Who Can Possibly Beat Trump?

I don't think Booker or Kamala are the most political. Trump has been running for a second term since he took office. He has "governed" on for his base and has not been president for the entire country. He is purely political.

Who do you want to win the Dem primary and why?

I believe he's an Idi Amin fan.....

You're stepping out of bounds with your comments Pol Pot.

So you have no answer.

Of course you don't.

But....you may be good for something: we can put a lens is each of your ears.....we'd have a telescope.

You are an extremely stupid little girl. I gave Angus an answer. But you made a completely unnecessary remark and I cannot give you back the response it deserves. You're ugly, dumb and have no class. The best part of you was your afterbirth.

Not quite: I'm the little Asian Ivy League grad who puts you in your place with metronomic regularity.

Your efforts aimed at me are as eggs attacking stones.
The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons

The worst terror sponsor on the planet got nukes in the 1970s.

Sharia would become de rigueur

Once again, we see a "Christian" with a sub 20 IQ posting that W was a "GREAT" American President who "saved us..." and nevermind those numbers things because PoliticalChic never got past 3rd grade math....

Molten steel is 2200 F. Burning jet fuel is 600F. Where did the additional 1600 degrees come from?

The real truth is that you have NONE. Your bogeyman Islamists didn't do 911. Your "heroes" did....

Way to go, Colonel Tim!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ROTF! I bet you really think that the constant repetition of a post i answered 4 pages ago is just too clever! Thank you, really....deep down inside..i bet you know how stupid you are...and this..this is some weird way to still the voices in your mind..the ones that whisper..dumb...dumb....dumb..inadequate....unworthy. Too ugly..too fat...too stupid....bad hair.
More power to you PC...you are now a drinking game..every time you post the same shit..i drink a shot..how fast can you get me drunk?


Simple question....are any of these not the position of your side?


1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the border.....no sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

Yet....all you do is squirm or sidestep.

You're on the batting end of a no-hitter.
***gulp*** ahhhhh..dat's da shit! ***hic***

None of those are the positions of 'my side' My side abhors all politicians..especially party hacks. My side knows that the only reason our nation is on an even keel is the civil service..who keep it all running. My side.....has nothing but contempt for knee-jerk followers who can't think their way out of a paper bag.

now post it again...time to get my drunk on!

Didn't anyone ever love you enough to teach you how to speak like an adult???

The vulgarity of the 3rd grade boy's bathroom belongs there, not here.

You recognize by now that you made a grave and fatal error in trying to defend the Democrat positions, and certainly can't find an equal insanity on the other side.

And that's why you deserve this thrashing.
That counts! ***gulp*** Oh yeah...the taste of Kentucky! BTW...would you please post where i defended any of those positions? Ch right..you can't. No wait..I did advocate rolling back Trump tax cuts....and trying to increase our revenue stream..so i guess you got me there...LOL! I sentence myself to one harsh bong hit. Sentence to be carried out immediately!
Does noting that we have been paying for illegals healthcare count..no---not a position of support..just a statement of fact.


Noting that some of the debilitations are already in effect is beside the point.

I'll assume that this is your white flag.....that what I stated are, in fact, the Democrat positions.

See what I mean about my never being wrong?

And the Liberal PMs not to dispute my posts......they were spot on.

Unless you like being embarrassed.
nope..you're still wrong..and still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted....just a donkey braying out at the world how bright she is..while everyone smiles and looks away.
The pm's said not to engage..because you would do exactly what you are doing....posting the same tired shit..over and over and,,,wait..that's a drink! ***gulp*** Brrrrr!

I do believe that 'tiresome' describes your posts. Inane comes to mind as well.
  • Thanks
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Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy (STATS)
Carissa House-Dunphy
August 11, 2016

Donald Trump has made it a point to blame Obama, and by extension Hillary Clinton, for a slow economic recovery. Despite the fact that our country is no longer losing 800,000 jobs per month as it was when Obama first took the reins from a failed GOP president, the fact that the economy is not recovering more quickly is a favorite talking point of Donald Trump and his supporters.

