Who do you think will come out on top in tomorrows Republican Debate?

I'm not sure, but I am willing to guess Trump and Walker. After that, Kasich.

Trump is getting advice everywhere to stop with bombastic comments and provide more detail to what he would actually do as POTUS.

What do you think?
What's your criteria?

What's your definition of 'On Top'?

You likely mean who will get in the best zingers.

My definition would be the one who presents actual solutions that a majority of Americans Left and Right agree on.
Well, Synthaholic, I didn't think it could happen but I agree with your last statement in its entirety. That's what we need... a candidate who seeks the hard solutions for the country, not just a segment of it. I think that is why Trump is such a draw right now. He said essentially that. He talked about what is wrong and what he would do about it.

My criteria ia which candidates did I learn more about and agree with their policies;

"On top" is my personal belief...which one targets the issues we have today and had reasonable solutions.

"Zingers" are not important, but they can make someone stand out. I remember Reagan saying to his opponent, "There you go again," and "I won't make your inexperience an issue" when his opponent claimed he was too old for the job. Those made me think the guy had a sense of humor and I like that,
Debates are perhaps the most dangerous thing a candidate does in the course of their campaign. Here is how it will go down.

Whomever you see as the winner of a primary debate is usually not the winner. The winner is the one who, with 5 months until the first ballots being cast, stabilizes his foundation. At this point and at the General Election level where turnout is the only real factor, you are not debating the other guy on stage, you're debating yourself first and foremost. Debates are pretty much useless until you're at the point to where you're going to decide between vanilla and chocolate (candidate A or B) and their being side-by-side and highlighting the differences means something. With 10 candidates, it means nothing. You don't bet on Win, Place or Show in an election. Win is e only goal.

Christie, Walker and Kasich have recently ran campaigns and recall the high wire act of a debate. They will (or should) emerge in a better condition from the debate given their recent experience and understanding the race.

Trump and Cruz will be the "winner" in most people's eyes because they will take the most outlandish positions and play to the crowd the most.

Bush is the most interesting man in the debate tomorrow. How he behaves is going to go a long way in determining if he is in it for the long haul.
Thank you for sharing that. I am eager to hear from the candidates I do not know as much as the others. You're right it is about "Winning" the debate.

If you recall, Perry last year had a "failing moment" when he couldn't remember the three istitutions he would cut. He's never recovered from that gaffe.

So, you think Trump and Cruz will be the winner...think Cruz being up there is iffy.

I said "win" in terms of getting the press coverage for what they said. Back when Walter Mondale was running against his opponent, he used a phrase "Where's the beef?" echoing a popular catch phrase from Wendy's. I forget who was the target of it but I think it was Gary Hart who was never heard from again. Likewise when Reagan hit Mondale with the "youth and inexperience" broadside...that debate was over. I remember Bush Sr. talking about Dukakis and the contentious nature of the campaign. He said something along the lines of, "I was hoping to catch a ride home in his tank" referring to Dukakis's ad where he was in a tank.

Winning a debate and setting up your run long term are not mutually exclusive goals.

My point was that with 5 months to go, you can certainly lose but you're not going to win much ground. Cruz and or Trump will win because they will get the most sound-bytes on Friday. Christie, Walker, and Kasich needn't win the sound-byte contest; they simply need to put down their markers and leave themselve s a functional campaign going forward.
I was just writing about the catch phrases. That is an important part of tomorrow night. Who gets the press the next day.
Maturity is not one of your strong points, is it? Is that because you are limited or being disgusting because it's not a Democrat Debate?

You know, now you just peed me off. You debate with complete morons day in and day out, people who wouldn't know what being serious is. Then you make ONE FECKING JOKE and all the creatures crawl out of the woodwork to call you immature.
What did you expect, Frigid? I have to get on my 10 yr.old grandson about the bathroom humor. Why don't you just start over with something substantive to say?

You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.
Maturity is not one of your strong points, is it? Is that because you are limited or being disgusting because it's not a Democrat Debate?

