Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Courts listen to evidence. Had Trump had any actual evidence, they would have listened.
None of them listened to it, dupe-fool. They didn't accept the case at all (including the SCOTUS), and therefore never confronted it. They have no idea about the evidence.

See folks. This is what you get from paying attention to left wing media, and not watching Newsmax, the First, America's Voice, the Blaze, OAN.
Let’s start with Georgia. Trump definitely needs Georgia. Trump is now being investigated by Georgia for interfering with the election there and could end up in prison because of it.
You don't get the news, I see (well that's par for liberals and leftist OMISSION media). On March 15, news broke that the Washington Post was caught fabricating a quote by President Trump falsely claiming the president urged a Georgia election official to “find the fraud” in the 2020 election.

Fake News WaPo Caught Fabricating Trump Quote, Falsely Claimed Trump Urged Georgia Elections Investigator to 'Find the Fraud' (thegatewaypundit.com)

Confirmed: Dirtbag Raffensperger and His Aides Secretly Recorded Trump's Phone Call, Lied About Its Contents to Far Left WaPo and Then Deleted the Audio in "Trash" Folder (thegatewaypundit.com)

Now we know that Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger’s office secretly recorded the phone call with President Trump, then lied about it to the far left Washington Post.
And Raffensperger’s office released the dishonest story to the liberal media and it was published on January 9, 2021 — days before the sham impeachment trial!

PS - anybody can investigate anybody. We've already seen enough of Democrat laughingstock, political theater "investigations".
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There has never been more evidence presented (most of it in videos), on any subject in American history.

Why was One of Trump’s lawyers in court today saying this?

“Everything I said about Dominion was bullshit. If you believed anything I said, you’re an idiot. It’s your fault, not mine.”

....her lawyers defending her in Dominions $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit against her Made this argument before a judge:

....her claims that Dominion worked with Democrats to rig its voting machines to ensure a win for Joe Biden were clearly her own “opinions and legal theories” and not statements that the public would immediately believe.

Do you still believe Sydney Powell’s batshit crazy election fraud claims protectionist now that she says in court that you are a dumb ass if you did. Let alone if you still do.

According to the lawyers, Dominion’s descriptions of Powell’s statements as “wild accusations” and “outlandish claims” support the idea that a reasonable person would not automatically believe her.

claims that Dominion was involved in an orchestrated voter fraud effort were so outrageous that “reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact.”
Looks like you've been watching CNN or MSNBC. How sad.

You are not sharing it
YOU KNOW what it is. We are Notfooledby NotfooledbyW. LOL.


Note also that Murdock's numbers do not include Republican poll watchers prevented from watching vote counting. No need. As the above chart shows, the fraud counts are far higher than Biden's purported margin of victory.
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Courts listen to evidence. Had Trump had any actual evidence, they would have listened.
None of them listened to it, dupe-fool. They didn't accept the case at all (including the SCOTUS), and therefore never confronted it. They have no idea about the evidence.

See folks. This is what you get from paying attention to left wing media, and not watching Newsmax, the First, America's Voice, the Blaze, OAN.
You're a fucking retard, gramps. Here's just one example of a case that was thrown out because the evidence presented lacjed merit and didn't support the plaintiff's claims...

They filed a case claiming desd people voted, others voted in Nevada and another state, and many weren't registered to vote.

The judge threw it out because they had no evidence to demonstrate any of that upon the first motion to dismiss by the defendant...

"Contestants' claims fail on the merits ... or under any other standard," the judge said in his 35-page ruling.

... so then the plaintiff filed an appeal... ALL 6 Justices ruled unanimously against them and upheld the lower court's ruling.

“To prevail on this appeal, appellants must demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court,” the six justices said. “We are not convinced they have done so.”
You're a fucking retard, gramps. Here's just one example of a case that was thrown out because the evidence presented lacjed merit and didn't support the plaintiff's claims...

They filed a case claiming desd people voted, others voted in Nevada and another state, and many weren't registered to vote.

The judge threw it out because they had no evidence to demonstrate any of that upon the first motion to dismiss by the defendant...

"Contestants' claims fail on the merits ... or under any other standard," the judge said in his 35-page ruling.
... so then the plaintiff filed an appeal... ALL 6 Justices ruled unanimously against them and upheld the lower court's ruling.​
“To prevail on this appeal, appellants must demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court,” the six justices said. “We are not convinced they have done so.”
Like I said, they wouldn't take the case. Same all over the country. SCOTUS too.
Ho hum. Go back to sleep, bigot fool.
You're a fucking retard, gramps. Here's just one example of a case that was thrown out because the evidence presented lacjed merit and didn't support the plaintiff's claims...