However, a new study by the Economic Policy Institute shows that it was GOP obstructionism, not any policy failure by the Obama administration, that is responsible for the slowing-down of economic recovery. According to the report, the stall can be directly attributed to:

‘The lackluster pace of recovery on Republican-led budget cuts in 2011 following the row over the US debt ceiling, the unwillingness of local officials to spend money when Republicans in Congress were advocating cuts in spending, and the refusal to expand Medicaid in 19 states.’

Because GOP elected officials obstructed any spending that would aid in the recovery of the economy, they are now able to blame President Obama for the slow growth of economic recovery. Never mind the fact that the country is no longer in an economic freefall after President Obama and a Democratic-led Congress rescued the auto industry, reduced unemployment down to just 5 percent, shrunk the size of the deficit, and increased the GDP.

The fact that our economy has not fully recovered to the levels that Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP think it should doesn’t negate the real successes that President Obama has achieved, nor does it explain how the GOP plan of trickle-down economics, which is exactly how our economy entered a near-historic decline, would suddenly work better this time around, either. Trump’s proposed tax plan, which would include $4 trillion in tax cuts to the wealthiest among us, is simply more of the same failed GOP economic policies.

Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy (STATS)
Simple question....are any of these not the position of your side?


1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the border.....no sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

Yet....all you do is squirm or sidestep.

You're on the batting end of a no-hitter.
***gulp*** ahhhhh..dat's da shit! ***hic***

None of those are the positions of 'my side' My side abhors all politicians..especially party hacks. My side knows that the only reason our nation is on an even keel is the civil service..who keep it all running. My side.....has nothing but contempt for knee-jerk followers who can't think their way out of a paper bag.

now post it again...time to get my drunk on!

Didn't anyone ever love you enough to teach you how to speak like an adult???

The vulgarity of the 3rd grade boy's bathroom belongs there, not here.

You recognize by now that you made a grave and fatal error in trying to defend the Democrat positions, and certainly can't find an equal insanity on the other side.

And that's why you deserve this thrashing.
That counts! ***gulp*** Oh yeah...the taste of Kentucky! BTW...would you please post where i defended any of those positions? Ch right..you can't. No wait..I did advocate rolling back Trump tax cuts....and trying to increase our revenue stream..so i guess you got me there...LOL! I sentence myself to one harsh bong hit. Sentence to be carried out immediately!
Does noting that we have been paying for illegals healthcare count..no---not a position of support..just a statement of fact.


Noting that some of the debilitations are already in effect is beside the point.

I'll assume that this is your white flag.....that what I stated are, in fact, the Democrat positions.

See what I mean about my never being wrong?

And the Liberal PMs not to dispute my posts......they were spot on.

Unless you like being embarrassed.
nope..you're still wrong..and still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted....just a donkey braying out at the world how bright she is..while everyone smiles and looks away.
The pm's said not to engage..because you would do exactly what you are doing....posting the same tired shit..over and over and,,,wait..that's a drink! ***gulp*** Brrrrr!

I do believe that 'tiresome' describes your posts. Inane comes to mind as well.

"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Let's check:

I wrote...."The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

Watch how easily I ram your words back down your lying throat-

As always, I am 100% correct, accurate and truthful...

....and you just proved it.
***gulp*** ahhhhh..dat's da shit! ***hic***

None of those are the positions of 'my side' My side abhors all politicians..especially party hacks. My side knows that the only reason our nation is on an even keel is the civil service..who keep it all running. My side.....has nothing but contempt for knee-jerk followers who can't think their way out of a paper bag.

now post it again...time to get my drunk on!

Didn't anyone ever love you enough to teach you how to speak like an adult???

The vulgarity of the 3rd grade boy's bathroom belongs there, not here.

You recognize by now that you made a grave and fatal error in trying to defend the Democrat positions, and certainly can't find an equal insanity on the other side.

And that's why you deserve this thrashing.
That counts! ***gulp*** Oh yeah...the taste of Kentucky! BTW...would you please post where i defended any of those positions? Ch right..you can't. No wait..I did advocate rolling back Trump tax cuts....and trying to increase our revenue stream..so i guess you got me there...LOL! I sentence myself to one harsh bong hit. Sentence to be carried out immediately!
Does noting that we have been paying for illegals healthcare count..no---not a position of support..just a statement of fact.