You know, now you just peed me off. You debate with complete morons day in and day out, people who wouldn't know what being serious is. Then you make ONE FECKING JOKE and all the creatures crawl out of the woodwork to call you immature.
What did you expect, Frigid? I have to get on my 10 yr.old grandson about the bathroom humor. Why don't you just start over with something substantive to say?

You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.

Let's just say enough people with an agenda can make anyone think what they want them to think. Even the Supreme Court in the Heller case managed to say that the right were wrong, but wrote their decision in a manner which allows the right to carry on thinking whatever they damn well please.


Which presidential hopeful is talking about this Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here's the thread about the dollar bill. For some reason I put it in current affairs.

The problem with Trump, and others like him, is they say stuff that wasn't considered popular, mainly because it was wrong, and then they say it and it turns out it's popular, mainly because there are a lot of people who don't care too much about the truth.

Mexicans are all rapists, while it might be popular with the right of the country, just isn't the truth. They'll come out and say they like hearing someone who isn't afraid to say what they think, they'll come out and say that they like non-PC stuff. The problem is it's wrong, it alienates people, it looks like high school nonsense and it's not doing it in a manner that's intended to be a light joke either.

There's a party in the UK, called UKIP. It has one or two policies and not much else. They were "We want an end to PC nonsense" sort of thing. Then the non-PC stuff they so much like was used against them. Some high school kid made an app and it was a parody against the party. The supporters were all up in arms, how dare he do this. Other stuff happened too, and all of a sudden the "we're anti-PC" thing was dropped because they realised that non-PC stuff is actually just harmful and often lies. But the supporters of UKIP are like the supporters of Trump, they just want to feel there's hope and they don't like politicians and most of all they want to be entertained.

Nigel Farage is the straight talking charismatic guy, like Trump. But was he successful? No. They went from 2 seats down to one in the last election.
You forgot to put the link for the dollar bill.

I hear you about Trump. Problem is, it's hard to take part of his commentary (illegal immigration) and disagree with the second part (ALL Mexicans are rapists.) People are going to realize that's a big package he's got and it will alienate many people, as you say. But I wish we had never heard of PC. Interesting story about high school kid making a parody of it.
You know, now you just peed me off. You debate with complete morons day in and day out, people who wouldn't know what being serious is. Then you make ONE FECKING JOKE and all the creatures crawl out of the woodwork to call you immature.
What did you expect, Frigid? I have to get on my 10 yr.old grandson about the bathroom humor. Why don't you just start over with something substantive to say?

You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.
You know, now you just peed me off. You debate with complete morons day in and day out, people who wouldn't know what being serious is. Then you make ONE FECKING JOKE and all the creatures crawl out of the woodwork to call you immature.
What did you expect, Frigid? I have to get on my 10 yr.old grandson about the bathroom humor. Why don't you just start over with something substantive to say?

You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.

Let's just say enough people with an agenda can make anyone think what they want them to think. Even the Supreme Court in the Heller case managed to say that the right were wrong, but wrote their decision in a manner which allows the right to carry on thinking whatever they damn well please.


Which presidential hopeful is talking about this Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here's the thread about the dollar bill. For some reason I put it in current affairs.

The problem with Trump, and others like him, is they say stuff that wasn't considered popular, mainly because it was wrong, and then they say it and it turns out it's popular, mainly because there are a lot of people who don't care too much about the truth.

Mexicans are all rapists, while it might be popular with the right of the country, just isn't the truth. They'll come out and say they like hearing someone who isn't afraid to say what they think, they'll come out and say that they like non-PC stuff. The problem is it's wrong, it alienates people, it looks like high school nonsense and it's not doing it in a manner that's intended to be a light joke either.