They filed a case claiming desd people voted, others voted in Nevada and another state, and many weren't registered to vote.

The judge threw it out because they had no evidence to demonstrate any of that upon the first motion to dismiss by the defendant...

"Contestants' claims fail on the merits ... or under any other standard," the judge said in his 35-page ruling.
... so then the plaintiff filed an appeal... ALL 6 Justices ruled unanimously against them and upheld the lower court's ruling.​
“To prevail on this appeal, appellants must demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court,” the six justices said. “We are not convinced they have done so.”
Like I said, they wouldn't take the case. Same all over the country. SCOTUS too.
Ho hum. Go back to sleep, bigot fool.
They didn't take the case because thd evidence presented lacked merit, not because they wouldn't look at the evidence. And all 6 of their Supreme Court Justices upheld the decision.
They didn't take the case because thd evidence presented lacked merit, not because they wouldn't look at the evidence. And all 6 of their Supreme Court Justices upheld the decision.
FALSE! They never looked at any evidence. Rejected the case because of not wanting to get entangled in election politics.

Your posts are helpful though, in giving us insight into the kind of trash being spewed by your leftist OMISSION/DISTORTION media, and how your brains get so twisted.
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They didn't take the case because thd evidence presented lacked merit, not because they wouldn't look at the evidence. And all 6 of their Supreme Court Justices upheld the decision.
FALSE! They never looked at any evidence. Rejected the case because of not wanting to get entangled in election politics.

Your posts are helpful though, in giving us insight into the kind of trash being spewed by your leftist OMISSION/DISTORTION media, and how your brains get so twisted.

You're a dumbfuck, gramps. There's no hope for you. I just showed you a case where the court reviewed the evidence and you still deny it.

Feel free to waste your time pursuing dead ends

Ate they wasting everybody’s time suing Trump for inciting the mob that attacked them while carrying Trump flags into a riot?

Two Capitol police officers sued former president Donald Trump over the Jan. 6 insurrection.​

Capitol police officers sue Trump over Jan. 6 insurrection: 'He inflamed, encouraged and incited' rioters

The complaint filed Tuesday in U.S. District court by officers James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby alleges the twice-impeached one-term president "inflamed, encouraged, incited, directed, and aided and abetted" his supporters to storm the Capitol in an effort to overturn his election loss, reported Bloomberg.​
Can we identify all the tweets that created and incited the filthy destructive murderous BLM insurrection?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Can we identify all the tweets that created and incited the filthy destructive murderous BLM insurrection?

Go for it dude. From people as powerful as POTUS and with deep pockets like TRUMP.

I won’t mind if the money you and the stupefied dupes send him to challenge fictional election fraud ends up in the pockets of injured Capitol Police who were defending the transfer of power in the USA which used to be peaceful until Trump and his riot mob showed up to invade Capitol Hill in order to hang Mike Pence.
Can we identify all the tweets that created and incited the filthy destructive murderous BLM insurrection?

Go for it dude. From people as powerful as POTUS and with deep pockets like TRUMP.

I won’t mind if the money you and the stupefied dupes send him to challenge fictional election fraud ends up in the pockets of injured Capitol Police who were defending the transfer of power in the USA which used to be peaceful until Trump and his riot mob showed up to invade Capitol Hill in order to hang Mike Pence.

Six months of the Jungle Monkeys and Communists rioting, burning looting, murdering and destroying government property being incited by stupid Democrats and you are concerned about an afternoon of Patriots being pissed about the filthy ass Democrats blatantly stealing an election from the American people? LOL!

That is just the kind of demented confused dickheads you Moon Bats are.
The Jungle Monkeys made us do it 26841089
Six months of the Jungle Monkeys and Communists rioting, burning looting, murdering and destroying government property being incited by stupid Democrats and you are concerned about an afternoon of Patriots being pissed about the filthy ass Democrats blatantly stealing an election from the American people? LOL!

Your complaints about “Jungle Monkeys” are without merit - as is the election fraud.

Pay attention to this: It explains the emotional stress that you find yourself in. And how your particular reaction is a great example of the political bind you have recklessly put Republicans in.

Republicans seeking office are beholden to racist fascist gun nuts like you because right wing ideology cannot ever win a majority in a national election ever again.

The George Floyd murder was “The Choke Seen Round the World” but Republicans did not see it. Its the final nail in the coffin for American conservatism’s strong ties to racism. Trump lost because he and Republicans did not adapt to the new political realities on race issues following the nine minute strangulation of George Floyd under the knee of one demented police officer.

