palestinians can sue Washington.
Or is this completely different kind of thing?
Yada yada yada. You keep repeating the same bullshit as if it makes a difference. The U.S. at one point supported Al queda in Afghanistan because AT THE TIME it was the lesser of two evils.

However what you keep avoiding is that TODAY, Hamas gets it support from Iran and Arab / Muslim countries, and Hamas is enjoying record support From the the death cult known as the Palestinians. In fact, Oct. 7 was not only a Hamas operation, many Palestinian civilian animals joined in on the rape, slaughter, kidnapping and looting.

What a cursed, evil people, truly deserving of everything they are getting.

Hamas is getting millions from Netanyahu through Qatar..

Israel is worse than Hamas..

Their nationalism is cruel and deadly.
“No they don’t?” You're full of shit, as usual.

RAMALLAH, West Bank — More than two months into Israel's war against Hamas, the militant group's popularity appears to be rising dramatically among Palestinians in the West Bank.

"Hamas made the most important action against Israel since its existence," says Nihad Abughosh, a Palestinian journalist and political analyst, who describes himself as a secular moderate.

"To me it's something like a miracle, the 7th of October," he tells NPR in an interview in Ramallah, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

The Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that Israeli officials say killed more than 1,200 people is viewed in Israel and much of the West as an act of terrorism, that included the killing of women and children. The United States has long designated Hamas a terrorist organization.

Sad. I have always feared the Palestinians would become like the Israelis. They were so damaged by the Nazis.

It's been 80 years now.

Hamas is getting millions from Netanyahu through Qatar..

Israel is worse than Hamas..

Their nationalism is cruel and deadly.
The problem with today's everyone-has-an-opinion-world is most people like surada don't seem to know how to use the Internet to provide substantiation for their totally biased comments!

FACT VS surada's false comments:

Qatar sent millions to Gaza for years – with Israel’s backing.​

Here’s what we know about the controversial deal​

But the total piece points out... it was Qatar that sent suitcases of dollars to the Hamas...NOT ISRAEL AS SURADA CLAIMS! Yes Israel supported as the article points...and I quote...
“Our understanding was that Hamas was the lesser of a whole bunch of bad options in Gaza,” the official added, noting that at least the competing PA could keep Hamas out of the West Bank.

Trust the facts!
Hamas was the lesser of bad options!

But truly uninformed people like surada who almost never provide proof for their comments are the major problem we have now. For the rest of you just make an observation as to how often people like surada infrequently provide proof while people like me definitely do it more often!
The problem with today's everyone-has-an-opinion-world is most people like surada don't seem to know how to use the Internet to provide substantiation for their totally biased comments!

FACT VS surada's false comments:

Qatar sent millions to Gaza for years – with Israel’s backing.​

Here’s what we know about the controversial deal​

But the total piece points out... it was Qatar that sent suitcases of dollars to the Hamas...NOT ISRAEL AS SURADA CLAIMS! Yes Israel supported as the article points...and I quote...
“Our understanding was that Hamas was the lesser of a whole bunch of bad options in Gaza,” the official added, noting that at least the competing PA could keep Hamas out of the West Bank.

Trust the facts!
Hamas was the lesser of bad options!

But truly uninformed people like surada who almost never provide proof for their comments are the major problem we have now. For the rest of you just make an observation as to how often people like surada infrequently provide proof while people like me definitely do it more often!

Wait a minute. Netanyahu bragged about 15 million dollars.
The problem with today's everyone-has-an-opinion-world is most people like surada don't seem to know how to use the Internet to provide substantiation for their totally biased comments!

FACT VS surada's false comments:

Qatar sent millions to Gaza for years – with Israel’s backing.​

Here’s what we know about the controversial deal​

But the total piece points out... it was Qatar that sent suitcases of dollars to the Hamas...NOT ISRAEL AS SURADA CLAIMS! Yes Israel supported as the article points...and I quote...
“Our understanding was that Hamas was the lesser of a whole bunch of bad options in Gaza,” the official added, noting that at least the competing PA could keep Hamas out of the West Bank.

Trust the facts!
Hamas was the lesser of bad options!

But truly uninformed people like surada who almost never provide proof for their comments are the major problem we have now. For the rest of you just make an observation as to how often people like surada infrequently provide proof while people like me definitely do it more often!

In 2018, Qatar began making monthly payments to the Gaza Strip. Some $15 million were sent into Gaza in cash-filled suitcases – delivered by the Qataris through Israeli territory after months of negotiation with Israel.
Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory)

Most Arabs reject Hassan Al Banna.

Sad. I have always feared the Palestinians would become like the Israelis. They were so damaged by the Nazis.

It's been 80 years now.

Wrong again. Palestinians started out as violent Islamic Nazis, thanks to the Mufti and it got worse from there, now they’re genocidal IslamoNazis.
Wait a minute. Netanyahu bragged about 15 million dollars.Pro In 2018, Qatar began making monthly payments to the Gaza Strip. Some $15 million were sent into Gaza in cash-filled suitcases – delivered by the Qataris through Israeli territory after months of negotiation with Israel.
Benjamin Netanyahu-led Israel facilitated Qatar's $15 million cash aid to Hamas-governed Gaza. Know more

The $15-million cash aid was facilitated by a deal between Qatar and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. According to a CNN report, Netanyahu continued the cash flow to Hamas, despite concerns raised from within his own government.

BUT again FACTS... You wrote..
"Netanyahu bragged about 15 million dollars."
So where is the PROOF that Netanyahu paid $15 million dollars to Hamas? ZERO... the money was paid by Qatar!
Wrong again. Palestinians started out as violent Islamic Nazis, thanks to the Mufti and it got worse from there, now they’re genocidal IslamoNazis.

The Palestinians are very gentle people. Haven't you been there?

The mufti wanted to stop the immigration to Palestine.. You do know the Zionists were killing British peacekeepers...

They destroyed hundreds of Arab villages and expelled 750,000 Palestinian Arabs.
The Palestinians are very gentle people. Haven't you been there?

The mufti wanted to stop the immigration to Palestine.. You do know the Zionists were killing British peacekeepers...

They destroyed hundreds of Arab villages and expelled 750,000 Palestinian Arabs.
Ha ha ha. The paid liar said Palestinians are a very gentile people. Palestinians have been a violent, terroristic barbaric people led by corrupt leaders that made sure they are savages from the day they are born.
Ha ha ha. The paid liar said Palestinians are a very gentile people. Palestinians have been a violent, terroristic barbaric people led by corrupt leaders that made sure they are savages from the day they are born.

Have you ever been to Lebanon or Jordan or East Jerusalem... or the West Bank?

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