Who Can Possibly Beat Trump?

Every Democratic running right now is the worst Candidate ever in political history. Trump will disembowel whoever runs using their own words against them. America doesn’t stand close to any Democrat running.

Sooooooo..... here’s what’s going to happen. Immediately during or shortly after, the Dem party will say FU to the Dem voters and place ...... (insert drum roll here).... Michael Obummer as the nominee. She’ll totally skip the primary process and be anointed.

Then you’re a racist if you say anything negative about her and the media will fawn over her like a new puppy brought home.

-Weatherman, part-time prophet.

It doesn't matter if they do run that stupid butch, Trump will eviscerate any of their stupid lunatics.
"LOL! You poor deluded twit. That I think you actually believe all that twaddle.."

My post quotes the Democrat candidates in the debates.

Notice you can't deny any of it.

Wanna try again, you dope???

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the border.....no sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

Soooo.....how'd you like it the last time Bolsheviks ran a country????
Wow! you really are that stupid...amazing.

Since your 'rebuttal' is to just repost the same nonsense without addressing any of my post...I gather that you've exhausted your poor deluded intelligence, such as it is, and require a rest.

I understand..nuanced debate is far outside of your abilities--I'll not tax you with it again.

"...repost the same nonsense..."

Good to see that you recognize how poor your facility is with the English language.

And, you've applied to the right.....Right.....source.


Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense.
    "he was talking absolute nonsense"
    synonyms: rubbish, balderdash, gibberish, claptrap, blarney, guff, blather, blether; More
  2. 2.
    foolish or unacceptable behavior.
    "put a stop to that nonsense, will you?"

Your secondary problem is that, rather than 'nonsense,' I've actually posted the promises of the Democrat candidates for President.

Of course, your primary problem is how stupid you are.

Don't you agree?
I agree that you are one of the most stupid people I've read here...and that..is saying a lot!

But, since I'm bored..show me a link where a Democratic candidate for President promised to bring Sharia law to America?

Yup..nonsense...correctly used and applied...

LOL..I just got a pm...from someone who advised me to not engage with you ..he said, "Political Chic will waste hours of your time...saying the same thing, not responding to anything you say and generally making a nuisance of herself"

Well...not how I play the game...but do try to actually engage in serious debate..if you have those skills...instead of basic hackery and and the repetition of Info Wars talking points.

Oh yeah..and campaign rhetoric seldom translates into policy anyway. Candidates will say anything to breakaway from the crowd.

"LOL..I just got a pm...from someone who advised me to not engage with you ..he said, "Political Chic will waste hours of your time...saying the same thing, not responding to anything you say and generally making a nuisance of herself"

And, as is true of all good Leftists, you have learned to follow orders.

But....they do have a point.....I am never wrong.
You should give up now.
Wrong and stupid...like thinking I'm a leftist....moderate independent here..and issue driven. Or somehow deriving out of that pm that the sender said you were never wrong...when, in fact, his take was the exact opposite. Always wrong and stubborn about it...that's you.

I engaged with you not because of some ideological divide..but because what you were saying was a pack of lies and innuendo..such offends me..stupid should always be called out.

As you have found, I never lie......nor am I ever wrong.

Every post of mine is linked, sourced, and documented.

The best you have been able to do is the usual Liberal "is not, isssssssss nnoooooootttttttt!!!!"

I'm bettin' that you are a government school grad......right again?
Marianne Williamson.

every president is the opposite of his predecessor!

or what about Yang. the opposite of Trump is an Asian guy who likes math!

Mr. Yang is really interested in the field of Urology, with his strong stance against circumcision.

President Trump, as well, has interest in the issue, based upon his 2016 debates with Little Marco where they discussed penile size. It could make for an interesting race

The word "yang" in the Chinese language means "male genitals", is it coincidental that Mr. Yang is the most urologically aware of the 2020 candidates?
Marianne Williamson.

every president is the opposite of his predecessor!

or what about Yang. the opposite of Trump is an Asian guy who likes math!

