Who do you think was ultimately behind (orchestrated) the assassination of JFK?

Who do you think was ultimately behind (orchestrated) the assassination of JFK?

  • Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone (no second shooter)

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Lee Harvey Oswald and at least 1 other shooter with no other outside help

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Vice President Lyndon Johnson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rogue CIA/FBI/Deep State acting independent of Lyndon Johnson

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Italian mafia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chinese mafia (i.e., Triads)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Some other organized crime group other than Italians and Chinese

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neo Nazis and/or KKK

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Cuban communists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Russian communists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chinese communists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spies/agents from a country other than Cuba, Russia, or China

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jimmy Hoffa/Teamsters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paranormal (demons, poltergeists, etc.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not-So-Ancient Aliens

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jack Ruby acting alone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chief Justice Earl Warren acting independently of Lyndon Johnson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other: Specify

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
Lee Harvey Oswald read in the papers that the Presidential motorcade would pass right by where he worked. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew the Presidents brains out
When RW-er starts making sense then you know it is time to start drinking.
According to pogo it was George Bush. :lol:

It's been a while since I read this but as I recall George Bush still can't account for his whereabouts in Paris (?) sometime in October '80. Just as he can't account for his whereabouts in Dallas on November 22nd of 1963. :eusa_think:

But hey, I'm sure it's just a lapse of memory, it's not like he was CIA or something.

Oh wait...

According to S.J. when you don't have a bridge to a conclusion ---- just jump, fuck it.

We all know now it was Ted Cruz' father. I believe his name was "Caribbean".

Watch SJ run with this one ^^ for three years now....
Your words, buddy, not mine. :whip:

Yep. And your desperate jump to insert content that has never been there.
Lee Harvey Oswald read in the papers that the Presidential motorcade would pass right by where he worked. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew the Presidents brains out

You left out an important part --- which is that on the way to work he took a side trip to the planet Krypton, where he stayed just long enough to acquire Supermanesque "super-speed". This he used between shots from the School Book Depository building to suddenly run in front of the car so he could get in the frontal shot that sent the target's head "back and to the left" .... and then run back to the School Book Depository where, he assumed, no one would be gullible enough to believe a bullet could send its target backwards. Let alone hover in mid-air and then do a convoluted turn.

He did it all so fast that nothing showed up in any normal photography--- although it did show up in the missing frames of the Zapbruder film. That's why they're missing.

And that's why Ruby had to eliminate him --- super powers. Think about it ---- have you ever seen Lex Luthor and Jack Ruby together? :eusa_think:
Lee Harvey Oswald read in the papers that the Presidential motorcade would pass right by where he worked. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew the Presidents brains out

You left out an important part --- which is that on the way to work he took a side trip to the planet Krypton, where he stayed just long enough to acquire Supermanesque "super-speed". This he used between shots from the School Book Depository building to suddenly run in front of the car so he could get in the frontal shot that sent the target's head "back and to the left" .... and then run back to the School Book Depository where, he assumed, no one would be gullible enough to believe a bullet could send its target backwards. Let alone hover in mid-air and then do a convoluted turn.

He did it all so fast that nothing showed up in any normal photography--- although it did show up in the missing frames of the Zapbruder film. That's why they're missing.

And that's why Ruby had to eliminate him --- super powers. Think about it ---- have you ever seen Lex Luthor and Jack Ruby together? :eusa_think:

Actually the guy was a little asshole who happened to work in the Texas Schoolbook Depository. Any conspiracy theory would have to account for the fact that Oswald worked there before the Dallas trip was announced and before any parade route had been announced.

Negates any theory that he was planted by the CIA/Mafia/Cubans/Russians

He was more than capable of pulling the trigger on his own

Ruby was just a hot head who stumbled upon the Oswald transfer
Lee Harvey Oswald read in the papers that the Presidential motorcade would pass right by where he worked. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew the Presidents brains out

You left out an important part --- which is that on the way to work he took a side trip to the planet Krypton, where he stayed just long enough to acquire Supermanesque "super-speed". This he used between shots from the School Book Depository building to suddenly run in front of the car so he could get in the frontal shot that sent the target's head "back and to the left" .... and then run back to the School Book Depository where, he assumed, no one would be gullible enough to believe a bullet could send its target backwards. Let alone hover in mid-air and then do a convoluted turn.

He did it all so fast that nothing showed up in any normal photography--- although it did show up in the missing frames of the Zapbruder film. That's why they're missing.

And that's why Ruby had to eliminate him --- super powers. Think about it ---- have you ever seen Lex Luthor and Jack Ruby together? :eusa_think:

Actually the guy was a little asshole who happened to work in the Texas Schoolbook Depository. Any conspiracy theory would have to account for the fact that Oswald worked there before the Dallas trip was announced and before any parade route had been announced.

Negates any theory that he was planted by the CIA/Mafia/Cubans/Russians

He was more than capable of pulling the trigger on his own

Ruby was just a hot head who stumbled upon the Oswald transfer

"back, and to the left"...
"back, and to the left"...
"back, and to the left"...
"back, and to the left"...
Lee Harvey Oswald read in the papers that the Presidential motorcade would pass right by where he worked. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew the Presidents brains out

You left out an important part --- which is that on the way to work he took a side trip to the planet Krypton, where he stayed just long enough to acquire Supermanesque "super-speed". This he used between shots from the School Book Depository building to suddenly run in front of the car so he could get in the frontal shot that sent the target's head "back and to the left" .... and then run back to the School Book Depository where, he assumed, no one would be gullible enough to believe a bullet could send its target backwards. Let alone hover in mid-air and then do a convoluted turn.

He did it all so fast that nothing showed up in any normal photography--- although it did show up in the missing frames of the Zapbruder film. That's why they're missing.

And that's why Ruby had to eliminate him --- super powers. Think about it ---- have you ever seen Lex Luthor and Jack Ruby together? :eusa_think:

Actually the guy was a little asshole who happened to work in the Texas Schoolbook Depository. Any conspiracy theory would have to account for the fact that Oswald worked there before the Dallas trip was announced and before any parade route had been announced.

Negates any theory that he was planted by the CIA/Mafia/Cubans/Russians

He was more than capable of pulling the trigger on his own

Ruby was just a hot head who stumbled upon the Oswald transfer

"back, and to the left"...
"back, and to the left"...
"back, and to the left"...
"back, and to the left"...

Oh...oh......Magic bullet
Not too magical

Oswald was the lookout for the hit and was on the 2nd floor lunchroom during the shooting.
Who is the puppet master and/or gunman (or gunmen) who killed JFK?
Good Riddance to a Guillotine-Fodder Aristocratic Dynasty

JFK was a spoiled, know-it-all loose cannon who almost started World War III because of his careless and irresponsible tough-guy fraternity punk posturings. Russia wanted our missiles out of Turkey, which were just as much of a threat to their country as Cuba's missiles were to us. Instead of making a quiet swap out, JFK saw the chance to make up for his cowardice at the Bay of Pigs by going too far in the trigger-happy direction. In order to make himself (and America if they fell for his John Wayne routine) seem like the Master, he sought to humiliate Khrushchev by making him withdraw. Nikita wouldn't have that, so we were on the brink of mutually assured destruction.

Behind the scenes, the CIA and the KGB got together and made a deal. Russia would back down if Kennedy and his brother, who had egged him on to play it tough, were removed from power. The CIA wanted Khrushchev gone, too, and that would be done. Then the Russian wanted our missiles out of Turkey. The assassinations were the fulfillment of a deal that saved the world.

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