Who Can Possibly Beat Trump?

Noting that some of the debilitations are already in effect is beside the point.

I'll assume that this is your white flag.....that what I stated are, in fact, the Democrat positions.

See what I mean about my never being wrong?

And the Liberal PMs not to dispute my posts......they were spot on.

Unless you like being embarrassed.
nope..you're still wrong..and still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted....just a donkey braying out at the world how bright she is..while everyone smiles and looks away.
The pm's said not to engage..because you would do exactly what you are doing....posting the same tired shit..over and over and,,,wait..that's a drink! ***gulp*** Brrrrr!

I do believe that 'tiresome' describes your posts. Inane comes to mind as well.

"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Let's check:

I wrote...."The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

Watch how easily I ram your words back down your lying throat-

As always, I am 100% correct, accurate and truthful...

....and you just proved it.

Yup...now you just posted it..how does that make me a liar? I was 100% correct. You wer3e forced to search until you found a clip..now you have backed it up--but where is the lie/ In your fevered mind, I guess.

Let's check.

Was I right when I wrote this, at the start....and you denied it???

" The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare"

You denied it when you wrote this:

"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

...you tried to deny it, with that line....until I forced you to admit it is true.

Now you don't seem ready to challenge me on this...

"We could look forward to the end of private health insurance,
reparations for slavery and drug dealers,
financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’
abortion rights for 'transwomen (men),
and packing the Supreme Court.

....even though you wrote "...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Copy and paste again...stuck on stupid--no wonder you back Trump.

consider yourself rebuked...as has been said 13 times now,,you are the liar..in trying to sell people on the timing of my quote..when you know that i posted it before you posted the clip..and thus I told the truth and forced you to put up the clip.

Tell me..nitwit, just how many times you wish to do this..cause I got all day.

How about you just answer the question.....

Was I right when I wrote this, at the start....and you denied it???

" The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare"

You denied it when you wrote this:

"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

...you tried to deny it, with that line....until I forced you to admit it is true.

Or did you know I was correct, and you couldn't help lying?

Speak up, dunce.
The candidate to beat Trump will be the one who can convince that he/she would be better, not just other. Trump already won 'other'.

But he didn't simply run on being 'other.'

Perhaps two years plus is too long ago for you to recall.

Here's a dozen reasons:

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,

against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,

against the flood of illegal immigrants who require welfare
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,

...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

"When secular leftists express frustration at how practicing Catholics (your humble servants) and evangelicals could ever vote for Donald Trump, the first thing they refuse to concede is the horror of the alternative.

They refuse to admit that Hillary Clinton clearly, forthrightly stood for abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason and even supported it having it funded by pro-life taxpayers. It’s what she and her husband called “safe, legal and rare.” Hillary and her crew even dismissed the videotaped baby-organ-selling grotesqueries of Planned Parenthood as somehow fictional. And they refuse to admit that Hillary Clinton represented the creeping extremism of the LGBT movement, with its emphasis on redesigning all the nation’s bathrooms, not to mention human nature."
Bozell & Graham Column: The Book Against Transgender Extremism

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

"Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

"Hispanic Unemployment Rate Sets New Record Low in April"
Hispanic Unemployment Rate Sets New Record Low in April

"Unemployment Rate for Women Falls to Lowest Since 1953"
Unemployment Rate for Women Falls to Lowest Since 1953 | Breitbart

"Lowest unemployment in 19 years for workers without bachelor's degrees in April"
Lowest unemployment in 19 years for workers without bachelor's degrees in April
So......you're ready to admit that, as always, I was correct from the get-go????

And you're not gonna try to lie your way out????

About darn time.
WOW! .you are stupid...no...you are not..and have not been..and probably never be..right.
Nope..it does not...as has been said 8 times now,,you are the liar..in trying to sell people on the timing of my quote..when you know that i posted it before you posted the clip..and thus I told the truth and forced you to put up the clip.

Tell me..nitwit, just how many times you wish to do this..cause I got all day.

Let's check.

Was I right when I wrote this, at the start....and you denied it???

" The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare"

You denied it when you wrote this:

"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

...you tried to deny it, with that line....until I forced you to admit it is true.

Now you don't seem ready to challenge me on this...

"We could look forward to the end of private health insurance,
reparations for slavery and drug dealers,
financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’
abortion rights for 'transwomen (men),
and packing the Supreme Court.

....even though you wrote "...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."
I question your reading comprehension skill. I questioned nothing...if fact, I acknowledged that we have been paying for illegals healthcare for decades..i just asked you to post something that proved that it was a Position taken by a Democratic candidate..and you did. So where is the lie?

Are you really going to take this for hours..when you know that you are wrong?

Was I right when I wrote this, at the start....and you denied it???

" The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare"

You denied it when you wrote this:

"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

...you tried to deny it, with that line....until I forced you to admit it is true.

Or, was "...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted" just your way of saying that I was correct????

Tripping you up in your lies is so easy because you're just so stupid.
I asked you earlier, by you wouldn't answer: are you a government school grad?
Nope...and you forced nothing..I forced you to put up the clip..and I guess this is your way of trying to flip the script?

Oh well..as I said..I got all day....girl.
Nope..it does not...as has been said 14 times now,,you are the liar..in trying to sell people on the timing of my quote..when you know that i posted it before you posted the clip..and thus I told the truth and forced you to put up the clip.

