Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

No. They elected the centrist, experienced moderate, Joseph Biden Jr. So far most of his policies and proposals are well accepted by the American public. Been around 3 months, but none of his key appointees have had to resign or be fired for illegal crap. He got the Covid Stimulus passed. Now working on infrastructure, where Donny just had an infrastructure week, yearly, yet he and the republicans did nothing. Joe is stealthily moving his agenda forward in ways people seem to think benefit the country. If he gets a handle on the influx at the border, he would be batting a thousand.
BULLSHIT! Leftist media DUPE. Ignorance unlimited.
Which sentence do you disagree with in my post. Yes, he ran as a centrist more moderate than many in the party. Yes, been in office about 3 months. Yes, got the stimulus passed. Yes, now working on infrastructure bill. Yes his agenda is moving forward. Yes, the influx at the border is a policy screw up. I will add, big business seems to like him. The stock market seems to like him. We are steady adding jobs. Covid is more controlled than anticipated. So what is your problem? The country seems to be moving forward and we got to keep free elections and abide by the results. What different outcome are you looking for?
I have challenged liberals dozens of times to present ONE lie that Trump has ever told. To this day, none have ever succeeded in doing that.
They never "succeed" because you guys never accept the examples.

You could easily find them by doing a little online research, but you'd dismiss all of them too.

One of the many reasons that trying to communicate with a Trumpster is like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus: Pointless.
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"

You gonna change your avatar to SuckeredByBiden ?
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"
Former VP Mike Pence did show extreme courage. It also appears that he's got a solid grasp on what is right and what is wrong.
They never "succeed" because you guys never accept the examples.

You could easily find them by doing a little online research, but you'd dismiss all of them too.

One of the many reasons that trying to communicate with a Trumpster is like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus: Pointless.
We don't accept the examples, because it is the "examples" that are the lies. Or they are based on false premises, or fake news, so commonly accepted by liberals.

This is why trying to communicate with a liberal is like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus: Pointless.
We don't accept the examples, because it is the "examples" that are the lies. Or they are based on false premises, or fake news, so commonly accepted by liberals.

This is why trying to communicate with a liberal is like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus: Pointless.
Sure, fake news. No reason to ask for examples, then.
Sure, fake news. No reason to ask for examples, then.
I have always asked for examples, but all I get is leftist propaganda that doesn't hold up.
I'll give you an example. They said Trump lied about outsourcing, saying he didn't do it, and on the Dave Letterman Show, Letterman showed ties with Trump's name on them made in China.

Trump was NOT lying. The ties were not outsourced from a Trump company, they were an example of brand licensing, where the Chinese company making the ties, paid Trump just to have his name on them.

Why did the liberals think Trump lied ? Because they were believing the lies of Hillary Clinton's TV ads, which were claiming that the ties were outsourcing, and leftist media also made the same false claims. Fake news.
They never "succeed" because you guys never accept the examples.

You could easily find them by doing a little online research, but you'd dismiss all of them too.

One of the many reasons that trying to communicate with a Trumpster is like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus: Pointless.
And still no example
Which sentence do you disagree with in my post. Yes, he ran as a centrist more moderate than many in the party. Yes, been in office about 3 months. Yes, got the stimulus passed. Yes, now working on infrastructure bill. Yes his agenda is moving forward. Yes, the influx at the border is a policy screw up. I will add, big business seems to like him. The stock market seems to like him. We are steady adding jobs. Covid is more controlled than anticipated. So what is your problem? The country seems to be moving forward and we got to keep free elections and abide by the results. What different outcome are you looking for?
You said >> "centrist, experienced moderate, Joseph Biden Jr. So far most of his policies and proposals are well accepted by the American public"

FALSE! His disapproval rate is over 50%. And on Afghanistan, it is 60% disapproval, and that is from a Democrat poll (Washington Post/ABC News), responded to just by Democrats. If Republicans had been answering this poll, and their responses were also included, Biden's disapproval % would be through the roof.



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