Mr. Yang is really interested in the field of Urology, with his strong stance against circumcision.

President Trump, as well, has interest in the issue, based upon his 2016 debates with Little Marco where they discussed penile size. It could make for an interesting race

The word "yang" in the Chinese language means "male genitals", is it coincidental that Mr. Yang is the most urologically aware of the 2020 candidates?

let the record show you're an expert on male genitals
....Almost any of them will win the popular vote..

If you think that most Americans are in favor of giving illegal aliens benefits, infanticide, socialism and transgender perversion then your head is WAAAAAYYYY too far up your stupid ass.

If you think that most Americans consider illegal aliens are the biggest issue America faces you are dead wrong. Wingnuts like you are completely out of touch with the majority of Americans. Most support a national Healthcare system. Most understand that the current Democratic candidates are no more socialist than FDR, Eisenhower or just about every other President since 1932.

Most Americans have a live and let live attitude towards gays. Most Americans understand the Trump and his supporter are nothing but stupid and mean. Trump will not win another 4 years. The only question, if they pay it smart, is whether the Dems can take the Senate or not.
Wow! you really are that stupid...amazing.

Since your 'rebuttal' is to just repost the same nonsense without addressing any of my post...I gather that you've exhausted your poor deluded intelligence, such as it is, and require a rest.

I understand..nuanced debate is far outside of your abilities--I'll not tax you with it again.

"...repost the same nonsense..."

Good to see that you recognize how poor your facility is with the English language.

And, you've applied to the right.....Right.....source.


Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense.
    "he was talking absolute nonsense"
    synonyms: rubbish, balderdash, gibberish, claptrap, blarney, guff, blather, blether; More
  2. 2.
    foolish or unacceptable behavior.
    "put a stop to that nonsense, will you?"

Your secondary problem is that, rather than 'nonsense,' I've actually posted the promises of the Democrat candidates for President.

Of course, your primary problem is how stupid you are.

Don't you agree?
I agree that you are one of the most stupid people I've read here...and that..is saying a lot!

But, since I'm bored..show me a link where a Democratic candidate for President promised to bring Sharia law to America?

Yup..nonsense...correctly used and applied...

LOL..I just got a pm...from someone who advised me to not engage with you ..he said, "Political Chic will waste hours of your time...saying the same thing, not responding to anything you say and generally making a nuisance of herself"

Well...not how I play the game...but do try to actually engage in serious debate..if you have those skills...instead of basic hackery and and the repetition of Info Wars talking points.

Oh yeah..and campaign rhetoric seldom translates into policy anyway. Candidates will say anything to breakaway from the crowd.

"LOL..I just got a pm...from someone who advised me to not engage with you ..he said, "Political Chic will waste hours of your time...saying the same thing, not responding to anything you say and generally making a nuisance of herself"

And, as is true of all good Leftists, you have learned to follow orders.

But....they do have a point.....I am never wrong.
You should give up now.
Wrong and stupid...like thinking I'm a leftist....moderate independent here..and issue driven. Or somehow deriving out of that pm that the sender said you were never wrong...when, in fact, his take was the exact opposite. Always wrong and stubborn about it...that's you.

I engaged with you not because of some ideological divide..but because what you were saying was a pack of lies and innuendo..such offends me..stupid should always be called out.

As you have found, I never lie......nor am I ever wrong.

Every post of mine is linked, sourced, and documented.

The best you have been able to do is the usual Liberal "is not, isssssssss nnoooooootttttttt!!!!"

I'm bettin' that you are a government school grad......right again?

I have found the exact opposite..almost all you post is either wrong..or slanted..you almost never provide links for what you spout..and you refuse to respond to rebuttal...which I understand..since you have no cogent response available to you..having started from a false position to begin with.

Instead you constantly re-post the same tired list...as though you are proving something..when in fact..the only thing you are doing is showing your ass..again.
....Almost any of them will win the popular vote..

If you think that most Americans are in favor of giving illegal aliens benefits, infanticide, socialism and transgender perversion then your head is WAAAAAYYYY too far up your stupid ass.