Answer the question, dunce.
WOW!..it just dawned on me how incredibly stupid this is--what a waste. I blame the weed....'I apologize to all posters here for my childish and boorish behavior.
Being correct does not give me the right to troll this thread like this. political wants some sort of 'win' and is willing to lie to get it.
So be it.
I will be deleting as many of my threads as i can. Again, my sincere apologies.
WOW!..it just dawned on me how incredibly stupid this is--what a waste. I blame the weed....'I apologize to all posters here for my childish and boorish behavior.
Being correct does not give me the right to troll this thread like this. political wants some sort of 'win' and is willing to lie to get it.
So be it.
I will be deleting as many of my threads as i can. Again, my sincere apologies.

Answer the question, dunce.
Didn’t say that. Wasn’t going to list all of the 65 candidates. Funny how that happens.

Kamala and Booker are the most political.

And Gillibrand...she is a human weather vane. Fuck that bubble head bitch

I don't think Booker or Kamala are the most political. Trump has been running for a second term since he took office. He has "governed" on for his base and has not been president for the entire country. He is purely political.

Who do you want to win the Dem primary and why?

I'll figure that out when we hold our primary. Right now I have no favorites.

You like all 22 the exact same?

What principles are important to you and what candidates embody your principles?

If this thing was about principles republicans would find another candidate. I'm about hearing their policies. Right now I would not vote for Williamson, Gabbard, Delaney, Hickenlooper, Buttigieg, or Sanders. If Williamson had political and diplomatic experience she might have contended, but at this point she sounds like a flower child, although I'd vote for her before I would Trump.

So itlll pretty much be Biden.

Do you think Obama will endorse Joe?
....Almost any of them will win the popular vote..

If you think that most Americans are in favor of giving illegal aliens benefits, infanticide, socialism and transgender perversion then your head is WAAAAAYYYY too far up your stupid ass.

If you think that most Americans consider illegal aliens are the biggest issue America faces you are dead wrong. Wingnuts like you are completely out of touch with the majority of Americans. Most support a national Healthcare system. Most understand that the current Democratic candidates are no more socialist than FDR, Eisenhower or just about every other President since 1932.

Most Americans have a live and let live attitude towards gays. Most Americans understand the Trump and his supporter are nothing but stupid and mean. Trump will not win another 4 years. The only question, if they pay it smart, is whether the Dems can take the Senate or not.
I think you are incorrect....most Americans voted for someone other than Trump..yet here we are. It matters WHICH most Americans and where they live. The rural States are still Red..and while many may hold their nose when voting for Trump..they will vote for him..before almost any Democrat..and the kind of Democrat that might win their votes...would never make it through the Primaries.

Be prepared to have the Electoral College break your hearts again. Don't depend on the recent State laws attempting to circumvent the Electoral College--they are almost certain to be struck down by the Supremes.

While it's possible that Trump could pull off another electoral college win, it all depends on who the Dem candidate is and how they campaign.

Trump won a lot of purple states and a few that Clinton just assumed were blue states. Clinton made MAJOR mistakes in her campaign.

If the Dems are brainless in their choice of candidates (which will most likely be the case), then yes, Trump will win again. But if they're smart (doubtful) they win with a landslide both in the popular vote and the electoral college.

Its all a kind of collective I.Q. test for the Democratic party. I'm betting they fail.

The Dems need to realize that its more important to win moderate Republicans, independents, moderates and moderate Democrats than it is to win the left.
....Almost any of them will win the popular vote..

If you think that most Americans are in favor of giving illegal aliens benefits, infanticide, socialism and transgender perversion then your head is WAAAAAYYYY too far up your stupid ass.

If you think that most Americans consider illegal aliens are the biggest issue America faces you are dead wrong. Wingnuts like you are completely out of touch with the majority of Americans. Most support a national Healthcare system. Most understand that the current Democratic candidates are no more socialist than FDR, Eisenhower or just about every other President since 1932.

Most Americans have a live and let live attitude towards gays. Most Americans understand the Trump and his supporter are nothing but stupid and mean. Trump will not win another 4 years. The only question, if they pay it smart, is whether the Dems can take the Senate or not.
I think you are incorrect....most Americans voted for someone other than Trump..yet here we are. It matters WHICH most Americans and where they live. The rural States are still Red..and while many may hold their nose when voting for Trump..they will vote for him..before almost any Democrat..and the kind of Democrat that might win their votes...would never make it through the Primaries.

Be prepared to have the Electoral College break your hearts again. Don't depend on the recent State laws attempting to circumvent the Electoral College--they are almost certain to be struck down by the Supremes.

While it's possible that Trump could pull off another electoral college win, it all depends on who the Dem candidate is and how they campaign.

Trump won a lot of purple states and a few that Clinton just assumed were blue states. Clinton made MAJOR mistakes in her campaign.

If the Dems are brainless in their choice of candidates (which will most likely be the case), then yes, Trump will win again. But if they're smart (doubtful) they win with a landslide both in the popular vote and the electoral college.

Its all a kind of collective I.Q. test for the Democratic party. I'm betting they fail.

The Dems need to realize that its more important to win moderate Republicans, independents, moderates and moderate Democrats than it is to win the left.
I agree..and it is the Primary system that will sink them. While a lot of Dems realize just what you are saying...the primaries favor the fringes...the strident Progressives have power out of proportion to their place in the party..and everyone seems adamant about paying lip service to brainless ideas that are non-starters with the majority of Americans

In the end, I think they will nominate one of the geriatrics..and neither Biden nor Sanders can win...the younger voters of color will not come out for another aged white dude...while the Trump base is as energized as ever.

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