Noting that some of the debilitations are already in effect is beside the point.

I'll assume that this is your white flag.....that what I stated are, in fact, the Democrat positions.

See what I mean about my never being wrong?

And the Liberal PMs not to dispute my posts......they were spot on.

Unless you like being embarrassed.
nope..you're still wrong..and still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted....just a donkey braying out at the world how bright she is..while everyone smiles and looks away.
The pm's said not to engage..because you would do exactly what you are doing....posting the same tired shit..over and over and,,,wait..that's a drink! ***gulp*** Brrrrr!

I do believe that 'tiresome' describes your posts. Inane comes to mind as well.

"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Let's check:

Watch how easily I ram your words back down your lying throat-

"The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

Dang..are you really that stupid? hard to believe. We have been paying for illegal's health care for decades--so what exactly would change?

It is like they took the position that water is wet...and you want to contend that they wish to make water wet!

That's all you got? Pitiful. I note..once again..that you never addressed anything in my original rebuttal..6 pages ago....not that that's a surprise..now that I know your style. You do know that I don't care how you view it..that your 'win' or 'loss' is nothing to me, right?

Just your form of mental masturbation, I guess..at least i don't have to check to see where your hands are going...LOL!

A difference that makes no difference..is no difference.
Who do you want to win the Dem primary and why?

I believe he's an Idi Amin fan.....

You're stepping out of bounds with your comments Pol Pot.

So you have no answer.

Of course you don't.

But....you may be good for something: we can put a lens is each of your ears.....we'd have a telescope.

You are an extremely stupid little girl. I gave Angus an answer. But you made a completely unnecessary remark and I cannot give you back the response it deserves. You're ugly, dumb and have no class. The best part of you was your afterbirth.

Not quite: I'm the little Asian Ivy League grad who puts you in your place with metronomic regularity.

Your efforts aimed at me are as eggs attacking stones.

We both graduated from college idiot. All you do is post redundant right wing bullshit while supporting a party where people say this about asians:

Wise up loser.

More Asian-Americans Are Identifying as Democrats, Survey Finds
Donald Trump is a big fat idiot.

anyone except Hillary can beat him!
Hillary did beat him.

If that's true then why is her big fat ass not sitting in the oval office. Get a clue, shitforbrains.

Hillary won the popular vote. That means the majority of Americans voted for her. Trump was not elected by the people and he won on a technicality that has happed on 5 time in the 60 or so elections we have had for president. He is president on a fluke.

So you get a clue and stop pretending Trump is president because of the will of the majority of Americans.
Didn't anyone ever love you enough to teach you how to speak like an adult???

The vulgarity of the 3rd grade boy's bathroom belongs there, not here.

You recognize by now that you made a grave and fatal error in trying to defend the Democrat positions, and certainly can't find an equal insanity on the other side.

And that's why you deserve this thrashing.
That counts! ***gulp*** Oh yeah...the taste of Kentucky! BTW...would you please post where i defended any of those positions? Ch right..you can't. No wait..I did advocate rolling back Trump tax cuts....and trying to increase our revenue stream..so i guess you got me there...LOL! I sentence myself to one harsh bong hit. Sentence to be carried out immediately!
Does noting that we have been paying for illegals healthcare count..no---not a position of support..just a statement of fact.


Noting that some of the debilitations are already in effect is beside the point.

I'll assume that this is your white flag.....that what I stated are, in fact, the Democrat positions.

See what I mean about my never being wrong?

And the Liberal PMs not to dispute my posts......they were spot on.

Unless you like being embarrassed.
nope..you're still wrong..and still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted....just a donkey braying out at the world how bright she is..while everyone smiles and looks away.
The pm's said not to engage..because you would do exactly what you are doing....posting the same tired shit..over and over and,,,wait..that's a drink! ***gulp*** Brrrrr!

I do believe that 'tiresome' describes your posts. Inane comes to mind as well.