Republicans have become more fascist since Jan. 6 — and they blame liberals for it​
The "Liberals made us do it!" defense: Republicans rush to embrace fascism, but don't want to take responsibility​

For a brief, shining moment after Donald Trump incited an insurrection on the Capitol on January 6, it seemed that the forces of rising authoritarianism in America might be curtailed, shamed by the violence that had been unleashed by their lies and bitterness over losing the election. But nope, Republicans have quickly reverted back. After all, the fundamental problem facing the Republican party and the larger American right hasn't been resolved. They still know full well that their ideology is unpopular, their arguments are indefensible, and that the only way they can hold onto power is by gutting the ability of the voters to throw them out. And so, as the past month has shown, conservatives are not only becoming more fascistic in the aftermath of the riot but more shameless about their intentions.​
Fact checks by whom,

If you don’t like fact checks just give me some data. You made a claim so tell me where is the back up m, where is the data where are the examples of prescription drugs coming down 80 to 90%. I haven’t noticed anything like that. Or coming down 10%. There must be some kind of record of such things.
Who is talking about prescription drugs? I am talking about leftyvirus mailin ballots that were filled out be libber election workers.
Can we identify all the tweets that created and incited the filthy destructive murderous BLM insurrection?

Go for it dude. From people as powerful as POTUS and with deep pockets like TRUMP.

I won’t mind if the money you and the stupefied dupes send him to challenge fictional election fraud ends up in the pockets of injured Capitol Police who were defending the transfer of power in the USA which used to be peaceful until Trump and his riot mob showed up to invade Capitol Hill in order to hang Mike Pence.
Take off that facediaper and breathe in some oxygen looneybin
Take off that facediaper and breathe in some oxygen looneybin

Thats another reason Republicans are going full blown fascist because they wont win the White House again. Trump failed to deal responsibly with the Pandemic because he did not lead his supporters, he let his anti-masker idiot base lead him.

So I thank you for your ignorance, your contempt for science and your contributions to the demise of the Republican Party.
The Jungle Monkeys made us do it 26841089
Six months of the Jungle Monkeys and Communists rioting, burning looting, murdering and destroying government property being incited by stupid Democrats and you are concerned about an afternoon of Patriots being pissed about the filthy ass Democrats blatantly stealing an election from the American people? LOL!

Your complaints about “Jungle Monkeys” are without merit - as is the election fraud.

Pay attention to this: It explains the emotional stress that you find yourself in. And how your particular reaction is a great example of the political bind you have recklessly put Republicans in.

Republicans seeking office are beholden to racist fascist gun nuts like you because right wing ideology cannot ever win a majority in a national election ever again.

The George Floyd murder was “The Choke Seen Round the World” but Republicans did not see it. Its the final nail in the coffin for American conservatism’s strong ties to racism. Trump lost because he and Republicans did not adapt to the new political realities on race issues following the nine minute strangulation of George Floyd under the knee of one demented police officer.

Republicans have become more fascist since Jan. 6 — and they blame liberals for it​
The "Liberals made us do it!" defense: Republicans rush to embrace fascism, but don't want to take responsibility​

For a brief, shining moment after Donald Trump incited an insurrection on the Capitol on January 6, it seemed that the forces of rising authoritarianism in America might be curtailed, shamed by the violence that had been unleashed by their lies and bitterness over losing the election. But nope, Republicans have quickly reverted back. After all, the fundamental problem facing the Republican party and the larger American right hasn't been resolved. They still know full well that their ideology is unpopular, their arguments are indefensible, and that the only way they can hold onto power is by gutting the ability of the voters to throw them out. And so, as the past month has shown, conservatives are not only becoming more fascistic in the aftermath of the riot but more shameless about their intentions.​

Get over it and move on!

Why? Here’s two responses I am looking for.

NOBODY! ...because everything Trump said is true.

None. It was 100% true.

There are five lies in Trump’s tweet that cannot be flipped to true. The lies were used to incite a riot on that day.

If you believe those lies are in fact lies
good for you.

if it doesn’t interest you to find a way to improve political discourse then go away..

It will be interesting to see if protectionist and theHawk can make a case that Trump’s tweet is absolute truth.

There is no state that wanted their certified results to be sent back and flipped to Trump.,

This makes it a current event because protectionist and theHawk are keeping Trump’s 45 day old lies alive. They are surrogate liars for Trump and they must be considered brainless and dangerous for the betterment of America. Do you agree with that?
You know he is no longer President, right? :p

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