If you think that most Americans consider illegal aliens are the biggest issue America faces you are dead wrong. Wingnuts lie you are completely out of touch with the majority of Americans. Most support a national Healthcare system. Most understand that the current Democratic candidates are no more socialist than FDR, Eisenhower or just about every other President since 1932.

Most Americans have a live and let live attitude towards gays. Most Americans understand the Trump and his supporter are nothing but stupid and mean. Trump will not win another 4 years. The only question, if they pay it smart, is whether the Dems can take the Senate or not.

I don't think so. I think most Americans like their current doctors and current plan. That's why "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" was such a major theme in Obama's rhetoric. A Socialized system would fuck up a lot of people medical treatment plans
....Almost any of them will win the popular vote..

If you think that most Americans are in favor of giving illegal aliens benefits, infanticide, socialism and transgender perversion then your head is WAAAAAYYYY too far up your stupid ass.

If you think that most Americans consider illegal aliens are the biggest issue America faces you are dead wrong. Wingnuts like you are completely out of touch with the majority of Americans. Most support a national Healthcare system. Most understand that the current Democratic candidates are no more socialist than FDR, Eisenhower or just about every other President since 1932.

Most Americans have a live and let live attitude towards gays. Most Americans understand the Trump and his supporter are nothing but stupid and mean. Trump will not win another 4 years. The only question, if they pay it smart, is whether the Dems can take the Senate or not.
I think you are incorrect....most Americans voted for someone other than Trump..yet here we are. It matters WHICH most Americans and where they live. The rural States are still Red..and while many may hold their nose when voting for Trump..they will vote for him..before almost any Democrat..and the kind of Democrat that might win their votes...would never make it through the Primaries.

Be prepared to have the Electoral College break your hearts again. Don't depend on the recent State laws attempting to circumvent the Electoral College--they are almost certain to be struck down by the Supremes.
If you are a Dem and you are unhappy with your choice of candidates, don't feel badly.

The Libertarian list right now is equally as ugly. The only thing missing is Jeff Epstein.
Every Democratic running right now is the worst Candidate ever in political history. Trump will disembowel whoever runs using their own words against them. America doesn’t stand close to any Democrat running.

Sooooooo..... here’s what’s going to happen. Immediately during or shortly after, the Dem party will say FU to the Dem voters and place ...... (insert drum roll here).... Michael Obummer as the nominee. She’ll totally skip the primary process and be anointed.

Then you’re a racist if you say anything negative about her and the media will fawn over her like a new puppy brought home.

-Weatherman, part-time prophet.

It doesn't matter if they do run that stupid butch, Trump will eviscerate any of their stupid lunatics.

doesn't matter if they do run that stupid butch, Trump will eviscerate

Don't get Complacent.
Every Democratic running right now is the worst Candidate ever in political history. Trump will disembowel whoever runs using their own words against them. America doesn’t stand close to any Democrat running.

Sooooooo..... here’s what’s going to happen. Immediately during or shortly after, the Dem party will say FU to the Dem voters and place ...... (insert drum roll here).... Michael Obummer as the nominee. She’ll totally skip the primary process and be anointed.

Then you’re a racist if you say anything negative about her and the media will fawn over her like a new puppy brought home.

-Weatherman, part-time prophet.
Your support for Trump is not just baked in, it's kiln dried. The Democrats are not after your vote.

But there are people who held their nose, flipped a coin and decided that Trump, mysteriously, was preferable to Clinton.

Those are the voters who will be sought out by the eventual Democrat nominee.
Tulsi is the only Dem with any ethics and principles. Literally every other one is a political hack. The hippie is just funny.
....Almost any of them will win the popular vote..
If you think that most Americans are in favor of giving illegal aliens benefits, infanticide, socialism and transgender perversion then your head is WAAAAAYYYY too far up your stupid ass.
.....Wingnuts like you......