There's a party in the UK, called UKIP. It has one or two policies and not much else. They were "We want an end to PC nonsense" sort of thing. Then the non-PC stuff they so much like was used against them. Some high school kid made an app and it was a parody against the party. The supporters were all up in arms, how dare he do this. Other stuff happened too, and all of a sudden the "we're anti-PC" thing was dropped because they realised that non-PC stuff is actually just harmful and often lies. But the supporters of UKIP are like the supporters of Trump, they just want to feel there's hope and they don't like politicians and most of all they want to be entertained.

Nigel Farage is the straight talking charismatic guy, like Trump. But was he successful? No. They went from 2 seats down to one in the last election.
You forgot to put the link for the dollar bill.

I hear you about Trump. Problem is, it's hard to take part of his commentary (illegal immigration) and disagree with the second part (ALL Mexicans are rapists.) People are going to realize that's a big package he's got and it will alienate many people, as you say. But I wish we had never heard of PC. Interesting story about high school kid making a parody of it.
He never said "All Mexicans are rapists".
What did you expect, Frigid? I have to get on my 10 yr.old grandson about the bathroom humor. Why don't you just start over with something substantive to say?

You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.
What did you expect, Frigid? I have to get on my 10 yr.old grandson about the bathroom humor. Why don't you just start over with something substantive to say?

You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.

Let's just say enough people with an agenda can make anyone think what they want them to think. Even the Supreme Court in the Heller case managed to say that the right were wrong, but wrote their decision in a manner which allows the right to carry on thinking whatever they damn well please.


Which presidential hopeful is talking about this Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here's the thread about the dollar bill. For some reason I put it in current affairs.

The problem with Trump, and others like him, is they say stuff that wasn't considered popular, mainly because it was wrong, and then they say it and it turns out it's popular, mainly because there are a lot of people who don't care too much about the truth.

Mexicans are all rapists, while it might be popular with the right of the country, just isn't the truth. They'll come out and say they like hearing someone who isn't afraid to say what they think, they'll come out and say that they like non-PC stuff. The problem is it's wrong, it alienates people, it looks like high school nonsense and it's not doing it in a manner that's intended to be a light joke either.

There's a party in the UK, called UKIP. It has one or two policies and not much else. They were "We want an end to PC nonsense" sort of thing. Then the non-PC stuff they so much like was used against them. Some high school kid made an app and it was a parody against the party. The supporters were all up in arms, how dare he do this. Other stuff happened too, and all of a sudden the "we're anti-PC" thing was dropped because they realised that non-PC stuff is actually just harmful and often lies. But the supporters of UKIP are like the supporters of Trump, they just want to feel there's hope and they don't like politicians and most of all they want to be entertained.

Nigel Farage is the straight talking charismatic guy, like Trump. But was he successful? No. They went from 2 seats down to one in the last election.
You forgot to put the link for the dollar bill.

I hear you about Trump. Problem is, it's hard to take part of his commentary (illegal immigration) and disagree with the second part (ALL Mexicans are rapists.) People are going to realize that's a big package he's got and it will alienate many people, as you say. But I wish we had never heard of PC. Interesting story about high school kid making a parody of it.
He never said "All Mexicans are rapists".
Did he leave out the "ALL" or say "some"? He should have just said we have to deport those who break the law...including coming across the border illegally. Trump doesn't know it but he has lessons to learn. He thinks he's right all the time and he isn't. But he has some great qualities that a POTUS needs.
You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.
You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.

Let's just say enough people with an agenda can make anyone think what they want them to think. Even the Supreme Court in the Heller case managed to say that the right were wrong, but wrote their decision in a manner which allows the right to carry on thinking whatever they damn well please.


Which presidential hopeful is talking about this Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here's the thread about the dollar bill. For some reason I put it in current affairs.

The problem with Trump, and others like him, is they say stuff that wasn't considered popular, mainly because it was wrong, and then they say it and it turns out it's popular, mainly because there are a lot of people who don't care too much about the truth.

Mexicans are all rapists, while it might be popular with the right of the country, just isn't the truth. They'll come out and say they like hearing someone who isn't afraid to say what they think, they'll come out and say that they like non-PC stuff. The problem is it's wrong, it alienates people, it looks like high school nonsense and it's not doing it in a manner that's intended to be a light joke either.