"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Let's check:

Watch how easily I ram your words back down your lying throat-

"The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

Dang..are you really that stupid? hard to believe. We have been paying for illegal's health care for decades--so what exactly would change?

It is like they took the position that water is wet...and you want to contend that they wish to make water wet!

That's all you got? Pitiful. I note..once again..that you never addressed anything in my original rebuttal..6 pages ago....not that that's a surprise..now that I know your style. You do know that I don't care how you view it..that your 'win' or 'loss' is nothing to me, right?

Just your form of mental masturbation, I guess..at least i don't have to check to see where your hands are going...LOL!

A difference that makes no difference..is no difference.

Oooo.....look at how hard you try to save face you never had.

I said:
"The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

You said
"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Now everyone can see proof of what a lying low-life you are.

I'm lovin' it!
Every Democratic running right now is the worst Candidate ever in political history. Trump will disembowel whoever runs using their own words against them. America doesn’t stand close to any Democrat running.

Sooooooo..... here’s what’s going to happen. Immediately during or shortly after, the Dem party will say FU to the Dem voters and place ...... (insert drum roll here).... Michael Obummer as the nominee. She’ll totally skip the primary process and be anointed.

Then you’re a racist if you say anything negative about her and the media will fawn over her like a new puppy brought home.

-Weatherman, part-time prophet.
I find it amazing that you think a minority’s and psychotic loon of a president can’t be beaten.

But then again, we’re talking about trumpkins
Molten steel is 2200 F. Burning jet fuel is 600F. Where did the additional 1600 degrees come from?

That's not "molten steel"...it's jet fuel and building materials...the sparks are from shorted out electrics.....FAIL.
Donald Trump is a big fat idiot.

anyone except Hillary can beat him!
Hillary did beat him.

If that's true then why is her big fat ass not sitting in the oval office. Get a clue, shitforbrains.

Hillary won the popular vote. That means the majority of Americans voted for her. Trump was not elected by the people and he won on a technicality that has happed on 5 time in the 60 or so elections we have had for president. He is president on a fluke.

So you get a clue and stop pretending Trump is president because of the will of the majority of Americans.

"That means the majority of Americans voted for her"

No it doesn't, fool.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

oIllegal Immigration Statistics in California - Newsmax.com

This is why Hussein told illegals to go and vote:

"When you vote you're a citizen yourself."

Hillary won the popular vote. That means the majority of Americans voted for her. Trump was not elected by the people and he won on a technicality that has happed on 5 time in the 60 or so elections we have had for president. He is president on a fluke..

Trump won 30 states.....10 more than the old cow....he creamed her in the electoral college...he's President and you're a fool on a message board....see how that works?
Noting that some of the debilitations are already in effect is beside the point.

I'll assume that this is your white flag.....that what I stated are, in fact, the Democrat positions.

See what I mean about my never being wrong?

And the Liberal PMs not to dispute my posts......they were spot on.

Unless you like being embarrassed.
nope..you're still wrong..and still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted....just a donkey braying out at the world how bright she is..while everyone smiles and looks away.
The pm's said not to engage..because you would do exactly what you are doing....posting the same tired shit..over and over and,,,wait..that's a drink! ***gulp*** Brrrrr!

I do believe that 'tiresome' describes your posts. Inane comes to mind as well.

"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Let's check:

Watch how easily I ram your words back down your lying throat-

"The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

Dang..are you really that stupid? hard to believe. We have been paying for illegal's health care for decades--so what exactly would change?

It is like they took the position that water is wet...and you want to contend that they wish to make water wet!

That's all you got? Pitiful. I note..once again..that you never addressed anything in my original rebuttal..6 pages ago....not that that's a surprise..now that I know your style. You do know that I don't care how you view it..that your 'win' or 'loss' is nothing to me, right?

Just your form of mental masturbation, I guess..at least i don't have to check to see where your hands are going...LOL!

A difference that makes no difference..is no difference.

Oooo.....look at how hard you try to save face you never had.

I said:
"The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

You said
"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Now everyone can see proof of what a lying low-life you are.

I'm lovin' it!

