Who cost Hillary the election???

People still believe in hope and change….

Maybe, but they don't believe the democrats will deliver it
Trump’s telling of how rotten the nation is will not change that.

The orange version of hope & change is called making murica great again, same principle, only for the other side


Really? “You think we’re so innocent”….doesn’t exactly sound like chamber of commerce material. Having a whore monger in the oval office sets what sort of example for the youth? Having a wife who wears graffiti on her jacket with no context or even comment about it…. Anyone else would be referred to a psychiatrist. And of course when she did wear the infamous garment, she was checking on Trump’s latest creation; legalized kidnapping.
I agree we need election reform.

Well, I've been going on about Proportional Representation for years.

Republicans don't like it because they know they'll lose their unfair advantage, and Democrats don't like it because... no idea.

Both sides don't want change because they haven't been told to want it.

Can you give me a paragraph describing it?

Proportional Representation is that everyone votes. All the votes get counted. Then the seats are handed out based on those votes.

Germany has a 5% level to reach before you get a single seat.

Germany also has a duel system that I like where they have FPTP and then PR on top of this.

Basically Germany has 6 political parties in power, instead of two.

German federal election, 2017 - Wikipedia

In the FPTP voting the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the vote and 77% of the seats.

The FDP gained 7% of the votes and zero seats.

In PR the CDU/CSU gained 33% of the votes and 34.7% of the seats.

The FDP gained 10.7% of the votes and 11.28% of the seats.

With PR, 8% of the public changed their vote. With FPTP they voted larger parties, with PR they voted smaller parties.

FPTP is negative voting, people will often vote to stop someone else getting in.

PR is positive voting, you vote for who you want to represent you.

So, the FDP had 10.7% of the voters wanting to vote for them, but with FPTP these people would have been left without representation, simply because the system says so.

Are there candidates?

You'll have individual candidates for constituencies like the US for FPTP (The US has FPTP) and then you have lists for PR.

The lists aren't ideal, but it's better than just FPTP on its own.

I may look into it later on. Sounds strange.
People still believe in hope and change….

Maybe, but they don't believe the democrats will deliver it
Trump’s telling of how rotten the nation is will not change that.

The orange version of hope & change is called making murica great again, same principle, only for the other side


Really? “You think we’re so innocent”….doesn’t exactly sound like chamber of commerce material. Having a whore monger in the oval office sets what sort of example for the youth? Having a wife who wears graffiti on her jacket with no context or even comment about it…. Anyone else would be referred to a psychiatrist. And of course when she did wear the infamous garment, she was checking on Trump’s latest creation; legalized kidnapping.
Bill Clinton was a serial sexual predator in the White House and Democrats didn't seem to mind. Why now? Oh, that's right, he's not a democrat......
People still believe in hope and change….

Maybe, but they don't believe the democrats will deliver it
Trump’s telling of how rotten the nation is will not change that.

The orange version of hope & change is called making murica great again, same principle, only for the other side


Really? “You think we’re so innocent”….doesn’t exactly sound like chamber of commerce material. Having a whore monger in the oval office sets what sort of example for the youth? Having a wife who wears graffiti on her jacket with no context or even comment about it…. Anyone else would be referred to a psychiatrist. And of course when she did wear the infamous garment, she was checking on Trump’s latest creation; legalized kidnapping.
Bill Clinton was a serial sexual predator in the White House and Democrats didn't seem to mind. Why now? Oh, that's right, he's not a democrat......

Gee, perhaps draw an example from this century…
Why is all of this so hard for liberals to understand?

This isn't something you can 'understand', it's an emotional thingy. They have been brainwashed for years that it was her turn, the hope and change messiah told them it was inevitable that the most qualified princess in history would get selected.... did you know she's a woman?... and that there's a very special place in hell for people who don't vote for Hillary.... and her opponent was a ridiculous, deplorable, orange twitter addict who promised to make murica great again... as if Saint Obama didn't already do that.....Hillary's coronation was simply a formality....

You really can't expect them to admit that Hillary sucked so much that she managed to lose from someone like Trump so it must be someone else's fault.... look over there, Russians...

People still believe in hope and change….

Maybe, but they don't believe the democrats will deliver it
Trump’s telling of how rotten the nation is will not change that.

