Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Were you born a white male with a gun in your hand and an undersized brain or did you have to work real hard at being a dickhead.

I realize you found your glory when Trump came along. But he was such a colossal dickhead he gave the normal slew of dickheads a bad name. So now Trump’s living the golden dickhead life in a gold gilded golf resort asking you to keep sending him money so he can be a relavent dickhead again and pay his legal bills or at least pennies on the dollar.
I never had sex with that woman...Ms Lewinsky
Excellent example of the incompetence of the Biden administration, their Foreign policy is stupid, they SUCK at at!
The Biden administration is not trying to secure the border. They want it INsecure, so as to bring in as many aliens (illegal is fine with them), as they can, to provide VOTES for Democrats.

They know Trump won big in both of the last 2 elections. They know with their looney police defunding, military weakening, tran supporting, gun grabbing, and China-loving policies, they have lost the support of the American people. Thus, they bring in foreigners, and shire them up with welfare goodies to bolster their VOTE counts.

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the democrat party has long counted on uneducated and poorly educated voters to keep the mega wealthy democrats in power

Were you born a white male with a gun in your hand and an undersized brain or did you have to work real hard at being a dickhead.

I realize you found your glory when Trump came along. But he was such a colossal dickhead he gave the normal slew of dickheads a bad name. So now Trump’s living the golden dickhead life in a gold gilded golf resort asking you to keep sending him money so he can be a relavent dickhead again and pay his legal bills or at least pennies on the dollar.
I never had sex with that woman...Ms Lewinsky
ps, your mind dwells a lot on dicks...congrats
Get over it and move on!

What have you moved your self-righteous highness to?

The US constitution was written 240 years ago and this fallacious subversive tweet is much more recent than tha
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"​

Why should we move on from Trump’s outright and numerous lies that were intended to subvert the election that he clearly lost so he would become the winner.

This lie is intriguing to me

"States want to correct their votes”

How can a President be so distanced from reality that he can say things like that?

And some say just move on?
Well you guys did cheat.
Cheat at what?
There is zero chance 80 million Americans voted for that fool China Joe biden . Dems cheat and lie about everything. You can't believe a one of them.
So, nothing. Why did you just say so?
Russia, Russia, Russia.
Get over it and move on!

What have you moved your self-righteous highness to?

The US constitution was written 240 years ago and this fallacious subversive tweet is much more recent than tha
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"​

Why should we move on from Trump’s outright and numerous lies that were intended to subvert the election that he clearly lost so he would become the winner.

This lie is intriguing to me

"States want to correct their votes”

How can a President be so distanced from reality that he can say things like that?

And some say just move on?
Well you guys did cheat.
Cheat at what?
There is zero chance 80 million Americans voted for that fool China Joe biden . Dems cheat and lie about everything. You can't believe a one of them.
So, nothing. Why did you just say so?
Russia, Russia, Russia.
What about it?
NOBODY! ...because everything Trump said is true.

And this is why Pence should be out of politics now - 100%. Pence run for president in 2024 ? Yeah maybe,....with the Democrat nomination.
Really doesn't matter if the republicans want to run a presidential candidate in 2024 or not. Nobody will be forgetting that a huge chunk of the republican party is perfectly fine with what trump did. Nobody going forget. Nobody in their right mind would trust anybody running for presidency on that party ticket, that soon, and certainly not trump's VP, as he supported him all the way until he was ask to sacrifice himself by the orange asshole.
but didnt the democrats elect that poor old senile racist Joe Obiden
Get over it and move on!

Why? Here’s two responses I am looking for.

NOBODY! ...because everything Trump said is true.

None. It was 100% true.

There are five lies in Trump’s tweet that cannot be flipped to true. The lies were used to incite a riot on that day.

If you believe those lies are in fact lies
good for you.

if it doesn’t interest you to find a way to improve political discourse then go away..

It will be interesting to see if protectionist and theHawk can make a case that Trump’s tweet is absolute truth.

There is no state that wanted their certified results to be sent back and flipped to Trump.,

This makes it a current event because protectionist and theHawk are keeping Trump’s 45 day old lies alive. They are surrogate liars for Trump and they must be considered brainless and dangerous for the betterment of America. Do you agree with that?
but the entire democrat agenda is based on lies ...so go fluck yourself
thousands and thousands perhaps millions of fake mailins

why do you profess to know something and you don’t even have numbers.? Is it thousands and thousands or PERHAPS millions. And where are they?When you say you know something how do you supposed to know something? Or are you just a liar like the rest of the Trump team.
speaking of liars...I never had sex with that woman Ms Lewinsky
That depends on your definition of "states". If it is state legislatures and the AMERICAN voters in those states, the your answer would be yes > Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.

You are a liar just like Trump. There were no state legislatures in any state in the entire union that wanted Pence to send their certificates back?

As for your American voters wanting their state’s election results overturned and awarded to Trump for no reason
that is insane.

you are nuts.

you are a whacko.

You are calling for “heads we win, tails you cheated” elections - The Trump Way. The fascist way.

Trump is a loser.
whatever, we got stuck with that senile old racist Obiden...at least we got some great laughs watching that old KKK member stumble and bumble like an idiot trying to get on a plane
Brainwashed, information-derived, liberal DUPE-AIRHEAD. After the many months of liberal OMISSION media you have been sucking in, if you had watched Newsmax or OAN for 1 HOUR, all your pitiful questions would be answered. They've also been answered 5,000 times right here in this forum's threads. Are you brain dead ?