***gulp*** uh huh.....damn you are stupid...it almost hurts to read your shit. You think that a 25 second clip validates your entire post? Oh well...if it makes you happy, I guess..but you are a lightweight..and you know it. Cheap rhetorical tricks will never change the facts.

It sure does.

And it proves you a low-life lying Liberal.

Live with it.
Noting that some of the debilitations are already in effect is beside the point.

I'll assume that this is your white flag.....that what I stated are, in fact, the Democrat positions.

See what I mean about my never being wrong?

And the Liberal PMs not to dispute my posts......they were spot on.

Unless you like being embarrassed.
nope..you're still wrong..and still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted....just a donkey braying out at the world how bright she is..while everyone smiles and looks away.
The pm's said not to engage..because you would do exactly what you are doing....posting the same tired shit..over and over and,,,wait..that's a drink! ***gulp*** Brrrrr!

I do believe that 'tiresome' describes your posts. Inane comes to mind as well.

"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Let's check:

Watch how easily I ram your words back down your lying throat-

"The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

Dang..are you really that stupid? hard to believe. We have been paying for illegal's health care for decades--so what exactly would change?

It is like they took the position that water is wet...and you want to contend that they wish to make water wet!

That's all you got? Pitiful. I note..once again..that you never addressed anything in my original rebuttal..6 pages ago....not that that's a surprise..now that I know your style. You do know that I don't care how you view it..that your 'win' or 'loss' is nothing to me, right?

Just your form of mental masturbation, I guess..at least i don't have to check to see where your hands are going...LOL!

A difference that makes no difference..is no difference.

Oooo.....look at how hard you try to save face you never had.

I said:
"The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

You said
"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Now everyone can see proof of what a lying low-life you are.

I'm lovin' it!

***gulp*** uh huh.....damn you are stupid...it almost hurts to read your shit. You think that a 25 second clip validates your entire post? Oh well...if it makes you happy, I guess..but you are a lightweight..and you know it. Cheap rhetorical tricks will never change the facts.

There's no way you can dig your way out of the hole you buried yourself in.

I'm lovin' it.

I said:
"The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

You said
"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Now everyone can see proof of what a lying low-life you are.

I'm lovin' it!
Noting that some of the debilitations are already in effect is beside the point.

I'll assume that this is your white flag.....that what I stated are, in fact, the Democrat positions.

See what I mean about my never being wrong?

And the Liberal PMs not to dispute my posts......they were spot on.

Unless you like being embarrassed.
nope..you're still wrong..and still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted....just a donkey braying out at the world how bright she is..while everyone smiles and looks away.
The pm's said not to engage..because you would do exactly what you are doing....posting the same tired shit..over and over and,,,wait..that's a drink! ***gulp*** Brrrrr!

I do believe that 'tiresome' describes your posts. Inane comes to mind as well.

"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Let's check:

Watch how easily I ram your words back down your lying throat-

"The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

Dang..are you really that stupid? hard to believe. We have been paying for illegal's health care for decades--so what exactly would change?

It is like they took the position that water is wet...and you want to contend that they wish to make water wet!

That's all you got? Pitiful. I note..once again..that you never addressed anything in my original rebuttal..6 pages ago....not that that's a surprise..now that I know your style. You do know that I don't care how you view it..that your 'win' or 'loss' is nothing to me, right?

Just your form of mental masturbation, I guess..at least i don't have to check to see where your hands are going...LOL!

A difference that makes no difference..is no difference.

Oooo.....look at how hard you try to save face you never had.

I said:
"The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

You said
"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Now everyone can see proof of what a lying low-life you are.

I'm lovin' it!

What I said..was correct when I said it...you had posted nothing that backed up your claim....now you have, hurrah, I guess....now how about the rest of your contentions..got some clips for them as well?

You are too quick to be lovin' anything...I did not lie..at the time..I told the truth and forced you to back your shit up. My win..not yours. I never disputed the contention..just the relevance..as we HAVE been paying for illegal healthcare for decades. In fact, that's always been a Republican talking point.

I said:
"The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare,"

You said
"...still have posted nothing by any Democratic Candidate that backs up anything you have posted."

Now everyone can see proof of what a lying low-life you are.

I'm lovin' it!


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