There's a party in the UK, called UKIP. It has one or two policies and not much else. They were "We want an end to PC nonsense" sort of thing. Then the non-PC stuff they so much like was used against them. Some high school kid made an app and it was a parody against the party. The supporters were all up in arms, how dare he do this. Other stuff happened too, and all of a sudden the "we're anti-PC" thing was dropped because they realised that non-PC stuff is actually just harmful and often lies. But the supporters of UKIP are like the supporters of Trump, they just want to feel there's hope and they don't like politicians and most of all they want to be entertained.

Nigel Farage is the straight talking charismatic guy, like Trump. But was he successful? No. They went from 2 seats down to one in the last election.
You forgot to put the link for the dollar bill.

I hear you about Trump. Problem is, it's hard to take part of his commentary (illegal immigration) and disagree with the second part (ALL Mexicans are rapists.) People are going to realize that's a big package he's got and it will alienate many people, as you say. But I wish we had never heard of PC. Interesting story about high school kid making a parody of it.
He never said "All Mexicans are rapists".
Did he leave out the "ALL" or say "some"? He should have just said we have to deport those who break the law...including coming across the border illegally. Trump doesn't know it but he has lessons to learn. He thinks he's right all the time and he isn't. But he has some great qualities that a POTUS needs.
The important thing I think is he talks to the people like people. And the amazing thing is he has broken the money barrier by doing so. Not so long ago a man with 10 billion dollars could never be president BECAUSE of the 10 billion dollars.

That's what we need... a candidate who seeks the hard solutions for the country, not just a segment of it. I think that is why Trump is such a draw right now. He said essentially that. He talked about what is wrong and what he would do about it.
No. He hasn't. He hasn't presented a plan for anything. They all say build a wall. They all say deport. They all say guns everywhere. They all pretty much agree on every issue.

What plan that can be analyzed for feasibility - a basic requirement to actually do something - has Trump put forth?

I haven't seen any.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.

Let's just say enough people with an agenda can make anyone think what they want them to think. Even the Supreme Court in the Heller case managed to say that the right were wrong, but wrote their decision in a manner which allows the right to carry on thinking whatever they damn well please.


Which presidential hopeful is talking about this Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here's the thread about the dollar bill. For some reason I put it in current affairs.

The problem with Trump, and others like him, is they say stuff that wasn't considered popular, mainly because it was wrong, and then they say it and it turns out it's popular, mainly because there are a lot of people who don't care too much about the truth.

Mexicans are all rapists, while it might be popular with the right of the country, just isn't the truth. They'll come out and say they like hearing someone who isn't afraid to say what they think, they'll come out and say that they like non-PC stuff. The problem is it's wrong, it alienates people, it looks like high school nonsense and it's not doing it in a manner that's intended to be a light joke either.

There's a party in the UK, called UKIP. It has one or two policies and not much else. They were "We want an end to PC nonsense" sort of thing. Then the non-PC stuff they so much like was used against them. Some high school kid made an app and it was a parody against the party. The supporters were all up in arms, how dare he do this. Other stuff happened too, and all of a sudden the "we're anti-PC" thing was dropped because they realised that non-PC stuff is actually just harmful and often lies. But the supporters of UKIP are like the supporters of Trump, they just want to feel there's hope and they don't like politicians and most of all they want to be entertained.

Nigel Farage is the straight talking charismatic guy, like Trump. But was he successful? No. They went from 2 seats down to one in the last election.
You forgot to put the link for the dollar bill.

