Who cost Hillary the election???

Really? “You think we’re so innocent”….doesn’t exactly sound like chamber of commerce material. Having a whore monger in the oval office sets what sort of example for the youth? Having a wife who wears graffiti on her jacket with no context or even comment about it…. Anyone else would be referred to a psychiatrist. And of course when she did wear the infamous garment, she was checking on Trump’s latest creation; legalized kidnapping.

I'm convinced we (the entire planet) officially entered the Twilight Zone two years ago so complaining about the insanity of the orange regime is a waste of time... normal rules and customs just don't apply anymore... better to get used to it and enjoy the show....

And throw away everything we ever believed in as right vs wrong? Everything, every value we were ever taught from birth by our parents of what is good vs evil??

I find that, a very hard task to do.... and I don't think it is good for America, to sit back and watch "the show" of the destruction of truth....

Was it right for Hillary to cheat in the Primaries?
Really? “You think we’re so innocent”….doesn’t exactly sound like chamber of commerce material. Having a whore monger in the oval office sets what sort of example for the youth? Having a wife who wears graffiti on her jacket with no context or even comment about it…. Anyone else would be referred to a psychiatrist. And of course when she did wear the infamous garment, she was checking on Trump’s latest creation; legalized kidnapping.

I'm convinced we (the entire planet) officially entered the Twilight Zone two years ago so complaining about the insanity of the orange regime is a waste of time... normal rules and customs just don't apply anymore... better to get used to it and enjoy the show....

And throw away everything we ever believed in as right vs wrong? Everything, every value we were ever taught from birth by our parents of what is good vs evil??

I find that, a very hard task to do.... and I don't think it is good for America, to sit back and watch "the show" of the destruction of truth....


Yeah, Bill Clinton had no trouble doing that years ago.
And throw away everything we ever believed in as right vs wrong? Everything, every value we were ever taught from birth by our parents of what is good vs evil??

I find that, a very hard task to do.... and I don't think it is good for America, to sit back and watch "the show" of the destruction of truth....


I found it pretty hard to adjust too but plenty of alcohol and medicinal herbs help to ease the problem...

But I think you're still in the denial phase, first you have to accept that this really is the Twilight Zone...

Let me give you an example, remember Stormy? Yesterday (or friday) she was arrested in a strip club for accepting money from a customer... and now her lawyer claims she being persecuted by the orange regime... and it's being reported as a normal story... just business as usual... nobody really cares...

Think about it, the president of the US is being accused by a porn star (who got paid $100,000 by that same president to keep quiet) of political persecution..... and she's probably right about that... you think that's normal?

If you do then maybe it's just me who slipped into the Twilight Zone, that's even more scarier.....

And throw away everything we ever believed in as right vs wrong? Everything, every value we were ever taught from birth by our parents of what is good vs evil??

I find that, a very hard task to do.... and I don't think it is good for America, to sit back and watch "the show" of the destruction of truth....


I found it pretty hard to adjust too but plenty of alcohol and medicinal herbs help to ease the problem...

But I think you're still in the denial phase, first you have to accept that this really is the Twilight Zone...

Let me give you an example, remember Stormy? Yesterday (or friday) she was arrested in a strip club for accepting money from a customer... and now her lawyer claims she being persecuted by the orange regime... and it's being reported as a normal story... just business as usual... nobody really cares...

Think about it, the president of the US is being accused by a porn star (who got paid $100,000 by that same president to keep quiet) of political persecution..... and she's probably right about that... you think that's normal?

If you do then maybe it's just me who slipped into the Twilight Zone, that's even more scarier.....

Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones over $800,000 to shut up. What's your point?
Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were all tight races and all could have swung either way, instead of campaigning heavily in those states Clinton opted to campaign heavy in Iowa and other states she was polling far worse in.

Obama to his credit campaigned in states and targeted down to counties on where to put his efforts in states and did it well.

Russia had no effect. Those that voted for Trump hated being ignored and felt Hillary was more of the same, they rolled the dice and voted in an unknown as opposed to Clinton who would like the previous presidents ignored them. Funny Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan probably would have voted for Clinton had she not ignored them.
Really? “You think we’re so innocent”….doesn’t exactly sound like chamber of commerce material. Having a whore monger in the oval office sets what sort of example for the youth? Having a wife who wears graffiti on her jacket with no context or even comment about it…. Anyone else would be referred to a psychiatrist. And of course when she did wear the infamous garment, she was checking on Trump’s latest creation; legalized kidnapping.