And NO, that's NOT what the courts decided. All they decided was they didn't want to get involved in elections. Wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge ?

You mean the network being sued by Dominion for lying about election fraud?

Why not just answer the simple question that I put to you? Who did what wrong on November 3. it was not the voters or do you have evidence that the voters and any election official did something illegal that would make Trump a winner instead the sore assed classless lying loser that he is?
kinda weird how how 99 percent of the mail in votes went to Obiden
The Jungle Monkeys made us do it 26841089
Six months of the Jungle Monkeys and Communists rioting, burning looting, murdering and destroying government property being incited by stupid Democrats and you are concerned about an afternoon of Patriots being pissed about the filthy ass Democrats blatantly stealing an election from the American people? LOL!

Your complaints about “Jungle Monkeys” are without merit - as is the election fraud.

Pay attention to this: It explains the emotional stress that you find yourself in. And how your particular reaction is a great example of the political bind you have recklessly put Republicans in.

Republicans seeking office are beholden to racist fascist gun nuts like you because right wing ideology cannot ever win a majority in a national election ever again.

The George Floyd murder was “The Choke Seen Round the World” but Republicans did not see it. Its the final nail in the coffin for American conservatism’s strong ties to racism. Trump lost because he and Republicans did not adapt to the new political realities on race issues following the nine minute strangulation of George Floyd under the knee of one demented police officer.

Republicans have become more fascist since Jan. 6 — and they blame liberals for it​
The "Liberals made us do it!" defense: Republicans rush to embrace fascism, but don't want to take responsibility​

For a brief, shining moment after Donald Trump incited an insurrection on the Capitol on January 6, it seemed that the forces of rising authoritarianism in America might be curtailed, shamed by the violence that had been unleashed by their lies and bitterness over losing the election. But nope, Republicans have quickly reverted back. After all, the fundamental problem facing the Republican party and the larger American right hasn't been resolved. They still know full well that their ideology is unpopular, their arguments are indefensible, and that the only way they can hold onto power is by gutting the ability of the voters to throw them out. And so, as the past month has shown, conservatives are not only becoming more fascistic in the aftermath of the riot but more shameless about their intentions.​
if democrats are so pro black...why are blacks still complaining about their shitty lives after sixty years of voting for failed democrats

Were you born a white male with a gun in your hand and an undersized brain or did you have to work real hard at being a dickhead.

I realize you found your glory when Trump came along. But he was such a colossal dickhead he gave the normal slew of dickheads a bad name. So now Trump’s living the golden dickhead life in a gold gilded golf resort asking you to keep sending him money so he can be a relavent dickhead again and pay his legal bills or at least pennies on the dollar.
another sweet peace loving democrat showing the world how to be kind and forgiving
the democrat party has long counted on uneducated and poorly educated voters to keep the mega wealthy democrats in power
Yes, and now without the support of AMERICANS, they reach out to the world for people to supply them VOTES (in appreciation for allowing them in here, and bestowing them with as many free goodies as they can come up with.)
kinda weird how how 99 percent of the mail in votes went to Obiden
And how the counts of those votes were thousands more than the number of registered voters ? Republicans better get a handle on all these abuses, before November 2022, or Democrats will do it all again.
NOBODY! ...because everything Trump said is true.

And this is why Pence should be out of politics now - 100%. Pence run for president in 2024 ? Yeah maybe,....with the Democrat nomination.
Really doesn't matter if the republicans want to run a presidential candidate in 2024 or not. Nobody will be forgetting that a huge chunk of the republican party is perfectly fine with what trump did. Nobody going forget. Nobody in their right mind would trust anybody running for presidency on that party ticket, that soon, and certainly not trump's VP, as he supported him all the way until he was ask to sacrifice himself by the orange asshole.
but didnt the democrats elect that poor old senile racist Joe Obiden
No. They elected the centrist, experienced moderate, Joseph Biden Jr. So far most of his policies and proposals are well accepted by the American public. Been around 3 months, but none of his key appointees have had to resign or be fired for illegal crap. He got the Covid Stimulus passed. Now working on infrastructure, where Donny just had an infrastructure week, yearly, yet he and the republicans did nothing. Joe is stealthily moving his agenda forward in ways people seem to think benefit the country. If he gets a handle on the influx at the border, he would be batting a thousand.
No. They elected the centrist, experienced moderate, Joseph Biden Jr. So far most of his policies and proposals are well accepted by the American public. Been around 3 months, but none of his key appointees have had to resign or be fired for illegal crap. He got the Covid Stimulus passed. Now working on infrastructure, where Donny just had an infrastructure week, yearly, yet he and the republicans did nothing. Joe is stealthily moving his agenda forward in ways people seem to think benefit the country. If he gets a handle on the influx at the border, he would be batting a thousand.
BULLSHIT! Leftist media DUPE. Ignorance unlimited.
And how the counts of those votes were thousands more than the number of registered voters ? Republicans better get a handle on all these abuses, before November 2022, or Democrats will do it all again.
Exactly, these next 2 years are very important. We must make sure the tens of thousands who voted illegally in 2020 are not allowed to do so again.

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