I hear you about Trump. Problem is, it's hard to take part of his commentary (illegal immigration) and disagree with the second part (ALL Mexicans are rapists.) People are going to realize that's a big package he's got and it will alienate many people, as you say. But I wish we had never heard of PC. Interesting story about high school kid making a parody of it.
He never said "All Mexicans are rapists".
Did he leave out the "ALL" or say "some"? He should have just said we have to deport those who break the law...including coming across the border illegally. Trump doesn't know it but he has lessons to learn. He thinks he's right all the time and he isn't. But he has some great qualities that a POTUS needs.
The important thing I think is he talks to the people like people. And the amazing thing is he has broken the money barrier by doing so. Not so long ago a man with 10 billion dollars could never be president BECAUSE of the 10 billion dollars.
Right! Poor Mitt couldn't get a break because he had a show horse and an elevator. All he needed to say was "I can't be bought." He would have been such an improvement over Obama.
You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.
You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.

Let's just say enough people with an agenda can make anyone think what they want them to think. Even the Supreme Court in the Heller case managed to say that the right were wrong, but wrote their decision in a manner which allows the right to carry on thinking whatever they damn well please.


Which presidential hopeful is talking about this Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here's the thread about the dollar bill. For some reason I put it in current affairs.

The problem with Trump, and others like him, is they say stuff that wasn't considered popular, mainly because it was wrong, and then they say it and it turns out it's popular, mainly because there are a lot of people who don't care too much about the truth.

Mexicans are all rapists, while it might be popular with the right of the country, just isn't the truth. They'll come out and say they like hearing someone who isn't afraid to say what they think, they'll come out and say that they like non-PC stuff. The problem is it's wrong, it alienates people, it looks like high school nonsense and it's not doing it in a manner that's intended to be a light joke either.

There's a party in the UK, called UKIP. It has one or two policies and not much else. They were "We want an end to PC nonsense" sort of thing. Then the non-PC stuff they so much like was used against them. Some high school kid made an app and it was a parody against the party. The supporters were all up in arms, how dare he do this. Other stuff happened too, and all of a sudden the "we're anti-PC" thing was dropped because they realised that non-PC stuff is actually just harmful and often lies. But the supporters of UKIP are like the supporters of Trump, they just want to feel there's hope and they don't like politicians and most of all they want to be entertained.

Nigel Farage is the straight talking charismatic guy, like Trump. But was he successful? No. They went from 2 seats down to one in the last election.
You forgot to put the link for the dollar bill.

I hear you about Trump. Problem is, it's hard to take part of his commentary (illegal immigration) and disagree with the second part (ALL Mexicans are rapists.) People are going to realize that's a big package he's got and it will alienate many people, as you say. But I wish we had never heard of PC. Interesting story about high school kid making a parody of it.
He never said "All Mexicans are rapists".
Did he leave out the "ALL" or say "some"? He should have just said we have to deport those who break the law...including coming across the border illegally. Trump doesn't know it but he has lessons to learn. He thinks he's right all the time and he isn't. But he has some great qualities that a POTUS needs.
He was criticizing the Mexican government, and he was right to do so. They ARE encouraging their rapists and murderers to border jump. Anyone can see that if they look.
That's what we need... a candidate who seeks the hard solutions for the country, not just a segment of it. I think that is why Trump is such a draw right now. He said essentially that. He talked about what is wrong and what he would do about it.
No. He hasn't. He hasn't presented a plan for anything. They all say build a wall. They all say deport. They all say guns everywhere. They all pretty much agree on every issue.

What plan that can be analyzed for feasibility - a basic requirement to actually do something - has Trump put forth?

I haven't seen any.
Politicians have said build a wall for decades. Trump said he would build it and use Mexican aid money to do it. I like that. No, they don't all say deport. Not Jeb. We need someone who is serious about deporting illegals...especially those with a criminal record.
Many Republicans are pro NRA.
How much they plan on expanding the welfare state....raising taxes...allowing illegaLosAngelous to become its own third world country.
"Zingers" are not important, but they can make someone stand out. I remember Reagan saying to his opponent, "There you go again," and "I won't make your inexperience an issue" when his opponent claimed he was too old for the job. Those made me think the guy had a sense of humor and I like that,
I guess it's what you find funny, or admit to finding funny. Obama has been very funny. Dubya had his moments, as did Clinton. But both of their humor was rooted in Southern/Western "Aww, Shucks!" humor, where Obama's is much snarkier and pointed.

