Who do you side with? (fun quiz)

Thanks for posting this... here are my results.

I side with Mitt Romney on most issues in the 2012 Presidential Election.

Parties you side with...

85% Republican

75% Libertarian

24% Green

21% Democrat

Mitt Romney Republican 88%

on economic, domestic policy, environmental, science, healthcare, and immigration issues
Gary Johnson Libertarian 76%

on economic, healthcare, environmental, domestic policy, and immigration issues
Virgil Goode Constitution 73%

on economic, healthcare, environmental, and immigration issues
Barack Obama Democrat 54%

on science and domestic policy issues
I side with Mitt Romney on most issues in the 2012 Presidential Election.
Mitt Romney Republican 93%
on economic, foreign policy, domestic policy, healthcare, environmental, social, immigration, and science issues
Gary Johnson Libertarian 81%

on economic, healthcare, immigration, and environmental issues

Virgil Goode Constitution 80%
on economic, domestic policy, healthcare, environmental, and social issues

Barack Obama Democrat 60%

on social, environmental, and immigration issues
Jill Stein Green
on economic, domestic policy, social, science, environmental, foreign policy, and immigration issues

Barack Obama Democrat
on environmental, immigration, social, economic, and science issues

Gary Johnson Libertarian
on social, immigration, domestic policy, and environmental issues

Mitt Romney Republican
no major issues :cool:

Sorry Jill, still gonna vote for Barack.
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Jill Stein. I have done this one before and I got around 95% for her.
It was fun. :D


Ohio Voters
on environmental, social, immigration, and science issues.


American Voters
on environmental, social, immigration, and science issues.

Parties you side with...

97% Democrat
93% Green
51% Libertarian
7% Republican
You know the philospphical difference that this nation is torn asunder by?

Here's a hint...it is NOT really about race, religion or ethnic culture, either.

It's about CLASS, kiddies.

It's ALWAYS been and always will be about class.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbddqXib814"]Billy Bragg - Which Side Are You On? - YouTube[/ame]

do you have to be so stupid?

How about being with our founders who saw the evils of a governemtn run by the welathiest family in the land.

You know Monarchy
90% Romney - economic, immigration, domestic policy, science, environmental issues
90% Johnson -domestic policy, heath care, economic, environmental, science issues
78% Goode - economic, health care, environmental, science
16% Obama- environmental

90% republican
82% libertarian
15% democrat
4% Green
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Jill Stein Green
on economic, social, science, foreign policy, healthcare, environmental, and immigration issues

Gary Johnson Libertarian
on domestic policy, social, foreign policy, healthcare, and immigration issues

Rocky Anderson Justice

on social, economic, foreign policy, healthcare, and immigration issues

Barack Obama Democrat
on economic, science, environmental, and immigration issues

Mitt Romney Republican
no major issues
Gee, look at that, I actually research well enough to actually support the guy closest to my positions.

I also seem to be pretty mainstream since almost half the American public agrees with me.

Side note, if 45% of California agrees with me about Obamacare it is a lot more unpopular than I thought.


do you have to be so stupid?

How about being with our founders who saw the evils of a governemtn run by the welathiest family in the land.

You know Monarchy

"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."

Anyway, ironic considering they were the wealthiest families in the land. They were more concerned with government becoming to large and power and taking away liberty from the citizens, which it has.

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