I'm convinced we (the entire planet) officially entered the Twilight Zone two years ago so complaining about the insanity of the orange regime is a waste of time... normal rules and customs just don't apply anymore... better to get used to it and enjoy the show....

And throw away everything we ever believed in as right vs wrong? Everything, every value we were ever taught from birth by our parents of what is good vs evil??

I find that, a very hard task to do.... and I don't think it is good for America, to sit back and watch "the show" of the destruction of truth....


Yeah, Bill Clinton had no trouble doing that years ago.
(I was not a voting citizen at the time, nor really paid attention to politics back then, my career was all I focused on and cared about)

So because of Bill,
10 folding it now, makes it all A-OK, or acceptable???
You democrats still don't get it. When you chose to defend President Bill Clinton, you forfeited your moral authority.
Well, I've been going on about Proportional Representation for years.

Republicans don't like it because they know they'll lose their unfair advantage, and Democrats don't like it because... no idea.

Both sides don't want change because they haven't been told to want it.

Can you give me a paragraph describing it?

Proportional Representation is that everyone votes. All the votes get counted. Then the seats are handed out based on those votes.

Germany has a 5% level to reach before you get a single seat.

Germany also has a duel system that I like where they have FPTP and then PR on top of this.

Basically Germany has 6 political parties in power, instead of two.

German federal election, 2017 - Wikipedia

In the FPTP voting the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the vote and 77% of the seats.

The FDP gained 7% of the votes and zero seats.

In PR the CDU/CSU gained 33% of the votes and 34.7% of the seats.

The FDP gained 10.7% of the votes and 11.28% of the seats.

With PR, 8% of the public changed their vote. With FPTP they voted larger parties, with PR they voted smaller parties.

FPTP is negative voting, people will often vote to stop someone else getting in.

PR is positive voting, you vote for who you want to represent you.

So, the FDP had 10.7% of the voters wanting to vote for them, but with FPTP these people would have been left without representation, simply because the system says so.

Are there candidates?

You'll have individual candidates for constituencies like the US for FPTP (The US has FPTP) and then you have lists for PR.

The lists aren't ideal, but it's better than just FPTP on its own.

I may look into it later on. Sounds strange.

Sounds normal.

Everyone has a vote, and everyone's vote is equal, and everyone gets a representative (although there's a cut off point where some don't).

I worked it out, it's about 97% of people get represented by the people they want to represent them. In the US it's much, much lower.
And throw away everything we ever believed in as right vs wrong? Everything, every value we were ever taught from birth by our parents of what is good vs evil??

I find that, a very hard task to do.... and I don't think it is good for America, to sit back and watch "the show" of the destruction of truth....


I found it pretty hard to adjust too but plenty of alcohol and medicinal herbs help to ease the problem...

But I think you're still in the denial phase, first you have to accept that this really is the Twilight Zone...

Let me give you an example, remember Stormy? Yesterday (or friday) she was arrested in a strip club for accepting money from a customer... and now her lawyer claims she being persecuted by the orange regime... and it's being reported as a normal story... just business as usual... nobody really cares...

Think about it, the president of the US is being accused by a porn star (who got paid $100,000 by that same president to keep quiet) of political persecution..... and she's probably right about that... you think that's normal?

If you do then maybe it's just me who slipped into the Twilight Zone, that's even more scarier.....

Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones over $800,000 to shut up. What's your point?
NOPE! it wasnt him that paid it! HIS legal Defense fund :D did settle out of court so she would not appeal the Judge's decision that ruled against her suit.
Really? “You think we’re so innocent”….doesn’t exactly sound like chamber of commerce material. Having a whore monger in the oval office sets what sort of example for the youth? Having a wife who wears graffiti on her jacket with no context or even comment about it…. Anyone else would be referred to a psychiatrist. And of course when she did wear the infamous garment, she was checking on Trump’s latest creation; legalized kidnapping.

I'm convinced we (the entire planet) officially entered the Twilight Zone two years ago so complaining about the insanity of the orange regime is a waste of time... normal rules and customs just don't apply anymore... better to get used to it and enjoy the show....

And throw away everything we ever believed in as right vs wrong? Everything, every value we were ever taught from birth by our parents of what is good vs evil??

I find that, a very hard task to do.... and I don't think it is good for America, to sit back and watch "the show" of the destruction of truth....


Yeah, Bill Clinton had no trouble doing that years ago.
(I was not a voting citizen at the time, nor really paid attention to politics back then, my career was all I focused on and cared about)

So because of Bill,
10 folding it now, makes it all A-OK, or acceptable???