But the Right never gives it up for Obama about anything. Even something as trivial - but cool - hitting a 3-pointer playing with the troops in Iraq, or snatching a fly out of mid-air in the middle of an interview. As a Liberal I had no problem praising Dubya's perfect strike in Yankee Stadium after 9/11, or his masterful reflexes when that Iraqi retard threw those shoes at him.

The Right is just more sour, more mean-spirited, and much more petty. They relate those characteristics to Trump, who is more than happy to deliver.
I'm not sure, but I am willing to guess Trump and Walker. After that, Kasich.

Trump is getting advice everywhere to stop with bombastic comments and provide more detail to what he would actually do as POTUS.

What do you think?
I honestly have no clue. Which is why I plan to watch.
That's what we need... a candidate who seeks the hard solutions for the country, not just a segment of it. I think that is why Trump is such a draw right now. He said essentially that. He talked about what is wrong and what he would do about it.
No. He hasn't. He hasn't presented a plan for anything. They all say build a wall. They all say deport. They all say guns everywhere. They all pretty much agree on every issue.

What plan that can be analyzed for feasibility - a basic requirement to actually do something - has Trump put forth?

I haven't seen any.
Politicians have said build a wall for decades. Trump said he would build it and use Mexican aid money to do it. I like that. No, they don't all say deport. Not Jeb. We need someone who is serious about deporting illegals...especially those with a criminal record.
Many Republicans are pro NRA.
Note that you have chosen to focus on that rather than the fact that Trump hasn't presented any plans because he has no plans. Just bluster.
"Zingers" are not important, but they can make someone stand out. I remember Reagan saying to his opponent, "There you go again," and "I won't make your inexperience an issue" when his opponent claimed he was too old for the job. Those made me think the guy had a sense of humor and I like that,
I guess it's what you find funny, or admit to finding funny. Obama has been very funny. Dubya had his moments, as did Clinton. But both of their humor was rooted in Southern/Western "Aww, Shucks!" humor, where Obama's is much snarkier and pointed.

But the Right never gives it up for Obama about anything. Even something as trivial - but cool - hitting a 3-pointer playing with the troops in Iraq, or snatching a fly out of mid-air in the middle of an interview. As a Liberal I had no problem praising Dubya's perfect strike in Yankee Stadium after 9/11, or his masterful reflexes when that Iraqi retard threw those shoes at him.

The Right is just more sour, more mean-spirited, and much more petty. They relate those characteristics to Trump, who is more than happy to deliver.
You know, the more I get to post with liberals, the more I change my mind about how I feel about them. Just talking with you, I was surprised that we look for the same attributes in a candidate.

I'm sure that you felt I was mean spirited and petty when posting about Obama or Hillary. I guess that is the nature of the beast. But i really feel. if we can communicate together more we'll find out how much we have in common. And we can learn from each other.

I don't know about basketball much, but was that the three pointer you talked about? LOL, it couldn't have happened with a better audience!
You know, now you just peed me off. You debate with complete morons day in and day out, people who wouldn't know what being serious is. Then you make ONE FECKING JOKE and all the creatures crawl out of the woodwork to call you immature.
What did you expect, Frigid? I have to get on my 10 yr.old grandson about the bathroom humor. Why don't you just start over with something substantive to say?

You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.
You know, now you just peed me off. You debate with complete morons day in and day out, people who wouldn't know what being serious is. Then you make ONE FECKING JOKE and all the creatures crawl out of the woodwork to call you immature.
What did you expect, Frigid? I have to get on my 10 yr.old grandson about the bathroom humor. Why don't you just start over with something substantive to say?

You want something good? Well, I started a thread about replacing the dollar bill, it would save tax payers a lot of money.
However those people, like Trump, who talk about the govt spending too much money etc, don't seem to give a damn about the US govt spending too much on producing dollar bills (average life 5.8 years) rather than coins (average life 30 years or so).

