Who Did Trump Intend to Defraud when he Allegedly Falsified Business Records?

Obviously paying hush money is only a "business record" because he is a celebrity who needs to keep up his public image.
So this has nothing to do with Trump Tower, and it was wrong to call anyone who worked there.

Clearly the goal of the election campaign was to gain the half million salary, so then publicity toward that goal is a perfectly legal business expanse.
You do not have to itemize the exact native of any expenditure, as long as it is put in the correct column. And it was. The hush money is an obviously appropriate expenditure for this political business venture.

Clearly Trump should fire his legal team and hire you.

You're so out of your league here, it's simply incredible.
Prosecution is violating the law by illegally trying to defame Trump and infringe on the election rights of the entire country.
Prosecution has to know there is no legal authority that could make hush money illegal in any way, (except to demand it).
Go back to the Twilight Zone. We here deal with reality.
The New York law Trump is on trial for violating:

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Well? Who did Trump specifically intend to deceive and deprive when he allegedly called money he paid his lawyer "legal fees?" Who was the "another?"
The state of NY.
By falsely claiming the payment as legal fees he was committing tax fraud.

Yu know, the same thing that put Capone away.
That's what I have asked every lib here and still haven't got an answer... all they say is read the indictment... as if they have....
The state of New York.
By claiming the payments were legal expenses he committed tax fraud.

The same thing that put Capone away.
The voters would never have seen those records if New York had not belatedly started digging through them. No way Trump intended for the voters to see those records and be deprived of a right for his own gain.
So you're saying Trump tried to hid evidence of his tax fraud but got caught?

That's the way it goes.
It, not the fluckin, it's the coverup.
It is a story they suppressed. It is the same thing they are going after Trump for. When is Biden's trial?
Biden paid a hooker $135K to cover up his not having sex with her?

Interesting story there.
In order for Trump to be guilty of falsification of a record under New York law, as a felony or a misdemeanor, he had to have the intent to defraud someone.

Who, and how would records no one would see defraud them?
The State of New York.
Tax fraud.
See Al Capone another famous criminal for reference.
The state of New York.
By claiming the payments were legal expenses he committed tax fraud.

The same thing that put Capone away.
No saying they were a legal fee is accurate... if he lied and said it was for something else then he would have a problem but not so bad he would be hauled into court... or if he used campaign cash like Hillary did to purchase the dossier that would be illegal which her campaign was fined over....
There is no crime here... four weeks and not one illegal act has been exposed....
The testimony and documents chase support the Prosecution and damns the Donald.

Not at all, in any way.
It is not illegal to pay hush money.
It is not illegal to reimburse Cohen for paying the hush money.
It is not illegal for the Trump Inc to pay it.
It is not illegal for it to be written off on taxes.

In fact, there is absolutely nothing about PAYING hush money that ever COULD remotely be illegal.
The only thing illegal about hush money is asking for it or violating privacy by publicizing it.
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If we just keep digging maybe we can find something illegal....
No saying they were a legal fee is accurate... if he lied and said it was for something else then he would have a problem but not so bad he would be hauled into court... or if he used campaign cash like Hillary did to purchase the dossier that would be illegal which her campaign was fined over....
There is no crime here... four weeks and not one illegal act has been exposed....
Paper trail.
Says you're full of crap.

One crystal-clear observation: Donald J. Trump cares only about himself and will cheat, steal, and lie himself into success, then burn the bridges if things do not go his way.

"Women are gonna hate me," Trump allegedly said of a potential story of a sexual encounter with porn star Stormy Daniels. "Guys may think it's cool, but this is going to be a disaster for the campaign," Trump added, according to Cohen.

Cohen has testified that he helped arrange hush money payments in 2016 to Playboy model Karen McDougal and a Trump Tower doorman to keep those stories out of the press ahead of the 2016 election.
Sorry, but no it has not been "explained".
The law is clear, that paying hush money is legal, but demanding it is not.
Same with the loan application. The applicant is not liable for a valuation, but the bank is required by law to hire an independent appraiser.
Same with classified docs. Presidents are not only exempt specifically, but also are authorized to give permanent copies to anyone they want, including themselves.
Same with fake electors, which can not exist. Electors act in a public session of the state legislature, so can't be fake or act contrary to the election results everyone already knows.

Quote her demanding it...
Yes. Trump's "involvement" was limited to approving the NDA, and signing the checks. Neither of which are crimes.

There was never an expectation that it would come out of Cohen's own pocket. That was Cohen's own fucked-up idea.

Cohen pled to the charge to avoid a 30+ year prison sentence.

Cohen would never have pleaded guilty to that if anything you were saying is true, which it's not. Cohen was a lawyer. If he hadn't actually violated campaign finance laws, he would have informed prosecutors why that charge was bogus and worked out a plea deal on the remaining charges.

Remember, he knows more than you about what transpired. Infinitely more.
That law clearly does not apply and was not violated.
Fraud is when you harm someone by taking their money through misrepresentation.
Trump did not take anyone's money, but instead was forced by extortion to give his own money to someone who did not earn or deserve it.

More bullshit. Doing it for personal gain is still fraud.

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