You're just an ignorant punk. I suggest you pick up a weapon and serve the way I did you little snot nosed bitch. Maybe then you'll learn something about the world that is outside of your mom's basement.

Fucking queer
Every Democratic running right now is the worst Candidate ever in political history. Trump will disembowel whoever runs using their own words against them. America doesn’t stand close to any Democrat running.

Sooooooo..... here’s what’s going to happen. Immediately during or shortly after, the Dem party will say FU to the Dem voters and place ...... (insert drum roll here).... Michael Obummer as the nominee. She’ll totally skip the primary process and be anointed.

Then you’re a racist if you say anything negative about her and the media will fawn over her like a new puppy brought home.

-Weatherman, part-time prophet.
Only Trump can beat Trump.
Tulsi is the only Dem with any ethics and principles. Literally every other one is a political hack. The hippie is just funny.
Don't confuse style with substance. I heard her lie through her teeth throughout an entire interview with Tucker. Oh, she came off as very calm and cool and reasonable in her tone but her positions are bullshit. If she did have ethics and principles she would not be in that party in the first place.
Tulsi is the only Dem with any ethics and principles. Literally every other one is a political hack. The hippie is just funny.
And the odds of her actually making it through the primaries....are very low. She just will not make the move to the far left that's required.

How dare she be against war??!!

Dems love to drop bombs and drone innocent brown people who live in the sand.
"...repost the same nonsense..."

Good to see that you recognize how poor your facility is with the English language.

And, you've applied to the right.....Right.....source.


Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense.
    "he was talking absolute nonsense"
    synonyms: rubbish, balderdash, gibberish, claptrap, blarney, guff, blather, blether; More
  2. 2.
    foolish or unacceptable behavior.
    "put a stop to that nonsense, will you?"

Your secondary problem is that, rather than 'nonsense,' I've actually posted the promises of the Democrat candidates for President.

Of course, your primary problem is how stupid you are.

Don't you agree?
I agree that you are one of the most stupid people I've read here...and that..is saying a lot!

But, since I'm bored..show me a link where a Democratic candidate for President promised to bring Sharia law to America?

Yup..nonsense...correctly used and applied...

LOL..I just got a pm...from someone who advised me to not engage with you ..he said, "Political Chic will waste hours of your time...saying the same thing, not responding to anything you say and generally making a nuisance of herself"

Well...not how I play the game...but do try to actually engage in serious debate..if you have those skills...instead of basic hackery and and the repetition of Info Wars talking points.

Oh yeah..and campaign rhetoric seldom translates into policy anyway. Candidates will say anything to breakaway from the crowd.

"LOL..I just got a pm...from someone who advised me to not engage with you ..he said, "Political Chic will waste hours of your time...saying the same thing, not responding to anything you say and generally making a nuisance of herself"

And, as is true of all good Leftists, you have learned to follow orders.

But....they do have a point.....I am never wrong.
You should give up now.
Wrong and stupid...like thinking I'm a leftist....moderate independent here..and issue driven. Or somehow deriving out of that pm that the sender said you were never wrong...when, in fact, his take was the exact opposite. Always wrong and stubborn about it...that's you.

I engaged with you not because of some ideological divide..but because what you were saying was a pack of lies and innuendo..such offends me..stupid should always be called out.

As you have found, I never lie......nor am I ever wrong.

Every post of mine is linked, sourced, and documented.

The best you have been able to do is the usual Liberal "is not, isssssssss nnoooooootttttttt!!!!"

I'm bettin' that you are a government school grad......right again?

I have found the exact opposite..almost all you post is either wrong..or slanted..you almost never provide links for what you spout..and you refuse to respond to rebuttal...which I understand..since you have no cogent response available to you..having started from a false position to begin with.

Instead you constantly re-post the same tired list...as though you are proving something..when in fact..the only thing you are doing is showing your ass..again.




Hence the reason you were PM'd.....the fear of the Left for the spankings I administer.

You'll get over the spanking.....the real question is whether you'll get over your indoctrination.

Only intelligent folks can.

So sorry.

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