Or, I've been speaking about gun control, mainly with a guy who likes to insult and is now on the ignore list. However when I go and PROVE that the 2A right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia no one replies to the post, because they know it's true, instead they go off and pretend I didn't say anything.

However, we're talking about TRUMP. He's entertainment, nothing else other than stand up and get people's attention with entertaining politics. He doesn't have much good to say other than insulting people, which is probably why this people who spend their whole time insulting on this board love him for being "honest" as they call it. He is entertaining. But do you really want a clown as president? A clown would be entertaining.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Are you the poster who said replacing the dollar would save over a billion dollars? That caught my attention but I don't think the thread was about that. But I would like to discuss it.

I thought the 2nd amendment was about bearing arms in your own homes...

And for Trump.. I like some of the things he has said, but I don't like his arrogance. I think he would be a wrong choice for president, but I like the idea that he had the balls to say something that wasn't popular. Which turns out it was popular. I think it will be interesting to see how the other candidates will handle him if Trump goes off on them.

Let's just say enough people with an agenda can make anyone think what they want them to think. Even the Supreme Court in the Heller case managed to say that the right were wrong, but wrote their decision in a manner which allows the right to carry on thinking whatever they damn well please.


Which presidential hopeful is talking about this Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here's the thread about the dollar bill. For some reason I put it in current affairs.

The problem with Trump, and others like him, is they say stuff that wasn't considered popular, mainly because it was wrong, and then they say it and it turns out it's popular, mainly because there are a lot of people who don't care too much about the truth.

Mexicans are all rapists, while it might be popular with the right of the country, just isn't the truth. They'll come out and say they like hearing someone who isn't afraid to say what they think, they'll come out and say that they like non-PC stuff. The problem is it's wrong, it alienates people, it looks like high school nonsense and it's not doing it in a manner that's intended to be a light joke either.

There's a party in the UK, called UKIP. It has one or two policies and not much else. They were "We want an end to PC nonsense" sort of thing. Then the non-PC stuff they so much like was used against them. Some high school kid made an app and it was a parody against the party. The supporters were all up in arms, how dare he do this. Other stuff happened too, and all of a sudden the "we're anti-PC" thing was dropped because they realised that non-PC stuff is actually just harmful and often lies. But the supporters of UKIP are like the supporters of Trump, they just want to feel there's hope and they don't like politicians and most of all they want to be entertained.

Nigel Farage is the straight talking charismatic guy, like Trump. But was he successful? No. They went from 2 seats down to one in the last election.
You forgot to put the link for the dollar bill.

I hear you about Trump. Problem is, it's hard to take part of his commentary (illegal immigration) and disagree with the second part (ALL Mexicans are rapists.) People are going to realize that's a big package he's got and it will alienate many people, as you say. But I wish we had never heard of PC. Interesting story about high school kid making a parody of it.

The link is below the picture. Not sure why that picture's there. I need that for work.

You wish you'd never heard of PC because you don't like people saying stuff that isn't wrong or insulting?
That's what we need... a candidate who seeks the hard solutions for the country, not just a segment of it. I think that is why Trump is such a draw right now. He said essentially that. He talked about what is wrong and what he would do about it.
No. He hasn't. He hasn't presented a plan for anything. They all say build a wall. They all say deport. They all say guns everywhere. They all pretty much agree on every issue.

What plan that can be analyzed for feasibility - a basic requirement to actually do something - has Trump put forth?

I haven't seen any.
Politicians have said build a wall for decades. Trump said he would build it and use Mexican aid money to do it. I like that. No, they don't all say deport. Not Jeb. We need someone who is serious about deporting illegals...especially those with a criminal record.
Many Republicans are pro NRA.
Note that you have chosen to focus on that rather than the fact that Trump hasn't presented any plans because he has no plans. Just bluster.
Didn't I just give you a plan of his?

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