10 folding it now....LOL. Good ole Bill basically redefined what sex is and isn't....how does anyone even come close to that. You may have been ignorant 10 years ago, no reason to continue.
And throw away everything we ever believed in as right vs wrong? Everything, every value we were ever taught from birth by our parents of what is good vs evil??

I find that, a very hard task to do.... and I don't think it is good for America, to sit back and watch "the show" of the destruction of truth....


I found it pretty hard to adjust too but plenty of alcohol and medicinal herbs help to ease the problem...

But I think you're still in the denial phase, first you have to accept that this really is the Twilight Zone...

Let me give you an example, remember Stormy? Yesterday (or friday) she was arrested in a strip club for accepting money from a customer... and now her lawyer claims she being persecuted by the orange regime... and it's being reported as a normal story... just business as usual... nobody really cares...

Think about it, the president of the US is being accused by a porn star (who got paid $100,000 by that same president to keep quiet) of political persecution..... and she's probably right about that... you think that's normal?

If you do then maybe it's just me who slipped into the Twilight Zone, that's even more scarier.....

Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones over $800,000 to shut up. What's your point?
NOPE! it wasnt him that paid it! HIS legal Defense fund :D did settle out of court so she would not appeal the Judge's decision that ruled against her suit.
Cool, that makes it okay. Again, this is why democrats keep losing ground. Double standards.
It's amazing that she was running for the highest leadership post in the nation and blames it on anything but herself. Couldn't come out to thank her supporters on election night. Been running around since making excuses. These are not the qualities of a leader.

Couldn't even run a decent campaign after going through several with her husband and one prior bid herself, but she was "the most qualified candidate in history" that couldn't get buy in from enough people to beat Trump. Lol. Ridiculous.

She's to blame. She thought she had it in the bag and mailed it in. People disliked her and saw her as dishonest. The rest is deflection and BS.
You democrats still don't get it. When you chose to defend President Bill Clinton, you forfeited your moral authority.
and what does that have to do with your own lack of morality or so called 'moral authority'?
My morality isn't the topic. I didn't vote for a Pastor. I didn't vote for a Boy Scout Troop leader. I voted for a businessman to clean up our corrupt government, and he's doing a very good job.
Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones over $800,000 to shut up. What's your point?

My point is that we really are in the Twilight Zone

Bill and Monica, the cigars and the blue dress were already insane but I'm pretty sure that was still the real world

This really happened too.... but everyone seems to think it's completely normal.....

Maybe it's really just me that entered the Twilight Zone...


Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones over $800,000 to shut up. What's your point?

My point is that we really are in the Twilight Zone

Bill and Monica, the cigars and the blue dress were already insane but I'm pretty sure that was still the real world

This really happened too.... but everyone seems to think it's completely normal.....

Maybe it's really just me that entered the Twilight Zone...


Trump is having fun tweaking the naïve kids on the left. You know how someone will keep doing something when they find out it really irks you?
It's amazing that she was running for the highest leadership post in the nation and blames it on anything but herself. Couldn't come out to thank her supporters on election night. Been running around since making excuses. These are not the qualities of a leader.

Couldn't even run a decent campaign after going through several with her husband and one prior bid herself, but she was "the most qualified candidate in history" that couldn't get buy in from enough people to beat Trump. Lol. Ridiculous.

She's to blame. She thought she had it in the bag and mailed it in. People disliked her and saw her as dishonest. The rest is deflection and BS.

People dislike Trump and know he's dishonest.

A system whereby the people don't have a real choice, they get to choose between two fuckheads who won't represent them, isn't a choice at all.

It's not Democracy.
It's amazing that she was running for the highest leadership post in the nation and blames it on anything but herself. Couldn't come out to thank her supporters on election night. Been running around since making excuses. These are not the qualities of a leader.

Couldn't even run a decent campaign after going through several with her husband and one prior bid herself, but she was "the most qualified candidate in history" that couldn't get buy in from enough people to beat Trump. Lol. Ridiculous.

She's to blame. She thought she had it in the bag and mailed it in. People disliked her and saw her as dishonest. The rest is deflection and BS.

People dislike Trump and know he's dishonest.

A system whereby the people don't have a real choice, they get to choose between two fuckheads who won't represent them, isn't a choice at all.

It's not Democracy.

So Hillary lost because Trump is dishonest? Is that your answer?
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)
Hillary cost hillary the election, and all those people like me that voted against her.

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