Who COULD the Repubs put up to go Against Hillary?

They have Jeb & they will run him .

I don't think so Jeb is too toxic and will bring back memories of his brother. The repubs always nominate the person who's "turn" it is. I'm thinking maybe they'll run ol Newt again lol
Hillary isn't alone ya' know, there are plenty of Bought and Paid for Politicians on the Right as well.

Besides, The System will run whomever they want.
Oh. I'm sure the GOP will come up with someone.

As for Hillary?? I doubt the old bag will even want to run.

2008 was her year and she got thrown under the bus for the half black asshole.
Possible GOP candidates

Jeb Bush: Has the stink of Bush
Rand Paul: Libertarian nutjob can't win the general election
Chris Christie: Could win general election, can't win primary
Ted Cruz: Just not a likeable person
Marco Rubio: Likeable, can appeal to moderates, will Republicans buy immigration reform?
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Possible GOP candidates

Jeb Bush: Has the stink of Bush
Rand Paul: Libertarian nutjob can't win the general election
Chris Christie: Could win general election, can't win primary
Ted Cruz: Just not a likeable person
Marco Rubio: Likeable, can appeal to moderates, will Republicans buy immigration reform?

Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, and Marco Rubio will crush what ever no-name the Dems can run after the disaster that has been Obama (Benghazi scandal, Fast & Furious scandal, IRS scandal, AP scandal, Obamacare, $20 trillion in debt {by the time he is done}).

Hillary is NOT going to run. She's too old, her health is failing (did you see those wicked-ass wavy coke-bottle glasses she's sporting these days?), and she's been made the incompetent scape goat of Benghazi.
Seriously are there any early contenders?

Does it matter? Hillary is NOT getting the nod in 2016 (she's not even going to run). And if she did, the GOP could roll out Mickey Mouse and would win in a landslide...

Thats what you said in 2012 and Mickey Mouse was sent packing

That's true - but I forgot to account for the voter fraud that has twice sent Obama to the White House. It's an issue that is slowly being corrected. I don't think there will be enough voter fraud wiggle-room in 2016 get the no-name Dems into the White House.
Paul Ryan, while he would perform admirably in office, does not have what it takes to run. He should have wiped the floor with Joe Biden but he showed the man way too much respect. Respect he didn't deserve. Christie is still fat and democrats will use that against him. Rubio has tainted himself with immigration reform and needs for that stink to blow off.

That leaves Rand Paul, who is the most likely, at this point, to run. Someone else might come forward in the coming two years, but at this point, it's Stand With Rand.
Does it matter? Hillary is NOT getting the nod in 2016 (she's not even going to run). And if she did, the GOP could roll out Mickey Mouse and would win in a landslide...

Thats what you said in 2012 and Mickey Mouse was sent packing

That's true - but I forgot to account for the voter fraud that has twice sent Obama to the White House. It's an issue that is slowly being corrected. I don't think there will be enough voter fraud wiggle-room in 2016 get the no-name Dems into the White House.

As the rightwing echo chamber chimes in....

America loves us
Seriously are there any early contenders?

and why you want to know? so your search engines could go into overtime to find dirty laundry to throw them under the buss.? How about a topic on what is Obama going to do to lead the country in the next 3 years? have any ideas?
Paul Ryan, while he would perform admirably in office, does not have what it takes to run. He should have wiped the floor with Joe Biden but he showed the man way too much respect. Respect he didn't deserve. Christie is still fat and democrats will use that against him. Rubio has tainted himself with immigration reform and needs for that stink to blow off.

That leaves Rand Paul, who is the most likely, at this point, to run. Someone else might come forward in the coming two years, but at this point, it's Stand With Rand.

Hey, I'm 100% behind Rand Paul (he's not a quack like his dad). He would be one of the 3 greatest presidents of all time. He would respect the Constitution. Correct the economy. And free the American people from the libtard oppressive tyranny....

But I disagree with you on Paul Ryan. You don't have to be a libtard fuck'n asshole to win office. He did wipe the floor with Biden. He humiliated him with facts. You don't have to be a dick to win a debate (sure, it gets more press, but it also creates more enemies). I think we'll see Ryan in the White House someday. I just hope we get 8 years of Rand Paul next to undo the nation-collapsing mess that was Barack Hussein....
Paul Ryan, while he would perform admirably in office, does not have what it takes to run. He should have wiped the floor with Joe Biden but he showed the man way too much respect. Respect he didn't deserve. Christie is still fat and democrats will use that against him. Rubio has tainted himself with immigration reform and needs for that stink to blow off.

That leaves Rand Paul, who is the most likely, at this point, to run. Someone else might come forward in the coming two years, but at this point, it's Stand With Rand.

Rand Paul is unelectable in a general election....just like his daddy

Christie had gastric surgery and will be down at least 100 lbs come 2016. Christie can do something other Republicans can't.....win swing states

Paul Ryan showed what he's got in 2012...it did not impress

Rubio can show himself as a conciliator and could be effective in 2016 if Republicans still do not hate Hispanics

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