The orange version of hope & change is called making murica great again, same principle, only for the other side


Really? “You think we’re so innocent”….doesn’t exactly sound like chamber of commerce material. Having a whore monger in the oval office sets what sort of example for the youth? Having a wife who wears graffiti on her jacket with no context or even comment about it…. Anyone else would be referred to a psychiatrist. And of course when she did wear the infamous garment, she was checking on Trump’s latest creation; legalized kidnapping.
Bill Clinton was a serial sexual predator in the White House and Democrats didn't seem to mind. Why now? Oh, that's right, he's not a democrat......

Gee, perhaps draw an example from this century…
Typical democrat. This is why you guys are losing ground in every election. You ignore your own deplorable behavior.
Hillary lost because she was in essence the worst candidate in modern history.
She has been involved in more scandals then anyone.
She has the worst memory when questioned.
She did not campaign in a number of states.
Her stand on the second amendment lost her a number of voters.
Her basket of deplorables lost her a number of voters.
She has lied about simple things that made no difference and some that were very telling. " I landed under sniper fire" " Bengazi started from a YouTube video"
She publicly stated one belief and in paid speeches espoused another.
When tasked by her husband to work on healthcare she managed to run up millions and had nothing to show for it.
As a senator she made millions and had very little to show for it.
Under Obama she had frequent flier miles and not much to show for it.
She ran more ads critical of Trump then she ran talking about any positive positions she had.
When her illegal server and the destruction of her emails came out it was just one more scandal that she skated on.
People still believe in hope and change….

Maybe, but they don't believe the democrats will deliver it
Trump’s telling of how rotten the nation is will not change that.

The orange version of hope & change is called making murica great again, same principle, only for the other side


Really? “You think we’re so innocent”….doesn’t exactly sound like chamber of commerce material. Having a whore monger in the oval office sets what sort of example for the youth? Having a wife who wears graffiti on her jacket with no context or even comment about it…. Anyone else would be referred to a psychiatrist. And of course when she did wear the infamous garment, she was checking on Trump’s latest creation; legalized kidnapping.
Bill Clinton was a serial sexual predator in the White House and Democrats didn't seem to mind. Why now? Oh, that's right, he's not a democrat......

Gee, perhaps draw an example from this century…
Typical democrat. This is why you guys are losing ground in every election. You ignore your own deplorable behavior.

8 million of us bernie supporters cost her the election. Many of us voted for trump. Reasons:

Private server (feeling she is above the law)
Cheating bernie at the delegate level
The corrupt Clinton foundation

The Russians had nothing to do with that.
Hillary is a low life. She stayed with a serial sexual predator to keep her near political power and influence. She isn't a "strong" woman. She's a nasty political hack.
Hillary is a low life. She stayed with a serial sexual predator to keep her near political power and influence. She isn't a "strong" woman. She's a nasty political hack.
And Melania staying with Trump? What does that make her?
Really? “You think we’re so innocent”….doesn’t exactly sound like chamber of commerce material. Having a whore monger in the oval office sets what sort of example for the youth? Having a wife who wears graffiti on her jacket with no context or even comment about it…. Anyone else would be referred to a psychiatrist. And of course when she did wear the infamous garment, she was checking on Trump’s latest creation; legalized kidnapping.

I'm convinced we (the entire planet) officially entered the Twilight Zone two years ago so complaining about the insanity of the orange regime is a waste of time... normal rules and customs just don't apply anymore... better to get used to it and enjoy the show....

Hillary is a low life. She stayed with a serial sexual predator to keep her near political power and influence. She isn't a "strong" woman. She's a nasty political hack.
And Melania staying with Trump? What does that make her?
First Lady. Melania isn't positioning herself to run for office and has never tried to involve herself into a political career like Hillary did.
Really? “You think we’re so innocent”….doesn’t exactly sound like chamber of commerce material. Having a whore monger in the oval office sets what sort of example for the youth? Having a wife who wears graffiti on her jacket with no context or even comment about it…. Anyone else would be referred to a psychiatrist. And of course when she did wear the infamous garment, she was checking on Trump’s latest creation; legalized kidnapping.

I'm convinced we (the entire planet) officially entered the Twilight Zone two years ago so complaining about the insanity of the orange regime is a waste of time... normal rules and customs just don't apply anymore... better to get used to it and enjoy the show....

And throw away everything we ever believed in as right vs wrong? Everything, every value we were ever taught from birth by our parents of what is good vs evil??

I find that, a very hard task to do.... and I don't think it is good for America, to sit back and watch "the show" of the destruction of truth....


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