Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Do you know of any cases where states wanted Pence to send their results back so they could change them to Trump as the winner?

Do you agree that Trump was lying when he said they did?
That depends on your definition of "states". If it is state legislatures and the AMERICAN voters in those states, the your answer would be yes > Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.
There is no in-person requirement in Pennsylvania’s constitution..

what voting rule change in Pennsylvania are you wanting me to look at.

Is this it:
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court will allow Pennsylvania to count mailed-in ballots received up to three days after the Nov. 3 election, rejecting a Republican plea in the presidential battleground state.
The justices divided 4-4 on Monday, an outcome that upholds a state Supreme Court ruling that required county election officials to receive and count mailed-in ballots that arrive up until Nov. 6, even if they don't have a clear postmark, as long as there is not proof it was mailed after the polls closed.

The Pennsylvania Supreme court does not have the jurisdiction or right to decide when ballots can be counted, or if they can be counted without a postmark. Their ruling was done illegally. Thus is entirely the job of the legislature.

Same thing with the US Supreme Court. Both supreme courts should be holding their heads in shame. If there is any way to remove these creeps, it should be done. They should either do their jobs properly, or they should find another job.
. Thus is entirely the job of the legislature.

Who did what wrong on November 3. It was not the voters. So there was no election fraud or illegal votes in Pennsylvania.

The courts decided that they cannot punish voters for casting a vote that was in accordance with the law at the time.
That depends on your definition of "states". If it is state legislatures and the AMERICAN voters in those states, the your answer would be yes > Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.

You are a liar just like Trump. There were no state legislatures in any state in the entire union that wanted Pence to send their certificates back?

As for your American voters wanting their state’s election results overturned and awarded to Trump for no reason
that is insane.

you are nuts.

you are a whacko.

You are calling for “heads we win, tails you cheated” elections - The Trump Way. The fascist way.

Trump is a loser.
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January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"
/—-/ How badly were you beaten as a child?
Said the liberal judges.
What are the names of liberal judges? In what state do they preside? What evidence did they refuse to admit?

Why has Trump ceased challenging the fraud in the election and just wasting away at COVID riddled Mar a Lago telling you to get the COVID shot?
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"

I can easily show you 5 lies made by Hillary Clinton, William Clinton, Barak Obama and so on. The problem YOU and others here have is the one sided partisan viewpoint.

News Flash! ALL politicians lies, that is a fact that knows no party boundaries.

You are rehashing something Trump said weeks ago, which many here including myself said was wrong, he is 47 days out of office, Biden is now the President.

Get over it and move on!
Sure, but can they squeeze five into less than 280 characters before 9am?

LOL, thank you for admitting that ALL politicians lies.
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"

I can easily show you 5 lies made by Hillary Clinton, William Clinton, Barak Obama and so on. The problem YOU and others here have is the one sided partisan viewpoint.

News Flash! ALL politicians lies, that is a fact that knows no party boundaries.

You are rehashing something Trump said weeks ago, which many here including myself said was wrong, he is 47 days out of office, Biden is now the President.

Get over it and move on!
Sure, but can they squeeze five into less than 280 characters before 9am?

LOL, thank you for admitting that ALL politicians lies.
You conservative types are really good at jumping to conclusions. Too bad you don't jump accurately.

Is that some foreign language translated to mean that the data I post it is incorrect? WTF is it
Who did what wrong on November 3. It was not the voters. So there was no election fraud or illegal votes in Pennsylvania.

The courts decided that they cannot punish voters for casting a vote that was in accordance with the law at the time.
Brainwashed, information-derived, liberal DUPE-AIRHEAD. After the many months of liberal OMISSION media you have been sucking in, if you had watched Newsmax or OAN for 1 HOUR, all your pitiful questions would be answered. They've also been answered 5,000 times right here in this forum's threads. Are you brain dead ?

And NO, that's NOT what the courts decided. All they decided was they didn't want to get involved in elections. Wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge ?
Who did what wrong on November 3. It was not the voters. So there was no election fraud or illegal votes in Pennsylvania.

The courts decided that they cannot punish voters for casting a vote that was in accordance with the law at the time.
Brainwashed, information-derived, liberal DUPE-AIRHEAD. After the many months of liberal OMISSION media you have been sucking in, if you had watched Newsmax or OAN for 1 HOUR, all your pitiful questions would be answered. They've also been answered 5,000 times right here in this forum's threads. Are you brain dead ?

And NO, that's NOT what the courts decided. All they decided was they didn't want to get involved in elections. Wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge ?
Poor baby, Trump lost. Deal with it, sore loser.
why are you devoted to a hate filled, raging liar, who is also very stupid and a loser.

Wow, are you ever brainwashed. Biden destroyed the oil & gas industry, caused gas prices to increase a dollar a gallon (in 2 months) & has put thousands of employees out of jobs,, HE'S NOw PUTTING MILLIONS MORE OUT OF JOBS BY BRINGING IN LOW WaGE FOREIGN illegal aliens.

Trump has not got hate against anybody, has not lied (sHOW US ONE), IS a genius multibillionaire, and has won 2 elections (THE 2020 one by a landslide.

There's no sense talking to a liberal. THEy are BRAIN DAMAGED.

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